Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Doing AND expanding



Doing AND expanding

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:09:23 AM

Good morning. More visits to lives/worlds where We are beginning to live communally and in community. We are really enjoying these visits to these lives though “they” do take a bit of getting used to. We are very cautious about both Our own privacy and not encroaching on Our space/boundaries and about the comfort and privacy of Our others. EveryOne is being very cooperative and caring with each other. EveryOne seems to get it that “they” are free to do and be as “they” choose. Apparently that is Our concern. We still carry the old idea of rules.

This brings up another point. We have actually discussed it a while back but it comes up again. If We do not change, these other worlds will still be limited and restricted by Our old beliefs, thoughts and behaviors. Even if Our old mindset only restricts how much fun We can have that is a big thing. Our attitude could infect an entire world. We have evidence of that in Our current waking world.

Also, We are reminded how much We cling to Our memory of “how Our world is” and how this binds Us to the old. Open, let go and allow. Stay in the now. Release Our old memories and beliefs. This opens the door of possibilities for the new and the now.

We are expanding and changing sooooo much yet it is still easy to revert to the old. We often resist waking in the morning because We do not to leave the freedom of Our dreams and yet it is Us who bind OurSelf to the old. Yes, We wake in the physical. That is what We want to play in and experience. We get to choose whether We play in the old limited physical or play in the new with totally open potential. The trick here is that We belief (when We wake and then carry this belief on into Our day) that the physical “must” be limited. This is not law and/or truth, it is merely a belief. Our beliefs frame and establish the world We live in. Again, this is a hard concept to grasp because for eons We have trained OurSelf to belief and live as if Our outside world/influences/bogeymen control Our world and life. Pound something into Our head for enough lifetimes and it gets stuck and is hard to expand.

Once again We are reminded that We have All-ways found that it works best to add something new to the mix rather than trying to eradicate the old. The old served a purpose and We may wish to revisit that with added insights and expanded beliefs. We really do create Our reality. We can sense that We have softened and loosened the chains and bonds and limits on Our world. We are reminded that a slow and gentle process works best for Us. This does not mean that We need to slip back or stagnate. We just need to remember to be open. We are making great progress.

This concept of being creators and living in Our power is exciting and frightening at the same time. We sense that a big part is fear of misusing Our power. We are convinced that We misused Our power in the passed. This is a common misconception and it is well driven into Our psyche. It may well be One of the deepest rooted beliefs and fail safes that We installed. Perhaps We placed it there for: “when All else fails”. When We set up this game We wanted to ensure that We stayed in until We were completely ready to change, expand, and/or play by new rules (or leave All together). We desired to wring everything We could from this experience. We did good.

Now We are connecting again. Society and All the controls in Our world have established some real and deep taboos to keep Us from reconnecting. We continue to be amazed at how well We set this whole game up. When We hit One wall and turn We seem to immediately hit another. No Oneder We give up and give in sooooo easily. The thing is that the only way out is through. Many do not want out. The mass decision whether to really change and wake or just have a nicer life as is has yet to be reached but it does appear that the majority just want it nicer. Without inside that will not last.

What many of Us do not get is that Our leaders and bad guys” are doing is trying to help/force Us to wake and be who We are. That is the purpose of trouble. We are living in that (personally and collectively). If We just put another band aid on this festering sore it will fester and erupt again soon. We can choose that if We want and then more experience will be the result. Or We can expand and begin living (more and more) as who We really are.

Another thing that We run into when beginning to live in Our power (or even just consider it) is that We do know that Our head does NOT know what We really want or have Our best interest (expansion, waking, living in Our power, etc.) in mind. However, making these choices is NOT the first step. Choosing to begin and letting Our heart lead the way are the first steps. We started to say: “let Our heart take charge” but We real-eyesed that taking charge” is part of the old and part of what got Us where We are.

So, We can choose (consciously and repeatedly) to begin living in Our power, living as who/what We really are. We choose to let Our heart lead the way. We can view Our world, Our hologram and acknowledge it for what it is: Our projection. This is more than philosophy, it is practical application. We have held this as a possibility and philosophy for some time now (many people have). Now, it is the time of stepping into the practical application. That is the difference between now and then.

We are having another experience of slipping in and out of time and in multiworlds. Another experience that We used to label as bad” and try to avoid and escape and deny.

We are love learning how to live as love wearing and using bodies to experience and explore the physical. The physical is NOT restricted to limitation. That is just a belief that We explored. We explored it so well that We All-most wore it out.

We returned to dream and had a good time but that is All We remember. It seems to have stopped raining for Us so We will start putting the snow tires on the truck soon. With rain All-most every day and temperatures in the 40's it could easily snow soon.

So, We started the preparations for putting the snow tires on the truck. It turned out it had not stopped raining it was just being quieter while raining quite hard. We decided to go ahead and the rain seemed to pretty much stop for Us. We do like to do this in stages as since We are not used to a lot of what it takes We do tire (ooooo, bad pun) and like to take lots of breaks. Breaks seem to be part of 5D or at least transition.

There seems to be quite a bit online about the same things We are experiencing.

Something just flashed: sometime during the week We had another insight into vampires and why “they” have been portrayed as evil, blood suckers. It is about remembering that We really are immortal. That would be a terrible thing so the easiest way to deal with that is to make “them” evil, very evil. Another example of good We did. We were pondering what might happen when We really wake. Long have We feared that We would either just disappear abandoning friends, family and pet. Either that or need to be cared for by others because Our body would be here but Our mind would not. This time the thought occurred to Us that We might just be frozen in time (or stop aging while time passed by for most or everyOne else). This (of course) brought up the image and stories of vampires.

As We were waking (and off and on All morning) We remembered and felt that We ARE in/on a ship. We know that Our dragon and truck are also shuttle craft. Somewhere in the night or morning We had visions of how We have disguised the flight path from here (Our cabin is a ship and space port both, don't ask Us how that works as We do NOT know yet.) to town to appear/seem to be roads mostly through forests from up in the hills down into the valley/plateau where town is. Remember, this is All holographic. Often We feel and talk and type about this being a communication center. That is part of Our task/ assignment/mission. Even just remembering this differently vibrating reality would be a major part of the mission, a huge step forward.

All the snowtires appear to be on the truck and everything is temporarily put away to dry (hopefully anyway). We have not decided where to store the plywood for winter and have no intention of dealing with that this weekend. Now We want to spend the rest of Our day cooking and drifting into multiworlds and multiD. There were several times (outside) when We caught glimpses (and sensed and felt) Our expanded world including the space port. This is connected to the faerie castle that We have known is here for about twenty years.

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