Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A major shift in awareness



A major shift in awareness

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:23:30 AM

Good morning. We did not think We were sleeping well/much last night but We woke very early and felt very awake. We have been repeating Our mantras a lot All night. There are plenty of little things to do to finish up from doing laundry and getting water yesterday. We are trying to let go yet do what is in front of Us to do. It is something about balance and We are rarely good at that. However, We remember that We are learning. We see many examples of progress, letting go and many possibilities for Our now.

Everything is changing. We are willing to open, let go, allow and expand. Yet, We cling/return to Our old way of thinking. We are slower to act than We were in the passed and We are less obsessed and scared, much less. We are not perfect. We would like to be. We would like to know what is Our best course of action. The answer We get (and We know it is true) is that it does not matter. Whatever course We take We will have that experience. Our old thinking tells Us that We need to “fix” things. Our heart says things” are NOT broken. We know that We are not willing to drive the dragon in the condition it was in yesterday. Right now We do not need to drive anywhere. Keep it is perspective.

Our old thinking All-ways to figure out and plan. We know that 99% of the time We did something different from whatever We had finally chosen as a plan. This was often after much anxiety coming up with a plan. So, We are now behaving/thinking differently. Kinda.

We are very much feeling being on a ship. We feel OurSelf (when We focus there) sending love to OurSelf, Gaia, Our dragon and All Gaia's inhabitants. We are love. We are changing and learning to live as what We are instead of pretending to be what We are not. Whatever is going on with Our dragon would appear to be opposite this but We know that it is an important part. We really do need this complete psychic change and We are willing and letting go Our bestest.

There are several small and seemingly minor examples (this morning) that We are in a slightly different world. Several things are not the way We remember “them”. That too was One of the things We pondered last night. We were aware of walking in multiworlds yesterday.

Our mood was a bit askew this morning.  We know it is connected to Our dragon and frustration over not seeming to be able to get this living in the physical "as what We really are" down.

We know that We are learning to do what has never been done before and We know We are making progress.  We are also impatient and it is easy to think that We will fail even though We know better.

After Our morning route Our mood did pick up for some reason.  Perhaps the kids knew We needed help.  Our middleschooler was certainly happy and having a good time.  He is Our last student in the morning.  Perhaps We are making some kind of breakthrough?

Our head still tries to plan and worry.  It is easy to revert to the old and familiar but We are doing Our best not to stay there.  It certainly has lost some of its grip and hold on Us.

We find that the more kids We are around, the better Our mood and attitude gets.  Our next section is Our autistic highschooler by himSelf.  He All-ways seems to have something to offer Us.

We real-eyes that We were away from the kids for four days.  Even though We had longer nights of dreaming, during each day We were much more focused on 3D then We are when spending Our day with the kids.  Plus We were around a lot more A-dults each day.  We All know what a bad influence A-dullts are.

Through this whole episode of the dragon running hot, We remember Our dreams of the dragon being a shuttlecraft.  We Oneder how that applies?  Plus We remember the dream where the kids and galactics telling Us "they" want to work with Us.  This is All connected.  We know it is All perfect whether it looks like it or not.

We are reminded to release specific expectations such as: perfect looks like this.

Our picture of perfect is so limited.  We really need to release Our picture/ expectation/ version of what perfect is.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A hot dragon



A hot dragon

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:46:38 AM

Good morning. Again: We remember living many lives in many worlds with many friends both old and new. Most of these worlds are not familiar and the old friends We are with are living in many of the same worlds that We are. The community living does seem to be common to many lives and worlds as well. Many lives have a lot of similarity to this One with more freedom and play. We theel these are expanded 3D worlds and lives.

We remember there was One world that We did not like. Too much anger and fear. We remember also that We experienced being onboard a ship and that is more related to this life. Once again Our dragon is a shuttle to and from Our cabin and the ship. This area is a space port and very busy again. It may have been this way All along and We just were not focused on it. We are not clear about that but it is sure busy now. We also see and feel Our cabin as the living structure that We know it really is.

This morning We feel different: expanded. Our head tries to create expectations. We let go. Our head's expectations are so much less than what is possible. We open, let go and allow.

Now, We just feel around and find what feels resonate. We know that We are learning and what We are learning is brand new in the physical. There are no road maps or manuals for this. It rained again last night.

We plan on doing laundry today. We put it off because it is sooooo much easier on Us if We do it on a three or four day weekend. We do not get a lot of four day weekend but next month We get the four day thanksgiving weekend, then the next month the holyday break which is around two weeks. We love what We do but We also love dreaming in. Even though We get to spend much more of Our day dreaming (when at work) than ever before and more than We ever imagined would be possible when working, still the in bed (uninterrupted by waking and driving to town) dreaming is the bestest.

Our first foray outside reveals that it is also snowing and kinda sticking. It was still raining when Shadow went out and came back in around 3AM. It is still very warm, somewhere around freezing so We have no idea how this will turn out. We have been kinda hoping it would be decent driving today and really slick tomorrow so We could have another day off. Open, let go and allow.

As We ponder Our life We are reminded to open, let go and allow. The old sayings like: “This IS the real” world”, “Get Your head out of the clouds”, “You have to face reality” and such are the lies We used to keep Us trapped in the game of limitation and separation. “They” are very effective lies mainly because We tell “them” to OurSelves. This is still hard for most people to accept. It may only be true for Us (personally) thought We doubt that. It probably depends on perspective and what world One is focused on. Or, as The Reconnections click here to learn more have told Us: “It's All real. It may NOT All be relevant.”

This morning is a nice gentle morning. We are gradually getting ready to go do laundry while drifting in, out and through multiworlds. It is a nice way to spend a morning. Perhaps We will remember this? Even though We do not pressure OurSelf as much as We used to, there is still an element of stress and pressure as We face Our familiar waking reality. Yes, We question whether or not We actually return to same reality as We think We woke to yesterday but it sure seems that way (most of the time). Recently: We are much more aware of waking in a reality that is (at least) slightly different from where/when We went to sleep.

Again: We are reminded that We need this complete psychic change. Everything (or All-most everything??) We think, know and believe is truly bassackwards. That is a lot. We need AND want to completely change Our thinking, Our way of life (quite literally). This is no small order. Especially when living IN a world that believes completely in its own limitation. That is the basis of the world as We know it”. There is more here than meets the I.

To say that it is “not real” actually hinders Us for several reasons. 1: We know that is not completely true and accurate. 2: We go into fear that We will lose what We have created and We love Our creation no matter how much We hate it. 3: more shall be revealed.

Our world is real it is just not All that is real and there is MORE than what We see and experience. Our world really has no limits yet We believe that limits are an intrinsic part of Our world. Because We believe it, We make it real. It is a hologram but it is the most realistic (and even real) hologram ever created. That is part of what makes it (and Us) special. Yes, We are special.

It feels like We are learning to wear a body/form All over again. Perhaps it is All-most the opposite. Whatever it is, it is a lot like learning to fall of a bike. We are learning. Learning to live as love while wearing a glove (Our body). Just like a human bean does not try to shove All its body into a single (or even multiple) glove, neither do/should/would We try to shove Our entire essence into a single (or even multiple) glove. We never really did BUT We forgot that the essence(s) that are beyond Our glove/body are also Us. Now, We are learning to live while remembering/knowing this. It is complete change.

We went to town to do laundry and get water. When We got to town Our dragon started running extremely hot. We took Our time and let him cool down. We got Our laundry done and All Our water jugs filled. We stopped by Our friends to fiddle with the dragon. We got intuits that everything We had “thought” to do was taking a risk of just making matters worse. We borrowed “their” cell phone and headed home. We got most of the way and the dragon just seemed too hot to continue. We called a tow truck and “they” towed the dragon home.

Now We are home safe and sound and putting stuff away. We are doing Our best not to obsess about what to do with/about Our dragon. We are certain We need to do something. We know that We need to change but We are clueless what footwork to do. We know it really does not matter. We are certain now that the radiator has a major leak. We can not tell whether or not the new thermostat is working. We did buy a new thermostat while We were in town. We will probably get another radiator and/or put more stop leak in this One. We may or may not take out this thermostat. We do feel like We want to try running the dragon without the thermostat.

The thing is that We are home. Yes, everything is perfect. We knew that All through this process even though We also knew it did not look perfect. Looks are deceiving. We are much less stressed than usual. We will drive Our truck for the next few days and when the weekend comes We will decide what We choose to do then. Each day, each moment We will do Our best to stay there and choose what to do in the moment.

One thing We keep forgetting to mention. We can tell that We are also running hot. This is part of Our transition and We know that whatever is happening with Our dragon is part of its transition. Is there something that We can do to help?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Another 3D experience



Another 3D experience

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:34:25 AM

Good morning. Lots of worlds and lots of friends. AND lots of opening, letting go and allowing. Early in the night We were remembering about letting go to control and experience. It really is the opposite of what humanity believes. It will probably not be popular. People will probably argue that it is not the way of the “real” world because it is NOT the way of the hologram.

There are more and more people who recognize that this is a hologram but most still want to do things the old ways. Good luck with that.

We are learning how to live in an entirely new way but old habits die hard. We cling to the old and familiar. We do not even have a clue how to hold on by letting go. We will need a lot of training and practice to learn to live multidimensionally. Learning to live as the love that We are rather than pretending to be what We are not is a real turn around. We know that We can do best by planting the seed of this in Our dream work. That and sharing Our travels and visits to other worlds and All the new friends We are making.

We have a safety meeting to go to this morning. YUK. However, with All the new management We feel that We want to attend.

We are definitely changing. Our Self, Our attitude and Our way of thinking is changing. We are in the midst of this change and We likes it. It is not easy and it would still be very easy to revert without even knowing it. But this new feeling is very welcome. What does it feel like? More free and eager to go on. Less dread and pressure. Those are a good start.

Oh, BTW, it rained most of the night. That is very unusual and as far as We can tell it was not a freezing rain.

Staying in the now helps. A lot of the old frustration was about fear or dread of the future. Although hating waking may have been more about wanting to stay in the passed. Now that We think about it a lot of frustration was about wanting to stay in the passed. Of course part of that is NOT wanting to be in limitation and for a long time We were moving deeper and deeper into limitation. Nothing wrong with wanting to be free as a child but frustrating when We feel We are getting further away rather than closer.

Again, the articles We read confirm what We are feeling and intuiting. Now is the time and We are the One(s).

We just got home from the worst (most dull and boring and on and on) training session yet. Several verbally agreed with Us before We ever said anything. However: We know it is Us that needs to change. We did take some holdover attitude from previous trainings and old thinking methods with Us. Of course, We created the evidence to support Our beliefs. Also, the dragon ran very hot and steamy just as We got to the school where the session was being held. We were even late. That is a first for Us so We get a gold star for that at least.

We are doing Our best to open, let go and allow. We are also trying to use Our old thinking and logic and “figure it out” but We see that and repeat Our mantra(s). The dragon running hot is much more about Us than about the dragon if it is about the dragon at All. But, try to tell Us that while We are driving down the road blowing steam everywhere. Well, actually We did try telling Us that and We half listened. This IS progress.

We know that are in the midst of change (personally, collectively, planetarily, dimensionally, etc.) and this too is part of what We are experiencing AND it is decision time for Us. Move forward, tread water or step back. We choose to move forward (and are doing so) even if/when it appears that We are treading water or even stepping back. It is All perfect. We are much reminded to stay in the now.

We just read this and it spoke deeply to Us:

Scorpio is ruled by deep dark Pluto. It rules the Eighth house of death and rebirth, the mysteries, power and control. It is time to go deep within. Be who you really are. This includes embracing your shadow self...the unexpressed aspects of self which beg for expression. The shadow self was shamed, denied and/or abused in the past. Embrace the negative parts of yourself you would not put on your resume or Face Book. Love both your light and your dark. This creates wholeness and balance. These aspects are like young orphan children coming home for the first time. Love yourself with arms wide open. This will unlock any blocked energy. Hidden talents, gifts and abilities abide in these orphan aspects of self. Embracing your shadow will empower you. You will have more energy when you forgive your imperfections. The Scorpio Solar Eclipse is teaching you to forgive others and yourself.”

We are kinda surprised that We (personally) may need to embrace Our shadow side even more. Perhaps We have grown lax in this and just need to bring it back to the surface awareness?????

We found “The Purple Rose of Cairo” on NetFlix and decided to watch it with dinner. We also found “Moon 44” on You Tube (or segments anyway) but We decided it is not what We want right now. It looks like more of the current way of life on earth extended into space. Certainly a very real possibility and even probable uni-verse but not One We wish to explore right now. We would enjoy an expansion into space that is about love, sharing and caring. We do want to be aware of everything but a change of pace would be much welcome at this time. Especially if change of pace includes a change of heart. Our personal life sure seems to be headed towards the change of heart based world/life.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Learning how to do this



Learning how to do this

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:54:57 AM

Good morning. Another fun night of playing in many worlds. We remember some of the players from waking and other worlds. There was a lot about giving kids/people choices. (We do not mean in any way to imply that kids are not people, We mean to expand beyond “just” kids but it was mostly kids.) There were worlds where We still had jobs but there was still a lot more freedom and much less pressure than in Our waking world. We recognize that this is individual stuff but society, community and civilizations can apply pressure too if We allow it. We have been trained and programmed to allow this pressure, to think like the masses, to go along with the norm. It is part of the game and We are playing very good.

We woke with: open, let go and allow on Our mind. We remember that: We are changing. That is what it is All about: inner change. We have often been disappointed to wake and find nothing had changed. We were looking in the wrong direction. We were looking for outer change. We are reminded that We are learning how to live in this physical world “as” love, as” what We really are. We know how to live in this world and pretend to be what We are not. Living in this world as” what We really are is a whole new game. Sometimes We do not like it.

It has been easy for people to be happy (at least for the most part) just going along and fitting in and playing the game of pretending to be what We are not. Now, these passed several years it is getting harder and harder. People real-eyes there is more and are dissatisfied. People are looking in many places for satisfaction. We (personally) are looking within. There are others who are also looking within. The masses seem to still be looking without.

We are also reminded to stay in the now. Now is much happier than wandering in time that does not exist. The future is very promising but We can't live there yet.

There is/has been a feeling of excitement this weekend. Just now We get it that today is gonna be about learning how to live as” love, as” a multidimensional bean in the physical world and using a physical body. There probably won't be anything that We have not done before but it will be from a brand new perspective. If We had done any of it sooner (last weekend per se) it would have been from Our old limitation perspective. This explains a lot to Us.

Our now is exciting. We know this is about learning the live in a new way. It is often the balance (or Our lack thereof) that throws Us off. We tend to forget that We asked for it All, not just One version even if it is a pleasant version. Guess what? We ARE getting it All but thankfully in small bites.

We chose to change the thermostat in the dragon because if there is a problem, that is the most likely. The thing is that it is not doing anything consistently which is part of why We have resisted/waited doing any repair AND part of why We theel certain that We are doing it and We can not figure out (hmmmmm that might be a clue) or remember or get an intuit how to stop doing it. Now (with the new thermostat) the temperature gauge shows it still running hot but it is not (so far after much idling and a short drive) not blowing steam and/or peeing. With the old thermostat it was doing both when the temperature gauge showed this hot. Last weekend, and probably any time before this would have frustrated Us a lot. Now, We know We have done what We knew to do to take care of Our dragon and everything is perfect and this is part of Our transition and Our dragons transition. More than the dragon changing it is probably Us seeing the dragon more as it really is. So, We open, let go and allow.

Our split pea soup is One-der-full.

We ARE changing. We feel it and We are experiencing being different. We are the neutral observer AND the neutral experiencer. Sometimes. We have a different perspective much more now than before. As a result, Our world is changing and things” work different. This takes adjusting to. We are living the change AND We are learning how to live as love in the physical.

Our cabin with the front wall opening on to everything and side wall that opens onto an enchanted forest feels more real than ever before. Even though We still do not see it this way with Our 3D vision Our heartmind, Our inner vision sees and feels it this way.

Limitation 3D is loosing its grasp on Our world and Our life.

Being here AND there is becoming more familiar. Much more familiar.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The real world



The real world

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:16:28 AM

Good morning. We dreamt in very well this morning. We do not remember details from last night but We remember visiting more realities and playing with more friends. It was a good night but We were finally ready to get up. However, We would like to experience Our expanded, limitless and connected world/Self rather than Our familiar waking limitation.

Our head is trying to worry about Our dragon, trying to look at many things and scream with terror. We remind OurSelf that what We are familiar with thinking of as wrong and BAD are actually tears in the fabric of limitation. We want these tears. “They” do not have to be real for anyOne else. “They” are real for Us. We ARE learning how to live in this limitation world without being of this limitation world. We do NOT have All the answers, We do NOT know how to do it All right”. No One has ever been here before or done this before in the physical”. The thing is that We truly can NOT do it wrong”. That is a hard concept to grasp when in the midst of doing” and living Our life.

It is One thing to get these concepts and principles when sitting in a conference, or high on a mountain top withdrawn from the limitation world and society. Retreats and reclusion can charge and recharge Our batteries but applying these ways of life while living Our day to day lives is an entirely different story. The real saints and mystics and assended masters are found on the streets and backalleys. That is where the real work/change/transition happens. We have known this for years and now We are living it. We got a lot during Our year and a half off work but now We are in the application process.

We are trying/practicing to review and ponder without planning and worrying. That is quite the trick. We are still learning how to live from Our heart and not Our head. This process has been going on for years but this is a big step further. We know that (in the passed) We have tried to escape and perhaps even been partially successful. Now, Once again, We face Our fear. For years We have said (and damn it We were right) that We All-ways get exactly what We need. No amount of money or other things” will ever prevent that. We are experiencing limitation but the real world is limitless.

We prefer Our real world even though others would call it Our fantasy world. Even Our own head thinks of it that way and provides lots of evidence to support this belief. We really would like to expand this belief and We guess that We are in the midst of the process of doing just that.

We are reminded that All things” are living, sentient beans. We are learning to think and believe this way. It is not new but it was a surface knowing not an experience. Now, it is becoming real to Us.

We are getting a lot of insights and intuits. We are reminded of Abraham-Hicks saying: “You never get it done and You can't get it wrong because You never get it done”. Being of the human persuasion We want” to: get it done”. That is part of limitation and while We stretch Our minds and Our beliefs towards limitlessness, We try” and want” to get it done. That is a major human goal and ideal. Something that We (personally) have never been good at yet We still strive for (and strive” is the perfect word here).

What We used to think of (and call/label/judge) as car trouble” is (and has in the passed) giving Us many insights and cause for reflection and inner inspection. We tend to think that We have failed but that is really NOT the case. Our head keeps asking: “What should We do?” or “What do We need to do?” We are reminded there are NO right or wrong answers. It is All about the experience. We experiencing experimenting. That is All it is. There are no good” or bad” results or experiences: just experiences.

We are making a batch of split pea soup. While taking the bacon and onion out of the fridge We spilled Our salad on the floor. This could easily be seen as a failure or getting it wrong. It is just an experience AND an opportunity to choose how We will act, react and respond. We chose to see it that way.

We are opening, letting go, allowing AND EXPANDING. We recognize how these passed few weeks and months have really been an opportunity to expand and change. It is NOT about changing Our others, Our circumstances, Our “things” but All about changing Us. And: It is working. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We are feeling the results as We allow. We are doing a few little things and slipping in and out of many worlds.

We are also noticing that the energies feel very different this weekend from last weekend.

Interesting: We are reading a blog entry by Suzanne Lie and she mentions this concept of people thinking of earth etc. as dead but it is All actually alive. A living, breathing, sentient being as are All objects in and on and around her. Sadly, this is not letting Us paste a copy here. The important part is synchronism and confirmation.

She also speaks of updating Our memory files, similar to what We have been intuiting and typing about. Perhaps it would behoove Us to invest some time doing just that. Or focusing in just updating/uploading some expanded memories into Our brain. This might help Our brain get into sync with Our heart. That is what We are really after. As We have shifted Our focus and thinking this morning We have felt much better about OurSelf, Our dragon, Our world and Our life. No small thing there.

Everything that We see and experience is actually very different from how We see and experience it. We often say it is “not real”. This may not sink in and take hold because We know that it is not completely accurate. It is the belief that limitation is All that there is which is not really real but it is real within Our construct. It is different, it is more, it is not: only” what We think/believe it is YET: Our thinking and belief make this limited version THE only” version that is real within Our experience. Convoluted concepts that are really only perceivable from a multidimensional perspective. “They” are not even real within a limitation perspective.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

More ponderings and experience



More ponderings and experience

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:48:03 AM

Good morning. We do not remember nuthin' from last night. We woke at exactly 3:33. We feel a definite further shift this morning and feel and see (with Our mind) the presence of a friend. We welcome(d) “them”. Ah, now We remember being in the community again with many friends. We were playing and enjoying each others company.

We are reminded to relax and not to try so hard to make progress. A lot of this “trying so hard” is about not trusting OurSelf and Our process. It is about thinking We will run out of time if We do not “get it” today. We forget that there is no graduation day. This truly is a never ending story.

We are reminded of the things that We are aware of having accomplished. Our list may seem short but it is longer than most and there are sure to be many more things that We are NOT aware of. We can start with Our cabin and go from there. Our lifelong dream was met over twenty years ago. And, as far as We can tell: We have yet to die that slow and horrible death that Our head keeps predicting.

As We wake We are remembering bits and pieces of other lives (which experience and awareness of make up Our dreams). Some are very similar to this waking reality (which is shifting, changing and expanding every day) and others are further removed.

We are reminded to be kind and gentle with OurSelf. We are changing everything and there are no role models, no manuals, no instructions to follow. We welcome this complete psychic change which We are experiencing. We are willing, ready (beyond ready it would seem) and able to completely change Our way of thinking AND Our beliefs.

We are reminded that (along with everything else We deny): We are masters of time. Many/most of Our fears revolve around fear of time. We truly believe that We are victims and subjects (as in ruled by rulers) of time and circumstances. Nothing is further from the truth. What We see and experience is the projection of these fears and disbeliefs. It is a holographic projection (which We set up) to play in. We forgot and We forgot really good.

Those who stop being rules by the hologram yet remain inside it to show Us the door(s) and control panel are usually ridiculed and institutionalized. Sometimes the institutions are cleverly disguised and the doors appear to be open. The actual open door is within each of Us and few of Us real-eyes it. Most of Us believe that: “this is the way IT is” and that We have to play within these borders and boundaries and rules. That is how We set it up and We set it up really good.

This morning We are having some interesting insights and experiences into/in multidimensionality. We do recognize Our progress even We take a step back towards limitation. That too is part of the process and progress. Only within limitation is a step back not progress. In limitlessness it is just another view, another perspective a revisit to an ongoing alternate reality.

One fear that We have recognized for a fairly long time is for those versions who seem stuck in Our passed of living in limitation. Today We know this is an unrealistic fear based in finite beliefs. However, it is a very real fear and concern to Our physical Self. We honor it and bless it and set it free.

Interesting morning.

We got some more insights into what is going on with Our dragon and chariot.  "They" are living, breathing, sentient entities.  As We have said before it is Us that needs to change.  We have known for some time that everything is sentient, living and breathing entities and All are connected.  However now (somehow) this is more real.  That is part of what needs to change in Us.  This is a hard concept to fully grasp after lifetimes of believing that so many things are inert, or dumb, or non-sentient and/or "less than".

Think about it.

Today is costume day at Our gradeschool.  Some of the students wore costumes and many did not.  Many were not aware.  Our energetic boy is Bumblebee.  He is in a great costume and he was better behaved. Another boy is going to be Thor but he did not have his costume on yet.  We wore Our vampire costume and got to tell the students that We do not get to wear Our wings everyday.

We continue to focus on everything being a sentient living bean/entity and an individual part of a larger sentient, living bean/entity.  Again: this is not new but it is more real, more important, more vital vibrant than most of Us real-eyes in today's society.  This has many possibilities and ramifications.

It is not easy to talk to things (that We have All-ways believed to be inanimate and man-made) and thank "them" and/or ask "their" permission and/or blessing.  We immediately think of All the "crazies" that We have seen doing this over the years.

We sure set this game up good.

We truly are masters of the game who forgot.  We forgot a lot.

We are also noticing other people and "their" cars and other entities having similar symptoms.  It must be the time.  Of course, many will resist and deny and demand the limits of these things being inanimate but there may also be more who get it than We would expect.

The times are a changing.  We are changing.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Another day



Another day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:31:08 AM

Good morning. Really getting the message to let go and relax. Lots of insight around the power of letting go. Spent several hours at the beginning of the night processing and really want to type up something more detailed but not right now. This relates to how We (those of Us experiencing being human) have just about everything upside down, inside out and bassackwards.

One interesting insight is about ET space craft: All the stories We have ever heard/read (both supposedly factual and supposedly fiction) say that spacecraft from other worlds is mind/mental/psychically controlled. Also: that no human (even the best psychics recruited) has been able to accurately/correctly control any off world craft with “their” mind and/or psychic abilities. This is because “they” are trying. The way the craft is controlled mentally is by letting go and relaxing. It is the opposite of how humans do anything and everything. It is doing by non-doing which is really the exact opposite of how humans “do” anything and is a concept that humans can NOT grasp, not fully anyway.

This also relates to the knowledge that observing anything changes it. It relates to this world of struggle (which humans created) that is supposed to be (originally was) a world of ease and play. As the movie “War Games” points out: The only way to win is NOT to play. Simple, but oh so hard for a human. In order to have We MUST let go. Incomprehensible to humans. We may say it, preach it and think it is a One-der-full concept but few can live it, at least not totally. It is a uni/multi-versal principal that baffles and escapes humanity. We may even practice giving with One hand but We grasp on with the other (whether We real-eyes it or not). And if anyOne can and does live this principal completely “they” are living lives that seem beyond the scope of possibility.

Open, let go and allow. Keys to the kingdom. Much, much more than pretty words.

There is a thing about balance too. Do what is in front of Us to do (which may be: STOP) and let the multi-verse (Our higher aspects of Self/All that is) take care of the results. As We often say: “For some, progress is learning to clean house. For others, progress is learning NOT to clean house”.

This morning We are experiencing little whispers of Our world changing (being different somehow) as a result of Our changing and letting go. It seems We have dual (conflicting yet complimentary) memories of things that We see. Some things just look different somehow but how it was before still escapes Us.

There was more information that We want to share but that too escapes Us right now. Oh yes: whenever We (personally) have managed to practice letting go, We have gotten what We could not get by clinging to it (that clinging is often in Our mind).

There are times when the uni-verse, the energy, the great whatever just does NOT support what We (personally and collectively) want and/or what We are doing. Then the only way to succeed is to force it. We often call this: “pushing the river”. We also (mentally) log it as proof that letting go” does NOT work. Whenever We need more evidence that letting go” does not work, We simply create it and then deny that We created the evidence. A very simple and effective way to pretend to be what We are not.

Something else that We wanted to mention: If what We type here does not make sense or resonate then maybe You are One of the seven billion (plus) people having a different experience to contribute to the mass mind (share around the camp fire).

BTW, yesterday when We got home We started the dragon, it kept running when We put it in gear, We let it idle, We added gas that We had brought from town, We added anti-freeze and it continued to run when We backed it up (running the open driver's door into the front steps and bending it a little) and drove it forward a little. We were doing Our best to do what came to mind (without agonizing over what to do”) and letting go. Then, Our head tried to tell Us that if We trust this (OurSelf) and take the dragon to town We will die a prolonged and painful and tumultuous death. We let go. This did remind Us that if the dragon will not run this morning We are being given a message and We may be somehow avoiding some bigger (seeming) problem.

We are also reminded that We actually do teleport (and All that kind of thing) but (in Our limitation hologram) We pretend to use man made vehicles. Part of this is to enjoy the scenery between here and there and part is to support Our (perceived) inability to teleport etc. What We theel We need to learn/remember to do is: relax and imagine where it is We want to be next (and if We want to enjoy the scenery along the way then imagine that too). Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis would probably help with this.

We need a new word or definition for the word: “work”. Or maybe We just need to remember to say: “play” (and mean it) instead.

We just real-eyesed that We did not post anything during Our morning break.  We got involved in conversation with another attendant who really cares about the kids.  She is definitely much more main stream and pro-system than We are, but at least she really cares and pays attention to the kids and "their" needs.  She works and plays with the kids on her route.

The One gradeschooler continues to be a challenge (in the morning) and We continue to work with him.  The rest are doing great and seem to be enjoying "themselves".   We are certain that several are sharing "their" worlds with Us both in waking and dream.

The dragon is running fine but leaking some after Our morning section.  There was no sign of leak yesterday or on the drive in this morning.  We know this is about Our transition and We continue to let go.  When We pick it back up, We recognize it and let it go again.  We are in the process.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Being here AND there



Being here AND there

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:44:40 AM

Good morning. WOW, what a night. Talk about everywhere.......... First We were in a magik kingdom. As if that is not enough, in this world/life We experience being everything. That is awesome. We were unicorns and dragons and jewels and people......... We experienced talking to Our others and listening to Us and being the horse that We were flying on........ Later, We remembered the wall of Our cabin that opens onto an enchanted forest.......

Then We were in worlds that are more similar to Our waking world and We experienced living lifetimes in what was ten minutes in this world. We were remembering and practicing leaving and returning shortly after We left. Some was in full dream and some was in waking dreams. We could really how We are in the midst of shifting and expanding. We could feel how We can begin to apply this in/to Our life, Our experience.

Yes, here We are sitting at Our computer in Our limitation if that is how We choose to see it. Our limits and troubles are Ours if We demand “them” OR We can let go. We ARE letting go. We still have habits, We are changing those habits. We are in process. We are learning through experience how to do this. It is not easy changing everything yet it is not hard except in Our mind (Our head actually).

We are reminded to access Our heartmind. We did a lot of work on that last night too. We experienced the results now We want more and We get more. We are getting more. Those worlds We visited are NOT fantasy and make believe, “they” are real. This limitation world is the fantasy. It is the hologram that We programmed for Our enjoyment. (Gonna refrain from comment on that part) We are reprogramming the hologram and We are walking through the doors of the holodeck back into reality. Reality is limitless and everything is connected like We are in Our magik kingdom. There are other worlds where We can experience this also, that part is up to Us. If We allow it We can experience it in every world. We did not lost the sense of individuals, We just did not know which individual We are because We really are All of “them”. Can not explain it much better than that in limitation words and thoughts.

We are accessing Our heartmind and giving Our brain more multidimensional information to store, file and access. We are expanding Our files and turning on those unused parts of Our brain and DNA by using “them” (allowing the use and access simply by choosing to). Again, We are choosing and following Our priorities. The inner work is Our priority.

Yesterday We forgot to mention that when We got home We spent a little time messing with the dragon. It still starts (after sitting for several hours) and idles but when We put it in reverse (to back out into the driveway) it immediately dies. We real-eyes that just after starting it We do go through reverse to put it in neutral and it does not die. This may be a clue but We are NOT going to spend Our time and energy trying to figure” it out. Our brain wants to do that. Our heart wants to play.

The cool thing about this is that We are amazed at how We are not at All frustrated with this. We really do feel that it is perfect. Our brain still tries to be scared and paint picture of devastation and destruction but We know that is NOT real (unless We choose it). We simply chose to stop and change directions.

This morning We are getting it: “Which/what world do You choose to live in?” Wow, We have a choice? Of course, We All-ways knew We had a choice, We even believed it but We never experienced it consciously. Choices within the world We are (stuck) in certainly. But, a choice about which world? We seem the think/believe that whatever world We wake up in is the world We are stuck in until We return to dream/reality. We've All heard that We can start Our day over whenever We choose but We never got it that We can change worlds anytime We want. We sure feel that this morning and We choose a perfect world. We choose a connected and limitless world. Immediately Our head starts demanding its limitations. It tries to tell Us what the/its real” world is like and that is All about separation and limitation.

We aren't buying it. Not this morning. We are going for expansion. One thing to remember is that We are NOT destroying Our brain, Our memories or those limited lives and worlds. We are adding to All of that. We are adding experiences and memories of limitlessness and connection.

Each moment of life is an experience. Sadly: We do not (yet) savor “them” All. We still tend to judge “them” but We ARE making progress. We are choosing Our expanded world.

Oh, yeah: Our use of the word “real” may be inaccurate. Our other worlds may be just as much a hologram as this world. What is real is ALL of it. We get it that many things We type may be inaccurate, especially when seen from another perspective. We are sharing Our process. Your mileage may differ and THAT is the point of having over seven billion perspectives.

We continue to read about others going through similar feelings, changes and intuits as Us.  It seems that many are getting it that is time to go within and allow real changes there.

We still go back and forth some and wonder what the future holds and doubt OurSelf.  However, the swing from side to side is not as extreme, the doubts are less and shorter lived.  We have much more confidence (than ever before) that everything really is perfect.  It even feels that way.

The kids touch Our heartmind.  The One gradeschooler was acting up for some reason, so We sat next to him and asked what was going on.  He had some things to say and We think it helped.

We do feel that One or more student took Us to the magik kingdom last night but We can not tell which.  The morning preschooler had his turn to be first in line and again when We told him that he was doing good, he replied: "yeah".

We keep getting to just relax.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Going deeper



Going deeper

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:43:25 AM

Good morning. Shadow was very nervous early in the night. His pacing lasted a couple hours and then he finally fell asleep next to Our bed in a very odd position. We have no idea what it was about. Except the shifting energy.

We know that We dreamed but We do not remember anything. It does feel like there was energy stuff: download, processing and integrating. We did wake feeling change. We are changing. We know that. We also know that We could return to the old, that remains a choice and it seems like it would still be easy to do. We want this change of mind and activation of Our heartmind.

Our head continues to struggle and try to plan and worry but the struggle grows weaker and weaker and We keep opening, letting go and allowing. This is Our priority. This is taking a lot of dreaming.

We are getting some more input about letting go, believing in OurSelf, following Our intuition, trusting OurSelf AND doing the impossible. What We “think” is impossible (in the old head thinking) is actually the real and limitless. What We think” is possible is actually the impossible which We have created in the hologram of limitation. Limitation is totally familiar and stretching beyond it is still a stretch.

As We continue to look outside Our Self for confirmation and proof We are reminded that We are looking into the hologram of limitation which changes on Our whims. The confirmation and proof We can rely on is internal.

We desire this change of heart and awakening of Our heartmind. We wish to release judgment of Self and others and recognize (fully) that “they” are Us.

Sometimes/often doing what is in front of Us to do can easily distract Us and help Us to focus back in/on limitation 3D. At least is does in Our current experience. We must remember to let go of this old way of acting and thinking.

Onedering what to say.  We just read Aisha North's latest and it seems many are feeling what We are feeling even though the circumstances may be different.  We read about many different people going through harder circumstances than We are yet many are "feeling" much the same.

This reminds Us that We get exactly what We need.  Our head keeps wanting to "fix" it but Our heart knows it is not broken.  It may look broken to limitation 3D thinking but We are beginning to "theel" with Our hearts instead of think with Our head.  Our head still does not have enough accurate/expanded/limitless information to think properly.

Our heart has access to this information and it is probably available to the unused portion of Our brain and DNA.  We are focusing on accessing and reconnecting Our heartmind.  We are getting glimpses of what is ahead and where We are headed.  Some are like ghost images and some are feelings and some appear as clear as anything in 3D.

One problem is definitely trusting OurSelf.  This is a very clear and present issue.  Another problems thinking that anything is "wrong" or broken.  That is limitation and separation thinking.  We are starting to think multidimensionally but that is rarely Our first thought (yet).

As We said before: many people are experiencing different things and getting the same message.

It seems that many kids are feeling these quandaries that A-dults are feeling.  The difference is that (for the most part) what the kids are feeling is NOT "theirs".  This makes it even more confusing.

We know that the autistic students are taking Us to visit "their" world(s).  There are many who do not really appear autistic who still have other worlds.  For some this "their" safe place.  For others it is/are simply different.  For most these are expanded, connected, limitless and awesome worlds.  Personally, We do understand why the autists do NOT want to live in this world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another day dreaming



Another day dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:48:38 AM

Good morning. We are experiencing expansion. We spent the last few hours visiting alternate realities in waking dream. We are familiar with this in full dream but doing it in waking dreams is basically new. These are worlds that exist, where We have lives and the people are free. “They” may or may not be limitless but “they” certainly have a lot less limits and restrictions than in Our waking world. Of course, as We change Our waking world will change too.

Part of the current change is that many things based in limitation are not working any more. That is to be expected yet it can come as a surprise. When things that We have relied on day in and day out turn out to be fantasy based in a world We are leaving it can catch Us off guard. So far We see what is happening and recognize it fairly quickly, before going into panic. Normal life and “just the way it is” are changing. This means that things will be different. DUH.

We are willing to change and accept OurSelf as We really are. We are reconnecting Our heartmind.

We are reminded that things that used to annoy and scare Us are keys to expansion and signs that We are letting go of the old thinking. We are letting go of limitation. Limitation is sooooo familiar that freedom seems foreboding and frightening.

It is apparent that much of Our thinking, beliefs and actions are still based in limitation and separation. After eons of living this way and a world that supports such and denies and prohibits anything else it is understandable. We must be patient with OurSelf and the hard part: We must trust OurSelf.

We do not seem to have a lot of words right now but We are having lots of experiences.  "They" are multiD experiences and words do not do justice if We had words.

We do find plenty of articles confirming this time if intense shift and change.  Most of what We read encourages everyOne to go within and be still as much as possible.   This is exactly what We are intuiting.

Things from the old paradigm just are not working or not working correctly.  The fact that We feel very assured that everything is perfect and We are not in panic tells Us that We are having this change of mind and thinking that We are desiring.

We are willing to have a complete psychic change and begin using/accessing Our heartmind first and foremost.  This is a process.

We continue to enjoy the students and learn about and from "them".  Many also visit Us in Our dreams.  The preschoolers tend to be the biggest delight.  One latches onto Our arm and holds it the whole ride.  Little delights like that.

This transition is taking a lot out of Us but We are totally able to give the kids  attention.  The One gradeschool boy is still very wired and We must continually remind him to settle down or the driver yells at him.  We do not like the driver yellling at him.

Our head keeps trying to worry and figure out what is going on and what the new will be like.  The more We can access Our heartmind the more accurate information Our head will have at its dispposal.

Monday, October 21, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:48:43 AM

Good morning. Some very interesting adventures last night. We explored different versions of Our world. Most were more expanded than this One and We met more new friends and played to Our heart's delight. There were also players from Our waking world(s). Some were still experiencing limitation and “they” were pretty grumpy. Most of the Ones We interacted with were living in expansion and connection.

It is interesting to experience living in a world(s) where some have chosen freedom and limitlessness while others demand “their” limits. We theel this is kind of a preview of what is coming and coming very soon (in fact it is probably All-ready here). It is a choice. EveryOne gets to choose.

We got up to feel this existence in Our waking. Yes, some of the flavor is lost in waking but We will return to full dream soon.

Living in change can certainly feel like walking on shifting sand. That is part of why We are not doing much physical right now. And there is more. We are focused on opening, letting go and allowing rather trying to “do” and fix what is not broken. Much may appear broken but it is part of Our transition.

Our brain is in near panic, but it is much milder panic than previously. We are reconnecting Our heartmind to Our brain to give Our brain access to new (or forgotten/buried) information. It feels important to mention that We are NOT doing any ceremony or such to reconnect Our heartmind. We are simply telling OurSelf (silently) that We are reconnecting Our heartmind and turning it on. Our brain may be resistant as it is used to being in charge. We love Our brain as it is part of Us. However, its proper function is storing, accessing and returning information. Our heartmind is really in charge. This is a big piece of the total change We are in. We are quite literally turning OurSelf AND Our world upside down and inside out.

So, if it sounds like We are repeating OurSelf and dancing in circles it is only because We are. We are very okay with this. It is Our path and Our process.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

And even more dreaming



And even more dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:45:27 AM

Good morning. Where to start? We are mostly awake and have been out of bed for a bit reading and semi-processing some emails. We are definitely not “here” much. We like it there”. Less turmoil there”.

There is sooooo much old energy in limitation 3D. No surprises really, it is afterAll limitation 3D. But, it is easy for Us to get sucked back in. It is that balance thing. We are not leaving limitation 3D behind (not exactly anyway) and it is hard to learn to be both in AND out of limitation. We are simply expanding but limitation is not really compatible with expansion. It seems to be One of those things that will be better understood and explained in hindsight. But, then again, it can NOT be really understood, explained and defined because that would limit it and it is about limitlessness. All very confusing to a limitation mindset.

We had lots of dream experiences visiting other worlds. Contact with some students from waking and another version of Our dragon. We are not clear if there were any messages or simply experiences. So far We are taking it All as experience. After All, that is what it is regardless of what else it may be.

In truth, We really only got up so that We could go back to dreaming and so that is where We are headed since We are pretty much sitting up dreaming anyway.

So far it looks like We are just gonna stay home and dream. Our favorite type of weekend. We do not have a lot of words right now so this may be a short post.

Once again: We are changing everything. Very few of Us (personal and collective) get it how much of everything, everything is. We are letting go of the old and that is pretty much everything too. What We are not letting go of is often being taken away to make room for expansion. What We often do not get (in addition to just how much everything is) is that it is possible for everything to look the same yet be changing. When it All looks the same (or seems to anyway) as it has day after year after lifetime then We rarely get it that it has changed and is changing.

When We step on the same ol' sidewalk We do not expect to be stepping on a conveyor belt. If the ground looks like the same ground as yesterday We expect it to be solid. This can be metaphoric or literal. Personally We are living in a little (or a lot) of both.

The world is changing. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. If We try to stop it, or keep everything the same while hoping it will All be different that is like standing in front of a tidal wave. Whatever We believe, very few of Us believe in OurSelf enough to believe We can stop that tidal wave and those who do don't want to. We All want change, change is All-ways a constant but We do NOT want Our comfort zone to change. Guess what?

We are standing on shifting sand thinking it would make a nice foundation for a lovely mansion. Of course it will, but it will be a shifting, changing castle and most humans are not comfortable with that.

It is time to be open to possibilities and those possibilities may well be nothing like what We expect. We may wanna hold onto Our hat or toss it to the winds of change. As We have said before: looking at physical things and conditions for evidence of success and failure is a fickle meter. As a friend says: “One day chicken, One day feathers.”

These are amazing times but not quite what most of Us expected. There really is nothing to fear unless We try to resist. Fear is the mindkiller. Simple really. Nothing, absolutely nothing is as We see and think it is. We can let go of Our old ideas/ideals or watch “them” be ripped from Our trembling hand(s). It is Our choice.

Time to go back to Our dreams.

Open, let go and allow. We want to do more and We want to do better. We can only do what We are able to do and that IS enough. We are changing and THAT is the key to everything.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

And more dreaming



And more dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:58:23 AM

Good morning. We visited quite a variety of worlds last night. It seems We are visiting more violent worlds recently than usual. We may have remembered visiting more while We were dreaming than We had remembered when awake. It is All blurring now and that is okay.

We had a hard time getting up this morning because there were obviously some dreams that still needed to be dreamt. We wondered about this and finally We found a student that wanted to take Us flying. We were happy to oblige and We are doing Our best to bring this experience into Our waking. The student is probably still asleep at this time of morning.

There is sooooo much change happening in Our life that it amazes Us. It is much that We have been heading towards and looking forward to for a long time but We really had no idea what it would be like. We still have no idea really. That is part of Our current difficulty: Our head keeps trying to “figure out” what is going on and what these changes will be like and it has no applicable information so it reverts to limited versions of possibilities. It really is not easy exploring something brand new.

Today is early outs so We get to come home early to dream and then dream in tomorrow morning. We look forward to that. We do real-eyes that part of this current intensity is the energy coming in from/through the full moon and eclipse. We understand there is also a lot of solar activity and All of this is also messing with lots of equipment.

We are having an interesting experience of allowing OurSelf to remain partly in dream. We did do quite a bit of waking dreaming before getting out of bed this morning. We real-eyes that it was more than normal time” would allow. This is a new part of Our experience. We do see that We are making progress even though some days it seems like Our head is having a really hard time accepting this and even allowing the new information in to be filed for future reference.

We ARE changing everything and that is no small thing. Everything includes a lot. It is not easy. It is not hard physically or even emotionally but mentally it is a real struggle. We are sooooo programed to think in limitation and separation terms that We just do it automatically and still get caught up in it and believe that it is just the way things are. That is a lie.

Even as We experience change and expansion Our head is busy trying to live in De-Nile.

This morning's experiences are very interesting but Our head is having trouble accepting it. We used to have a hard time getting Our head around these concepts and philosophies, now We are having a hard time getting Our head around Our experiences. We may have to start with reminding OurSelf that it is possible. We are aware of flying and bilocating while awake and doing Our morning routine stuff. This is new to Our waking experience.

We are very aware that We need a complete psychic change. We are willing, ready and able. This is a complete and total change of outlook, belief, thinking, mindset and actions. We real-eyes that We are going through this to introduce it to the mass consciousness and make it easier for Our others. We are clearing much debris and road blocks. It is not easy and it is lonely. We know We are NOT alone. There are others doing the same or very similar work and “they” too feel alone and lonely in the process because few are talking about it (yet). However, the silent Ones are doing the work and We are connected through Our love and love energy. The gird connects Us even if We do not see or barely even feel this connection.

We do not have alot to say because We are not really focused here.  We only had One highschooler ride today and We went out to his world with him and never really came back.

One gradeschooler was very wired and We did not get why.  Maybe it was because he sensed that We were not as focused on him as usual?

It is a short day and We are definitely mostly in multiworlds and not in 3D much.

Several students did not ride so We had even more downtime to dream, dream, dream.

Friday, October 18, 2013

More expansion



More expansion

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:27:39 AM

Good morning. We visited lots of different realities last night but that is All We really remember. There were some that were similar to this waking reality and some were quite different. As We were waking We were thinking that this waking reality may be different from this waking reality. We really do not know what Our mind constructs for reality every day. We know We have memories but are these memories accurate? We theel there is more differences than We tend to be aware of. We theel that Our memories are basically false and We use “them” to build a false sense of congruity.

Now We remember that We met some new friends again last night and One reality We visited We live in a very close community. This community is close mentally, physically and spiritually. We have no desire to live in a commune or such in this reality of division and separation. However, We long to return to that community We visited last night. In that community We honor Our differences rather than arguing and fighting about “them”. NoOne had to be wrong for an-other to be right. We also practice this in Our waking but We also slip into judgment just like everyOne else except that We usually catch it sooner and do not carry it to the extremes that We used to.

We recognize that Our world is very different from what We have All-ways believed, thought and even remember. We really do theel that We have many false memories built/constructed by Our mind to support what We believe. We tend to think (and say) that the way things are is “just life” which is far from true. We accept it the way We accept and bow down to the rest of Our slavery. The thing that few of Us get is that Our slavery is Self imposed. Until We get and accept this We will never change it. We can never kill a dandelion by cutting the leaves off an oak tree. Plus, this is not about killing anything. It is about owning everything. It is All Us and that is a very bitter pill to swallow.

Our world is changing, few would argue that. The argument might come about whether the changes are good or bad. Good and bad are both judgments. We are reminded that how We see Our world is very different from how it is. We see a limited version that is tailor made by Us and for Us. More bitter pills. Why? To get Us to wake up and own Our power, to admit to and live as what We are. We are love, ever powerful and benevolent. Love is the most powerful thing in the multiverse because that is what everything is actually made up of. It is the core element and energy. We ARE love.

We are changing. Sometimes/often it feels like baby steps and then occasionally We find We have taken a major giant step. This causes Our world to change in the same manner: sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

We are reminded to open, let go, allow and expand. We find that as We allow rather than resist We are visited by many of Our new and old friends. The only distance between Us is Our belief. We even got a glimpse of Our demon smiling at Us as We allow. He has a very ornery grin.

We are reminded that We are also masters of time. Much of Our distress arises from forgetting this and thinking and believing that time is fixed and rigid and absolute. We know better, We have experienced other than that but it is another very deep belief. We are also reminded that observing something changes it. We observe what We expect to observe. Often/usually this expectation is hidden and buried in Our subconscious and belief system.

We continue having interesting experiences of being in multiworlds.  Some are frustrating but that is due mostly to expectations.  We also feel the world shifting (literally) but We recognize that this is the result of Our focus and awareness being in more than One place at a time.  We think this is commonly called vertigo and is usually resisted because being in multiworlds is rarely accepted.

The two gradeschool boys got carried away again this morning.  It is not easy to maintain the balance (especially with gradeschoolers) with having fun and staying within acceptable 3D boundaries.  With Us exploring living in multi-D this probably adds to the mix.

The autistic highschooler and middleschooler both had a good time this morning.  Again, We feel that Our exploration is helping "them" feel accepted and "part of" rather than totally outside.

We continue to remember that We are just beginning to learn how to do this AND everything is shifting AND nothing is really how We think it is.  We are totally changing Our thinking and beliefs and this makes everything seem out of whack.