Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Functioning while being here AND there

Functioning while being here AND there
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:32:32 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited several worlds/lives/realities that really need love. It's not that All worlds/lives/realities do not need love but these were especially unpleasant. We did a lot of pony hopping, setting free and adding “I love You”s but when We woke about an hour ago We were still in a funk. We chose to stay in bed and We returned to the separation and really focused on beginning separation in love. We slipped into dream and when We woke again We felt much better. We felt hopeful and happy.
We are planning to go to town today to do laundry, go to the pool and get the temperature sending unit for Our dragon. We are reminding OurSelf NOT to plan, to set it free. To practice what We have been learning and integrating. Just because We are doing limitation 3D tasks does not mean that We must leave multiD. MultiD includes 3D. We know that We will be less limited in a limitation reality. Hopefully soon We will live in a limitless 3D but that remains to be seen.
Just like separation does NOT have to be based in fear and anger and hate: 3D does NOT have to be limited. Just because that is the way it has Allways been does NOT mean that is the way it has to be. We real-eyes that changing that may seem daunting and overwhelming at times but We have made a start and We do NOT want to give up and go back. We were close to giving up this morning. Those worlds were quite depressing. We added “I love You”s but We must have left before any real results took hold.
Another things is that most people still cling to the old because it is sooooo familiar. It is easy to believe that the way it has Allways been is the only way it can be. We know these are Our children within and We ARE responsible. We keep going back to the beginning of separation (perhaps the actual beginning???) and adding love. As We own and accept and love Our children within We do hope to experience better and limitless worlds. Usually We visit better worlds, more free and equal and prosperous worlds in Our dream adventures. We know that those worlds exist and (because We want to be aware of everything) We get reminded of the other less appealing worlds. We do not know if All worlds and realities will evolve into love. We are certain that infinity and eternity include everything.
We appreciate Our children within, thank You. We love You.
We are reminded to practice imaginating possible worlds that evolve from adding love to Our original separation and the worlds that evolved from that. Imaginating is NOT forcing or planning: it is allowing. We set Our old thinking and beliefs free with love and allow new possibilities, intuitions and inspirations to spring forth. Now it involves Our children within. We accept “them” and We ask “them” what “they” want; what kind of world “they” desire to live in.
Something else that is coming up is thinking of Our children within as Our “others”. Probably NOT a great way to endear Our children to Us even though We know that Our “others” ARE Us. We have been finding OurSelf remaining in judgment of some of these children. We are sorry. Recognizing these “others” as being Our children does help Us be less judgmental. We can more easily recognize that “they” are exploring possibilities and finding out what works and what does snot work. It is easier (for Us) to be forgiving of children, especially Our children within.
We are reminded of how much scarcity and lack mentality/thinking is still Our default mindset and motivator. Even though it is much less than it used to be and often We operate from a less limited and abundant mentality still with many old routines and tasks We return to this default (especially where food is concerned). The good news is that We are noticing and recognizing it sooner than before. We are making progress. Pony hopping again.
Somehow We are getting more insight into last night's dreams. It is about: “without love it is nothing”. Yes: We real-eyesed that last night but this is deeper. This is seeing and remembering Our many, many experiences of how without love Our very best experiences are dull and even repulsive. Even the highest of high that are not founded in real love (not romance or any form of limitation love) turn to rot over time.
Also: We are reminded that the pressure We have often felt and still feel at times comes only from Us and Our limitation mentality. We can feel Our attitude and perspective changing. The real-I-say-tion that everything in Our life and world is Our children within really does change Our perspective. That is another part of last night. We experienced how We have judged OurSelf and Our children and that was depressing. This was a deeper and more profound experience than previously and it hurt.
Then We really added love and repeatedly told Our parts and pisces that We love You. That turned Our feelings around eventually but We really needed to feel Our feelings and sometimes that is NOT pleasant. Finally: We are feeling more expanded, more consciousness and more of what We really are than ever before. We can actually feel being a participant AND an observer in Our life. The only thing that really seems to be changing (so far) is Our attitude and perspective and it feels like that is everything.
An interesting thought: We can not be here AND there without being here (and there). As much as We would (often) like to NOT be here (or there sometimes) anything less is just another version of limitation and We know that We are truly over that.
When We went to town to do laundry etc. Our focus and attitude are clearly changing. It felt much more pleasant and much less frustrating than previously. We ARE learning and practicing how to be here AND there and function in 3D. (We are unclear if this is in limitation or limitless 3D). We are probably slip, sliding amongst “them”.
When We first got home We did not feel as wiped out as We often do after being in town but We did notice that after We had finished bringing everything inside from Our chariot that We quickly went into multifocus.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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