Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What If? #4 Energy

If you slip up about 1 flight of stars you can find a reality where:
Take a breath or two, sit back, and relax, breathe deep and relax.
In this reality (1SU) the sentient beings believe that all matter is made of energy. That’s right, they believe matter is made of energy. They believe it sooo strongly that ---
I, …. I just don’t know how else to say it!! Here goes, breathe deep, they believe it so strongly that it is their reality.
That is right, "matter is made of energy" is the reality in 1SU! Yes, you guessed correctly, everyone there believes it. Yep, everyone!
Wow, I wonder what it would be like if I believed something that strongly? (Hint: to find the answer, look in a mirror.)
Please feel free to take a break here, breathe a while. Listen to some soothing music, let your mind drift, drift away. Let your mind follow the sounds, follow the sounds to where they begin, and where they end. Go deep in your mind and relax.
They believe that matter is made of energy so strongly, that they even named energy. They named it LOVE. Surprised? Think about it, matter is made of energy and that energy is LOVE. What a concept, right?
I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you feel free to take breaks whenever you want. Let your mind roam and drift, fly and soar. Enjoy the moment, follow your heart, and return when you want.
Okay, when I first heard about this idea I had to check it out. I got on an aurora and let it take me up One story. This took some time, auroras being playful and liking to dance you know! This particular aurora danced All across the sky, waving to every passer by, weaving it’s light from One horizon to the other. It changed its robes, sometimes yellow to red then blue, bluer than the sky, then orange to green and back through the whole spectrum of yellows and whites.
This dance took All night. That’s right! Straight on ‘til morning! But what a reward I received at the end! And when You Are dancing with an aurora, well what can I say, time flies. Sorry, that is the only way to describe the feeling. On and on We danced, over the hills, through the valleys, weaving and waving Our light throughout the heavens.
In the morning I got off at 1SU and guess what it is called? The sentients call it "Ourstory". Yah, isn’t this All amazing, one story up is a reality called "Ourstory" and it is made of LOVE! Everything is made of LOVE. Everything, everyone is LOVE. That is what I stepped into when I finished dancing with My aurora. Can You imagine it? Give yourSelf a chance. Take some time, relax and I-magine a reality where You are LOVE. Take your time, take YOUR time, We have All the time in the world, relax, drift away, You Are LOVE. Follow it where it takes you and enjoy the journey.
I stepped out of a dance into a reality of LOVE. This LOVE is so big, so full, words just cannot describe it. Of course in this reality I too immediately became LOVE. No one had to tell Me I was loved, never a need to say I love you, it is known! LOVE is All there is in 1SU. When I looked in the eyes of anyone there, I fell deep into a pool of LOVE. Yes, I came up splashing and laughing.
I knew I was loved, I knew I Am LOVE. I felt it, I experienced it. Give yourself the gift of remembering with Me, take the time, feel the LOVE. Let it flow, flowing through Our mind, just 1 star up.
Words can not begin to express what it is like to walk in a reality where everything is LOVE. This is One of those things that can only be expressed in meaning. You will have to let yourself I-magine it to know what I Am saying.
Don’t let this startle You, I’m going to try to say a few things about this LOVE. This LOVE is great enough to let Us make mistakes, even hurt OurSelves. Actually, it lets Us think We make mistakes and hurt OurSelves. Can You imagine loving someone/something enough to give it total free will? Well, You did and in My heart I know You DO!
I told You the reward was worth the night, even if I hadn’t always dreamed of dancing with the auroras. Take a look, in 1 short story We have danced Our way across the night and passed the sky away. We visited a time where All is LOVE. We felt the LOVE. Everyone We saw Knew that We are loved, that We Are LOVE!
You know, someday, when I believe in magik, I’ll visit the stars. I’ll go 1 star-up.

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