Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What If? #6 Water

If You go 12 You-niverses left, up 12 flights of stars (anyone notice the lovely new handrails, sea how they shift to conform to even the smallest size hand or fill the fist of the largest of Us?) and 12 thoughts ahead You can find a reality where drops of water are sentient.
Please allow Me to digress a bit. My directions to anywhere are lousy at best. If someOne asks Me "How do you get to ------?" I always reply "You don’t want to know how I get there!" Therefore, sew on, sew fourth and furthermore if You have any difficulty finding Your Way, stop at any gas star or mini-mars and get a map. Most gas stars and mini-marses even have a large map on the wall, however asking directions might get you into a "You don’t want to know how I get there" situation. Another option is to take the auroras. Just climb aboard any aurora, state Your destination clearly and eventually You will get there. The journey is all-ways worth the fare. This applies also to rainbows. (thanx Lynn for the suggestion)
Okay, 12UL/12SU/12TA another reality awaits Us. Sentient drops of water inhabit the reality I found at 12UL/12SU/12TA. My first question is "How dew drops of water dew the ‘wild thing’?" After All this would be a great location for room 12 of Our grand hotel. (For those of You who haven’t been keeping up on Our escapades through the reconnections u-niverse room 12 is what I call sex in the 12th realm.)
The rest of this "What If?" may not be suitable 4 viewing by younger audiences, but their parents may be the wrong Ones for making that decision.
Back on track (yah, like that’s ever happened) I want to explore drops of water being physically intimate. (You know I stayed on track once----, no that was someOne else, sorry) Have You ever watched two drops of water join together? Drops of water have edges and surfaces the same as Our bodies due. In fact Our bodies are what 75% water (give or take a few % for My forgetting how much it is), so try to stay with Me here.
The difference One more (I typed lore and I just had to share that possibility with Us) time is perspective. Drops of water don’t think of their edges and surfaces as inviolate, solid, impermeable, boundaries and barriers that seperate "them" from EVERYthing.
Two drops of water can merge, flow together, couple, completely absorb each other and become One. No splash, bang, boom here "they" intertwine (spellchecker recommends this but I like innertwine, nanner nanner, nanner). They weave their bodies inside and outside together in a fashion unsurpassed by passion. Okay, sometimes they splash, but that is more a "recreational" thing, I’m talking about intimacy.
Drops of water can join for life, even until "they" ascend to the heavens and gather together again and grow that promised silver lining. Drops of water can join for a while then separate to flow in different directions or flow parallel or flow the same direction at different speeds. The options are infinite. "They" can re-join each other at any time or couple with other drops and no One cries "bad drop", no judgements here "they" just flow on and on.
Can You imagine YourSelf as a drop of water? Take Your time and play with this a while. Sit back, relax and imagine that the edges of Your body are like the edges of a drop of water. Imagine You are part of the ocean, or a forest stream, or a clear pond reflecting a majestic mountain back to itSelf. Imagine that someOne You adore has the same type body. Imagine these two bodies flowing together. Imagine them merging completely. No violation here, no partial juncture, a complete and total immersion into each other, into One. Go with it, play with it, experience it, and enjoy it!
Whenever You are ready. Know that You can return here anytime You want! Remember All that is important. Remove any unwanted suggestions. You are alert, alive, AWAKE.
If You believed in magik, you could do this All the time.

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