Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Doing and dreaming again



Doing and dreaming again

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:57:36 AM

Good morning. Lots of interesting worlds and lives last night. We do not remember much but We had a good time. There was more about Our current transition and We are certain that it is just to new and too much to bring into conscious awareness yet. Some (if not All) of Our current students visited Us. We nicknamed this group: “the world changers” because “they” are. “They” (for the most part) do not seem to be aware of this in Our waking world and that is okay.

We slept in a bit and got up thinking We could go back to dream any time and that feels like what We will be doing. Oh, We were aware during the night that this another ET contact weekend and that We are definitely having contact but NOT just on the weekend. A part of what is going on for Us is the space port that is here. There is a lot of energy work and shifting going on too.

On Our first trip outside this morning We can see/feel evidence of change or a slightly different world (and not just the seasonal change either) but the differences are subtle and would be easy to miss if We were not aware of what is going on (or at least part of it). We will probably work on Our truck/chariot/pickup today (or at least get ready to get started) but not until it warms up some. We are continuing to let go. Our head still hates that but Our heart is reassuring. Open, let go and allow. We are love learning to live as love in bodies.

We are choosing to stay in the now.

Another thing We just remembered from last night is sending energy to Our plants. We are comfortable inside with the temperature between 50 and 60F. Some plants are comfortable at that temperature also but Our tomatoes are definitely gonna havta learn to adapt. We also keep envisioning (or getting a mental image) of Our world flourishing All the time. This is the world We want as Our primary residence. We can visit other worlds whenever We want but We no longer wish to fall in and forget how to get up.

We returned to dream and went deep but did not seem to go to sleep. We had several ideas appear and are allowing “them” to be ideas and NOT plans and/or mandates. We may go outside and play with Our plants a little while We wait for it to warm up. It was barely above freezing when We first went outside. We have a bag of steer manure that We would like to put on some of Our plants that We put in the ground. We wonder if Shadow will dig it out but We may just do it and let it be whatever it is. We are clear that We are doing a slightly different type of gardening than other people. It can be difficult to stay in this “different” mindset but We do keep coming back to it. And, like yesterday, We are reminded that it is okay to slip back and forth. That is part of the process and experience.

Open, let go and allow.

No real surprise that when We moved the dragon so We could park the chariot in that spot (levelish area and easier to access there) it started leaking again. We theel there are many reasons for this. (Multi being an ongoing theme) We did notice that the serpentine belt has a lot of cracks and We would probably benefit from changing it before it gets really cold. We are Once again in a different world and in this One the dragon leaks and needs/wants some healing. Last night We were in a world where the dragon either never leaked or has been healed.

We made Our usual trip to town and got a new serpentine belt. We helped Our friends with some yardwork that “they” needed some help with. We played cards and went out for hamburgers at a place We have been wanting to try. When We returned home We are quickly being drawn into dream.

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