Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A new way of living and thinking



A new way of living and thinking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:18:57 AM

Good morning. Once again We do not remember what We did last night. We theel it is because it is more of the new and unfamiliar. It does feel like We had fun. We woke remembering that We are love learning how to live as love in the physical. Then We remembered how much there is to let go of: everything. This is All so new and totally different for Us.

We have talked about a lot of this before. We have talked about it a lot. However, We were pretty clueless and maybe We still are. Our entire world, life, thinking and beliefs are based in the illusion of limitation and separation. We have known that We needed a complete change in Our thinking but We really had no idea what this meant. Now We are experiencing it.

We are ready, willing and able. Our head wants to take charge but that will only lead Us back to where We started. Let go. This sounds simple but We are talking about everything. We are talking about complete change and expansion beyond borders We have live within for eons. We are talking about stepping off a cliff. Nothing is working the way it used to and this is uncomfortable. If it is uncomfortable for Us (knowing what is happening) how much more must it be for those who are unaware.

We are facing Our fear. We are blessing it and setting it free.

Looking within when the physical seems to malfunction is very, very new. At least as the first response. We often have remembered that this is a reflection of the inner but this goes way beyond that. We are learning an entirely new way of thinking and living. We are reminded over and over about learning to ride a bike. Yesterday We were afraid to get on the bike but We did. We did not hurt OurSelf. We also real-eyes that some of this fear is from the collective and not personal but much is personal. Fear IS the mind killer.

We are letting go of everything familiar. Our head wants to figure out and picture what this “new” will look like. We know it will “look” a lot like what it has All-ways looked like except that it will be totally different. It will be what We have All-ways seen and experienced except that it will limitless. How different can We get? We also keep looking at the physical for signs and evidence that We are successful. This simply is NOT working. The physical is a hologram and it is fickle. It will reflect what We believe but that is Our core belief and that is still only beginning to change and expand. Sounds and feels like a pair-a-docks. That is only because We are still thinking with a limitation mindset. Time to get back on the bike.

We All-ways look for a physical “fix” and/or band-aid (as it were) but that is NOT working for Us anymore. Hmmmmm, We see that reflected in the collective as well. Looking within first seems to be the answer. We simply need to learn how. Now that is a tongue in cheek statement.

This current phase is extremely intense for Us. We are reminded of being in early recovery. There are a lot of parallels. Twenty years ago (more actually) We were learning to live without booze. Now, We are learning to live without limits. There is much similarity.

We are reminded that Our first reaction/response to external stimuli is generally the wrong reaction/response. This is because of Our training and programing. There is no fault and no blame. There is only learning to react and respond differently. Without this external stimuli We probably would never learn to respond differently. DUH. This is clearly the next step on a long path. It feels new because it is but only because of the expansion and deeper depth of what We are experiencing.

Something that We forgot to share yesterday: We are being reminded of how closely tied in Our current (and ongoing) process is related to autism. We have know this for a long time but (again) this is deeper. We read a small section from The Reason I jump and it intensified Our knowing of this parallel. We are falling short (in words) in the ability to share this. We are trying to find how to handle what an autist deals with every moment of every day without being lost in the process. An autist may or may not feel lost but “they” certainly appear to be lost (in Our world) to an outsider. We know Our students are helping Us with this.

We are learning how to live in limitation 3D with expanded senses and perceptions. Our current society sees this as a “bad” thing. We (personally) used to see it as bad too. We do not want to go out and not come back. We do not want to have to be cared for. We want to continue to function in Our world while not being focused (totally) in Our world. It is only a small part of reality. That is the kicker. That is what We have to learn to deal with.

Our head is afraid that if We continue letting go (if We let go completely) then We will be lost and have to wear diapers. That is really only a small part of Our head's fear. Now here is a good example of the usefulness of Our head. It tells Us to go slow and gentle (actually it says don't go at All). When We are aware of these warnings, We are reminded to take it easy. Perhaps there is a path down the cliff (or maybe We will remember Our wings first) so We do not need to just jump off the cliff.

           The students continue to work with Us.  We are learning to receive "their" messages.

           This is All so new to Us.  It really is a complete change but it All looks the same, or nearly the same.

            We are changing AND We are going back and forth.  Two steps forward, One step back.

           There is sooooo much that We are experiencing, some of it is with the students but mostly it is All-most like We are becoming autistic, only.......  it is also very different from that.  It really is a: "You had to be there" type thing because We are living and experiencing it and We can only barely grasp and/or comprehend it.  We are expanding and it IS INTENSE.

          What We are experiencing and glimpsing defies rational explanation so We are just going to enjoy it.


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