Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013




Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:49:56 AM

Good morning. A rather odd night. It seemed like We had a very hard time getting to sleep, and maybe We did. Yet, We slept and dreamt a lot too. We began with a lot of waking dreams about Our transitioning world and how We would like to evolve Our cabin. We finished with some dreams about the illusion of separation. We visited the two rich brothers in a world that was kinda the next level up from where We visited “them” before. At the same time it was completely clear that “they” still exist in the first world where We met “them” while also living in this new (to Us) more evolved world. Of course, there really is no such thing as a “next level” and “more evolved”. It's just different, nothing more. But, it sure can seem: “new and improved”.

It is hard to believe that separation is an illusion. We are so immersed in it. It just seems sooooo real. It seems real because Our belief makes it real to Us. It is hard to believe that We are that powerful. And it is also hard to believe some of the things that We do, both waking and dreaming.

In One dream We are the sheriff in some town and a young man went on a killing spree. He killed Our son who was a witness to One of his other murders and brought Our son's body to a town meeting. We shot him in the head when he dropped the body in front of Our wife and reached for her. We woke knowing that even though We did this, We are not capable of doing it. We also felt a great love for the young man, like he was another son. Immediately, We knew that this was about believing in separation. Only in a world of separation would such a thing be possible.

We knew that We are All the actors in the dream. We could not kill the young man because We can not kill OurSelf.

It is the same with any type of suffering that We think/know/believe is real. It only exists in Our imagination but We have a very good imagination. It is a very convincing imagination and it creates (what truly appears to be) “real” proof and evi-dance for what We imagine. Most any of Us would demand: “But I know it is real, I know it is true, I know it exists.” As long as We cling to this, We are right.

In this “next level” world of the two brothers wealth and poverty do not exist for We are All equal. We are happy, and We play. This visit evolved from dreams and imaginating about how We want to evolve Our cabin and remembering the version where the front wall opens onto everything and the side wall is open to an enchanted forest. We real-eyesed that Our tomato bucket and the rest of the garden in the front is Our picture, Our visual aid of the wall opening onto everything. Looking out through these plants at the view of the forest and sky really does give a different, expanded impression.

In that “next level” world We really do grow Our dwellings. We do not need shelter for We are in tune with nature. We live in nature and have a dwelling that provides certain comforts and ease that We might not get just sleeping in the open forest. Or maybe it is just more familiar (for now) and We will comfortably evolve into sleeping in the open forest and gathering wherever spirit moves Us. Perhaps We will be nomads. That actually does seem to be more natural than being sedentary.

Then, We real-eyes that We are doing and living it All, right here and right now. We just do not believe that We are and therefore We aren't. Even though We actually are.

Confused? Welcome to Our world. Yet, it is also comforting because We know that this is what We have been seeking All of Our life/lives.

We forgot to mention that in Our dreaming/imaginating about Our cabin the Fae are very busy helping and playing and helping play.

A fairly uneventful morning but if We were just starting it would be called amazing. The kids were All in good moods. The boy who doesn't talk much was quiet at first and then got playful. The non-verbal boy had lots of smiles and seemed to really appreciate that We sat next to him.

We are going to sub on a route We've been on Once before. One boy is a real challenge, his idea of fun is whatever he is NOT supposed to do and the driver is a bit of a stickler for rules. He is also the first off and then the others are mostly playful.

There were only two kids on that route, The boy who loves to do what he is not supposed to do (at any moment) for the shear fun of it and the girl. We had a good time. The little girl collects little rocks (pebbles) the way the second grader on Our summer school route a few years ago did. She had a momma rock, a daddy rock and a baby rock and “they” went night, night when she closed her hand. God, We love these kids. We real-eyes that not many A-dults would encourage her in this but We had a great time with it.

Because, because We did not do Our regular afternoon route but subbed on another route. This gives Us more hours and less breaks and We get to meet new kids. On One section We had two non-verbal kids in wheel chairs. On that section We also had two very verbal little boys. We had great fun and conversation with the two verbals but We recognized at the time and especially afterwards that it is the non-verbals that took Us deep into other/expanded worlds. It is a journey that is amazing. It is certainly not (yet) familiar enough to be translated into 3D words. Perhaps some is “their” secret, “their” safe place.

The only disappointment is that this means We will not get to say goodbye to the boy in the wheelchair. Today was to be his last day riding with Us. However, We know that We are connected and We talked to him mentally. We hope that he is aware of this in the physical. We know that All is perfect.

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