Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, May 18, 2013



A short entry for a long day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:25:22 AM

Good morning. Again We played in many worlds and while We were doing it We were aware that We were not going to remember much (if anything) when We woke. Just before waking We were working in a circus. As We woke We wondered if it was really a circus or just so chaotic it seemed like a circus. We are certain this was brought on by Our being exposed to more of the chaos at work yesterday than We usually are. It was a day of seeing clearly the world others are still living in and We used to live in.

Afterwards We definitely felt disconnected from Our better feeling state that We usually live in these days. We thought it was Our reaction to what happened but Our reaction was about as level headed as We can imagine. It was just from being jerked out of connection and increased limitlessness back into separation mentality and extreme limitation.

It was a good lesson and experience even if was NOT pleasant. Even now We can feel Our head wanting to get back in and tear things up. We do NOT choose to go there. That is NOT where We live any more. We choose to see the world as it really is not as the collective is pretending it is.

We are finding that We are invited and even encouraged (by head and ego and Our others) to re-enter the old thinking, beliefs and mindset. We are gratefull that We are aware of this and can choose to leaf the old in its world and live in a world that is transitioning into new and expanded ways of living/being. We used to feel that We had to play in the cesspool and many still feel this way. Now, We know that it is not true. We really can choose a better feeling thought and We do. This better feeling thought really does lead Us into a better world. One of many.

Several of Our gradeschoolers did not ride today. The Ones that did ride were happy and had a good time.

It started raining and it has turned into snow. The forecast is now for a possible three inches of snow. WTF? Over.

The highschooler is a lot of fun. It is a very interesting connection that We have made. It is nice to be able to really joke around have fun with someOne that age.

We are having some more thoughts and insights about letting go and allowing whatever might be possible.

Now, We are going to visit Our dream world(s).

There is something We wanted to share, what is it? It is about, oh yeah:

There is sooooo much that seems to demand Our attention. We are thinking of the word “trappings” and how it applies to so much of Our waking lives. Trappings are decorations and what We usually/normally think of as real and important is/are the trappings (a set or series of traps) that We fall into. We fall for the same trick/trap over and over and We make fun of others when We see “them” doing it while We blindly fall for Our own tricks and traps. As long as We think that it (whatever it might be) is important then it is important. As long as We think We will die if We do NOT do it, or attain it then We will die if We do not do or have it. And even if We don't actually die it will feel like We did.

As long as We believe that what We see is All that is real, then what We see is All that is real to Us.

In order to have more We must let go and that is very scary for most of Us. It flies in the face of nearly everything We have been taught, told and believe. There is something about a well camouflaged trap. The funny thing is (but nobody is laughing) that Our snare is made of spider webs or something even lighter than that. It has absolutely no power to hold Us.

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