Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, July 15, 2013

More resting and processing



More resting and processing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:23:50 AM

Good morning. More play and more worlds. This time We were working in group homes and on school buses. We like that better than catering. In Our dream worlds We seem to enjoy catering too. We seem to enjoy whatever We do in most of Our dream lives. Perhaps it is that expanded perspective. However, when We wake We prefer some worlds over others.

In most of the worlds We played in last night (at least the Ones that We are aware of) there were youngstars from Our waking world. “They” did not seem much different from how “they” seem in waking, perhaps a bit more open. Sometimes, with some youngstars the version in dream is quite different, much more expanded than the version in Our waking world.

This morning We are focusing on the now. We may do stuff with Our plants later or do other things or not. We are now and hopefully will stay now.

As We kinda surf the net and ponder Our now, We real-eyes that time is a major factor in Our life that often gives Us grief. Often We feel cheated by the way We seem to have to choose how to spend Our time. We feel that there is just (or does not seem to be) enough to do All that We might want to do. Part of that too though is about Our plans and expectations. Limitation is just such a bitch. We really do not enjoy being limited yet We also know that We are so used to it that We can only emerge gently without freaking out or blowing Our circuits.

We are also reminded that everything is perfect just as it is and this means changing and expanding. There is absolutely We can do (or not do) to change/alter/nullify the perfection, nothing at All. The choices are All about experience and We have eternity to experience everything that We want to experience.

We are learning through experience to do what We want in the moment rather than planning and following plans. This is a bit new to Us in some/many ways so it feels a bit uncomfortable.

One of the things that We have had to do is get comfortable with OurSelf and All that that entails. It is definitely an ongoing process and finding what All that entails is ever expanding and probably All-ways will be. That is part and parcel of infinity and eternity. There are sooooo many aspects of OurSelf that We were uncomfortable with it is a bit amazing really. We do find that when We find anyOne who is comfortable with aspects of “themSelf” that We are uncomfortable with in OurSelf, We really admire “them”. Of course, We real-eyes that We only see the surface of those people and there are probably aspects of OurSelf that We are comfortable with which those people are terrorfried of.

We went out and watered Our plants and find Our physical energy is really low. Not a problem.

It dawns on Us that some of what We have been typing may be confusing and vague. We are used to doing what We want to get done rather than what We want to do in the now. This is what We are learning and experiencing now. It is part of being expanded and being in the now. Getting away from thinking that there are things that We “must” do. That is very deeply bred programming and We want to grow beyond it.

The concept that in order to have We must let go is fairly new to Us (collectively and personally) and takes more getting used to. This also reminds Us that We are processing and integrating for the collective as well as personally. This is another part of what We are experiencing right now. The idea and belief that We must do” is very deeply rooted and it is hard to release. This too is personal and collective.

The thing is that what We really want is far beyond Our physical abilities. By doing” We can only imitate what We are actually after. New concepts and beliefs and “they” do not get assimilated in an instant.

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