Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

A Call to Humanity


Graphic by Rene Matthijssen

There are many calls and suggestions for meditations on 11/11.

This is another portal date so PLEASE join in and follow Your heart.

"The Circle of Love"
We are a group of Lightworkers forming a Circle of Love, setting our intent to join together in meditation to create a Spiral of Love.

"Therefore, we also ask humanity for assistance. As each human raises their frequency, they have the power to raise the frequency of everything that they touch, think about, love, or even hate. It is this last part that many humans do not understand. By sending hate or even anger to whatever or whomever you perceive as your enemy, you are actually empowering them."
www.suzanneliephd.blogspot.nllink to original article

There are so many calls for collective gatherings to heal Our world and
create new earth it is hard to keep up.
Remember that All time is now so Your intent to join energy with others
joins Us.
There are different suggestions about method and message.
Follow Your heart and please remember:
Without love it is nothing.
Lasting change can only come from love, as love and in love.

Unity consciousness and love

The idea/concept of group meditations and prayer has been around for a long time.
with the advent of the Internet these groups have become global.
In the passed many of these group/collective gatherings
Have been motivated by fear and/or some personal agenda.
Often there have been "rules".
We are becoming a free flowing, independent collective.
Love is Our basis, it is Our life force.

The Force is with Us, and We are contagious

As We send love to Our others, it is very important to incude Our peers
And most important: OURSELVES.
This week I keep getting the message that as We focus
on sending love,
We can begin to also focus on creating a world of love.
That is exactly what We ARE doing.

See You in Your dreams

Graphic by Rene Matthijssen
If We have an expectaion of how things will transpire,
We may miss the entire show because it looks different
than Our expectation.
Be LOVE, send LOVE
and be open to ALL possibilities.


There has been another call for worldwide meditation
every Sunday or Monday depending on Your location.

And here are the suggested times:
9:00 am HAST Sunday (Hawaii)
11:00 am AKDT Sunday (Alaska)
12:00 pm PDT Sunday (Los Angeles)
1:00 pm MDT Sunday (Denver)
2:00 pm CDT Sunday (Houston)
3:00 pm EDT Sunday (New York)
4:00 pm BRT Sunday (Rio de Janeiro)
8:00 pm BST Sunday (London)
9:00 pm CEST Sunday (Paris)
9:00 pm SAST Sunday (South Africa)
10:00 pm EEST Sunday (Bulgaria)
11:00 pm MSK Sunday (Moscow)
12:30 am IST Monday (India)
3:00 am CST Monday (Beijing)
4:00 am JST Monday (Tokyo)
5:00 am AEST Monday (Sydney)

A reminder: in the higher realms All time is now
So if any suggested times don't work for You
Pick a time that does and know/feel/intend/imagine
That You are participating with the global group.
The important thing is to participate.

It is suggested that everyOne do the meditation exactly as
Described in the links above.
I'm sorry (not really) but I can't go there.
I love the idea of a collective, global gathering
BUT I theel We must each follow Our Own intuition/guidance.
Follow Your heart.

I have been thinking about ho'oponopono a lot lately. It seems it might be another great tool at this time. You can google it and here is One of many great links:

Perhaps some are asking: "How do I send love?"
It is really quite simple, by thinking or saying out loud:
"I send love"
Yes, it really is that simple and
YES We really are that powerful.

Another person shared a simple thought/feeling
That I think summarizes what We really and truly desire:
"a satisfied knowing that things can and will be made right"
How does it get any better than that?

We also have a Facebook page for anyOne interested in visiting it:
Comments and suggestions are welcome there as well as on this page.

Love is the most power-full force/energy anywhere, anytime.
We hope You will choose to participate in spreading and increasing this power.
This is One way to begin to take back OUR power.
I believe this is a form, perhaps a beginning of FREE energy.

Our part is to send love. What any recipient does with the love is totally up to "them”

We are a group of people who are joining together around the world sending love to THE WORLD, All world leaders (government, religious, spiritual, business, etc.) especially those whom We perceive as having harmed Us (either directly or indirectly) and any areas where there is any type of suffering.

Many of Us have All-ready been doing this type of thing in One form or another as individuals.  This is an opportunity to join forces and increase Our effectiveness exponentially.

This idea was originally suggested in a channeling by Wes Annac.  The complete channeling can be found here:

Graphic by Rene Matthijssen

We are suggesting that participants focus on sending love (as a group) at 11:11 AM and/or PM (or begin at 11:00 if that is better for You).  Each person decides what days and times to do this and what method to use.  With the number of participants We have around the world this is All-ready happening around the clock as well as around the world.  Imagine the power in that AND YOU are invited to play Your part in this.  It is important to note that if the times We suggest do not work well for You then You should pick a time(s) that do.  It is important that as many people as possible are able to participate.  Please pick a time that is convenient and somehow meaningfull for You.  We All-ready have participants in All-most every time zone so just pretend You live in another time zone if that time works better for You.  Make it fun as well as functional.

Please join in, spread the word and send love.

From time to time We will also suggest a synchronized gathering/focus so that All those who are able will be joined at the same time around the world. Here is a world time converter You can use for these sessions:

There are All-ready online meditation rooms set up if You would like to use any of those.  Here is a link to One where You can join the room, use "their" music if You want, follow "their" suggestions for meditation or do Your own thing.
If anyOne has the ability and interest to set up a room just for Us that can be available 24/7 please feel free to do so and let Us know the link.
We desire to keep this project as simple and open as possible so the greatest number of people can and will participate.
We are open to All comments and suggestions and invite You to spread the word in any way You desire.

When thousands and thousands of people around the earth are celebrating, singing, dancing, ecstatic, drunk with the divine, there is no possibility of any global suicide. With such festivity and with suchlaughter, with such sanity and health, with such naturalness andspontaneity, how can there be a war?... Life has been given to you tocreate, and to rejoice, and to celebrate. When you cry and weep, when youare miserable, you are alone. When you celebrate, the whole existenceparticipates with you. Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, theeternal. ~Osho

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