Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Breaks, naps and progress



Breaks, naps and progress

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:20:18 AM

Good morning. Shadow spent most of the night outside. We are certain that he sent Us psychic messages when he was ready to come in because he was NOT making enough noise to wake Us. We were way too deep into dream. Then, a couple hours later (an hour after We get up on work days) he got up and came to check on Us. As soon as We got up (in case he needed to go out) he went back to bed and fell fast asleep. We laid in bed thinking about what We may want to do next on/for Our shed. Sometimes it helps to do this to avoid putting something where We want something else. That was the whole trip around the old shed, it was in the way of what We really want and it was ugly. We think that before We put up the next tarp and move stuff forward We should put the plastic pallets alongside (out of the way?) of where “they” will go. This should be easier than after the tarp is up (it may not be easy to walk around under it) and be nice to have “them” ready when We start to put “them” in.

What does All this have to do with being multidimensional? Well, remember We chose to have a physical experience. “Let's get physical”. Multi-D includes 3D and the physical, it just has a lot more than that too. Even though We are thinking and typing about the physical, We are also out and about (or in and about) and drifty. We are feeling Our faerie castle and the everything that We open to.

Our first trip outside We find that is kinda raining. Heavy, but intermittent rain. This is good, We need rain and it may be a good day to take it even easier and stay inside, unless (of course) We don't. We also have several inside things to do.

We are reminded that this is now a world of AND rather than either/or. We are expanding not contracting. There is a time to contract and it is necessary to stop and breathe. But, overAll, We are expanding. We embrace more rather than diminish what is different. Our strength IS in Our diversity.

We are sitting and drifting and wondering: “What do We want to do next?” The question should be: “What do We want to do now?” And hopefully the answer is: “This”. If it is not, hopefully We will change to doing what We want or wanting to do what We are doing.

We returned to dreaming and dreamt about transforming and transitioning Our world. We really can not describe what was/is happening but it felt like events that are actually going on that most of Us are unaware of. We are not sure why We woke and We may return again shortly.

It is nice to really feel okay with just going back to dream. We are really enjoying it. We have no idea what exactly We are dreaming but We wanted to stay there. We think it is about Our new world and apparently We are really happy with how it is shaping up.

Did We say that We wanted to stop putting stuff where We want something else? Is this the contrast that Abraham-Hicks speaks of? Our usable space is sooooo limited and it is sooooo easy to think (and act upon): “I will put this here, this is out of the way”. Then, a few minutes later We find something else that We want to move and the perfect place for it is......................... You guessed it. It certainly does emphasize the need for the shed We are starting to lay out and get the feel for how We want to proceed. The problem right now is getting the stored lumber out of the way and keep it dry. This part is coming along but it is a bit perplexing. We got most of the plastic pallets laid out on the bank (hopefully out of the way) next to where “they” will go.

Part of the difficulty We are in right now is that the rain is here, then gone, then back again. This limits Our ability to just move everything out of the way and start from scratch. Hmmmm, maybe.........

Breaks are a good thing.

We got some more rearranging and cleanup done. We have this “want” to fix the temporary storage better but then We stand back and ask: “What is wrong with the way it is?” Yes, One section needs work but not the other section. Why do We want to spend Our time and energy on something We do not want? It is a head thing and We can bless it and set it free. We are learning to let go. By just standing and looking We also see a place to store the lumber from the old shed where it is accessible it We do want to use it. Then We can put up the second tarp.

We watched the first half or so of “Cloud Atlas” online. It is intriguing. We are not impressed with the way the ultraviolet copy works. The download is too slow and takes way too much space and when We took a break and paused the stream We have to start over. We will watch it on DVD and We do NOT regret what We did watch online.

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