Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:10:19 AM

Good morning. We do not remember what We were dreaming (just before We woke) but We woke thinking: “We are just a little limb and this is a big tree”. Cool. (Yes, We know We are more but this was a comparison and it was a dream.) We did visit lots of worlds where We are free and We played with lots of new and old friends. We like being free even if We are still a little scared of letting go of the familiar (slavery).

We visited the kids who were having a rough day yesterday and did what We could to assist “them”.

We are also reminded that the money stuff going on (for many, many people) is simply not Our job. We did visit bunch of different versions of transitional worlds in Our dreams last night or the night before or the night before that or All of the above. It will All meld and blend together and We will share Our (everyOne's) different stories when We gather around the campfire. We still long to see everyOne reaching for (and obtaining) more but for some that is not “their” part, at least not yet. We do recognize that We need each piece of the puzzle and no piece is greater than another. However, the last piece will feel like the greatest triumph (if there is a last piece: this may be the never ending puzzle).

Part of Our current feelings about those hanging on the hope and expectation of the RV and such (especially dates) is that We hate to see “them” disappointed Once again. However, that is thinking that it won't happen. Even if it does not happen in Our uni-verse (We are expecting something even better just like We did with 12/21/12) it will happen is some (maybe many) uni-verses. Even though for Us it feels like a distraction, that is Our perspective and for others it is different.

Another thought: “It's not broken. We are changing it. (to suit Us)” This is easier to accept and works better in multiD than it appears to in limitation 3D.

Another insight: We (personally and probably collectively) try to “figure out” what the result of the shift and change and evolution will look like, thereby limiting it. We (personally AND collectively) have been doing this for eons. We are so used to only changing outside things and events through outer action that We truly believe this is the only way it can be done and that it is a necessary step. It may well be a chosen step but not a necessary One. We have forgotten that Our world is the projection of Our inner world. Scary thought (and belief) that. No Oneder We forgot.

In Our visits to many versions of Our transitional world We saw worlds where an individual did not follow the mass consciousness but chose “their” own path. We saw worlds where everyOne followed the herd. We are surprised to real-eyes that there were more of the former type worlds AND those were populated with the same people as the latter. These are hard concepts for the 3D (limitation oriented and finite) mind/head to accept.

We are learning and changing. We remembered to that We truly do want to be aware of All these worlds and versions and even visit most/many. What We do not want to keep repeating is being stuck in One version only. Not even an expanded version thinking it IS the ONLY way. That is another lie and the only way anyOne would believe it is if “they” tell it to “themSelf”.

We are opening, letting go and allowing. We repeated this many times in Our dreams. We also experienced being the observer of many worlds. This is nice but it really does fall short of being the experiencer. We just want to learn/remember how to experience without falling in. We have experienced falling in quite thoroughly, We theel. Now, We are changing the rules to experience while knowing there is more and remembering that We can return here (everywhere) whenever We choose. That is a line from/for bringing a person out of trance in limitation 3D. In expansion We are certainly in a trance right now and are waking being woken.

Interesting too that even with All We are experiencing and learning/remembering, Our head tries to worry and find fear. Let go and allow. We are changing this to suit Us.
The kids who were having a rough day yesterday were doing better today.  "They" did sleep most of the ride again this morning.

The kindergarten boy told Us some interesting things this morning.  (He is One We connected with last year and he remembered Us this year.  Some days he wants to sit alone but today he asked if We would like to sit with him.  He told Us that leopards have purple spots.  We said that We did not know that and it is a good thing We sat next to him so that he could tell Us.

He told Us that tigers live in the new earth.  We asked if he could go to the new earth and he said that he could ""boing" and go there but it is not his world.  He told Us something else amazing which We promptly forgot.

One boy who had a rough day yesterday (and We thought might be mad at Us for some reason) wanted t hold Our hand on the walk from the bus into school.  This is a first for him.

The middleschooler seemed more relaxed with Us today.  He is testing the water to see how much he can trust Us.

The preschoolers were a delight as usual.  One likes to sit alone and the other likes Us to sit next to him.  Both like to play silly games and so do We.  Sometimes "they" make up the game, sometimes We do.

We continue to have experiences of living multiD and in multiworlds.  Often it is in ways that used to really frustrate Us.  We are finding out how much We used to resist being multidimensional.

Somewhere during the day We were pondering how when We have little or nothing to say about Our day, Our time with the kids it does NOT mean nothing happened or that We did not enjoy OurSelf.  Just being in the kids energy is healing and expanding.  Even though there may not be anything moving, touching or exciting to share it does NOT mean nothing happened.

The energy of the youngstars is incredible, even when We do not understand it.  We may just relax in it, play games with "them" and/or observe "their" behaviours.  That may not be much to type about but it does help Us grow and remember.  It definitely helps Us.  It helps Us get out of the mindset of worry if nothing else.

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