Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, October 12, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:30:15 AM

Good morning. There is just sooooo much to this current process and phase of evolution. It is literally about changing everything. We find it hard to believe that We are that powerful. We know it is true but it is hard to believe. Apparently the world around is quietly (or not so quietly) going mad yet Our world is basically calm.

We keep trying to express what is going on for Us but the words allude Us. Perhaps it is just beyond words since it is about slipping beyond limitation. We do keep trying to focus on details but We are sliding back and getting it that what needs to change is how We view the big picture as well as the details. It is not the big picture OR the details that need to change. It is how We think of both and perceive “them” that needs to change. We created everything as it is to help/force Us to wake up. We wanted to experience the impossible and We have done that for eons and eons and then some. Now, We want to remember what We really are and live as love in the physical.

That is what We are evolving into but it involves a lot more than We real-eyesed. We have to give up the comfort of thinking that We are victims and pawns. Our bodies are game pieces but it is Us that controls “them” AND the world We see around Us. Both are hard to believe. It is completely foreign to how We have been raised, how We think and how We believe. Everything We have taught and been taught (up to recently) is designed to keep Us in this hologram, this game, this drama, this movie. And it works very well. Perhaps a bit too well. Sooooo many distractions.

Our first reaction (to everything) is to look outside of OurSelf. That is the opposite of what We need to be doing. We need to look inside.

Recently We have overheard several normal conversations and We just do not understand “them”. Again: We are reminded of being autistic. It is like listening to some foreign language. This shows Us that We are making progress. The old focus and interests and concerns make no sense to Us. We are no longer buying into the old believes. We are no longer immersed in separation and limitation.

We are facing Our fear and letting it pass through Us. Much/most/All of what We fear is/are signs and part of Our transition. “They” are steps in remembering what We really are. This too is part of why We are not remembering a lot of Our dreams right now. We are trying to wake AND trying to remain asleep. We have believed that the only to experience what We want to experience is to believe only in it. That worked for a while and We experienced that way for many, many eons. Now, We want to experience the same realm (the physical) from a new perspective. It is not that We are unhappy, We are bored. We are tired of pretending to be what We are not. We want to experience this world as We are. We know in Our hearts that We can but Our head continues to struggle and fear. Yes, the struggle is becoming weaker but it still persists and it is very insidious.

Certainly, this new perspective and expanded believe will change what We see on Our view screen which We call: the world. However, nothing is being destroyed or eliminated as Our head fears. It All is part of All and it is eternal and infinite. These are concepts that Our head can not grasp, not yet. Our head has no sensory input to call up and reverence about this and so it can not do its job because it has no information. Our heart holds these memories and the information but somehow the lines between the head and heart have been severed and need to be reconnected. That is what We are doing now.

We do remember the children working with Us in Our dream worlds last night. “They” are trying to comfort and soothe Us. We really appreciate this. Without this it might not be possible to continue. We were is some worlds that are very similar to Our waking world. In fact, “they” are so similar that We could probably wake there and think We are still in limitation 3D. Perhaps that happens and We Self-impose Our limits again because We “think” We are still stuck in limitation. We are really getting the theeling that is what is happening. “Ground hog day”. The worlds We visited last night are free of limits or at least have much less limits. Some are probably transitional and some have completed “their” transition.

As much as We believe All this, We are finding it hard to apply. Our fear comes up. We face Our fear, We let it pass through Us. We are changing Our first reaction to looking inside. We know that is where the answer lies but We are programed to “NOT” look there. Why? Because then We would find the answer.

We just read something that explains a lot to Us. This realm feels like a dungeon to Us. To many it feels like a playground. Remember that We have often compared what We could/would have experienced (if We got sidetracked and “settled for”) as a baby sitting in a dirty diaper happy as a pig in shit. This does NOT have to be judged as bad. It is just NOT what We are experiencing. So, We are not miserable by any stretch of the imagination but We do feel like We are in a dungeon. We feel trapped but We know We hold the key(s). It is a strange feeling. It is a feeling We are trained to resist and deny.

Just now We had an interesting thought/analogy: We are growing/sprouting Our wings while/as We are growing Our roots. Talk about a conundrum but only in limitation would it be a conundrum.
What to say?  We had a good morning with the kids and We are definitely more there than here (wherever either are).

We are facing Our fear because changing Our perspective is NOT about escape.  It is about engaging.  We are creating and now We are experiencing it that way.

This is All so new.  We are reading more from Our book and it really helps.  We continue to observe and overhear "normal" conversations and it seems more and more like We are living in some other country.  But, it is more than that: We are living in another world.

So,, here We are.  We are doing it and somewhat aware of what We are doing.

We are real-I-sing that many/most/All of the things We fear are keys to the kingdom.  "They" are indicators and parts of Our transition.  Those things that We judge and label as: bad, evil, dangerous, impossible, unreal, etc. are actually keys to Our awakening.

If We repeat OurSelf, there are several reasons why: We need to, that is part of how We process and integrate.  We are not focused here any more.  We are here, We are fully experiencing here AND We are also there and experiencing that also.  It is very interesting and a bit challenging.  The kids are helping.

We were so far into dream that when We got home We just gave Shadow some moist dog food for his dinner and skipped having Our dinner and just went to bed.  We thought We might get up later and eat but when We woke after a couple of hours We knew this was NOT gonna happen so We settled in for the night.

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