Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



A busy, relaxed day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:33:04 AM

Good morning. We got up early and We really do not know why. We did remind OurSelves that We can return to dreaming any time We want. We real-eyes that We are very slowly and gradually transitioning into waking. We are in multiworlds and that is a good thing. We appreciate that We no longer feel like We are being jerked from multiworlds and multi-D dreaming each morning. Even when We are working We do not feel this jerk and jar shock of waking. That was the whole reason We started typing these “Today”s, to track Our progress at NOT being mandated and shocked into limitation 3D every morning.

Interesting the many different things We have learned and noticed and typed about along the way. Also interesting that back then We did not real-eyes that not All 3D is limited and limitation is not confined to only 3D. We do not think that too many people are aware of this yet. Most still think that it is 3D that We want to move beyond but for Us (personally and probably collectively) what We really to end is limitation. Of course this will entail releasing separation too. Most of Us (personal and collective) think We are ready for that and yet We cling to thoughts, beliefs and concepts that are only supported in limitation and separation.

What of Our dreams last night? Well, We barely even remember dreaming much less what We were doing. We know that We were in other worlds and that We were playing. We can feel that but We have no memory of the details. Again there can be many reasons for this. It seems that it is mostly (this time) due to the newness and apparent bizarreness of what We were doing. To new to relate to. We do sense (in waking) the presence of friends from those dream worlds.

We appreciate being able to wake gently and feel back into other worlds. We are aware of living in multiworlds and We are grateful for this awareness. It is growing.

Our head keeps trying to plan Our day and We just keep remembering and reminding to let go. Letting go is how We will be able to fully enter and be aware of multidimensionality.

We started piddling around. We put old tires around Our raspberry plants to hold the soil We had and rain water. We are clueless if this will actually be beneficial but the tires were/are an I-sore out in the forest. We put old scrap carpet down around some to keep a path but will want to add more carpet. One of the things that We have real-eyesed is that the way the forest grows so abundant and lots of stickery roses We will need clear, low maintenance paths to Our garden(s) in the forest and scrap carpet is One way to accomplish this. We will need to rake some of the paths We made last year or not. The tires and carpet were not exactly piddling because of traipsing up and down the hillside and the tires were entangled with forest growth. So, We came back inside and are adding some decorations to Our tomato bucket. We would like to get it finished soon so We can transplant the biggest and oldest tomato plant and have it in its permanent (until We change Our mind[s]) home.

This morning We real-eyesed that We are hoping for some rain soon, especially for Our raspberry transplants. However, We have a plastic window in the shed that needs repair so We don't get a ton of water in there. That is next on Our list this morning. Decorating Our bucket makes a nice entertainment when We take little breaks from traipsing up and down hill, mosquitoes etc. We hope to get the metal frame/support for the fort spray painted today. First We want to rake around it and put down drop clothes so We are not painting the forest. Out to the shed, back soon.

So, We got the old metal frame/support for the fort wall spray painted. We are quite pleased with to (apparent) lousy job We did. It should stand out from the forest in spots and blend in in other places. We are getting ready to paint or stain a support piece and clear stain the main cross piece. Over the years this cross piece peeled itSelf so there is very little bark to deal with and yet it did not rot. Please remind Us to get some pics before We proceed. It does look and feel like it may rain too.

We brought in Our seedlings after letting “them” enjoy the outdoors for a couple of hours. We opened the front windows when We brought “them” in. We gotta tell Ya, seven trips up and down the front steps carrying trays of plants wears Us down. We are thinking We may leave “them” out All day tomorrow, unless We don't.

We were just reminded that playing with the plants is definitely helping Our connection to Gaia and the Fae. We know that the plant world dreams We are having are nurtured by it. We are sooooo looking forward to beginning to grow Our dwelling. We have lots of ideas but first the fort (which is also a growing actually).

When We put the stevia plant in its pot and new home We see that We kinda oopsed. The front window shelves will need to be redone One more, One more time for Us to be happy.

Dream came upon Us. We do not know if We are tired or need to dream so to be safe We are gonna lay down.

We had visions of plant people helping Us with Our fort and plantings.

We are doing something with the rest of Our day. We are not sure where, when or what but We are enjoying it.

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