Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:27:00 AM
Good morning. There are sooooo many worlds where life is easier, where there is no struggle and strife and people care and share with each other. Where people want to be friends and comrades rather than combatants. This world is turning. We can live Our lives in harmony if We choose. This world was never meant to be a war zone, a battle between man and planet. It was just never meant to be so. We made it this way when We chose to pretend to be separate. We pretended very, very well.
Now, if We choose, We can transition into a world of ease, peace, prosperity and freedom. But, We must stop the struggle, even if only in Our minds for truly that is where the struggle began and where it must end.
Often/usually it is difficult to wake and get out of bed (though this has eased a lot since back when We began journaling Our process) because We usually spend the night in worlds of connection and limitlessness. In Our waking world: We do not know how to live without struggle and limitation. As much as We desire to be free, it is sooooo unfamiliar that when We first experience it, it scares the shit out of Us. Then We generally run back for the comfort (and imaginary security) of Our limits and Our struggle to survive. We know We are NOT unique in this experience.
Change is available but We (each and every One of Us) must embrace it.
Some thoughts this morning: When We plan, (and We spend a lot of time planning) We are planning for struggle and how to meet the “challenge” of living and survival. In the now there is rarely any struggle (unless We created some with Our planning). We can live in the now if We will allow it.
Open, let go and allow.
We get it that We are moving more and more towards harmony and freedom. We see many people focused on the struggle and that is “their” choice and We honor it. However, We do not have to join in. We can (and do) live side by side with “them”, We care about “them” but We can not and will NOT dishonor “their” choice(s).
Something came to mind earlier that We do not fully remember but it connects to this real-I-sation: “We have been pressuring OurSelf again.” Not as bad as before and We have let up from time to time but it is still there. It appears so that We can admit, own, honor and love it. Then We set it free.
We have actually done quite a bit and We have spent most of the day doing it but We do NOT know what it is. Whatever it was/is, it was/is what We want(ed) to do at the time. Whenever We start doing “stuff” We get sidetracked and We have been sidetracking quite well All day long. We have started tearing the roof off the old shed and that makes Us very happy. If We finish, We will be even happier.
Shadow is not following Us around everywhere We go, All the time like he used to. All-though We hate tripping over him or accidentally kicking him, it does make Us kinda sad that he just does not have the energy anymore. He does come out and check on Us and then go right back to bed. He even )All-most stayed inside and slept while We went outside to play. We gave him plenty of time to decide and he chose to go out and sleep under the porch. It may be a combo of the heat and the very active last few days We have had as well as his age.
We got the roof off the old shed. We are amazed (not to mention amazing) as well as wiped out. We really were beginning to think We would not even start the tearing down until after summer school.
We had trouble posting this All day and We were misreading the error message. We are quite certain We were in a reality with the opposite error message which made absolutely no sense. So here We go again.

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