Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Progress and a shaking

Progress and a shaking
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:58:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We do not remember much at All from last night but We certainly do theel to be in multiworlds this morning. We theel that We may have visited another world with the two brothers from Our route, “their” kingdom. We often Oneder if “they” are the two brothers from Our dreams over the last few years? This would be a quite different version of “them” than in Our previous dreams but that is not uncommon.
It will be interesting to see how Our relationship and interactions with these two progresses. We really like All Our students but Our interactions seem to be deeper with these two. The silent Ones do reach to Us telepathically and We appreciate that but the verbal interactions in the physical world are still the strongest and clearest. Perhaps over time the non-physical/mental interactions will grow to be the strongest. We are learning how to be more than just Our physical bodies but it is a gradual process a learning and exploring process.
Is this what “they” call: “an adventure”??????? Surely it is.
This morning We theel more in the brothers kingdom AND in Our normal waking world than usual. Perhaps We need this (more solid/substantial) reference to identify other realities coexisting with Our familiar waking reality? We can feel the brothers kingdom more substantially than We have very many other alternate realities. We are also experiencing some time warping and it is hard to explain. Perhaps to say that We are in multitimes would be the best explanation. We certainly are not clear what time We are in and that is because We are in more than One. We are stepping/sliding out of linear time AND still living in linear time both. We just real-eyesed that We were having much difficulty with time yesterday also. Clearly We ARE slipping out of focus with normal, linear time. We may need to double check before We open Our mouth.
In fact: there are many limitation factors that We are NOT able to comprehend right now. This is the opposite of how We used to think. It used to be that limitless and multidimensional thinking and principles/factors/truths were hard to comprehend. Now: those feel much more familiar. We can tell that Our head is still trying to drag Us back into the old, familiar limitation world but it is having a very hard time of it. We reassure Our head/brain that We love it and it will Allways be an important part of Us. However it too needs to learn what its proper function is in this Our new paradigm. Part of that is to learn to relax and be calm. This is a world of ease and plenty. Those are completely new concepts for reality to Our waking/physical brain.
We are reminded to stay in the now. Much/most/All of Our old limitation thinking and planning is about the passed and/or the future. We really do not (yet) know how to think and fully BE in the now. Now is new territory in its own way.
The temperature dropped to a bit below freezing overnight. We are doing a few little things and hope to get Our last citronella and maybe the big tomato plant inside this weekend. “They” are fine so far because “they” are right up against the front of the cabin. We are gently getting prepared to install the new radiator in Our dragon. We keep reminding OurSelf that We do NOT have to finish today or even this weekend. AND: We do the footwork and set the results free with love. We do theel that Our children within are assisting Us and hopefully Our dragon too and We hope that this IS what Our dragon wants. If not We will probably know fairly soon. Can We set it free? We are willing to be willing. We are taking Our time as it warms up outside.
Our dragon is going back together a little easier than it came apart. One never knows with the type of fittings on the tranny line. Actually the easiest We've ever had those go back together. We are very grateful for All the tools We have, for the tricks We have learned AND especially for the help from Our children within (We can feel “them” helping and supporting Us) and the dragon's cooperation. Asking does not hurt.
We stopped putting Our dragon back together sooner than We had thought We would. Somehow We could tell that it was time to stop and start getting ready to go to town to visit Our local friends. On the drive in We real-eyesed that We had slipped way out of limitation 3D focus. It was interesting. We were Our normal Self at Our friends (normal for being there) which is basically appearing to be spaced out. We did talk about Our students and Our difficulty with time. We had a good time and a very good dinner.
We just had a real shaker earthquake. Online says it was a 5.4 but it sure felt stronger than that. We have never felt Our cabin shake like this. We were not at home when the 9.0 hit and this did not last as long as that One did but that One was a lot of immediate aftershocks. We have not felt any aftershocks yet. The epicenter was about 10-15 miles from Our cabin and that area has been having a lot of smaller quakes the last week. It even gave Us a headache. No damage here or at Our local friends.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

More interaction with the students

More interaction with the students
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Again many worlds and several new friends but no clear memories. We are certain that We are transitioning and Our dreams are helping Us become familiar with living in new ways. We wake focused on love and Our children within. The students on Our bus are reaching out to Us for acceptance and attention. We are happy to share with “them”. We ask: “How can We serve?” As well as remembering to ask: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like multidimensionally?”
There is much change happening within and that is what We are after.
This morning We can theel Our children within working with Us. We are drifty and not certain what is happening and We allow. We open to love, set it All free with love and allow love. We recognize and open to Our children. We do not have to know All the details. We can simply allow. Our head is even willing to take a break and set Our old thinking and planning free with love. What pleasant progress that is.
We are having more and more experiences of living in multiworlds. Our head still tries a bit to figure it out but it really is a weak effort. We are accepting and open to more and more. We are moving beyond limitation gradually and gently. We theel that this is what Our dreams are showing and experiencing Us.
One if Our highschoolers is definitely NOT a morning person but “they” were awake and talkative this morning which is nice to see. Fridays “they” usually have some kind of special day. One highschooler is downs syndrome and All-most Allways very happy.
Our carseat boy had his hands full of building blocks so he did not stop to play in the gravel. He had a great time on the ride and did very well and moving the blocks from hand to hand to take his jacket and back pack off and put “them” back on again. The other boy remains uncommunicative but does seem understand what We say to him. He just does not respond much, especially if it is something he does not really care to do.
One of Our morning preschoolers does not talk but he is starting. We theel he may be One of those who can (or will learn to) talk but mostly chooses not to.
After Our morning section Our driver told Us that she needed fuel and asked if it was okay to stop before We returned to base. This is the second time she has sprung it on Us at the last minute and that really irritates Us. This route there is no time to fuel between schools so it had to be done before or after Our route or during One of Our breaks and We understand that. We just like to know ahead of time. It took a while to get this through to her but finally We just said: “All I Am asking is that You tell Me ahead of time” which is what We thought We had been saying All along. Somehow this seemed to get through and settle the whole thing.
So far We have only had One of Our noon section kids ride. As usual (being a preschooler) “they” are the most adorable. There is just something about children just starting the adventure. “They” still appreciate the marvel and simple pleasures. This One gets a lot of attention from mom and that is sure a delight to see.
The younger brother had a hard time getting on the bus. We have no idea why. It may be that the usual aid was not there and he does NOT seem to like the lady that was with him. His brother and Us had to work with him to get him on the bus and then he got mad and threw his backpack Once he was on. It was sooooo fast that We have no idea what happened. We took his shoulders and told him that was unacceptable and not to throw things on the bus. At that point he was either on the verge or over the edge of out of control. We think he was barely maintaining control of his emotions and actions before getting on the bus. He had actually gotten on the bus Once (before his brother and the older kids came out of school) and jumped off and ran back into the school.
We took Our time with the younger brother and had the other kids give Us space. We quietly asked him if he wanted to sit with the other boy or by himSelf. It took a bit but he decided to sit alone. Once he got to his seat he wanted Us to buckle him in again. Then We sat next to his brother and the other boy sat in front of Us.
The older brother was more talkative this afternoon but the other boy wanted to talk to Us also (this is normal for him). When We asked if it was okay to sit next to him again: he smiled and said he would never say: “No” to that. The younger brother looked at the “Dinosaurs Love Underpants” book and the spider books from the library and the other boy looked at the dinosaur books. At the other boy's home the older brother grabbed Our arm and asked Us not to leave. We assured him that We would be right back but We had to walk the other boy off the bus. Once We had dropped off the other boy, the younger brother went to sleep and the older brother was able to talk to Us a little more.
The older brother spoke about his granma and granpa being king and queen and he a prince and his birthday. He misses his mom and he says that his birthday present (from her) is still in her house. We were quite taken by this idea of his grandparents being king and queen and he a prince. We tried to get him to tell Us more but he kept talking about his mom, missing his mom and the missing birthday present. We did not quite get it (at the time) but he was time traveling between today and whenever his birthday was. Good ol' retrospect.
After We dropped the brothers off Our driver was talkative so We only slipped into dream a bit later. When We got home We were ready to go dream right away. It seems We are in waking dream until We are ready for bed.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The students have much to teach Us

The students have much to teach Us
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:05:37 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
A different and interesting night: We visited several different worlds and realities and as usual met new friends. One world was about the opposite of Our current waking reality and not in a pleasant way. Yesterday We were thinking that the more We transition the more satisfied and comfortable We are with Our waking life. This other reality really confirmed that.
We woke about an hour and a half early and stayed in bed repeating love mantras, having waking dreams and experiencing several more realities and dimensions All at the same time. We tried to get up but it was really hard to get out of bed in such a multi state of being. We reset Our alarm for later and stayed in bed experiencing this multiD and multiworld experience. It was cool and fun. We allowed it to continue and finally were able to get out of bed still in this multifocused state. We are taking it easy and gentle as We experience being multifocused AND awake.
Our head is trying to take over and plan and worry but We really want it to take a break, calm down and relax. Our brain has a purpose but it is not the worry and stress that it is used to doing. We need to find new activities for Our brain and turn on the dormant 90%.
We are certainly having more and more experience being multidimensional and We like it. It is also disorienting at first which is why We (personally AND collectively) have resisted it for sooooo long. However: now that We are aware of what this feeling is and We embrace it then We begin to experience being free. We set the old beliefs and thinking free with love. We open and allow love. We are reminded to stay in the now. Our head still wants to plan because that is how it has learned to survive. The thing is that We are moving beyond survival, way beyond. We are thankful that Our head has helped Us survive. We are NOT trying to destroy or neglect Our head We just to find its real purpose and function and set it too free from limitation.
Once again We are reminded of how much Our children within are doing for and with Us. “They” are very forgiving and We have begun to integrate and play as a team. What was Once work and drudgery is becoming play. Even getting out of bed and dream is changing perspective. Our waking life is becoming more like Our dream life so it is easier to be awake even though We still need to become familiar with being multidimensional AND awake.
Another good and educational morning with the kids. Our morning carseat boy looked at Us smiled and took Our finger to walk to the bus. When We got to the gravel parking lot he let go and started playing in the gravel. Not a problem but since We are not familiar with him We did not know what might happen. He looked like he might take off running. When he picked up a large two handful of gravel and headed to the bus We stopped him and told him that he could take One on the bus. He dumped All his rocks and was smoothing “them” out. When he laid down and was rolling around in the gravel We tried to get him up but it was NOT happening. We stopped and stepped back a step so that We were not fighting each other. We signaled the driver to honk to get someOne out to help Us. As soon as she honked he stood up and walked to the bus like nothing had happened. He got on the bus and went to his starseat and got in. He had a great ride and was the happiest and most active (waving and clapping and laughing) that We have seen him yet.
At school We asked him to let the other boy out first again. We put the other boy's backpack on and then his. Once his backpack was on he was ready to go. The other boy still likes to go slow. Reluctantly We got off the bus in the right order and both boys took Our hand and We walked to the red guardrail. We told the slow boy that We needed to walk close to the guardrail for the carseat boy. When We got to the guardrail he let go of Our hand and acted like he might run the other direction. We told the slow walking boy to wait where he was (not knowing what was going to happen) and when We tried to take the carseat boy's hand he lay down on the ground. We asked what was up (again not touching him and standing close but not directly over him) he indicated that he wanted to walk backwards. No problem. We let him walk backwards and held both boys hands to the end of the guardrail (right by the door). We will continue to observe both boys and learn about “their” behaviors and how to react and direct “them”.
This is All about paying attention and learning how to deal with each student at/on “their” level.
Both brothers slept most of the way home. The younger had had a bit of a rough day and showed it slightly. When We dropped off the other boy he laid down in his seat which Our driver does not allow. We sat next to him and sat him up leaning against the wall and window. We could see disappointment on the older brother's face but also understanding. We had Our driver stop so that We could get his backpack to use as a pillow. Then We sat back next to the older brother and both were happy. Normally the younger brother does not like for Us to sit next to him but he seemed to be willing to allow. We asked if he was having a rough time and if he would like to talk about it but he put up his hand like: “stop”.
We talked to the older brother a bit more than usual. He does not seem to want to talk, just sleep or stare out the window. We are certain that he takes Us to dream and We fell deep in as soon as the bus was empty. When We got home We could barely fix dinner and watch and episode of “Merlin” before going back deeper and deeper into dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

More progress

More progress
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:52:18 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Our first thoughts are of love. That is a nice way to wake and then We thought about living and being multidimensional and Our students. We really like the group of students this year.
Last night We visited several worlds and realities that are quite different from Our waking reality, so different that We can not remember hardly anything. There was One world that was more similar but that was about drug dealing. Theels rather odd for Us. We did meet new friends in All the realities We visited. We do remember that much. We remember thinking how expanded most of the worlds were. “They” were multidimensional and include many dimensions and realities within each. That is hard for Our physical brain to comprehend but We are beginning to be open to it. We set Our old limitation thinking and beliefs free with love. We allow love.
We can theel OurSelf at Our communication center on ship AND in Our cabin in the woods and Our faerie castle that surrounds Our cabin. We do not know if “they” are the same or different and these are probably only limitation terms anyway. We know that these All coexist. It is only in Our mind/perception that there are distinct boundaries and separations. When We went outdoors We can theel Our reality slip, sliding into multidimensional realities. We likes that.
We are drifting again this morning. Gotta remember that this is when We ARE experiencing flying. What else is here? What does this look like multidimensionally? We continue to automatically think: “I love You”. We keep going back to old memories and add: “I love You”s which changes the memories and gradually changes Our present.
We thought that We had added some comments during the day but We can not find “them”. We had another great morning and afternoon and started Our noon section. We only had One rider for Our noon section but others will start riding as We go along especially after Labor Day. We really enjoy All of Our students this year even though most do not communicate verbally. The older brother still wants Us to sit with him and All-ways has a big smile when he looks at Us. We do theel that he takes Us into dream but We have to stay awake with students on the bus but as soon as the brothers get home We start to drift and really wanna get to dream soon after We get home.
It occurs to Us that the more We transition the more We are satisfied and comfortable in Our waking life. We experience multiworlds and realities and theel much less limited and restricted. There is not much noticeable outside change but the inner change is very pleasant.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another great day with the kids

Another great day with the kids
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:40:58 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Our first thoughts were “I love You”, “Thank You”, “We are love”. We woke from a very chaotic world. We do not remember any details from the night, only that that last world was very chaotic. We theel certain that chaos is not a bad thing but Our physical brain can not make sense of it. We are familiar with order and limits. This may be what Our recent dream ventures have been building up to: chaos. We will see.
We are reminded to ask: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like multidimensionally?” We do feel like We are in a different world other than Our familiar waking world. We theel that it is Us that is changing.
It is easy for Us to slip into Our old limitation and separation thinking. That is the way that is familiar. It is still Our primary default. We are sorry for Our old erroneous ways of thinking and believing (limitation and separation). Please forgive OurSelf. We love OurSelf and We thank OurSelf. We can feel the presence of Our children within. “They” are smiling and “they” are helping Us to evolve. We ARE reuniting with Our children, Our castaways, Our rejects and Our orphans. We are certain that what We do with the children on the school bus is a part of this.
Not much to report this morning. A good morning but no real news. Most of Our morning kids do not talk and the Ones who do were asleep or listening to “their” music. It is fun to watch the kids as “they” dance to “their” music or look out the windows at All the sights. Many are very aware of “their”surroundings even when “they” barely acknowledge Us.
The two kindergarten boys followed the same routine as yesterday though it took a bit more coaxing on Our part. The slow walker got off first and both took Our hands and walked together. This slows the carseat boy down and speeds the slow walker up and nobody gets in trouble for running ahead or lagging behind.
This is Our last day with a long break. Preschool starts tomorrow and We really will not know until then how Our breaks will go. We do not have much to do on this long break today so We will probably get some extra dreaming in. We do feel OurSelf flying and being multiD today.
We only have One highschooler. She is autistic and does not communicate much even though she does speak when she wants. She mostly stays in her world and is very happy there. She is living multidimensionally and people think that is a handicap. We (the masses) have made this and so many other things a “bad” thing. So most of Us avoid it with All the power We have within. Whenever this girl is on the bus We do theel about flying.
The gradeschool boys did very well. The two brothers started horsing around when “they” first got on. We havta keep working on that because it upsets the driver and really is not safe. When We got “them” to stop right away “they” went to “their” seats. The older brother sat where he sat yesterday which is where he moved to sit next to Us. The other boy and the younger brother wanted to sit together and We said as long as “they” both want to it is fine. The younger brother wanted Us to buckle him in again. It seems to be something about receiving attention. The two of “them” shared books pretty well. The new boy is friendly and very cooperative. He wanted Us to read One book and after We had started the younger boy wanted Us to read another book. We were going to read the brother's book after the other boy got to his stop but (when he saw the brother's disappointment) he said We should read that book instead of his book.
The older brother wanted Us to sit next to him again but he did not want to talk or pay any attention to the books. He slept most of the way or just gazed out the window. Once when he woke he quickly looked to make sure We were still sitting next to him and gave Us a big grin. That warms Our heart.
As soon as We dropped off the brothers We started drifting into dream. We were glad We did not have much to do when We got home. We had a quick dinner and watched and episode of “Merlin” and were drifting even before We went to bed.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Learning more about being here AND there

Learning more about being here AND there
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited several worlds last night and met new friends and some recently familiar friends. We remember pony hopping and going back to passed lives and adding love. The last world is the only One that We remember clearly and Our friend was buying a new house with a new lover and “their” ex-wife was taking charge of the decorating. It was turning into a real mess. We went to look at the house and met some more friends there and We were All playing together. We helped Our friend take pots and pans out of the bathroom drawer and move “them” to the kitchen. We had to leave because it was time to go to work.
It was another world where people are more free and open but also much like Our waking world.
There is a feeling of real inner change for Us since yesterday. Being able to spend the day working on Our dragon and not be attached to the process OR the outcome is real change. It is very pleasant. We woke thinking love. We are adding “I love You”s to everything We do and the other worlds We visit. We do not resent waking and leaving Our dreams to be on the bus with the kids. We are staying in the now. Lots of change within. We love You.
Our children within are helping Us. “They” are happy. We are healing. We are integrating and uniting Our parts and pisces.
Our head is trying to tell Us that We are late and on the wrong path. That is old thinking and behavior. Our heart tells Us that We are on time and on target. We are allowing OurSelf to live multidimensionally.
What else is here? What does this look like from a multidimensional perspective?
We are remembering and experiencing flying because We are allowing rather than denying. It is a very pleasant sensation. This morning We are drifting and right now it is more like simply floating rather than flying swiftly like We often experience when We pay attention. What else is here? We love You.
We are reminded to stay in the now, be more allowing and less controlling. We are putting this into practice. Adding love to every life and world that We visit (even Our familiar, waking world/life) is the most important. That is Our primary focus. We get it that Our week is about spending Our weekdays with the kids and showing “them” attention, care and love. Then when there are no kids on the bus We can dream and We spend Our nights dreaming. Being with the kids on the bus is a lot like dreaming if We recognize it and allow it. We ARE love. We set it free with love.
After We got done with Our tasks (during Our break) We needed to get into dream. We want to share a bit of Our morning. We had another great morning. Most of Our students are autistic so We are not having much verbal communication with “them”. Another student started riding that We Allready know. We were not sure if “they” recognized Us at first but We saw “them” a couple of times (during the day on another bus) and “they” waved each time.
Our starseat boy went to a different starseat than he has been sitting in, then went back to his usual starseat and sat down in the floor. The belts were All twisted up. As soon as We untwisted the belts he got up and climbed into his usual starseat and let Us buckle him in. He had fun on the ride. At school We asked him to let the other boy get off the bus first. The other boy is less communicative than he is, neither use words. The other boy also walks slow and the One had been running ahead and the teachers yelled at him. The slow walker got off first and reached for Our hand. When the starseat boy got off he reached for Our hand too and We All walked up to the door together. The teachers were very happy.
We have probably forgotten to mention that We have different kids in the afternoon than in the morning. Our gradeschooler in the afternoon are two brothers and a third boy who just started riding today. The older brother was apparently talking mean to the third boy while We were waiting outside the bus for the younger brother. Our driver wanted the aid from school to get on the bus and talk to the older brother. He did while We buckled the younger brother in. We are sure he can buckle himSelf but he asked Us to do it. Then We went to the older brother and asked if We needed to move him further from the third boy. He was complaining about the way the third boy was talking to him yet chose to sit directly across from him????? The older brothers said it would help and asked if he could sit next to Us. We told him yes. Everything went smooth from there on. The third boy is very attentive and helpful. He and the younger brother looked Our books and Once again the dinosaur book is the most popular.
After We drop the two brothers off We have about a forty minute ride home so We get some nice dream time in.
When We got home and got groceries put away: We were ready for dinner and then dream. We were very ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Making slow and gentle progress

Making slow and gentle progress
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:41:04 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Lots of worlds, lots of new friends and few clear memories. It theels like We are experiencing something new that Our waking brain can not (yet) comprehend. Our first thought upon waking is: “Love”.
Our head is making a feeble attempt to plan and even worry but Our heartmind is much stronger these days. We know that none of Our limitation plans and worries matter. We will probably do some more on the dragon's radiator if We theel like it and it does not really matter. We fly. We know that now. We real-eyes that the reason We were not aware of flying is because We said that We did not fly. Rather obvious now. We get what We say We get and We have what We say We have.
We are prosperous and We live as love. We are learning and remembering and transitioning. We are happy. We like what is happening in Our life and We ARE love.
We ARE changing. We have been making progress at not pressuring OurSelf sooooo much and not feeling as pressured AND the difference now is amazing compared to last school year. We can palpably feel the difference and it is really nice. There are lots of little things that We can do (in the physical) but none feel life threatening even when We think about All of “them” together (which only happens briefly now). We are NOT feeling overwhelmed and that is REAL change.
We returned to dream. We do not know what We did there but We are certain that We did it and enjoyed it. Our first thoughts are love. We are reminded that what We think of as needs are actually wants. This is not new to Us but We do forget. We ARE very grateful for the changes that We are experiencing.
Even though We are doing stuff, We are mostly playing. When work becomes play then We are headed in the right direction.
Removing the radiator (from Our dragon) is turning out to be a challenge but still NOT as bad as it could be and not quite as bad as We have been anticipating. Our head keeps telling Us that We “should” have started earlier in the summer but We know that We are right on time. The transmission lines are the hard part which is what We had expected. Would “they” have been as bad if We had NOT expected “them” to be difficult?????? We can tell that if We did this before We would know several tricks that would make it easier. We are finding some tricks as We go. Again: We do NOT feel pressured and stressed just a bit tired. Okay: We had a nice short break and are ready to get back at it. Only One line to finish disconnecting and then the last One to do from start to finish and the radiator will come out. This first line is taking well over an hour to get disconnected because of the tiny work space. Probably TMI but We feel like typing about this experience. It is certainly an experience in being here AND there.
After We finally got the first tranny line disconnected We think that We might have found an easier place to disconnect it but We are not sure. At least We do have some ideas how to make the install a bit easier than the reverse of what We did to take it out. We DID find an easier way to disconnect the second line and that will be a life saver (so to speak) because We really do NOT see any way to get Our hand and/or a wrench down to where that line connects to the radiator.
It feels like We need a good long break so We are going to have lunch (which is a rare treat when We are at home). We rarely eat lunch at home and this will be more to give Us something to do so that
We will take an actual break. After this last line is disconnected (which should be quick and easy then the radiator should just lift out. Unless it doesn't.
We did decide to bring One tomato plant in while We are taking a break and We got that done to Our satisfaction. It is getting down close to freezing at night now even though it is very early for that.
So much for the easier way to disconnect the second tranny line but We are able to get a wrench on it from underneath and are able to disconnect it from there. It will just be slow going. Hopefully We will be able to get it back together and We theel that We will. We are not there yet.
The radiator is out of Our dragon. The second tranny line was easier than the first. As We were slowly, slowly, slowly disconnecting it We real-eyesed that the task was not so much hard as slow and very tedious and even that only the two tranny lines. We theel that We had help whenever We allowed it. Still focusing on flying. We will probably buy the new radiator tomorrow since preschool starts Wednesday and We do not wanna try to get it on short breaks. Then We will have the long labor day weekend to start putting the new radiator back in. We do hope that We can take it as slow and gentle as We did taking the old radiator out. That is much of what this is about.
Now for dinner and probably some “Heros” tonight. Salsa burgers and mac & cheese for dinner. That should please Our children within.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Action and flight

Action and flight
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:02:36 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The first part of the night We were waking every hour very thirsty. Each time We woke from a different world/reality. There were too many to remember any clearly this morning but “they” were All similar to this reality except that many were about people helping each other. We do remember that in One people were rebelling and breaking laws to help some group that was being repressed for some reason. We woke very aware of being multidimensional. We remember pony hopping a few things during the night.
Now We are appreciating Our children within and saying “I love You”. One of Our first thoughts was about flying. We were checking Our feelings to see if We remembered feeling the sensation of flight. We are allowing OurSelf to feel OurSelf flying now. It is kinda interesting to be aware of sitting at Our computer typing AND feel the sensation of flight. Our head tries to tell Us that We can NOT do both. Just because that is what We All-ways believed does NOT make it true. We CAN do both if We want to.
We just need to begin to be aware and We can expand.
A wave of dream and flight and expansion just swept over Us so strong that We did have to stop typing for a minute and really feel it. We get it that it is up to Us to allow or stick to the old and familiar. We choose to open to love, set All free with love and allow love. All of this IS love. It may not be what We expect love to be and it is only part of love but it IS love.
We find OurSelf repeating: “I love You and I love Me” Thank You.
This morning We are allowing OurSelf to feel OurSelf levitating and flying and other (supposedly impossible) abilities. When We begin thinking in limitation terms (and absolutes and restrictions) We are recognizing it much quicker than before, naming it and setting Our thoughts and beliefs free with love. We remind OurSelf that We experiencing being less limited and on Our way to experiencing being limitless. We are limitless, We are multidimensional AND We ARE able. Now: We just need to allow OurSelf to experience it. We just need to allow OurSelf to live as love (Our natural state) in the physical.
Our head is trying to think and plan. We set it free and give it a break, a vacation. Our head is not used to that, not used to it at All. Talk about uncharted waters.
We are feeling OurSelf flying and visiting other worlds while We are sitting at Our computer. We also think about working on Our dragon today or at least getting the battery charged and disconnected for winter. We theel that We are getting a large dose of learning to live multidimensionally. That is a good thing. We ARE here AND there. MultiD does include 3D. We need to learn how to allow and do this. We ARE love. We ARE learning to live as love in the physical.
When We put the battery charger on the dragon We noticed several little things (outdoors) that We will probably want to do this weekend. The difference is that We are NOT pressuring OurSelf. We are taking it slow and gentle the way life is meant to be. We theel strongly that We would much rather be aware of flying and flying with/in/on Our dragon than try to get it running the old way. We figure that We will probably start taking things off to remove the radiator but We are not planning to rush and push and All those old ways. We may or may not take the radiator out. We do not remember if We mentioned that We did finally find the temperature sending unit but We are going to wait on that because it is NOT the main problem. And again: We may remember that We fly and teleport, etc. and not think that We need to “fix” the dragon when what it really wants is to fly and it may not need the engine to run cool for that to happen. We do not know and that is okay.
In the mornings on the bus We find that We need a flashlight to read so We are putting working batteries in a couple of Our little flashlights to take with Us.
We decided to start removing the radiator from Our dragon because it theels like the right thing to do. It is going smoother and easier than anticipated. There is new tool that We need to disconnect the transmission lines and the parts store has “them” fairly inexpensive. “They” also have the radiator in stock. We are going to wait to buy a new radiator until We have the old One out.
It really does feel like We are following inspiration. Our head tries to tell Us We took too long and We will suffer some tragedy and will not have time and/or energy to install the new radiator before winter and it is forty below. It insists that the sky will fall. However: We feel that We are right on schedule. We know that if We had rushed We would not know the things We know now. We needed the process. Hmmmmm: sound familiar?
We went to town to visit Our local friends, go to the pool and get the new tool. Mission accomplished and We had fun. We were not really focused in limitation 3D but We are able to function there while drifting and flying in multiD and multiworlds. Progress, lots of progress.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Progress and becoming aware

Progress and becoming aware
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:49:55 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Another interesting night of visiting other worlds and meeting new friends. The worlds (that We remember) are similar to this world yet also quite different. One had people from Our passed waking life doing things that involved Us but which never happened in Our waking life. There were other similar worlds but We do not remember many details.
We woke about half an hour ago and lay in bed drifting in and out of dream and waking dream. We were awake but NOT ready to get up. One of the things that came to mind was not clinging to linear and chronological time. It is hard setting those versions of time free because those have Allways been requirements in Our mind/brain/head. We still cling to the familiar. One of Our first thoughts was: “I love You” and “thank You”. We like thinking that way.
Being extremely multiD focused makes it hard to get thoughts translated to words coming out Our fingers. We have also been contemplating multiworlds since We woke and asking: “What else is here” and “What does this look like from a multiD perspective?”.
We are reminded to acknowledge and pay attention to Our children within AND to set Our old thinking and clinging to Our limits free. Staying in the now is part of both of these. We do love Our children within and thank “them” and it is good to remind OurSelf and Our children.
During the night and again this morning: We are reminded that everything We experience (in Our waking world) is Our projection. We do not know if that applies to Our dreams or not. If it is important We will find out. The people We encounter (in waking) are Our projections of Our children within. Most are wounded children and no Oneder since We abandoned “them” and mistreated “them” for sooooo long. Now: We acknowledge “them” and keep telling “them” that We love “them”. We do a lot of pony hopping.
There have been several times lately when We try to judge the rich. We quickly see Our old pattern and old memories coming up and coming out. We pony hop and set it free with love. We ARE making progress.
We keep asking: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like multidimensionally?”. These questions are important if We want to live, waking in multidimensionality. We love You and We thank You.
Another fun morning and its Friday. Most of the kids were in good moods and are getting more familiar and comfortable with Us. The boy who did not want to be in a starseat went right to his starseat and got in and waited for Us to buckle him in. He had a lot of fun singing and making sounds imitating the bus All the way to school.
We theel We are really going to enjoy this year.
There continue to be reminders about Our thinking. More change. It is hard for people to conceive of just how much We can change as We change Our thinking, Our words and then Our beliefs. That can happen in any order but the change really does start with Us.
More and more We ARE remembering to think: “We are flying” or “We are levitating” even when the evidence would appear to be to the contrary. It is evidence that We created, manifested and projected to keep Us limited. As long as We say that We don't then We don't. Imagine that. It is easy to think, believe and say that We can not change, that it is just the way it is, etc. If We support that (with Our words and thoughts) then it will continue to be the way it is.
Few of Us believe that We ARE that powerful and that too is Our projection.
An extension or part of this thinking change is thinking/saying that We are in limitation. Perhaps the more We speak that We are limitless and that We are experiencing less limitation the more We will experience. We have made a start.
It is clear to Us that We are experiencing more and more being multidimensional and living in multiworlds. The more We acknowledge the more We experience, not the other way around for We truly ARE the creators of Our world(s) and lives.
We did not have any students ride in the afternoon, “they” were All picked up by parents for whatever reason. That made for a nice short day. When We got home We were feeling very dreamy so We returned to dream for a bit before dinner. When We laid down We real-eysed the often when We feel drifty or not focused in limitation 3D it feels a like flying. Interesting that We never noticed that until We started saying and thinking that We do fly.
Our children within are amazing.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, August 22, 2014

A lot of improvement

A lot of improvement
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:02:18 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke thinking “I love You” but We could tell that We really were not ready to wake so We reset Our alarm and returned to dream a while. We had woken from a world where a couple of people were using One of Our tool boxes. We were happy that others were getting more use out of Our tools but when We saw the mess that “they” had made of Our well organized tool box We were quite upset. That is very typical of Our waking Self. You could say that We are OCD and You would be right.
When We woke again (before Our alarm) We are still thinking of love and Our children within. That is good and that is progress.
We would like to share of Our experiences on the bus yesterday (and We may) but right now We are not focused in 3D enough to get words out of Our fingers. We keep repeating “I love You” and “Thank You”. We let OurSelf drift with those thoughts.
On Our first trip outdoors We are asking Our questions: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from a multidimensional perspective?”. We did pretty good at staying in multidimensional focus and not hurting OurSelf but We did have to go slow and careful. It really is like learning to ride a bike. Learning to live multidimensionally is NOT about NOT doing things in the physical. It is about being in 3D AND other Ds, about functioning in 3D without being focused only in 3D. It will probably be easier when Our familiar waking 3D in not limitation 3D.
We can tell that We ARE changing. We can feel it. We can theel Our awareness of Our abilities growing. We can theel what it feels like to use Our mental and psychic abilities. We ARE making progress. We keep telling OurSelf that things ARE different than “they” seem, that We are levitating and flying but We just convinced OurSelf that We do not do these things. We can theel Our beliefs shifting. Once We believe then We can (and will) experience. We (everyOne) usually want it the other way around AND expect it to work bassackwards to how it really will work.
We are having lots of reminders and insights about how We think and believe. Our others ARE some of Our children within that We project outwards. We need to see AND treat “them” like children in pain because “they” are. This is hard to remember because “they” look like A-dults and We are taught (and have taught) that “they” are A-dults. Looks ARE deceiving. What We normally see is part of the lies, deceptions and illusion of separation and limitation.
Before work We had a reminder about how We treat Our others, Our children within. We did NOT treat a coworker (who thinks that she is a supervisor and may even have been told that she is a supervisor but We have not been told) like a child in pain. After We did a lot of pony hopping and got over Our mad We thought about how a child in pain would feel if We treated “them” like that. Not a warm and tender feeling. We ARE willing to change but it is a lot of change and so We forgive OurSelf and make a new start.
We had a great morning with the kids. We have two gradeschoolers who like to talk and are quite capable of taking care of “themSelves”. We are required to walk in with “them” but “they” told Us that “they” do not need to walked in. We told “them” that We real-eyes that but We are supposed to walk “them” in. One told Us he did NOT want Us to hold the door open for him. We said that We would try to remember tomorrow. He is good about telling what he knows how to do by himSelf. We respect that and try to show it.
The boy who fought Us over the carseat (yesterday) went right to a starseat and got in. Shocked Us but We real-eyesed that We had established this as his routine. We had a good ride. He clearly understands what We say (whether he responds or not). He has not used any words with Us (yet) but We have the feeling that he can but chooses not to. He does remind Us of a lot of what is explained in The Reason I Jump.
We have a long break until preschool starts next Wednesday and now We are starting to drift away. We are not certain yet if the kids are taking Us dreaming or not. We ARE certain that “they” are communicating with Us telepathically and We are connecting but “they” feel a bit reserved still. “They” certainly are NOT used to being accepted as “they” are.
Our afternoon was also great. We only have One highschool student and “they” are a very nice autistic student. “They” like to make interesting sounds and can talk plainly but do not talk much. The gradeschooler that had the meltdown yesterday was doing well today. We were told that he had received some bad news about fifteen minutes before it was time to go home yesterday. One teacher gave him some candy as he was getting on the bus today because he did so well. We told him that he was not supposed to eat on the bus so he should save it for when he got home. We discussed this for a while. He was trying to say something and We thought he had finished talking and We started to talk. We were wrong. At first We did not understand when he told Us to stop talking. So: We asked a few questions and he explained. We apologized for interrupting and let him finish. We got it All settled and he only pretended to eat his candy the rest of the way home. We played a bit at some games he made up. The older brother slept most of the trip but did check from time to time to make sure We were paying attention to him too. A wave seemed to be enough for him. It was a fun ride All the way from school to home.
Allmost forgot what We really wanted to mention: We continue receiving reminders about what We think, how We think and the questions We ask.
Oh, also: the problem from this morning before got fixed and We were able to thank the person that We had had the (not so pleasant) discussion with for taking action. Our immediate supervisor mentioned the problem getting fixed (later) and We thanked her too and told her that We had thanked the other person. We are very happy about this outcome. It is another time that pony hopping worked well. We made the choice to take responsibility and ask forgiveness rather than holding onto the frustration. It took a lot of repetition but it sure was worth it.
We do not remember if We have typed about the insights about what We think and the questions We ask but in a nutshell We are getting it that if We think about not liking something, guess what: We don't like it. Then We wonder why We continue to not like it after repeating that We don't like it. DUH. And the questions We ask can send Us into not wanting and not liking the same way. We need to make the choice to think and speak differently (in Allmost every situation) and We are doing that when We catch OurSelf. We are doing well with this and We are being gentle with Us when We do not do so well. Remember to that if We say and think that We want then We are saying that do not have it. This can be a fine line and balancing act. We must start where We are and We must also stop arguing for Our limitations.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to school

Back to school
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:50 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Our clock radio woke Us (We truly are not used to waking this early in the morning) and Our first thought is: “I love You”. We like that. We really do want to focus on love. We want to live in a world of love and that begins with Us. We would give up All Our other goals, desires, abilities and dreams for love but the truth is that love is the only way to really have and experience All those other things. Love IS the energy that everything is made of. We just forgot and denied and pretended otherwise. We ARE remembering and We are changing.
We visited other worlds and lives and met more new friends but the details are very fuzzy. We probably woke during Our last sleep cycle and interrupted a dream. We feel fine. We are rested and Our focus in (at least) a bit broader than just limitation 3D. We do remember several times during the night saying to Our children within: “Let's go flying”. We theel that We did. Perhaps We are getting familiar with flying. We are certain that We have been flying for some time if not All along. We just denied it so well that We were not aware of it. We are beginning to acknowledge flying but Our brain is not quite familiar enough with flying to be fully aware of it. The same goes with levitating and teleporting.
It is probably true that Our feet never really touch the ground. Instead We (levitate) float slightly above the ground. Because We are convinced that We are mean and evil and damage (even destroy) Our mother (the earth AND Our conscious awareness) We believe that We walk on the ground trampling everything under foot. That is part of the illusion of separation and limitation. It is a very convincing illusion because Our belief makes it real. The only effective change must come from the inside. We must change Our beliefs and We do that by choosing to do it. It is kinda like magik.
It is All-most amazing what a difference making the choice to acknowledge flying is making. We do theel some of Our children being here in “their” energy bodies, smiling and patting Us on the back. We theel “their” happiness. We are happy too.
We are asking Our questions: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from a multidimensional perspective?”.
On this first day back to the school bus We are finding it easy to slip back into the old thinking patterns. We remind OurSelf that that is the old. We are making a start at thinking and acting with/as/in/from love. We are finding what a difference it makes to be thinking: “I love You” rather than: “I don't want to do this”.
We had a great first day. A couple of the students had a rough day but We really theel that is more about the first day rather than being an every day struggle. “They” ended up calming down and We connected well. Of course We All-ways connect best with the “bad boys”. We have a nice variety of students. One is from Ethiopia. We theel that is quite cool. We do have a lot of travel time without students at the beginning of the day and at the end.
One student took “their” shoes and socks off. After a bit “they” let Us put “their” socks back on but not “their” shoes until We got close to school. When We told “them” that We were getting close to school and asked if We could put “their” shoes back on “they” were going to let Us until We started putting “their” right shoe on first. “They” started screaming and lifted “their” left foot. We handed “them” “their” left shoe and “they” put it on. It felt like: “Are You stupid? Don't You know the left shoe goes on first?” Then We handed “them” “their” right shoe and “they” put it on. With both shoes “they” got “their” toes in and let Us help “them” get “their” heels in. We know that a lot of these kids overheat and the feet are the worst for overheating so We try to let “them” have “their” shoes off if “they” need. We told a driver and another attendant about the shoe part (mainly) because it might help “them” deal with “their” students. Many people just do not know things like: “The left shoe goes on first”.
This was Our last student before break and We went into semi-dream soon after. We wanted to type about Our morning but We really did not have the energy and focus to type anything intelligible.
Another student was having a complete meltdown at school. We waited. When the teacher and aids did get the student on the bus “they” settled down pretty quick. We took it slow. “They” grabbed “their” brother's arm and were twisting it backwards. We put a quick stop to that. Then We had to go slow and help “them” choose a seat. When We asked what seat “they” wanted “they” were crying: “I don't know”. It was obvious that “they” really had lost control of “themSelf”. The way “they” acted could easily be seen as rebellion and acting out but We could tell that “they” were actually “out of control”. It is a forty minute drive to these brother's home. We talked with the older brother about his arm Once We made sure that it hurt but was not damaged. We were sympathetic while he was in pain and then worked up to his arm being metal and he had repaired it. We asked if it is a bionic arm and he said: “No, it's metal”.
The younger brother stopped crying (not screaming or loud crying) fairly soon and We asked if he was getting better and he nodded. We smiled and said: “that's good”. A bit later he smiled at Us. We asked if he like maps and he nodded. We asked if We could sit next to him and show him some maps. He scooted over a bit and invited Us to sit next to him. We showed him the map to his house and he traced the roads with his finger. Then he raced the road with his finger. We played the rest of the ride home.
When We got home We were quite alert and did not feel like We needed to go to dream right away. We even stayed up a bit after dinner watching “Haven”. We really do like to watch shows about abilities but We sure wish there were more about good stuff. The programming is still that We should fear Our abilities and We have to keep talking to OurSelf. However it is better to at least see something about people having these abilities.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More insights and experiences

More insights and experiences
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:01:38 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
This was One of those nights that We know We got a lot of information and visited other worlds and had fun but We do not remember anything clearly. We did wake thinking about Our children within and love. That makes Us happy. We do remember that the times that We were in bed and still awake We processed yesterday's events and got even more insight and inspiration.
Our children within were certainly helping Us during the fire and during the night. We can feel “them”. We could feel “them” containing the fire and We remembered and recognized that last night. We rehearsed the things that We have done over the years and many of those have to do with fire. Perhaps Our children within like playing with fire. Perhaps it is a cleansing fire? The fires (in Our life) were Allways contained to do much less damage than “they” might have or even should have like happened yesterday. We never (before) recognized that it was Us. Our children within ARE part of Us. Thank You. There are other things that We have done over the years that We have never acknowledged or barely had any thought that it might be Us.
You might notice that We have never died in this life. We have had lots of close calls and many times that We were certain that We would perish. We have barely ever suffered even though there were a few times that We thought We were but it was never anything like the way some have suffered (at least in stories and legends). Suffering (like death) has Allways happened to someOne else. There might be a clue there.
During Our unpaid vacations with the school bus We have often thought that there would not be enough money but that has yet to be the case. There are other examples of some power stronger than physical forces taking care of Us. We know now (it was strongly impressed on/in Us last night) that We are that force. It is Our conscious AND Our unconscious. It is Our family within. We project Our world and life (from within) onto the screen that We call the world. We cleans OurSelf and Our world and life but We never destroy Us or Our world (that is actually impossible because it is All energy).
Yesterday: watching Our Buick burning We felt very little fear. In that present We felt something within Us containing the fire within and underneath the engine compartment. Afterwards We were thinking that We felt powerless watching the fire burn but that feeling of powerlessness was only in the physical as We had no fire extinguisher or water to use if the trees and/or cabin started to burn. We could feel Our mind, Our unconscious reaching out to contain the fire. We were standing over the engine with Our hands on the air cleaner (the gas was spraying from under the air cleaner) when the fire began and yet We had no burns, not even a minor burn.
All of this and more was pointed out to Us last night. We know that We will be fine and it is time to acknowledge Our abilities at play in Our life. Certainly there is a time for doing and a time for setting it All free with love. The time for setting it All free with love, being open to love and allowing love is much more of the time than We have been aware. The time for doing is less and the time for being is much more. Being aware of and grateful for Our children within is Allways. The only time is now and that is when Our children reside.
We are love learning to live as love in the physical. We are learning what love really is or at least beginning to learn what love really is.
This is All part of Our changing Our mind. Our beliefs and thinking ARE changing. We are experiencing a complete psychic change. Our children within are a big part of this. “They” are aware of much more than Our A-dult has been. The power and abilities come from within. The more We acknowledge and unify within the more We can be aware of and use Our natural abilities. We are meant to heal not to wound. We recognize that even if and when Our children have acted up and acted out “they” have been very restrained compared to what “they” could have done in rebellion. Our children within have been much kinder to Our physical and mental Self than We have been to “them”. We are grateful. Please forgive Us.
This morning We ARE asking Our questions: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from a multiD perspective?” We are more aware of the more that IS here than We usually are. We ARE more aware of here AND there than usual. We ARE here AND there and We are aware of it. We are learning how to live this way and limitation 3D is NOT as much Our primary focus as before.
We vaguely remember stuff about limitation 3D and limitless 3D in Our dreams. This is still pretty foreign to Our brain. Probably still hidden in the unused parts of Our brain and DNA. At least We are broaching the possibility and experience.
We decided to return to dream. We are not sure what We did but We enjoyed it whatever it was. It does seem like it was about returning to the original separation. It was about adding love and it was about Our children within. It was about flying (We have been noticing that We rarely if ever have flying dreams????) and teleporting and multilocating. Not much huh?
It theels like We want to fiddle with Our dragon some today and We hope to make a trip to town to go to the pool and get a few groceries. It is mostly about going to the pool before Our first day back to school. It is very overcast and a bit cool outdoors. We theel that anything We do with the dragon is not really important but We want to keep trying slowly and gently. We are also imaginating Our dragon flying. We love You. We ask it what it wants and We ask Our children to help Us.
Right now: working on Our dragon and trying to heal it is about doing what We theel is in front of Us to do without being attached to the outcome. We are not good at that and can use the practice. We do real-eyes that Our dragon running hot may be aiding Us and We may not be able to stop this. That is okay but We still want to do what We can. Maybe We will do some today and some more in Our dreams and All that. We really do not know and We know that We do NOT have All the information. We ARE sorry for Our old limiting beliefs. We are sorry that We have forgotten how to fly and teleport. Please forgive OurSelf. We would really love to take Our children flying. We love Us and We thank Us. Please help. Thanks.
We are reminded that just because We have All-ways done separation with fear and anger does NOT mean that is the only way to experience it. It is One way but NOT the only way. Just because We have Allways experienced 3D as limitation does NOT mean that that is the only way 3D is. We can change. We can change Our mind. We can integrate Our head and Our heart. We can see 3D and everything about it and separation from a new, expanded perspective. We can zoom out and see the bigger picture.
Today's fiddling with Our dragon did not seem to produce any significant change/results. The possibility that its radiator is clogged just occurred to Us and even though water IS circulating it might not be circulating enough to keep a dragon running cool to normal hot. Of course it is also possible that this dragon wants to run very hot being a dragon and All that.
So: it looks like the next step is to learn/remember how to fly. It is like learning to ride a bike: You never really forget how?????? We are certain that We knew at some point. Maybe that is Our missing key. Oh: We might replace Our dragon's radiator but probably not before next summer. But who knows. We are really good at making up Our mind and even better at changing it.
We really do prefer the idea of flying and teleporting. Dear children: whadda Ya theel?
We know (or theel certain) that We “could” heal Our dragon with Our mental/psychic abilities (and remember We ARE remembering times that We HAVE exercised/used these abilities). What We do NOT know is why We have not (yet) and so far seem to do not. The only answer We can find is that there is something even better and We feel quite certain on that score.
Our world is very different than We have Allways thought and believed. The only way to experience that difference is to change Our thoughts and beliefs. A simple thing but NOT an easy One. It must be done gradually in order not to freak OurSelves out.
At the pool We had some thoughts and insights which We also processed some more on the drive home: How can We ever expect to fly when We say, think and believe that We don't. At least We have gotten beyond saying that We can't and We do give OurSelf (and Our children within) credit for that. However: We are still saying, thinking and believing that We don't teleport, fly and levitate. We ARE aware that We multilocate and that has gotta be connected. We say, think and believe that We want to fly, teleport and levitate and really that is the same as saying, thinking and believing that We don't. Saying: “We want” is saying that We don't. Simple. As Richard Bach says: “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough: 'they' are Yours.” The thing is that very few of Us real-eyes how much We do that. We think that some things just are the way “they” are that is the real world. NO: that is limitation.
This process is changing Us. It is working. Thank You, thank Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Not burning down the house

Not burning down the house
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:00:52 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We continue to wake thinking: “I love You”. We like that. We visited several worlds and met more new friends. The world that We remember the most was quite similar to this world and there were friends from Our waking life there. We are managing a restaurant there. When We woke and went back to sleep We kept returning there. We added love.
Love is Our theme and Our focus and that is as it should be. Shortly after We woke We asked: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from a multidimensional perspective?” We are reminded that multidimensional is love. We can't explain it, it just is. Our limitation 3D thinking tends to overthink things. Our planning and thinking and figuring things out just keeps Us stuck.
There is another thing to try with Our dragon and We spent the night saying: “We don't know”. We really don't. Thinking will not bring Us an answer. We are checking Our feelings. We ask Our children within and We wait for inspiration and intuition. We really want to move forward and not remain stuck in old thinking and beliefs. We are love and We want to live as love.
Our children within are such a key. We have many visions of how important it is to see everything and everyOne as Our children within. Some are rebelling and acting out and others are scared witless while others try to just maintain and survive in a world without love. We love You and We need You. Our limitation 3D thinking and reasoning does not allow for any of this, does not take this into account and consideration. Our children: All of this being Our children within and Our projection is not even thought to be a possibility much less the major factor. Limitation 3D does not think and believe that love is the solution. Love is THE solution. Changing the outer without changing the inner to love will never bring lasting and positive change.
Several times We have been reminded of Our saying: “Regardless of appearances”. Once again: regardless of appearances love IS the answer. Our thinking screams that this is not possible in this case. In worldly matters We believe that some action is required. That is limitation 3D thinking and solutions. We ARE changing. We are love and We are determined to live as love. We are determined to begin now and remain focused on love.
Are We waiting for a miracle? Maybe. Is so then We are the miracle worker.
The vision of Our children within keeps coming to mind. We feel “their” desperation as “they” struggle to survive and We send “them” love. We care and want a better world and life for “them” and the only way is love. We continue returning to the separation and adding love, saying: “I love You”. We theel that the separation is what is commonly called creation and/or the beginning. Often We think of this as the beginning of life on earth but it is before even that. Time began as a result of limitation and separation with anger and fear. Love has no need of time as We know it anyway. Those whom We see/perceive as struggling and trying to change the world from the outside ARE also Our children within. That is hard to accept at first but Once We decide to accept it: then it begins to become clear.
Once We accept that this world is made up entirely of Our children within who felt/feel abandoned and neglected from/at (what seems/feels to be) the very beginning of life (the separation) then We can envision new answers. Then We can theel how things can (and do) work differently than We have believed with Our limitation thinking. Face the facts takes on a whole new meaning.
From this perspective the possibilities seem far out and woo woo but “they” ARE real. Reality is much bigger than We have ever imagined with Our limitation imagination. That is a great distinction. Usually when We “try” to imagine We use Our limitation imagination. When We “allow” imagination then We access Our limitless and multidimensional imagination. What a difference that makes. Isn't it funny: All this time We have been trying to find words to describe this and just now it comes. More progress.
We have a vision (very vague and foggy still) of where this is going. Our dragon is a turning point, a choice point and a key. Will We let this child within to be a dragon or will We try to force a square peg into a round whole? We ask Our dragon: “what do You want?”. We hope We will honor its answer. We love You AND We thank You. Allowing love is a key. We set it free with love. We are reminded that We do not know (consciously) and that is okay.
As We make Our first trip outdoors (this morning) and We look around We real-eyes that Our thinking and planning and beliefs continue to be limitation. Limitation is still Our default. We ARE in transition and We recognize this limitation default thinking and planning much quicker than ever before. IF We want to change, if We want to live multidimensionally, live as love in the physical then We must continue to change Our thinking and beliefs. We include Our brain in this, We are NOT abandoning or destroying ANY part or pisces of OurSelf. We are integrating NOT rejecting. We love Our children within even the Ones that We find hard to like. We are activating that part of Our brain and DNA that lay dormant. Those are the parts that know and recognize love, real love not limitation love.
So far We are enjoying drifting, envisioning some less limited worlds and doing a few small things inside. We keep thinking (a bit) about whether or not We want to do anything with Our dragon today. Maybe We do and maybe We don'ts and that is okay just the way it is. Rules and “shoulds” no longer apply. We ARE clear on that unless We aren't. We keep getting the message that it doesn't matter and that message really feels right on.
It IS important to stay focused in/on love and remembering Our children within. After that the question is: “what do We want to do now?”. Only now. Next or later can be chosen next or later. Simple lessons AND huge lessons.
We are reminded that Our life and world are VERY different from the way We have Allways thought and perceived and experienced. “They” are more AND everything is actually Our children within. It is All Ours and Our projections. Whenever We hate, blame, are angry with (or any number of emotions) Our others, Our surroundings, etc. then We are projecting those emotions onto/at Our children within. This is a pretty sobering insight. And We wonder why things seem to go wrong and be fubar?????? Several teachers (now days) are suggesting that We deal with Our others, Our world and Our inner child the way We would deal with a five year old child in pain.
This might be a good place to insert that part of Our dreams last night was about Our inner child being a conundrum, a myriad (a legion if You will) of beans. It is One and also much more than a single individual. That is why We like to think of “them” as Our children within. What We see and experience is only a holographic projection on a screen which We call: “The real world”. Again: if We ask: “Is it real or not?” the only possible (correct) answer is: “YES”. We forget. We forget a lot. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.
We went to the spring to get water and the nearby gas station to get gas for the Buick. We are just going slow and gentle and still not sure what All We will do today. One step at a time. We are remembering to include Our children within, to add love and to repeat: “I love You” a lot.
So: the Buick is NOT an answer. We added gas and got it running NOT knowing that it was spraying gas onto the engine. By the time We real-eyesed this and turned it off it was too late. We called 911 (without even having to look up the number) and the fire department got here and got it under control before anything (except the Buick) caught fire or was damaged. We were a bit perplexed that “they” were using water on it even though We clearly told “them” that there was gas in the mix. “They” did add foam after a while and in time. The fire truck was at the top of the driveway and “they” could not hear the captain calling on the radio for foam. The very wet conditions surely kept the forest from catching fire but the gas was getting into the leaves that have accumulated. It was more excitement that We had been looking forward to. Our Buick is toast quite literally. Oh, none of the toys We have inside it were damaged.
So: We put the battery charger on the dragon. We probably will not fiddle with it any more today, unless We do.
The second paragraph of this article sure speaks to what is going with Our dragon and Buick. We are not surprised (and it is what We have been intuiting) but the confirmation is great. It is easy to doubt OneSelf. We are in transition NOT at perfection except that everything IS perfect, even Our doubt. That is a hard One to grasp. We did send out an email letting folks know what is happening and the confirmation in the article.
The thought popped into Our head that perhaps One (or more) of Our children within is acting out. Certainly a possibility and We certainly have had quite a few fires in Our life/passed. However: it is not exactly that. Sure: there are probably children within, castaways and rejects, orphans who still hold fear and anger towards Us but this feels much more like We were trying to “fix” what We need to allow. We are certain that Our children within are playing a part in Our experience but NOT maliciously. “They” are being helpful. On the surface it might not look that way but it definitely feels that way. We love You AND thank You.
If this had been malicious in any way it would have been too easy to burn the cabin and forest. If the accumulated dead leaves and the trees around the Buick had been as dry as normal (this time of year) it would have been a very different story. We did not time the arrival of the fire department but We were rather amazed at how long the fire burned and did not spread before “they” started spraying it with water. We are still kinda amazed that the fire department would spray a gas fire with water. We have never watched a fire ride the water before and watching the fire get right up next to the cabin and watching the water (that the fire was riding) going under the cabin AND Our heating oil tank was a bit unnerving.
This was more about: “Sit down and shut up” meant in the kindest, most loving way. It is about learning to trust and NOT trying to fix what is not broken (even if it appears to be broken). Once again: “regardless of appearances”.
The cool thing is that We are not just repeating nice, nice and philosophy. We really feel what We are typing. Yes, fear tries to come up but that is old paradigm and limitation thinking and beliefs.
Lots of pony hopping and “I love You”s and “thank You”s.
Oh: We Allmost forgot to mention: after the fire men left We did go looking for Our fire extinguisher. There is was, right where We thought We keep it. We had looked right at it and totally NOT seen it. Whadda Ya think of that??????? There is just sooooo much to this experience.

Good night AND thank You for playing.