Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stretching into limitlessness



Stretching into limitlessness

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:55:58 AM

Good morning. Another night spent playing in a variety of worlds with a wider variety of friends. There was some important information but We do not remember what it was. It seems like it remains in Our subconscious for when We need it and/or are ready for it. We are changing that is for certain. In the last life We visited We are living and working on the school bus in Washington D.C. Pretty much clueless what that is about.

It seems that We are mostly in Our familiar world this morning. We may try to alter that a bit. There are some mundane tasks to be done but We are not in any rush to do “them”. We are looking forward to starting to lay out Our new shed. As We have said before this will be a bit like putting a puzzle together. First step will be moving some lumber that is stored alongside the cabin where We wish to start. We invite the Fae to participate and We will also be playing at decorating Out faerie path.

That reminds Us: We were dreaming about this new shed being a part of Our cabin wall that opens onto Our enchanted forest, for indeed it will be. Our kitchen window looks out onto Our fort and Our faerie path and that is the side where We will be building Our new shed which We hope will have a living wall (hopefully sooner than later).

Ah yes, We visited some different versions of Us living here. There are many versions that are nearby leading to versions that are less similar, step by step and slide by slide. It is getting quite exciting. We like expanding even if there are some rough spots.

Once again Our first venture outside for the morning reveals that things are different than We remember. Subtle differences to be sure but definite differences. The best example is that Our tarps are at a different angle in relation to the rest of the stuff out front. Think about All the little oddities in Our lives that such a difference would explain. We know that We have been noticing more and more of these oddities. We often strive to set up or build something that is level or properly upright or aligned with this or that. If (and when) We shift to a different perspective and/or a slightly out of kilter (for lack of a better description) world/reality All that effort is lost and wasted. For Us (personally) this relates to the futility of All the planning We used to do and Our head still wants to do. Again: it keeps Us locked in a defined and therefore limited reality. This defining worked while We were exploring and experiencing limitation. Now: We are exploring and experiencing transition.

Aha, that reminded Us of some information and experiences in dream last night. We (hopefully the masses but definitely personally) are choosing to experience being physical but limitlessness. This choice is blowing away the ETs and assended masters who are observing Us. Basically: “they” said it could never be done. It has never been done before and everybody (except Us humans) thought it was impossible. Nothing is really impossible. Yet even the angels are shocked at what We are doing. At least that is what We experienced in One (or more) dream lives last night. It is an important point. Nobody, nowhere has ever been physical and unlimited before. Go Gaia Go. We felt Gaia doing some very heavy breathing at this real-I-sation. We are not sure if this was a news flash for both Us and Gaia or just Us.

This does NOT nullify the energy body/light body work that many have been doing. This incorporates that work. Just because nobody saw this coming does not mean We were not preparing at some level. This shift of physical into limitlessness will (or at least can) involve shapeshifting, teleporting and transporting, telekiwhatsit and much, much more.

We All thought that being physical required being limited. This is what earth humans are doing that is totally new. The ETs and assended masters knew that We were doing this new and unexpected move in Our bodies but even “they” did not get it that We are taking physicality into limitlessness. It changes All definitions of physicality.

Is it any One-der that many of Us are feeling odd? We are taking Our bodies which are by “their” very definition and existence limited and stretching and morphing “them” into somethings that are limitlessness. Trust Us on this One: We have no idea what We are talking about but We feel it deeper than Our bones. Now We know why We did not remember it and why We have not been remembering a lot of Our dreams lately.

We've spent most of the day outside doing/playing this and that. We got the 18' board up for Our new shed. It is not completely secured yet because We have not decided on uprights etc. We did figure out where We want the pallet/living wall to be and We did an experiment w/the roof joists and it looks like it will All work the way We think/thought We want it to. Happy with how it is going and figuring out some jigs and such to make it easier.

Even though We are very present in 3D as We do stuff, We are also very aware of being in other dimensions and realities too. Slip, sliding around is kinda cool if We let it be.

We finished Our doings about the time it started raining. We really did not want to stop but We did recognize We were running low on energy and it is about time for dinner (as Shadow is reminding Us).

After dinner We have this desire to “do” something but We do not know what. We can not think of anything that We want to do besides go dream. Even though We want to go dream, this feeling is not (or it does not seem to be) about going to dream. We will probably go dream soon and see what happens.

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