Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

In the world but not controlled by the world

In the world but not controlled by the world
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:26:04 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again We visited several other realities and lives. We pony hopped and added “I love You”s. In One reality We are high school age living at home. It started out rather futuristic and ended more primitive. Perhaps time goes backwards there? There was a reality where We are a branch manager at a bank or similar institution. We immediately connect with another new friend there. There is another life/reality that We distinctly remember visiting even though We do not remember what We did on that visit.
There are some new possibilities coming to mind that We had never considered before: worlds where time runs backwards (and other directions and routes) compared to this world and separation with love instead of fear and anger. Even though We have known/believed (for many years now) that wizards live backwards in time: We had never really considered (or been aware of) entire worlds that live backwards in time. But why not? We have All-ways thought that just because Our memories and experiences of separation resulted in fear and anger, greed and poverty, etc. these were the only possible results of separation. That is surely a limitation perspective/belief. Why would it not be possible to be separate and love each other? Why would it not be possible to experience the “fall” in love? We use the phrase: “fall in love” everyday and many people believe that the human race experienced a fall from grace but We never consider that We could fall from grace in love. Why is that? Because We have a limitation mindset.
Our thinking and beliefs ARE changing. We had never before been aware of Our children within. For several years We had been somewhat aware of Our castaways, rejects and orphans. We have been aware of Our inner child. Only recently have We become aware that We have an inner tribe and everyOne and everything in Our holographic projected world/reality are Our children within. “A Course in Miracles” kinda teaches this but We never really got it. We read that Our creations are Us and We knew it was true but it never really clicked, never became experiential until very recently.
Everything that We see, perceive and experience is Our personal creation, it is what We birth within Our mind. It is Our children AND it is within Us projected (apparently/seemingly) outward. We perceive a world without but it (including Our body) is actually within. Is it any Oneder that We have everything bassackwards and inside out?
Now, for Us the challenge is to NOT try to plan, figure out and have specific expectations. That is how We limit OurSelves. We can allow, set it free with love and be open. That is how We expand and can experience limitlessness. This is Our work, Our mission, Our journey. We can stop trying and start allowing. Everything within that is for Our experience and pleasure. There are many things that We do by habit and We think that We are “required” to do. That is another perspective that needs to change. We are NOT victims of the world(s) We create. We know that We are creators but the fullness of that is not YET real to Us, it is not YET experiential.
All this is changing. We ARE experiencing a complete psychic change.
We are also becoming aware of leaving Our familiar, waking reality and experiencing living (perhaps lifetimes) in other realities and then returning to this life and reality very close to (if not exactly) when We left. This may be what We experience as dreaming but We becoming aware that does not ONLY happen when We are sleeping. Previously Our memories (or lack thereof) regulated Our life and reality to maintain a semblance of order and continuity: a part of maintaining limitation. This has become a comfortable way to live. That is changing and it is NOT (necessarily) comfortable because it is unfamiliar.
Even though We tried to return to full dream thoughts of Our dragon seemed to prevent this. So: We got up and are doing a few things outdoors including fiddling with Our dragon. We have done lots of pony hopping and “I love You” with Our dragon. We recognize it as One (or more) of Our children within. We are asking it what it wants and what it wants to do. We are certain that (being a dragon) it wants to fly and We would love to fly with it, in it, on it or beside it or any combination. The battery was nearly dead but it has been sitting for a week or two and the battery has not been fully charged in some time. It could be that it needs a new battery or not. However, what did surprise Us is that when We put the battery charger on and turned the key on the cooling fan is running??????? Something has changed as it was NOT running the last time. Can it be that the inner work We have done with OurSelf and mental/psychic stuff We have done with Our dragon is actually changing the physical????? Of course it IS possible but is it REAL?????? That may be totally up to Us. We are willing for it to be so. A bit frightened at the prospect, probably because it is new to this life.
The battery is charging and We are taking a break before doing some more little things outdoors.
When We went back out the fan would not run????? The good news is that We know it does work. We found how to get the fan to run which indicates that the temperature sensor in not working. That is inexpensive and “should” be an easy fix. The temperature gauge is reading: slowly going up and not coming down which could indicate that the thermostat is faulty BUT is the sender/sensor is faulty then that may be affecting the gauge. Probably more information than anyOne (besides Me) wants. The thing is that We ARE learning.
Being multidimensional does NOT mean leaving 3D. It seems that We are learning this balancing act. We rarely know the why of it. We just do what is front of Us and NOT acting out of fear and panic is a huge lesson. We continue to pony hop and send love and tell Us, Our dragon and Our children within that We love Us. We do not feel pressured about “fixing” Our dragon.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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