Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Okay. What else is here?

Okay. What else is here?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:50:04 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
There sure are some interesting worlds and realities out there (within???). We are happy to report that everytime We woke the first thing that comes to mind is: “I love You”. We know that love is the answer and love is the key that opens All locks especially in Our mind. We also know that regardless of what Our head says: everything is perfect now and will Allways be perfect. We ARE changing. We are having Our complete psychic change. Thank You. We love You.
There was lots of pony hopping and lots of talking with Our children within and lots of adding “I love You” to Our memories. We returned to Our beginning, Our separation several times and added love. We real-eyesed that in Our passed, Our memory We had withheld Our love from Our children within. Apparently We had been angry about the separation. It does NOT have to be that way. We ARE very sorry that We were angry and withheld Our love. We love You. We give Our love. We are changing within and We need Our children within. We welcome Our children within. We want Our children to be free and equal and abundant. We want Our children to play and have fun. We want Our children to ride dragons, fly free, explore space and time and All the fun things We/”they” dream of.
We are looking forward to being with the students on the school bus again. We look forward to a world where children are allowed to play freely and A-dults too.
The physical things are free of matter and free of importance. We live in a physical world to have a physical experience. We have done that and done that and done that. We are ready to do it different. We are ready to do it with love. We are ready to live as love. Whatever We think that means is probably far short of reality. Limitation is only a very small fragment of reality.
We can not even imagine (much less comprehend) OurSelves and Our world with only ten percent of Our brain and DNA. Everything that We thought and believed is only a limitation version of reality, no matter how vast Our imaginings have been so far. Our thinking is limiting and until that changes We do NOT have a clue what Our options are. We continue to seek what We think that We want but All of that is still limited. We must start anew and We do not know how. We know to start with love. We know to start where We are. We know that Our ideas of love are also limited but real love is limitless.
Something that came up last night is the idea: “One must die so that many can live”. What a ridiculous idea and yet We have All heard it and most believe it to some degree or in some instance. Talk about lack and scarcity and limitation. How can We possibly live abundantly when We think there is not even enough life available to sustain everyOne and those not yet born??????? Fear of death is probably the root fear in All humans.
There are many I openers and intuitions and insights that remain for Us and Our path leads Us there. Whatever We think about Our current circumstances or bits and pisces of Our circumstances “they” ARE perfect and “they” ARE taking Us where We want to go and We can not even describe where and what that is. We set it All free with love. We open to love and We allow love. We begin anew with and in love. We remain in the now even though Our head wants to plan and freak out about the future.
As We focus on letting OurSelf drift within (which feels like going out) We are reminded of the proverbial ostrich. However: that is another trap to keep Us trapped in and afraid of limitation. Going within is seeking the truth, seeking expansion, seeking reality and seeking Our children, Our rejects and castaways, Our orphans. We love You and We invite You back and We set You free with love. You are free to come and go as You wish and no longer need to cower in the corner or act out of anger and frustration. We feel You and We Allways have even when We forgot and denied You. We need You.
We are imagining Our dragon flying.
As We (Our head) tries to plan what to do AND what not to do: We are reminded to stay in the now. Now is when magik happens. We rarely plan magik. Maybe We need to allow Our head to imagine and plan magik while We stay in the now? We are practicing setting it All free with love AND adding “I love You”s.
We are reminded that Our world and life are very different from how We have Allways thought and believed “them” to be. All of Our passed (waking) thoughts and beliefs are limitation. Yet (at least much of the time) We continue to think and act from/in these old thoughts and beliefs. This is part of learning to be here AND there. We are finding a balance through mostly trial and error.
Do We believe that We can fix things with Our mind? Kinda, but certainly not completely. We are mostly convinced that We can break things and (seemingly) mess things up with Our mind but We are not certain of fixing things with Our mind. Part of that is not knowing (being aware of) Our motives. Our unconscious knows what is best for Us but Our waking consciousness rarely does. Also: We have yet to really learn how to tell if We are thinking and acting from intuition and inspiration and when We are acting from fear. The physical evidence is not actually reliable.
We do know that We are doing the bestest that We can and that just has to be good enough even if it it snot.
There are lots of suggestions for additions to the law of attraction and ways to get to the place where the law of attraction brings what We want rather than what We do not want. Again: part of this is that We do NOT know consciously what is best for Us. A common suggestion (and One We have often mentioned) is to start where We are. What a concept right????? But: We rarely do that. Starting where We are is certainly NOT Our default method of operation and that too is changing. To start where We are We must be honest and open. Once We admit and own where We actually are then We can find (and take) baby steps to expand and move (hopefully) forward. Of course in multiD there really is no forward and bassackwards but We ARE still in 3D (limitation or not).
There is a baby step being suggested to Us (it seems to be intuition and inspiration and probably from Our children within) and that is to admit and accept (with gratitude?) the limitation version that We keep (seemingly) waking too and THEN to ask: “What else is here?”. We hope We can remember to do that. After asking this We can just allow and NOT search for an answer, just allow the answer(s) to come to Us. If We search, dig and plan then We will (One more time) limit OurSelf.
Another question that comes to mind is: “What does this look like in/from a limitless (or even less limited) view?”. And again We can just allow the answer(s) to come without trying to force/limit “them”.
As We do some more cleanup and putting away outdoors We are repeating Our questions: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from an expanded perspective?”. We are having fun (and that is really what matters) and We theel calm and relaxed.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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