Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pondering and doing



Pondering and doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:49:34 AM

Good morning. A busy night. We woke several times but never remembered what We had been doing in Our sleep. Once again (starting about 1AM) Shadow was doing his nervous routine. He woke Us every couple hours after that. We got the feeling that he woke and real-eyesed that We were very far away (because of what We were doing in Our dream) and he came to bring Us back. We have online friends who say “they” used to function as tethers to keep Us from just drifting off and never coming back. We are not surprised at this but now it would seem that it is mostly Shadow who serves this way. There are also times that We do this with Shadow.

We woke from doing and documenting experiments in multidimensionality. We can not really describe “them”, “they” are too abstract. We did wake and think We wished We could do that in waking and real-eyesed that We are but without as much documenting. Right away Our head started trying to make mental lists of “to dos” for today (and then on into the rest of Our life) and We kept finishing each thought with: “let go”. This is how (at least for Us) We will be able to live consciously aware of being multidimensional. We just have to let go of the old limiting thoughts and beliefs. This is much easier said than done because of Our many lifetimes of experience and programing in separation and limitation. We really deep down believe in separation and limitation and everything that are built upon this belief and that support it.

So, We start where We are. This too is something that is hard to accept and do (at first anyway). Until a new way of being and doing becomes familiar it seems difficult. We are a living experiment at this. We are learning. It is getting easier and more normal (for Us) every day. We are opening, letting go, allowing and expanding.

We are reminded that it is not the doing” that locks Us into limitation 3D (that is the experience that We are after, the why” We are here). We can do” without requiring limitation but Our headminds do NOT know that (yet). It is the thinking, planning, worrying (not necessarily occurring together) that keeps Us locked in limitation. These may seem like fine lines and hare splitting (perhaps because “they” are) but these truly are (for Us personally anyway) the things (or some of the things) that have kept (and currently do keep) Us locked in limitation and separation.

This summer We were practicing keeping Our ideas as simply ideas and not plans and requirements. We did make a lot of progress but it does seem that somewhere along the way (perhaps when We returned to that concept commonly known as a job”) We slipped back into the limitation mindset.

We have decided to stay home today. We are happy with Our choice and Our head got busy again and Our heart is leading with: “We will let go. We are letting go.” This really is the current step in expanding and experiencing being multidimensional. We are learning and making progress.

We are practicing staying in the now and following Our heart. Our head keeps trying to plan and We keep letting go.

It is sooooo easy to slip into limitation thinking. We (probably everyOne) really do need a complete psychic change. We are actually excited as We view what is going on around Us. We know this is an opportunity of unparalleled possibilities (even when We get scared We still have this in Our heart).

As We have mentioned We are practicing staying in the now and doing”. This probably sounds simple but it isnot. Snot because We are programed to future trip and worry AND to do” for a goal not just for play and experience. We open, let go and allow. We have a batch of chili in the crockpot and are going to go outside and do” some things that We want to do. We have been watching some vids while We prepped the chili and just took it easy.

We are finding that much of what most people are writing and reading is still based in/on everyOne experiencing the same reality. This is because this is how most of Us still think and believe. There are a few who are beginning to see/feel/think beyond this. Perhaps at times We tend to sound/read like “this is THE way it is”. We really do not intend this but it is easy to talk about: “the way it is for Us” as if this is the way it is (or should be) for everyOne. We real-eyes this is just not the case. If it ever was it certainly is NOT any more.

We are enjoying Our laid back day AND getting the few things left (that We wanted to do before winter) done. We are also putting off several things that might be seen as needing” to be done because We just do NOT feel” that need. We open, let go, allow and expand AND it IS working for Us.

It's time to fix dinner and watch Star Trek AND We are definitely here AND there and We love it.

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