Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Another day of going back to dream over and over again (My friend)

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Another day of going back to dream over and over again (My friend)
Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:12:04 AM
Good morning. We got up early to go get rock for the drive and water at the spring. We had not really intended to get up quite this early but there You have it and here We are. We real-eyes that We are not really awake just out of bed. Partially typing and reading emails and partially dreaming. We do not remember dreaming anything while in bed. Perhaps it is because We are still wherever We were.
Our world is changing and We are changing.
We real-eyes that We no longer need anyOne else's agreement to be comfortable where We are. We are blazing trail. Not a lot of company doing that. We must be true to OurSelf and follow Our heart. This is not a popular journey, yet We know that others will join Us when “they” are ready. We also know that there are All-ready versions of “them” and Us waiting for Us to wake up.
Our feelings and perspective and life are more and more out of focus in limitation 3D and yet 3D is where We wake but it is less and less limited. It is hard to explain and understand because We still speak and think in limitation 3D language. However, We are feeling and experiencing beyond limitation 3D.
Just before going to bed We read about stepping out of time to go multidimensional and then returning a second before We left. We theel that We did this except We may have missed the coming back part, at least partially.
When We got home from getting rock and water We returned to dream. We woke several times and finally got up. We read a few emails and are just about ready to return to dream. We may do some decorating on Our path and fort but it does not feel like We are motorvated to do much else. We do feel the Fae and the magik. Perhaps We will slip out of time.
Well, We certainly have done good at going back to dream today. Practice makes perfect. In fact, if it wasn't so close to dinner We would do it again. As it is We will probably do early dinner and early to dream for the night.
Somewhere in the day We downloaded the latest version of OpenOffice. We usually wait a while to download any newest version of anything but there was a security alert about the old version so We upgraded. We will see how this goes. We deleted the old version completely from both laptop and desktop because of the security issue.
We are processing some incidents that We have been observing and mildly participating in. Each person has choices and One option is to stick to and demand Our limitations. The thing is that in this changing and expanding world, trying to stay in the old can get pretty uncomfortable. One reaction is to try to keep everyOne trapped with Us in Our “stuck in limitation” mode. This does not work but when We are stuck there, We don't know it isn't going to work. One reaction will be denial. We are gonna guess that this will be the most common reaction.
Those “others” whom We try to trap in limitation (the old and familiar world and energy in any form) may well react in a strong manner. This will probably shock Us for We will have deluded OurSelf into thinking We are right and in the right. After All, We are (would be) only acting out of Our old and familiar programing. When this happens: per Our old programing We will probably see OurSelves as the victim.
The pressure is likely to continue and only increase until We cry: “ENOUGH!” If and when this happens Our best option will be to take back Our power which We have given away. The pressure will probably continue until We do that.
Many of Us feel attacked and controlled by outside forces. We think We are slaves (because We are) but few real-eyes that We are also the slave holders. It is possible (and Our personal belief) that those controllers and seeming evil doers are actually acting out of love and trying to “force” Us to recognize who and what We are and take back Our power. This can be quite a conundrum for: as long as We give away Our power “they” will take it and use it to try to wake Us up.
Our beliefs create Our reality and it is very real even though it is impossible and built on lies and impossibilities. WE ARE that powerful.

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