Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Resting a lot



Resting a lot

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:47:13 AM

Good morning. More worlds and Once again We are catering in “them”. Catering must be in Our karma or something. At least this time We were having fun and making new friends. We were in a world with more freedom and less rules. However, We brought Our old rules and limitations with Us. Ah, sounds like the same theme We were exploring yesterday. The good thing was that though inside We were screaming, We were able to allow others “their” freedom.

We did some observing before jumping in and pouncing on others and real-eyesed that We were the only One having any problem with the freedom and liberty. All kinds of rules and taboos were being broken and We were the only One who noticed. It was not like open defiance or rebellion. It was natural AND normal. Of course We enjoyed it too but Our mind was roiling. It was welcome, We want to be free but We are sooooo ingrained to follow rules and be restricted. It is not easy to embrace complete freedom. It is nice and fun but not easy.

Again, the unfamiliar is uncomfortable until it becomes familiar. We can allow Our discomfort and go through the adjustment period or We can demand a return to the familiar. We are glad that in the dream AND in Our waking We are choosing to adjust.

We are taking Our time getting going this morning. Staying in dream, or expanded or zoomed out to be less focused in 3D and have a broader view and experience.

We returned to dream. It is getting harder and harder to distinguish between dream and waking and We like that.

We went outside to see what We feel like doing and the answer is: “not much”. Something in the energy today is saying (to Us personally, anyway) to take it very easy. We are way okay with this, partially because the projects We really wanted to complete this summer are complete. Now, We are kinda getting a jump start on next summer (or not).

We are reminded that We are more and more walking in multiworlds and We may well find that Our focus is either nearly non-existent or that it is in a very different world. The difference is Us of course, but there are also worlds where We live and have a very different perspective, point of reference and All that. In a world where We live as who and what We really are, a lot (most/All) of the things We are doing are pointless EXCEPT for the experience of doing “them”. (Or the experience of NOT doing “them”.) There are just sooooo many worlds, versions of Us and possibilities in infinity and eternity. It really is hard to conceive of with Our 3D, limitation mindset.

We can feel into it and when We do We really likes it. So, whatever We do today is to entertain OurSelf and NOT to accomplish anything. We theel strongly that (for the most part) We need to leave Our plants alone until tomorrow. Who knows why????? We did get out Our potting soil because We have several plants and rootings and what snot that seem just about ready for transplanting. Some (onions rooted from the cut off ends store bought onions) will go in the onion tub outside. We do hope to find a good way to grow onions inside and outside year 'round. But, We just do not feel inspired to actually do any of this right now and We are learning to honor Our feelings and inspirations or lack thereof. Again, this is hard for the head but easy for the heart. It is the way of the heart.

We did some more painting and sanded the cedar board that We have for a top rail. We are not completely happy with the way the cedar piece is looking, but that may be because We would like it shiny and We do not have any shiny finish right now. We got the portal crosspiece stained with two coats and can put it up later today or tomorrow to decorate.

Again, We are mostly kicking back.

We are (strongly) reminded that All the doing may soon be a mute point EXCEPT for the experience. The experience is important, the results and outcomes are not.

Another day spent going back to dream. Something is going on, or something(s) need(s) to be dreamt. It's a beautiful day outside and We have been out several times and did a bit but We just wanna dream.

We are in transition. In order to change “the rules” We must change Our belief in “the rules”. We do not mean to try to destroy Our beliefs, that never works. We can however expand Our beliefs. The rules served Us well in Our explorations of separation and limitation (impossible but We imagined “them” into reality).

A transition of this magnitude does not come easily or quickly but it can happen smoothly and it will if We allow and follow Our hearts.

After choosing to stay home and lay low today We have read some articles talking about the need to do just that this weekend. We followed Our heart and We got confirmation. We do not exactly what is being accomplished this weekend but it is being accomplished beyond physical effort.

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