Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mostly dreaming



Mostly dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:32:09 AM

Good morning. Another very busy night at the dreams. We had a hard time waking and still are mostly in dream. We are not complaining by any means. We just One-der what is going on. It is like there is something important happening. We do not seem to be getting any particular important message, at least nothing new.

Perhaps it is just that We are opening, letting go and allowing. Perhaps it is just a lot more experience of being multidimensional and not focused in 3D. Perhaps it is the transition going deeper and deeper. Many of the worlds/lives are where We are fully engaged in spending Our time/life paying attention to youngstars. Worlds where We are living the vision We have of A-dults giving undivided attention to One child at a time for at least One hour a day.

We visited a life where We were still catering (or catering again) and even that was focused on the youngstars. This is an excellent thing, it is just quite new to Us to be spending even more time in dream. That probably sounds a bit odd to You given as much time as We have been spending in dream this last year plus. This is something more. So, it is probably just expansion into what We are changing/shifting/transitioning into.

We are getting what We have been asking for. Again, We do theel that the fae are an important part. Yesterday We found an umbrella for the picnic table for the little people. It is a full size table umbrella so We may need to make some adjustments, or not.

Asking the question, pondering what is happening is bringing more insight. This is an opportunity. This is a chance to go deeper if We choose. We are embracing this shift. We One-der what it is because even though We have been seeking this it is still new. Each time We go deeper it is new again. Our head is going but, but, but and Our heart is going YES, YES, YES.

Amazing times. We are filled with the vision of spending the majority of Our awareness in worlds where We can focus on paying attention to newly made and old friends and where We spend Our time in play and freedom. WOW. We have hoped for this for sooooo long. We hoped but had no idea what it would really be like and were not at All sure that We would ever get there. Oh, We knew We would get there eventually but it seemed so far away for so long that We had no idea what millenia it would begin. We are aware that many have no clue how close it is because most cling to the old and familiar and demand it. We have been there and We real-eyes this is a point of making the choice and We All-most chose the familiar too. We still could, it would be very easy. But, We want it All and by All the little gods We WILL have it All.

We just had the thought: “More dreaming, less doing.” Our head does NOT like the idea but Our heart loves it. Our head is simply screaming that this can NOT work, it never has etc. That is because We have never allowed it to work. We feel the fae busy about growing Our new world.

As We wake more and ponder. We real-eyes that most of Our thoughts and ALL of Our plans are based in old thinking, old paradigm mindset. It is not easy to dissolve this pattern. This is the opportunity that lies before Us. This is how We choose to evolve. Even though We have been headed in this direction for some time, this is still very new. We are willing, or at least We are willing to be willing to expand and live multidimensionally. Actually, We find that We are much less inclined to resis-dance than before.

We had started to use the word “portal” earlier and maybe We did, if not: maybe We should have. We real-eyes that We are standing at the threshold of a portal into a new life, yet a life that We have been living eternally. In Our limitation 3D consciousness We have only been aware of this life in Our dreams. It is now available in Our waking. It can be a gradual merging if We choose. We choose to embrace it. We will let Our higher mind (heart mind) choose for it knows what is best for Us. That is the choice We make and We will allow either a continued slipping into this expansion or a full bodied dive into the deep. We are open, letting go and allowing.

We spent the morning mostly out of 3D focus. It was very rainy and that is a good thing. The interactive girl is still very keyed up. That really is understandable with the fire and evacuations. A child that age really does not know what to think/expect and how to cope with such things and her mom is doing a lot of drama around it.

Also, time is being odd again. Stretching than contracting. All experiences of being multi-D.

We tried to watch more of “Cloud Atlas” but We did not go to the library and Our connection is too slow to really enjoy, too many interruptions. Hard enough to concentrate if it was streaming correctly.

The afternoon continued to be very dreaming. The interactive girl is a little more settled but still keyed up. Along with the fires (which are mostly a mute point now with All the steady rain) her family is going on vacation next week and she will get to do stuff with her real dad. Of course she is excited and excitable. She will be doing things she does not normally get to do AND she will be spending time with her father which she rarely gets to do.

We are doing a few things before dinner, movie and dream time but not much. It will still be early to dream. Of course, We are mostly in dream even before We give it Our full attention.

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