Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, September 30, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:46:01 AM

Good morning. We had a lot of fun last night. We do not remember what We did except that We were playing with the youngstars. Once again We were living in a group home or a tight nit community or maybe both. We played, that is what We did, that is what We are meant to do. Youngstars are very creative at figuring out games to play and We are getting good at joining in.

We have vague memories of flying amongst the stars. Of course Our waking head does not want to remember that. That is freedom and limitlessness in action and Our head does not (yet) believe that We can be limitless and free. We are limitless and free whether We believe it or not. We must learn to believe it to experience it. That is where We are headed.

As We wake, Our head wants to plan Our day but it can not imagine having a day of living limitlessly. The things We would do are not even in the realm of believable in a limitation and separation reality. We will play with the stars and the faeries. We will fly Our shuttlecraft and give first timers the ride of “their” life and soon this will become mundane and We will have to stretch Our imagination to find more adventures to have and play to be done.

That's Our story and We're stickin' to it. We are going to explore the multiverse today.

Yes, this is definitely a day of learning to be limitless in a limited world. We really can not even imagine the possibilities. We certainly can not (yet) imagine this physical world without limits. At least We can believe that it is possible. That is the difficulty with trying to imagine and figure out what expansion and Our new earth will be like. What We can imagine (by trying) is totally limited. Limitation is really All that Our head knows. Our head is not to blame here, limitation is All that it has experienced and it functions in and from experience. That is the headmind's function and it does very well at what it is designed to do. (A small revelation here for Us because We have been One-da-ring just what the head is really for so that We can honor it and allow it to do its job.)

So, We can not imagine what today will bring and hold but We CAN allow it. We can open, let go and allow.

When We first read Illusions by Richard Bach: We were very drawn to the line(s): “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough, 'they' are Yours.” We did not have a clue the depth and breadth of this. In fact We argued (in Our head) that We were NOT arguing for Our limitations. Now, We see how much We have argued for and demanded Our limitations in the many years (say somewhere over 25 years) since then. We see many people who do the same and just like Us “they” say: “this is the real world”. It' snot. It's the make believe world and We make believe very, very good. All these limits and boundaries are pretend. It may be All We know (so far) but it is a fantasy. Yes, We have been living in a fantasy island All of Our many physical lives. (Earth is a living island in space)

All of Our should(s) and must(s) and rules and regulations and needs and on and on(s) are limits and lies. “They” may not be lies if We remember that “they” are pretend but when We believe that “they” rule Our lives and that is the way it MUST be: that is the lie. So, We open, let go and allow. Then We open, let go and allow again. We may only have small successes and observe tiny footsteps on the path but that is okay. That is how We fully experience every piece and bit and nuance of the transition. We can savor every crumb (even while We are hating it for that too is an experience). We are typing to OurSelf every bit as much as to anyOne else. Again from Illusions: “We teach best what We most need to learn”.

We are also doing some computer stuff, Our computer sometimes seems to reset itSelf and We do not All-ways like what it did. It looks like We were successful AND We think We go Amazon Instant Video set up on Our Wii. It does not look like We have a way to watch Blockbuster on demand on Our TV until (and even this is a maybe) We get a USB to USB cable. “They” are cheap on Amazon but expensive locally. We are also getting ready to do dishes. We are doing All of this as an experience in living in limitation while knowing that We are actually limitless. It is easy to forget but We are making progress.

We remind OurSelf that this is part of the experience which We have chosen to experience. We are also feeling AND feeling into Our expanded Self/Selves and world. As far as We can tell this is One of those: “You have to be there to get it” experiences.

Dishes got done and the oil barrel got filled. We were here for most of it AND We are also there. We are learning. We watched Our new “Celtic Thunder” video while doing dishes. We were not impressed the first few songs and there were even some songs We did not care for at All. But when it ended We wanted it to keep going and We were thinking: “Pretty awesome”.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pondering and doing



Pondering and doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:49:34 AM

Good morning. A busy night. We woke several times but never remembered what We had been doing in Our sleep. Once again (starting about 1AM) Shadow was doing his nervous routine. He woke Us every couple hours after that. We got the feeling that he woke and real-eyesed that We were very far away (because of what We were doing in Our dream) and he came to bring Us back. We have online friends who say “they” used to function as tethers to keep Us from just drifting off and never coming back. We are not surprised at this but now it would seem that it is mostly Shadow who serves this way. There are also times that We do this with Shadow.

We woke from doing and documenting experiments in multidimensionality. We can not really describe “them”, “they” are too abstract. We did wake and think We wished We could do that in waking and real-eyesed that We are but without as much documenting. Right away Our head started trying to make mental lists of “to dos” for today (and then on into the rest of Our life) and We kept finishing each thought with: “let go”. This is how (at least for Us) We will be able to live consciously aware of being multidimensional. We just have to let go of the old limiting thoughts and beliefs. This is much easier said than done because of Our many lifetimes of experience and programing in separation and limitation. We really deep down believe in separation and limitation and everything that are built upon this belief and that support it.

So, We start where We are. This too is something that is hard to accept and do (at first anyway). Until a new way of being and doing becomes familiar it seems difficult. We are a living experiment at this. We are learning. It is getting easier and more normal (for Us) every day. We are opening, letting go, allowing and expanding.

We are reminded that it is not the doing” that locks Us into limitation 3D (that is the experience that We are after, the why” We are here). We can do” without requiring limitation but Our headminds do NOT know that (yet). It is the thinking, planning, worrying (not necessarily occurring together) that keeps Us locked in limitation. These may seem like fine lines and hare splitting (perhaps because “they” are) but these truly are (for Us personally anyway) the things (or some of the things) that have kept (and currently do keep) Us locked in limitation and separation.

This summer We were practicing keeping Our ideas as simply ideas and not plans and requirements. We did make a lot of progress but it does seem that somewhere along the way (perhaps when We returned to that concept commonly known as a job”) We slipped back into the limitation mindset.

We have decided to stay home today. We are happy with Our choice and Our head got busy again and Our heart is leading with: “We will let go. We are letting go.” This really is the current step in expanding and experiencing being multidimensional. We are learning and making progress.

We are practicing staying in the now and following Our heart. Our head keeps trying to plan and We keep letting go.

It is sooooo easy to slip into limitation thinking. We (probably everyOne) really do need a complete psychic change. We are actually excited as We view what is going on around Us. We know this is an opportunity of unparalleled possibilities (even when We get scared We still have this in Our heart).

As We have mentioned We are practicing staying in the now and doing”. This probably sounds simple but it isnot. Snot because We are programed to future trip and worry AND to do” for a goal not just for play and experience. We open, let go and allow. We have a batch of chili in the crockpot and are going to go outside and do” some things that We want to do. We have been watching some vids while We prepped the chili and just took it easy.

We are finding that much of what most people are writing and reading is still based in/on everyOne experiencing the same reality. This is because this is how most of Us still think and believe. There are a few who are beginning to see/feel/think beyond this. Perhaps at times We tend to sound/read like “this is THE way it is”. We really do not intend this but it is easy to talk about: “the way it is for Us” as if this is the way it is (or should be) for everyOne. We real-eyes this is just not the case. If it ever was it certainly is NOT any more.

We are enjoying Our laid back day AND getting the few things left (that We wanted to do before winter) done. We are also putting off several things that might be seen as needing” to be done because We just do NOT feel” that need. We open, let go, allow and expand AND it IS working for Us.

It's time to fix dinner and watch Star Trek AND We are definitely here AND there and We love it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:23 AM

Good morning. Another busy night but again it remains just out of grasp by Our waking mind. There was a lot about Our transition and We remember that We had fun playing with many new friends. We can tell that the information is lodged in Our conscious just not in Our 3D awareness.

Shadow woke a couple of hours early and was doing his nervous routine for about an hour. We could feel the energies too but not sure what it was/is about.

We love being with the kids and being able to slip back into dream a lot during Our day but We would like to dream more each night too. Hopefully soon We will change Our way of exploring the physical.

It did seem like Our demon is close by and observing and interacting with Us again.

As We have the thought: “We need to remember to ….....” We get it that if We completely forgot We might never return to a place where that needs to be done. We are reminded that: “broken”, “wrong” and any such concepts are limitation and separation beliefs and concepts. “They” do not occur or exist in the real world. “They” are only imaginary and fantasies. Even dirty is a limitation concept.

We really do need to let go rather than remember to …... Open, let go and allow and expand.

Our head wants to plan and worry while Our heart wants to let go and forget (forget limitation and separation ideals). Our head says it can “fix it” (whatever it” might be at any given moment) and save Us. Of course, We see” evidence of what Our brain is saying because We create the evidence to support Our belief(s). That is the true nature of Our make believe world. It is made up of (and populated by) thoughts from Our fears. Only when We let go do We begin to see/feel evidence of the real world.

Our head creates a fantasy world and then wants/tries to save Us from the disaster (whatever) that it is creating. It only tangles Us in a web that We can face and bless and set free but can never untangle. Like quicksand: the more We struggle the more stuck We get. It seems like human nature to struggle and resist. It is NOT. It is make believe nature.

BTW: We are looking forward to Our three day weekend. Open, let go, allow and expand.

We are grateful for these pitfalls because “they” are an opportunity to let go and grow. This is the meaning of “doing/creating it for OurSelf rather than doing it to OurSelf”.

Most people (including Us in the passed and sometimes currently) think: “If I had more money that would solve My problems” when the truth is that more money only creates more problems. The problems come from (are created by) Our head not Our bank account. This does NOT mean get rid of Our head. Quite the opposite. Our head can imagine and create. We just need to redirect it from fear to expansion (not sure what word We really want to use there, perhaps there is no word that is really accurate).

Our day is fairly typical. Whenever there are no students on the bus We go to dream. We know that Our autistic students are definitely helping Us and We are connecting more and more with “them”. Our middleschooler actually spoke to Us. Until We asked him a question. Remember the boy in the wheelchair last year who let Us know he did NOT like being asked stupid questions like: “How are You?” or “What did You do today?”. We get it that Our middleschooler is the same way. We do remain A-dult and ask such stupid questions. Very few of Our students respond. The thing is: We actually do care how “they” are but “they” are familiar with being asked this without anyOne waiting for or listening to the answer. We are probably One of the very few people in “their” world who even notice that “they” do not answer.

We really are grateful for the help the autists are giving Us AND for how “they” are allowing Us into “their” world(s). Yes, it seems like the door is opening slowly and We are okay with that.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Expanding dream



Expanding dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:12:20 AM

Good morning. Our expansion continues. This is not just a philosophy. It is a living experience. It is somewhat popular to view and discuss this as a philosophy but We are living it. We remember that We are blazing trail. Some of what We are visioning and experiencing is quite mind blowing. We ask: “How do We change?” The answer of course is: “By doing what We are doing”. Then We think: “But We want to do it faster: instantly”. We are quickly reminded that We really do NOT want to do it faster and certainly NOT instantly. This gradual process is mind blowing (and circuit blowing) enough. To instantly jump from where, what and who We currently are to what We have little, bitty glimpses and intuits and feelings of, would freak Us out. To put it mildly.

Again, We see why We do not remember Our recent dreams. And speaking of: We had an very interesting encounter with Our demon last night. We got lots more information and insights through out the night and these are becoming more concrete(ish) and viable for Us. Then We were on a cruise ship (water going not space or then again????). Anyway, We landed at a place that is new to Us. There was One youngstar in Our group who lived there. He could act as a guide if We wanted. The thing is that he would hang back and let Us go wherever We wanted and do whatever We wanted and unless We asked for help or advice or assistance he would just observe Us.

We were on a landing or beach and the city was on top of a large hill above Us. We asked the youngstar how to get up there. He answered: “However You want”. We did not think that was much of an answer. We saw a path, the type commonly called a goat path. It was extremely steep and had some kind of mat on it. If We walked on the mat if stayed in place but it We tried to hold onto the mat it just slipped down the incline. When We let go it went back into place. A very new experience. The path was nearly perpendicular and We were unable to climb it. We asked if that is the way up. “If You want”. Really not much help.

We felt that We knew there was at least One other way. We turned around and went the other direction. We would expect this to be going back the way We came but it was new. We saw a store or gift shop. It was many stories tall and set into the cliff. It All-most looked like the trail ended at the door but We knew that was an illusion of sorts. We All went inside and noticed that there were ladders on the wall. These were not easy to climb ladders. “They” barely stuck out from the wall at All and went straight up the walls to landings or ledges and then there were other ladders (same type: straight up with little space between ladder and wall) further along the wall (on the landing or ledge the lower ladder had reached) that led higher up. Climbing the wall would be done in a series of up One ladder, along a ledge to another ladder, up that to another ledge and on and on. The wall appeared over a hundred feet tall (or more) and the ladders varied in length.

We asked the youngstar if this was the way the villagers got up and down the hill and he said: “If 'they' want”. We real-eyesed that neither the first path or the ladders looked worn and used enough to be a common way to climb up to the town. We went back outside and found that the path continued on through some very lovely scenery. As We walked along We found that We were climbing very gently and even though it was slow, gentle and gradual We quickly found OurSelves far up the hill and at the town. It really was like magik.

The youngstar had a cat-got-the-canary grin on his face. We really wanted to slap him, We mean really wanted to slap him. As everyOne was finding and choosing rooms and roommates We told the youngstar: “We should make You stay with Us just to punish You”. He grinned even more. We admitted that punishment was not in order and not what We would do even if it was. We asked him where was going to stay and he said: “With You”. We were shocked to Our core. That was when We recognized him. He is Our demon. Now he became very friendly and helpful and was having a great belly laugh at All that had transpired.

We certainly see a lot of metaphor about Our current journey in this dream. There have been several times (since Our last dream of Our demon) when We have wondered about him and All-ways him near by and watching. We knew he is there if and when We need him.

We are reminded that much of that which is coming up and out (for Us in Our daily life) is coming up for release. No need for deep introspection and such just observe, bless and release (set it free with love). We are also reading many things that confirm what We are experiencing.

Our day was pretty typical with nothing much to report except that We are aware of Our demons presence a lot. We can not tell if any of the students notice him or not.

It did seem easier to recognize and let go of Our old thinking and fears.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Experiencing Our behaviour



Experiencing Our behaviour

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:18:20 AM

Good morning. We remember being very busy in several different worlds and receiving quite a bit of information. We just do not remember what it was or what We did. Must have been stuff that Our waking head can not relate to. Yet, We do feel different this morning, less attached to limitation 3D. Like maybe We really are beginning to let go? Imagine that.

Our head is still trying to find something to worry about but it is a weak and feeble effort. We remember that looking for physical evidence is rather lame too. That evidence is as steady as sand in a wind storm. We are free. We are pondering how much We desire for All people to be able to live as equals.

Yes, We definitely feel some shift and change in Us AND in Our world. It is not something We can describe or show evidence of. That is more old mindset. This is new, it is subtle yet major and important. Like a gentle breeze that carries storm clouds over the horizon.

We real-eyes (We feel it) that even though it seems/looks/appears like We wake each morning to the same ol', same ol': We wake to new opportunities. It is up to Us to choose. This is One of the gifts of spending Our day with the youngstars. “Their” energy is fresh and new. Certainly, in this day and age “they” too get bogged down with the cares and affairs of limitation 3D. Especially since We are taking “them” to school” and some are picking up the angst, the concern, the anxiety of “their” parents and other A-dults. This is easy to forget and think “they” are only acting out “their” personal dramas. How familiar is that? We often think that everything that We feel is Ours. This morning We are reading Suzanne Lie's post from yesterday. It is a great description of what We are feeling and experiencing. check it out here How does One describe and show evidence of the landing of Our multidimensional mind?

It is Our choice (each and everyOne gets to choose for “themSelves” and “their” are different versions of each of Us that makes different choices) whether to remain attached to limitation and that hologram/vibration/resonance or to let go and expand. All that is important is the experience. Which choice We choose to experience is really of minor import. That too is easy to forget.

We are reminded that some/many/most/All of the things We resist and even disdain are the very things that may set Us free. Feeling free is also something that We resist even though We desire it more than We desire gold.

We continue to learn from and about Our students. We found that another highschooler is sensitive to volume (things like voices and the radio). We saw him cover his ears and asked if the radio was too loud for him. He said yes and We had the driver turn it down. We told him that if anything like that bothered him to let Us know. He looked shocked. Perhaps noOne has shown him this consideration and respect before? He is very shy and quiet and We get the feeling that he does not think he is important and/or that he matters.

The autistic highschooler was out sick over a week. We found out after that he had eaten an entire can of cayenne pepper. WOW. His first day back he definitely made eye contact with Us. There is a growing bond and connection. At school there were some behaviour issues but he continues to do great on the bus. We can tell that he really does like the One-on-One attention that We are able to give him and he does like Us to sit close but NOT right in front of him.

The middleschooler is talking more on the bus. Not talking to Us but obviously more comfortable talking in front of Us. The preschoolers are a delight as usual and the One who did NOT want Us to sit next to him, asked Us to sit next to him. The gradeschoolers are doing great at talking and playing quietly on the bus and taking turns at being first in line (and staying in line) on the walk into the school. One girl suggest that We make another rule and We said that kids could do that if “they” want but that We do not like a lot of rules and did NOT want to make another rule.

We are experiencing and seeing how much We still live in and cling to the old beliefs, the old paradigm. We are willing to change, We want to change but it sure feels like We also demand the old and argue for Our limitations. Actually, the arguing is much, much less when We recognize what We are doing. However: We very easily and quickly revert to following Our old ways (those ways based in/on limitation and separation).

This is (can be) a bit frustrating but We are reminded that We are learning a brand new way to live. In that context We are taking on a lot and doing very well. There are just sooooo many cases and examples of how We normally just stick with limitation values, ideas and ideals. Often, We try to change One aspect of this and make it “better”. This/these change(s) are in the moment and may not last; We may not even want “them” to last. The change into seeing (and living in) the world as it really is (All connected and limitless) will/can last.

We are willing to make this change. We are actually grateful that is happening gradually for Us but We also want to be an expert the first time We get on that bike.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:10:19 AM

Good morning. We do not remember what We were dreaming (just before We woke) but We woke thinking: “We are just a little limb and this is a big tree”. Cool. (Yes, We know We are more but this was a comparison and it was a dream.) We did visit lots of worlds where We are free and We played with lots of new and old friends. We like being free even if We are still a little scared of letting go of the familiar (slavery).

We visited the kids who were having a rough day yesterday and did what We could to assist “them”.

We are also reminded that the money stuff going on (for many, many people) is simply not Our job. We did visit bunch of different versions of transitional worlds in Our dreams last night or the night before or the night before that or All of the above. It will All meld and blend together and We will share Our (everyOne's) different stories when We gather around the campfire. We still long to see everyOne reaching for (and obtaining) more but for some that is not “their” part, at least not yet. We do recognize that We need each piece of the puzzle and no piece is greater than another. However, the last piece will feel like the greatest triumph (if there is a last piece: this may be the never ending puzzle).

Part of Our current feelings about those hanging on the hope and expectation of the RV and such (especially dates) is that We hate to see “them” disappointed Once again. However, that is thinking that it won't happen. Even if it does not happen in Our uni-verse (We are expecting something even better just like We did with 12/21/12) it will happen is some (maybe many) uni-verses. Even though for Us it feels like a distraction, that is Our perspective and for others it is different.

Another thought: “It's not broken. We are changing it. (to suit Us)” This is easier to accept and works better in multiD than it appears to in limitation 3D.

Another insight: We (personally and probably collectively) try to “figure out” what the result of the shift and change and evolution will look like, thereby limiting it. We (personally AND collectively) have been doing this for eons. We are so used to only changing outside things and events through outer action that We truly believe this is the only way it can be done and that it is a necessary step. It may well be a chosen step but not a necessary One. We have forgotten that Our world is the projection of Our inner world. Scary thought (and belief) that. No Oneder We forgot.

In Our visits to many versions of Our transitional world We saw worlds where an individual did not follow the mass consciousness but chose “their” own path. We saw worlds where everyOne followed the herd. We are surprised to real-eyes that there were more of the former type worlds AND those were populated with the same people as the latter. These are hard concepts for the 3D (limitation oriented and finite) mind/head to accept.

We are learning and changing. We remembered to that We truly do want to be aware of All these worlds and versions and even visit most/many. What We do not want to keep repeating is being stuck in One version only. Not even an expanded version thinking it IS the ONLY way. That is another lie and the only way anyOne would believe it is if “they” tell it to “themSelf”.

We are opening, letting go and allowing. We repeated this many times in Our dreams. We also experienced being the observer of many worlds. This is nice but it really does fall short of being the experiencer. We just want to learn/remember how to experience without falling in. We have experienced falling in quite thoroughly, We theel. Now, We are changing the rules to experience while knowing there is more and remembering that We can return here (everywhere) whenever We choose. That is a line from/for bringing a person out of trance in limitation 3D. In expansion We are certainly in a trance right now and are waking being woken.

Interesting too that even with All We are experiencing and learning/remembering, Our head tries to worry and find fear. Let go and allow. We are changing this to suit Us.
The kids who were having a rough day yesterday were doing better today.  "They" did sleep most of the ride again this morning.

The kindergarten boy told Us some interesting things this morning.  (He is One We connected with last year and he remembered Us this year.  Some days he wants to sit alone but today he asked if We would like to sit with him.  He told Us that leopards have purple spots.  We said that We did not know that and it is a good thing We sat next to him so that he could tell Us.

He told Us that tigers live in the new earth.  We asked if he could go to the new earth and he said that he could ""boing" and go there but it is not his world.  He told Us something else amazing which We promptly forgot.

One boy who had a rough day yesterday (and We thought might be mad at Us for some reason) wanted t hold Our hand on the walk from the bus into school.  This is a first for him.

The middleschooler seemed more relaxed with Us today.  He is testing the water to see how much he can trust Us.

The preschoolers were a delight as usual.  One likes to sit alone and the other likes Us to sit next to him.  Both like to play silly games and so do We.  Sometimes "they" make up the game, sometimes We do.

We continue to have experiences of living multiD and in multiworlds.  Often it is in ways that used to really frustrate Us.  We are finding out how much We used to resist being multidimensional.

Somewhere during the day We were pondering how when We have little or nothing to say about Our day, Our time with the kids it does NOT mean nothing happened or that We did not enjoy OurSelf.  Just being in the kids energy is healing and expanding.  Even though there may not be anything moving, touching or exciting to share it does NOT mean nothing happened.

The energy of the youngstars is incredible, even when We do not understand it.  We may just relax in it, play games with "them" and/or observe "their" behaviours.  That may not be much to type about but it does help Us grow and remember.  It definitely helps Us.  It helps Us get out of the mindset of worry if nothing else.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Curious developments



Curious developments

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:45:47 AM

Good morning. We woke several times during the night but not as often as the night before. We did NOT want to get up on time this morning but just a few minutes later We were ready to get up. There was just a little more processing to do in dream. We had a lot of dreams about Our current transition. It really does affect everything and so We are having to do a lot of adjusting and letting go of old habits, thoughts and beliefs. However, it is not a race. We (collectively and personally) can go at Our own pace.

We continue to be reminded of how All of Our thinking and beliefs are based in limitation and Our world is a projection of these beliefs. We continue to feel subtle shifts in Our world as Our mindset and beliefs move beyond limitation. Still, most of what We see is deceiving as it is limitation. We are reminded that We have done the impossible and now it is time to embrace Our true natural state. We are getting closer every day.

We remember now that We spent a lot of time playing with the kids and were reminded about blocking the buckets of rock better so “they” don't slide so much. Just was not focused in 3D when We did it.

We are reminded that if We look to outside things and events as evidence of Our progress (or lack thereof) then We will be buffeted like waves against the rocks. These outer things are fickle. “They” shift like the sands. These are projections of Our beliefs and what We believe shifts from moment to moment, especially in this transitionary phase. We are shifting, that is the evidence of Our progress. However, Our expectations continue to hold Us back. Another thing to let go of.
Several of the gradeschoolers were having a rough day today, the others were All-most the opposite end of the spectrum.  We could not get anyOne to tell Us what was wrong but We do theel it is more than the weather.  The middleschooler also seemed reluctant to go to school.

We are feeling the continued shifting.  Part of what feels odd is knowing and feeling that there really is nothing to worry about.  It is kinda amazing how familiar and comfortable worry is.

So, We open, let go and allow.

We are experiencing how (when We are not in dream or partially in dream ) All-most every (if not every) thought is old paradigm and based in limitation and separation.  What a lot to let go of.  We have known for some time that We need to change Our thinking but We really had no idea.

So, We keep letting go and release the old thoughts, plans and believes.  The nice thing is that We are seeing "them" fairly quickly.  We are definitely making progress.

What We are doing is exciting and a little frightening.

Our preschoolers were happy and had a good time.  The gradeschoolers that were having a rough morning were still having a rough day on the ride home.  We theel it is connected to the current energy stuff and in "their" 3D minds and bodies "they" do not know what is happening and the school may be pushing "them" too hard to fit in a box.

Both Our driver and Us fell asleep in the afternoon between sections and the preschoolers having a rough day slept on the ride home.  We are changing, shifting and integrating.

We do not remember much of what We did after that except that We send care and love to All of Our students.  We started watching "Revolution" with dinner and are headed to dreaming which is pretty much where We are in waking now.

Monday, September 23, 2013

More learning



More learning

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:28:41 AM

Good morning. For some reason We woke every couple of hours during the night. We visited many lives while asleep and dreamt about Our current transition. There is sooooo much to let go of and it will lead to a lot of freedom. There is much to look forward but it requires releasing Our death grip on All the old beliefs, thinking and limitations. We must allow Our borders and boundaries to dissolve as the mist that “they” are. We must set “them” free to transform along with Us. Just like mist returns to earth and air so to will Our fears and limits return to “their” natural state.

Energy can not be destroyed (and everything We see and experience is energy) but it can be transformed and converted. We have converted much energy into an unnatural form. We have made it conform to impossible laws and beliefs. It is Our energy and We perverted it and then We taught OurSelves that the natural state of energy is perversion and evil. We are literally a twisted society.

In many worlds We visit We have untwisted OurSelves, Our laws and rules, Our limits and Our beliefs. If We typed about some of these worlds nobody (or very few) would be able to accept it. That is another reason why a lot of people do not remember “their” dreams. The freedom “they” experience is still held to be a perversion by “their” head. “Their” heart may run free but “their” head holds “them” captive.

That is another choice and decision that each of Us is making right now: Will We allow OurSelves freedom? It is very new, very different and very uncomfortable until it snot.

We went for water and rock, got the truck bed arranged for the buckets of rock, Shadow's ramp, hauling heating oil and water this winter. Hopefully We will be happy with how We set it up. The last tarp is down and stored by covering Our outside table. That should conclude Our winter preparations and winter arrived last week. We've been having light snow flurries since just before We went for rock and water.

We have been experiencing being here doing this stuff AND being in other worlds/dimensions at the same time. A few times We kinda had to bring OurSelf back so We could pay attention to what We were doing in 3D.

Now We can relax the rest of the day and hopefully mostly relax next weekend of Our three day weekend.

We are having a lot of cases of the clumsies. This has actually been going on for a few days but because We have not really been focused here (3D) We have forgotten it until something reminds Us. This (obviously) is rather annoying when it happens. We would interpret it as an indication that We are out of alignment. While this is accurate, We just got the message that it is not a bad thing. We have All-ways been taught, taught others and believed that it is bad. Another trap We set up to keep Us focused in limitation 3D. This clumsiness is actually another indication that We are in multiworlds. For Us, this is a good thing. We simply need to remember what is happening and continue getting used to being multiD and learning how to do it.

We are love learning how to live AS love wearing a body and being in multiworlds.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Learning to live as love



Learning to live as love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:56 AM

Good morning. We dreamt of expansion and transition again. We remember that We had fun and met more new friends but We do not remember any details. We just real-eyesed another reason for not remembering: We are still holding onto limitation and old beliefs. As much as We are releasing and letting go, still We cling to the familiar. We are assured that this just fine as it enables a gentler transition. We are learning. We know that. We are progressing. We know that too. Sometimes We get impatient with OurSelf and We continue to be reminded to be gentle. We have been giving OurSelf a lot of treats.

This is a pivotal time for Our world and everyOne on/in Gaia. We remember that We are on ship AND We are on Gaia. Also, Gaia is a living space ship but We also inhabit another ship that can land and dock on Gaia and become part of her. This is a slightly expanded piece of the puzzle. In Our hologram We keep everything looking and feeling mostly the same whether We are in orbit, flying through space or docked on Gaia. We are only slightly becoming aware of anything other than being docked on Gaia. This may be true for everyOne, only a few or only Us. That part We do not know and it really is not any of Our business and really NOT important in Our daily life.

We do keep trying to make plans and worry, at least Our head does. Our heart is doing a good job of taking charge, slowly and gently and more and more. We know everything is perfect. We are reminded that if We look at outer signs, events and stuff for evidence that is weak support. Everything outside is fickle and changes for no apparent reason. It is NOT a good gauge. However, We have trained OurSelves very well that seeing is believing. It takes a bit of reenforcement and repetition to believe that seeing is deceiving. We remind OurSelf but We could remind OurSelf more.

It is a bit of a fine line We are walking and tweaking. We want to experience this transition AND experience being multidimensional. That really is part of being multidimensional. However it is new to Us. Doing this and doing it with Our physical bodies is different. It takes practice. That is what transition is. Step by step and/or slide by slide, slip by slip.

Everything is perfect and that includes Us AND Our process. Believing this is new.

There have been and continue to be several times (this morning) that We started to do something and forgot what it is. EveryOne has experienced this from time to time. It used to be really frustrating and even still We have to remind OurSelf that it is okay. It is a sign that We slipped a reality and if We slip back We will remember and do it. Pretty simple really but clinging to trying to remember is another way of keeping OurSelf locked in One reality. We used to want to do that and experience from that perspective. Now, We want to expand and experience from many perspectives. This is taking a lot more adjusting than We would ever have imagined.

We are having a lot of insights and experiences about All this this morning. We do not really have words to describe it and if We did it would make it seem much less than it is. This is because We set it up that way to keep Us in the game. We are continually astounded at how well We set All this up. Going to the next level is no easy task. We had the thought: “stay on target” and as good as that sounds it is actually another trap. The best (sounding) advice is part of the limitation/separation game. Go out of focus is much better advice if One wants to expand. It is a choice. We are not going anywhere (as Our fear tries to tell Us and then tells Us that We are abandoning everyOne and everything.)

One thing that keeps coming up is learning to do things with Our mind. We get confused because We expect to be experts Our first try. We are reminded that Our conscious mind does NOT have a clue what is best for Us and when We “try” that is where We are trying” from. Acceptance is Our best tool right now. Acceptance and then doing what is front of Us to do and let go of worrying that We are missing something, failing and about to step off a cliff into the eternal abyss. Our head can certainly be a drama queen.


We have started doing a few things outside but it is still cold out there. We are going slow and gentle. We are reminded that We are learning about balance and doing things both mentally and physically and following Our (in the moment) intuition which is still a bit of a struggle.

We seem to have kinda fallen into 3D today. We got several things done but took lots of breaks, watched videos We have waiting to watch and experienced some slightly different worlds. Even though We have been mostly focused in limitation 3D it has not All-ways been the same limitation 3D.

We considered going for rock for the truck this evening but We really do NOT feel inspired to do so. Our head is trying to tell Us to push and do it, go against the flow or We will suffer some dire fate. That (of course) is a lie.

We are going to go dream soon.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Integrating and processing



Integrating and processing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:06:32 AM

Good morning. Another interesting world that We woke from several times and returned to when We returned to dream. We were working with a large group of kids and someOne was teaching some of “them” to swim. We were with “them” in several different environments. We spent a lot more time with One group than We do on the bus. There are advantages to both settings. In Our current world: most situations where We would spend more time with One group would involve being more mainstream. In this other world We were able to be more progressive.

We would love to live primarily in One (or more) of these worlds We are experiencing at night and We real-eyes that We are being prepared for it. That is what Our waking world/life is about: We are learning. We get this message very strong every day.

We know that the kids are working with Us and many are feeling these current energies as well. Many are quieter and just taking it All in.

We are going to return to dream for a bit. We enjoyed that even though We do not know what We did. It is part of this current process.

So much is coming through and it is just beyond the grasp of Our limited words and thoughts and understanding. This is expanding and this is expansion in action. We may feel and appear to be sedentary but We are anything but sedentary. We are moving at an ever increasing rate in Our vibration. Feelings that We used to try to shake off are now welcome as We view “them” as part of being multidimensional and living as love.

Another day of dreaming, downloading, processing and integrating these incoming energies and upgrades. Apparently We did All of Our 3D stuff but We did it in a sort of dreamwalk. We were completely present for Our kids and maybe even in the stores etc. We have little to no memory of it. We remember reading a book to One of Our gradeschoolers but the rest were not interested and fell asleep. Except the sleeping boy. We were not aware if he was listening or not but as far as We could tell he was awake for the entire ride and he was certainly awake when We got to his daycare.

When We got home We did have a little more energy and focus but not much and We did NOT try to do anything except have dinner and a little StarTrek.

Friday, September 20, 2013

And more dreaming



And more dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:00:42 AM

Good morning. We do not remember much from last night but We woke knowing We had been on ship. We know now that when We wake and come to Our computer We are taking Our station. This IS Our communication center for mission planet earth.

We are having feelings of this “familiar reality” that We think We wake to each morning NOT being as familiar as We think it is. Something is shifting and it seems to be Us. This is what We are working on/towards. Though it is not effort or work as the 3D world defines work. Allowing would be a better word. We are getting it (at a deeper level) that We are only wearing and using these bodies. We are not trapped here. We continually choose to be here but when We wake here We forget that part. The forgetting is an important part somehow. Now, We are remembering. Forgetting is part of experiencing. We have known that for a long time but again this is a deeper awareness.

Now, it is time to start experiencing without falling in. We finished “Butterfly Effect” last night. We get it why We did not remember it. We did not like the violence. We do like his traveling but not the negative association and twists. That is another way We are taught to avoid Our true nature and ability. We are feeling into that. There are sooooo many ways We train OurSelves to believe and live that We are not what We are.

This is a time of waking which seems kinda funny since We are spending more time dreaming. We have known for some time that that is One of the many things We have bassackwards in limitation 3D. We are getting over it. Sooooo many things bassackwards. Sooooo much to release and then the opposite to remember and practice. We really do get it that everything that happens is meant to assist Us to remember who and what We really are.

We are love remembering how to live as love. Not so easy to do in this bassackwards world. We see why many feel like warriors only We are lovers. Now is the time. We have come very close before but We All-ways returned to slumber. It feels like this time We are waking for real.

For quite some time We have known that there is more than meets the eye. We have known that things, Our world are different than what We see and how We perceive it. Now We are experiencing it in small doses. We feel it and see it with Our non-physical eyes. These are images We call ephemeral or ghost images except these are in Our mind and not projected onto the holoscreen.

There is stuff that We did yesterday, mission stuff that We have no memory of. Like many things We do in Our dream life that We forget because it does NOT compute to Our logical brain. This too will be changing. We will be more able to comprehend Our multiD life and actions if We stop denying it. That is where We are this morning, on that threshold of: “Do We believe or do We deny?” We are choosing to believe if only a little. A little belief is progress.

As We ponder We are getting it that many things which We think that We “need” to do are not important. We are more focused on Our space port stuff and this is more connected to Our growings. We are shifting from Our limitation 3D focus to ??????? Time is part of this. We are getting many insights but many still have to be filed for future reference.

We continue to go to dream everytime the bus is empty. We are functioning in 3D fully, yet barely there. We are more and more focused in expanding 3D and beyond. As We read emails We still feel that many people remain focused on money. That is as it is and it is necessary to allow and honor this. “They” are doing “their” part even if We do theel that “they” are being distracted. Whether or not it is a distraction is NOT Our business. Observing and staying out of it is Our business. We will see how it All unfolds. Last year We allowed OurSelf to get caught up in the mass hysteria so to speak. TG We did NOT get into the end of world group(s) but We did go with the flow of the masses. Perhaps this was good for Us.

Now, We are opening to and focusing on the incoming energies and not the financial market. There is sooooo much happening in Our personal life (inside stuff) that We barely have time to do these posts and email and eat when We are not at work. We are very grateful for the amount of time during Our work day that We can drift into dream/altered states.

We are changing, shifting and expanding and We get this message All day long. We are in the midst of a huge transformation. Our head fears that We will be “left behind” because We are not getting caught up in this current frenzy about money. We just can not play in the playground, not at this time anyway. We are learning about being a/the creator of Our reality. We created what We have, there must be a reason. We are looking to OurSelf for answers not outside. We have Our answers, everything is perfect just as it is and “as it is” is changing and it remains perfect.

What others are doing, living and believing is perfect for “them”. That does not mean that it would be perfect for Us.

Thursday, September 19, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:09:08 AM

Good morning. Another interesting and fun night living and playing with friends. This time most of the friends were from Our waking with only a few new found friends. We were living in a much freer and less restricted manner. We were able to express OurSelves and Our feelings and connections freely and openly. We still experienced some of Our old thoughts of shame and prohibition but with the ease and relaxation We observed and experienced in Our others We were able to quickly move through Our fears and phobias. This felt really good.

We woke real-I-sing that We are not dreading waking and getting up. Our waking life is becoming more and more like Our dreams. We have not been typing as much because We are busy living Our dreams. Many of Our outer circumstances seem the same or only slightly changed BUT WE are changing. This is an ongoing process and We are even starting to enjoy the process.

It is not easy learning to abandon Our old insecurities. Abandon is NOT really the right word. We must accept, own and love those insecurities as much as any other part of OurSelf. However, We can set “them” free. We can love “them” but NOT hold “them” hostage any more. This is new behaviour and beliefs.

It is snowing and barely sticking. We know it is All perfect and most of what needed to be done before winter is done. Still a few things and that is okay. It is part of learning to live in this world without being a victim. We creating it. We must like it.

We are reminded that We are learning to live as love rather than as what We are not. The changes We are living may be subtle but “they” are very real.

Today seems to be even more about dreaming than usual. We are going deep every chance We get. The kids are fun and mostly the same as usual.

These entries are getting shorter because right now (at least) We have less to say and We are just downloading and integrating most of the time.

We are getting the message that We are part of and participating in mission planet earth. Whatever that means. We know that part of it is what We have long suspected and We are NOT from here. We are One of those whom some people want contact with. Hmmmmm. No Oneder We are such a loner.

It does seem that whatever is going on is the energy of the full moon feeding into the equinox energies. Many are saying that this is another powerful gateway. We are feeling it. We are honoring it and taking breaks every chance We get.

We do seem to have more energy for doing a few things when We get home from work. We did some tree trimming today that needed to be done for Our convenience.

This morning the dragon started and ran for a bit and then died when We went to leave. We did not panic or freak, We just switched to the truck. We got the strong feel of the truck being Our freight shuttle. Now, We see why this happened: We had freight to haul today even though it is not visible to Our 3D senses.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:00:57 AM

Good morning. We woke from a life where We were hanging out with Our best friend from school days and a couple of friends We do not remember from waking. It was One of those lives where We just play, no stress or struggle. We were surprised by the lack of taboos and restrictions. There is much more freedom and honesty. We do not feel that We have to hide who and what We are.

We are certain that We are making progress in Our waking life as well. It's kinda funny though, We do not have much to say. In a way We are slipping away but We are pretty sure that We are not going anywhere. For several years We have been preparing to spend less time here even though We do not feel that We are going anywhere. How is that for hard to explain but that is exactly how it feels.

The last few days We have been theeling more about Our spaceport. We theel that maybe We manage the spaceport and that might be part of why We have so many catering dreams. We probably cater for large groups as part of Our activities at Our port. We know that it is a very active port.

Perhaps, the way to explain how We feel is that We will spending less and less time focused here (this dimension and reality). We will still be here (of course there really is nowhere else) and in another dimension or at another vibration and frequency (probably several). We are going multiD. No more One reality at a time.

Our head still wants to think, plan and worry. We remind OurSelf that that is what keeps Us locked in limitation. We are moving beyond that and trusting Our energy and intuition (heart) to guide Us.

We got the word: adapt. That is what We are doing: We are adapting to living in expansion rather than limitation. We are adapting to living and functioning as who/what We really are. Exciting (when We aren't busy being scared).

The kids continue to be great and make progress. The gradeschoolers are taking turns being first off the bus AND walking as a scattered group to the school door and even walking Once “they” get inside. “They” are also having fun at it. That is important. “They” are learning to play quietly (mostly) on the bus. We want “them” to be safe AND have fun. This seems to be working.

The preschoolers are a real delight. One wants Us to sit next to him so he can pretend to grab Our ear and nose and eat “them”. The other One likes attention but does not want anyOne sitting next to him. He amazes Us with the things he can do. A magik boy.

The sleeping boy has not ridden this week. We theel that he is probably sleeping too much to come to school. Smart kid. Maybe his parent is allowing him this freedom.

We do definitely feel that the autistic students are especially helping Us dreamwalk through Our day. We really do not remember much of what We do in waking and that is real progress. We know that We are constantly reminded and remembering to let go and stay in the now. We are experiencing this physical, 3D world from a different, expanded perspective.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Few words



Few words

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:44:50 AM

Good morning. Great night. We One-der what We did? We woke thinking about changing Our vibration. We first typed raising but that implies better or advanced. Those are limitation concepts. That is what We were pondering when We woke. What is it? (That is the original meaning of manna.) Interesting. We know that We have changed and are changing. We know that We live on a star ship. We are waking.

We are also experiencing some time warp anomalies. These are (or can be) frustrating if We demand and cling to Our old way of living, doing and being. If We open, let go and allow then it is All perfect. We are noticing other subtle changes in Our life and world too. If We were not aware, All of this could be shocking, frightening and frustrating. As it is, it is welcome.

Interesting, where did the day go? We had fun with the kids and We are certain We had a lot of insights and intuits. It is like many of Our recent dreams. It is interesting that often now We do not remember Our waking any more than We do Our dreams.

We like recognizing this part of the shift. It is somehow freeing and less restrictive. We do not feel as trapped. It is funny that something We feared is setting Us free and something We had cherished trapped Us.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Another day doing and being



Another day doing and being

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:47:52 AM

Good morning. We woke several times during the night to process and integrate information. One time We were awake for about an hour and there was quite a bit of information which seemed very clear and understandable at the time. However, We do not remember anything now. We know that this does not mean that the information is lost, it is just at a deeper level.

We also have vague memories of playing with the kids in other worlds, realities and lives. We woke thinking about bringing this expansion into Our waking world. That is what (or part of what) is happening in Our waking life. We are love learning how to live as love in these bodies. We are also learning that We are love, that We are much more than these bodies and that We are immortal and that We are living on a ship.

One of the things that We do remember from last night was about this living on a ship. Gaia is a living ship. We are part of that AND We are on/in a kind of satellite as well. Plus We are living in a Faerie castle (though We still do not see it). One reason that We do not see the castle and ship, etc. is that “they” are vibrating at a different level/speed than We and Our waking world vibrate. As We open to more Our vibration changes to match (or be able to change and match more easily) other vibrations. We do not say “higher” because that implies better and that is NOT the case. Different is a gooder word.

Even in dream state All these different forms and functions was a bit confusing because Our mind is so entrained to limitation thinking. In the finite being many things is just not conceivable but in the expanded and infinite it is natural AND normal.

It is time to start believing in and living as what We really are, at least more of that if not All. That is what Our waking is now about. It is a bit like starting school All over without All the icky stigma We have/had attached to school. Perhaps that was much of the function of night school: to give Us a new perspective on school. We can feel that We no longer have the resisdance and hatred for school that We did before We became aware of night school. Recess. Yes, lots of recess and playground. No stuffy, locked in classrooms any more. School is not a building like it is in limitation 3D. It is a process and it is based in and on play.

We were just reminded of something big from last night: ease. We are unfamiliar with this concept. We are familiar with struggling and striving to make any progress and improvement. Most (if not All) of Us theel this the way to bring in the new. That is absolutely wrong and We do NOT say: absolutely wrong” often or lightly. While it may be absolutely right for some to stay in a mindset and life of struggling and striving, that will NOT bring in the new. What it will do is breathe new life into the old. It may make the old” nicer but it will prolong it AND it will be more of the same with (perhaps) a new and nicer ribbon.

Of course, that is exactly what many want and “they” may have convinced “themSelves” that this nicer will last. That is the lie. Nicer is temporary. Expansion is eternal and infinite.

We real-eyes that most people remain in fear of misusing “their” power. This is very common if not universal. It is a lie. We never misused Our power but for those that believe that “they” did (perhaps the exception to the rule etc.) “they” have created ample proof of this misuse. We will never convince “them” otherwise through words or actions alone. This MUST begin in the heart and only then can it work its way to the ears. This is exactly why We do Our best work in Our dreams.

As We ponder what is here but that We do not see We are reminded that it is disguised. The thing is that We are used to a disguise being something added but in this case it is something (All-most) taken away. It is actually just hidden to Our limitation 3D sight. Hence: seeing is deceiving. We have convinced OurSelves that what We see is All there is (at least in Our locale) but this is far from accurate. We have made most of what exists invisible and imperceptible to Our limitation senses. Like the proverbial iceberg the part that is visible is only a very small portion of the whole. In this case there is no visible ocean or water dividing the visible from the invisible. There is only a veil which actually exists only in Our mind (and only Our head-mind at that).

Our head is still trying sooooo hard to cling to the old. It is normal and familiar but it is NOT where We want to live (anymore). Open, let go and allow. Worry and planning only bring more of the same. We are over it.

We are love learning how to live in the physical and experience the physical without being limited. We used to believe that this is NOT possible but somehow: it is possible and We are beginning to experience it.

We had more insights while We were in town about Our transition and seeing/feeling through the hologram. We do not remember much but then We are drifting into multiD and multiworlds.

It feels like We may have finally found a way to frame/speak/type Our feelings about All the financial stuff that is running through the lightworker/new age/metaphysical communities: “It is not that We do NOT believe in and hope for a the RV, prosperity packages, NESARA, etc. We actually do believe and hope for All these. However, We do NOT believe that 'they' are THE answer. 'They' may well be a stepping stone even though We see/feel 'them' more as stumbling blocks. We could be wrong about the stumbling block part but We still do NOT believe that 'they' are THE answer. We believe the only real, true and lasting answer comes from inside each and every One of Us.” That's Our story and We're sticking to it. Until We don't.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Doing AND expanding



Doing AND expanding

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:09:23 AM

Good morning. More visits to lives/worlds where We are beginning to live communally and in community. We are really enjoying these visits to these lives though “they” do take a bit of getting used to. We are very cautious about both Our own privacy and not encroaching on Our space/boundaries and about the comfort and privacy of Our others. EveryOne is being very cooperative and caring with each other. EveryOne seems to get it that “they” are free to do and be as “they” choose. Apparently that is Our concern. We still carry the old idea of rules.

This brings up another point. We have actually discussed it a while back but it comes up again. If We do not change, these other worlds will still be limited and restricted by Our old beliefs, thoughts and behaviors. Even if Our old mindset only restricts how much fun We can have that is a big thing. Our attitude could infect an entire world. We have evidence of that in Our current waking world.

Also, We are reminded how much We cling to Our memory of “how Our world is” and how this binds Us to the old. Open, let go and allow. Stay in the now. Release Our old memories and beliefs. This opens the door of possibilities for the new and the now.

We are expanding and changing sooooo much yet it is still easy to revert to the old. We often resist waking in the morning because We do not to leave the freedom of Our dreams and yet it is Us who bind OurSelf to the old. Yes, We wake in the physical. That is what We want to play in and experience. We get to choose whether We play in the old limited physical or play in the new with totally open potential. The trick here is that We belief (when We wake and then carry this belief on into Our day) that the physical “must” be limited. This is not law and/or truth, it is merely a belief. Our beliefs frame and establish the world We live in. Again, this is a hard concept to grasp because for eons We have trained OurSelf to belief and live as if Our outside world/influences/bogeymen control Our world and life. Pound something into Our head for enough lifetimes and it gets stuck and is hard to expand.

Once again We are reminded that We have All-ways found that it works best to add something new to the mix rather than trying to eradicate the old. The old served a purpose and We may wish to revisit that with added insights and expanded beliefs. We really do create Our reality. We can sense that We have softened and loosened the chains and bonds and limits on Our world. We are reminded that a slow and gentle process works best for Us. This does not mean that We need to slip back or stagnate. We just need to remember to be open. We are making great progress.

This concept of being creators and living in Our power is exciting and frightening at the same time. We sense that a big part is fear of misusing Our power. We are convinced that We misused Our power in the passed. This is a common misconception and it is well driven into Our psyche. It may well be One of the deepest rooted beliefs and fail safes that We installed. Perhaps We placed it there for: “when All else fails”. When We set up this game We wanted to ensure that We stayed in until We were completely ready to change, expand, and/or play by new rules (or leave All together). We desired to wring everything We could from this experience. We did good.

Now We are connecting again. Society and All the controls in Our world have established some real and deep taboos to keep Us from reconnecting. We continue to be amazed at how well We set this whole game up. When We hit One wall and turn We seem to immediately hit another. No Oneder We give up and give in sooooo easily. The thing is that the only way out is through. Many do not want out. The mass decision whether to really change and wake or just have a nicer life as is has yet to be reached but it does appear that the majority just want it nicer. Without inside that will not last.

What many of Us do not get is that Our leaders and bad guys” are doing is trying to help/force Us to wake and be who We are. That is the purpose of trouble. We are living in that (personally and collectively). If We just put another band aid on this festering sore it will fester and erupt again soon. We can choose that if We want and then more experience will be the result. Or We can expand and begin living (more and more) as who We really are.

Another thing that We run into when beginning to live in Our power (or even just consider it) is that We do know that Our head does NOT know what We really want or have Our best interest (expansion, waking, living in Our power, etc.) in mind. However, making these choices is NOT the first step. Choosing to begin and letting Our heart lead the way are the first steps. We started to say: “let Our heart take charge” but We real-eyesed that taking charge” is part of the old and part of what got Us where We are.

So, We can choose (consciously and repeatedly) to begin living in Our power, living as who/what We really are. We choose to let Our heart lead the way. We can view Our world, Our hologram and acknowledge it for what it is: Our projection. This is more than philosophy, it is practical application. We have held this as a possibility and philosophy for some time now (many people have). Now, it is the time of stepping into the practical application. That is the difference between now and then.

We are having another experience of slipping in and out of time and in multiworlds. Another experience that We used to label as bad” and try to avoid and escape and deny.

We are love learning how to live as love wearing and using bodies to experience and explore the physical. The physical is NOT restricted to limitation. That is just a belief that We explored. We explored it so well that We All-most wore it out.

We returned to dream and had a good time but that is All We remember. It seems to have stopped raining for Us so We will start putting the snow tires on the truck soon. With rain All-most every day and temperatures in the 40's it could easily snow soon.

So, We started the preparations for putting the snow tires on the truck. It turned out it had not stopped raining it was just being quieter while raining quite hard. We decided to go ahead and the rain seemed to pretty much stop for Us. We do like to do this in stages as since We are not used to a lot of what it takes We do tire (ooooo, bad pun) and like to take lots of breaks. Breaks seem to be part of 5D or at least transition.

There seems to be quite a bit online about the same things We are experiencing.

Something just flashed: sometime during the week We had another insight into vampires and why “they” have been portrayed as evil, blood suckers. It is about remembering that We really are immortal. That would be a terrible thing so the easiest way to deal with that is to make “them” evil, very evil. Another example of good We did. We were pondering what might happen when We really wake. Long have We feared that We would either just disappear abandoning friends, family and pet. Either that or need to be cared for by others because Our body would be here but Our mind would not. This time the thought occurred to Us that We might just be frozen in time (or stop aging while time passed by for most or everyOne else). This (of course) brought up the image and stories of vampires.

As We were waking (and off and on All morning) We remembered and felt that We ARE in/on a ship. We know that Our dragon and truck are also shuttle craft. Somewhere in the night or morning We had visions of how We have disguised the flight path from here (Our cabin is a ship and space port both, don't ask Us how that works as We do NOT know yet.) to town to appear/seem to be roads mostly through forests from up in the hills down into the valley/plateau where town is. Remember, this is All holographic. Often We feel and talk and type about this being a communication center. That is part of Our task/ assignment/mission. Even just remembering this differently vibrating reality would be a major part of the mission, a huge step forward.

All the snowtires appear to be on the truck and everything is temporarily put away to dry (hopefully anyway). We have not decided where to store the plywood for winter and have no intention of dealing with that this weekend. Now We want to spend the rest of Our day cooking and drifting into multiworlds and multiD. There were several times (outside) when We caught glimpses (and sensed and felt) Our expanded world including the space port. This is connected to the faerie castle that We have known is here for about twenty years.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

More experience and insights



More experience and insights

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:13:55 AM

Good morning. Very interesting experiences at the end of the night and We really do not know if We were awake or asleep: alternate realities were/are bleeding into each other. It was quite confusing as We did not know what was forgotten from this life and what was remembered from another life. These were more and similar limitation lives (or the One We were focused in was limited) and We were concerned about doing things and getting things done. Perhaps the events and memories that were bleeding in were from expanded lives but We were in a limited life (not exactly the same as Our current, familiar, waking life) and concerned that We were not taking care of things from these vague memories.

This is a carry over from Our sense of expanding yesterday. We will need to learn how to deal with being aware of these different lives and NOT worry about what gets done and what does not get done. We must let go. Imagine that. If We cling and worry We will drive OurSelf nuts. Ah.............. the light is coming on more and more. There is a lot involved in expansion. We really had not thought it through but We are learning through experience.

This is quite an experience. It is tempting (and easy) to return to Our old ways of thinking. A slippery slope into another trap. We are remembering to be gently with OurSelf. We are just learning (remembering) how to do this. Our limitation thinking is so subtle and prevalent (and limiting). It truly has ruled Our life for untold lifetimes. Letting go is simple but NOT easy. Slipping around in multiworlds is thrilling and still scary. We are facing Our fear. We continue to remind OurSelf that whatever We experience is perfect whether it looks and feels like it or not. Good, bad and indifferent We are creating it All to help Us wake and expand.

Open, let go, allow, expand and stay in the now. This is where and how the shift/change/transition occurs (for Us, Your mileage may vary).

We are reminded that things (everything) are different (very different and much, much more) than what appears. What appears is a projection of Our beliefs. It is mutable and changeable if only We believe that it is. This is sooooo contrary and opposite to Our core beliefs (or apparent core because the beliefs are so deep rooted) that it is hard to accept. Our resisdance is running high and We are facing Our fear and letting it pass through Us.

Our current process and experience relates to what We went through this summer about allowing ideas to be possibilities rather than plans. Plans tend to limit while possibilities allow expansion. We tend to “lock in” to plans but allow freedom and variation with possibilities. Our cars seem to be a particular (extremely strong) hook for Us and also can be a vital turning point. We are sooooo convinced that Our cars are what “they” appear when in fact “they” are a substitute (believable to the limitation 3D mind) for what We are actually doing. If Our cars actually exist then “they” are non-polluting hover craft (because pollution is actually impossible and only part of the hologram) but even that is another version of limitation. We are energy (love) wearing and using bodies to explore the physical. Cars (and everything else that We see) are also energy that We have slowed down enough to make it appear as solid matter. Cars are part of this experience. Here is the choice: do We continue to explore cars from a limitation perspective or from an expanded and limitless (or at least less limited) perspective? We are choosing expansion but it is easy to revert and that MUST be okay. We are just learning, We must be gentle with OurSelf.

This is a constant: “remember to let go and stay in the now” process.

Our fear comes up, We face it and let it pass through. Will We die is We proceed? Probably not. We have not died yet. Will We suffer an extreme discomfort or maiming? Probably not, that has not happened yet either. Our heart and intuition tell Us that We will be fine. Our head and fears are creating monsters in the closet and under the bed. There are sooooo many fears: We will disappear and Shadow will be abandoned (along with friends and family). That is not real but it IS a real fear. We will not be able to function and care for this body and have to be cared for by others. We have created sooooo many examples of this that it seems very possible. Our experience tells Us that if We go slow and gentle this will NOT happen.

Again, We flashed on some things today. One is how Our process up until now has led and built up to this current phase. Building blocks. Another is that We are in process and Our cars are part of and going through this process with/as Us. After All: “they” are Our creations. Often, We forget this or don't really believe it, not fully. We kinda sweep it under the carpet. Plus, Our dragon is a dragon after and running hot is what a dragon does (it never actually overheated it just got hotter than it ever has since We adopted it). It is also a shuttle craft and this is All part of that process. We are not certain how the exactly the chariot fits in but it too is Our creation and it is exactly what We asked for. AND, We have been preaching about taking back Our power. Now, it seems that it is time to live this. Or, at least it is decision time and We ARE choosing to begin living in Our power and ability as who and what We really are. We are making a start. We get a bit scared thinking about it AND We are facing Our fear.

We continue to grow closer to the students daily. The autistic highschooler is definitely reaching out to Us (often literally in the physical). The middleschooler seems to be working on helping Us listen telepathically like We asked. The gradeschoolers are doing well at learning to play and talk quietly on the bus so “they” do not distract the driver. We read some stories to the two gradeschool boys who rode home today and to the One who was sitting by himSelf this morning. He did ask why noOne wanted to sit next to him. We tried to explain a little but it was not received well. These are heavy dynamics for a second grader. He is very energetic and gets carried away easily and he is usually in someOne/anyOne else's business. How do You explain these things to a second grader who thinks he is just being helpful and having fun?

We are remembering to begin living as who/what We really are.