Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.


You are so much more than You think You are.

We are learning to live in harmony with each other, Gaia and All her inhabitants.

We are One. We are love. Now is the time.

A world of sharing and caring, a gift economy.

It is time to remember who and what We really are and to stop pretending to be what We are Not.
But, it is All-ways Our choice.

The reason We think that We have fallen behind is because We have left the goal/finish line (if there ever even was such a thing) so far in Our dust that We don't real-eyes that We have been there, done that and outgrown the t-shirt.

We (or at least most of Us reading this) know that We have been lied to. These lies don't seem absurd until compared to the truth. In comparison the lies are absolutely bizarre. How (on earth??????) could We believe “them”? The only way/reason is that We told the lies to OurSelves. No One would believe such preposterous lies coming from someOne else.Not an easy pill to swallow but think about it.

It is a good time to focus on understanding, compassion and inclusion.
Seek unity NOT conformity. Our strength is in Our diversity.
Look for the similarities and honor the differences.

Love Your neighbor as YourSelf. Not just: as You love YourSelf or as You would be loved. But rather AS YourSelf.
"They" are You and You are "them".

The biggest, strongest hooks into the negative matrix (often also called the Illusion) are: time and money. It seems impossible to exist in 3D (with friends and family) without these. It seems impossible to not remain a slave to these. Certainly a very few may have found relief but not (yet) the masses. Not even the majority of those waking and becoming aware have been able to live (daily) in mastery of these hooks. The next step seems to be to say (within Our hearts) that We are taking back Our power and that leaders and rulers no longer have the power. This is where it starts, the rebuilding, the re-circuiting of the matrix and this is VERY powerful. To make some sort of mantra of this might be helpful. WE are the power, We just need to real-eyes it and then We can begin to live it. Step by step.

Today, I don't have to hate anyOne or anything

If You are not going to be Self-centered, where are You going to be?

Our Manifesto

We love You

We call upon All leaders everywhere in
every position and capacity:

We love You

Either lead and serve Us, the people, the 100%

Equally, benevolently and lovingly

Or step down.

We love You

Please pass this on

We love You
Can We feed in Our own hunger??????
Now that's an interesting idea. And just how often do We do exactly that????? How often is it that the answer breeds the question?

 Living multidimensionally can be exasperating when We do not recognize what is going on. Perhaps: everytime anyOne of Us is exasperated, We are experiencing multidimensionality viewed from a "this is only 3D" perspective.