Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Remembering and applying Our insights

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:26:32 AM

Good morning. We were torn between getting up early and trying to return to dreaming. The thing is that We were really enjoying the reality We were living in just before We woke and We rarely are able to find the same reality after being this awake. So We got up as We knew that We are fully awake. We were processing information and insights from yesterday and last night so We decided to see what might come out Our fingers.

We continue to be reminded about letting go and how Our attachments to limitation 3D and/or specific ideas about the future keep Us stuck in limitation. We really do need/want to be open. Open to possibilities, open to new. Even though new continues to be uncomfortable, it is no longer frustrating and frightening. We get it that that is why people were so activated and anxious yesterday. “They” too are feeling the change and shift and most do not have any idea what is going on and it makes “them” nervous if not frightened.

It is sooooo easy to attache and hold on to that which drags Us down into the undertow. We have been doing it for eons. It seems natural but it is only normal, not natural. We call it facing reality. It is clinging to a rock while trying to float.

The reality We woke from was One (very similar to this in many ways) where the children are more accepting of each other than A-dults. Like this One, the kids have to pretend to follow the rules and boundaries the A-dults set. There were friends We did not recognize and a couple of kids from Our waking reality. One set of parents allowed “their” child One special friend from a class/group of outcasts but forbid the child from associating with any others from that class/group. The child simply crawled out the bedroom window to be with friends without the parents knowing. There is a lot of sneaking around by children in many realities when something is forbidden.

This morning Our mind/head continues to try to attach to things, something, anything. It really does not know how to do non-attachment. Our mind/head does not know how to be free, how to allow. Open, let go, allow. That is Our choice and course to expansion. Our mind/head resists but Our heart is strong. We just have to allow and let go of the old. Open to new possibilities. There is much change afoot.

Now, We are remembering the worlds We visited that were Our idea of paradise expanded. This is something Our mind/head can relate to but We know that if We attach to these worlds/realities that remains just another form of limitation. We see many examples of that in those who are aware of the shift and change happening. It is very human and nothing to judge, it just is NOT where We want to live. We can sense Our cabin being open to nature, a vista that is full of flowers and leads to a beach beside the sea and an enchanted forest alongside leading to the mountains in the distance. We are beginning to sense a magik garden that We are preparing or participating in. The Fae seem very excited to meet and work/play with Us.

We long for more experience of worlds like children live in. A world without worry and effort (children would live there permanently if A-dults would allow it) a world of acceptance of others, connection with others and a world that is constantly changing and evolving.

We continue to adjust to the expansion and changes. It does not feel as strange today as it did yesterday. However, Our head still tries to think and plan and even worry. The head just does not like being quiet and allowing.

We keep getting impressions of other worlds and realities that are really beyond what We could imagine on Our own. Maybe it's the kids?

Not much to report with the students today. We continue to connect and have fun. The bond with the highschooler is growing stronger and We had a really good time joking around today.

As soon as We dropped the highschooler off We started drifting into dream.

We went deeper into dream than We ever have (on the bus) before. We do not know exactly what We dreamed but it was definitely expansion and freedom.

We did find more Magic cards and the boy in the wheelchair was thrilled. He went through “them” and picked out One that creeped him out to give back to Us. Then, after talking a little he seemed to go out into another world. It was interesting to watch.

Three of the middleschoolers had “their” wireless games (which is fine with Us and the driver) but “they” get so excited that “they” get too loud for the driver to be able to drive safely. This is hard for Us because We have to keep telling “them” to quiet down. As much as We love being with “them” and love “their” energy it can also be hard because We really do have to keep “them” safe also.

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