Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Action and flight

Action and flight
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:02:36 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The first part of the night We were waking every hour very thirsty. Each time We woke from a different world/reality. There were too many to remember any clearly this morning but “they” were All similar to this reality except that many were about people helping each other. We do remember that in One people were rebelling and breaking laws to help some group that was being repressed for some reason. We woke very aware of being multidimensional. We remember pony hopping a few things during the night.
Now We are appreciating Our children within and saying “I love You”. One of Our first thoughts was about flying. We were checking Our feelings to see if We remembered feeling the sensation of flight. We are allowing OurSelf to feel OurSelf flying now. It is kinda interesting to be aware of sitting at Our computer typing AND feel the sensation of flight. Our head tries to tell Us that We can NOT do both. Just because that is what We All-ways believed does NOT make it true. We CAN do both if We want to.
We just need to begin to be aware and We can expand.
A wave of dream and flight and expansion just swept over Us so strong that We did have to stop typing for a minute and really feel it. We get it that it is up to Us to allow or stick to the old and familiar. We choose to open to love, set All free with love and allow love. All of this IS love. It may not be what We expect love to be and it is only part of love but it IS love.
We find OurSelf repeating: “I love You and I love Me” Thank You.
This morning We are allowing OurSelf to feel OurSelf levitating and flying and other (supposedly impossible) abilities. When We begin thinking in limitation terms (and absolutes and restrictions) We are recognizing it much quicker than before, naming it and setting Our thoughts and beliefs free with love. We remind OurSelf that We experiencing being less limited and on Our way to experiencing being limitless. We are limitless, We are multidimensional AND We ARE able. Now: We just need to allow OurSelf to experience it. We just need to allow OurSelf to live as love (Our natural state) in the physical.
Our head is trying to think and plan. We set it free and give it a break, a vacation. Our head is not used to that, not used to it at All. Talk about uncharted waters.
We are feeling OurSelf flying and visiting other worlds while We are sitting at Our computer. We also think about working on Our dragon today or at least getting the battery charged and disconnected for winter. We theel that We are getting a large dose of learning to live multidimensionally. That is a good thing. We ARE here AND there. MultiD does include 3D. We need to learn how to allow and do this. We ARE love. We ARE learning to live as love in the physical.
When We put the battery charger on the dragon We noticed several little things (outdoors) that We will probably want to do this weekend. The difference is that We are NOT pressuring OurSelf. We are taking it slow and gentle the way life is meant to be. We theel strongly that We would much rather be aware of flying and flying with/in/on Our dragon than try to get it running the old way. We figure that We will probably start taking things off to remove the radiator but We are not planning to rush and push and All those old ways. We may or may not take the radiator out. We do not remember if We mentioned that We did finally find the temperature sending unit but We are going to wait on that because it is NOT the main problem. And again: We may remember that We fly and teleport, etc. and not think that We need to “fix” the dragon when what it really wants is to fly and it may not need the engine to run cool for that to happen. We do not know and that is okay.
In the mornings on the bus We find that We need a flashlight to read so We are putting working batteries in a couple of Our little flashlights to take with Us.
We decided to start removing the radiator from Our dragon because it theels like the right thing to do. It is going smoother and easier than anticipated. There is new tool that We need to disconnect the transmission lines and the parts store has “them” fairly inexpensive. “They” also have the radiator in stock. We are going to wait to buy a new radiator until We have the old One out.
It really does feel like We are following inspiration. Our head tries to tell Us We took too long and We will suffer some tragedy and will not have time and/or energy to install the new radiator before winter and it is forty below. It insists that the sky will fall. However: We feel that We are right on schedule. We know that if We had rushed We would not know the things We know now. We needed the process. Hmmmmm: sound familiar?
We went to town to visit Our local friends, go to the pool and get the new tool. Mission accomplished and We had fun. We were not really focused in limitation 3D but We are able to function there while drifting and flying in multiD and multiworlds. Progress, lots of progress.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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