Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A day of waking



A day of waking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:24:19 AM

Good morning. We are learning to live as expanding energy beans. This is taking a lot of adjusting as We have been mentioning. Last night We and Shadow were both quite restless. We do not really know what that is about except that We are learning to live in new ways. We are evolving and adapting. We kept repeating Our mantra: “Open, let go and allow.”

We barely remember anything else.

We keep getting messages/thoughts like: “We are living in a new world”, “We are transitioning” and such. We are reminded that being in a new/different world does not mean anything if We bring Our old mindset and beliefs. We are adjusting these and that is what We are going through.

We just remembered some stuff from last night: We experienced being Our others. We were living and experiencing in “their” bodies. We were kinda sliding around in and out of different bodies. It was quite and experience. Early in the night We spent a lot of time in world(s) where We can do no harm. It is really cool to be in these worlds but again it requires a change/shift/expansion in Our mindset and beliefs. We believe strongly in Our world the way We are experiencing it. In order for Our world to change first Our beliefs must change.

Letting go remains a real challenge for Us. It is (or certainly seems/feels to be) a crucial part of the new and We are really trying but We are also waking in between the old and the new. So, there is the challenge of still taking care of the old while embracing the new. This is NOT an easy balance to achieve, at least not for Us.

We have been doing a lot of feeling into and processing what We are feeling and going through right now. We recognize that Our feelings about Our gardening are a bit misdirected BUT We also recognize that We have worked very hard to maintain and preserve Our free time, Our time go in (with or without dreaming) and integrate Our multidimensionality. Our gardening (at least the way We did it this year) interferes with this. Or, We feel it does and that is somewhat the same thing.

We chose to do this to learn and We have learned and are learning. This is also part of Our transition and expansion. We see that We need to go about gardening a bit different next year. We were certainly correct about starting small but We should have started even smaller than We did. Hopefully some stuff will come back next year and thereafter with less need for attention from Us.

Another thing is that after spending the night mostly in worlds where We can do no harm and everything flourishes and live in harmony and co-operation and then to wake Once again in an apparent world of limitation and feel obligated to do” anything is harsh. It is probably a good thing that We channeled Our feelings at gardening rather than possibly aiming it at the kids.

We are not saying that We want to escape. We want to integrate and learn to live multidimensionally even when being and doing in a 3D world. We continue to believe that it is possible to be in 3D without being stuck in limitation. We certainly do not seem to have learned how just yet.

We are in process. That is rarely comfortable just as anything unfamiliar in uncomfortable.

Fortunately, now days We recognize that something is going on, that the energies are having “their” way with Us, that whatever is happening and We do NOT scream and yell and throw a tantrum (much) the way We used to. We are not depressed or angry, We are aware and there is a huge difference.

Also, there is smoke in the air even though We did not notice it very much at home. Hot, smoky, overcast. All these too have a baring on Our emotions. Add into the mix that We are feeling what the masses are feeling and is it any One-der that We are feeling. Is it not a grand thing that We are feeling and not medicating?

We are in transition and that is causing change. As much as We want change We hate it and as much as We hate change We want it.

Something shifted for Us somewhere in the afternoon. We are not sure what, why and/or how but We appreciate it. It may well be the processing and typing We did about it and it may be the incoming energy eased up and it may everything mixed together. It is still hot and smoky but there is a breeze that is helping some. We have a little more physical energy than We have had the last few days (especially after work) but mostly We are more aware of and focused in (or out) multidimensionality and expansion. Again, hard to really describe.

Something else dawned on Us this afternoon. This (what We call life in limitation 3D) really is a game. It is imaginary. It is a fantasy, high drama adventure based on impossible rules and fundamentals. It is a holographic game and instead of being set up, run and played on a computer it is generated from Our minds (somehow) and We forget/forgot that We are the programers and players and servers and the whole shebang. If, when We wake (instead of seeing OurSelf as stuck) We can remember that We have (obviously) chosen/lived to play another day that just might put it All in a brighter perspective. We are the hero, the villain and the victim. We shine at this game, We really do.

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