Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Starting the new year



Starting the new year

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:53:09 AM

Good morning. There sure are some interesting worlds and people out there and We sure live some interesting lives. We just noticed that We have only remembered visiting human inhabited worlds recently. At least, everybody seems human to Us. We wonder what that is about? Are “they” human or just familiar enough and like Us enough (whatever that might mean) that We are assuming “they” are human. In fact, do We do that in waking too? We theel there is something to this.

Perhaps We often see non-humans and translate “their” image into human. Yes, We even feel that We have typed about this before. Again, We are aware that the world We woke in is not the same as the world where We went to sleep and dream. Our head and brain just translate it into that image and memory. We do not see the forest for the trees.

This relates to UFO sightings (or lack thereof for Us) and first contact. This may not be true for everyOne. We may be One of a few, or even One of many but We are probably NOT the majority. We are remembering who and what We are. We do still feel that everyOne is equal, everyOne is love but We may not All look and act as much alike as Our brain makes Us think that We do.

This could be much more important than anyOne real-I-says. We theel that the kids are shaking Us in Our sleep and begging Us to wake up and see “them” and hear “them” and listen to “them”. PAY ATTENTION “they” say.

Open, let go and allow. Or stay in the hologram. It is Our choice.

We theel this will be a very interesting year. If feels like Our new year is starting now. Perhaps, the Lion's Gate was/is the beginning of Our new year?

Something We noticed during the night and are reminded of by the emails We are reading: Our life has changed and changed a lot. Some/many/most of the changes are subtle but put together it is quite dramatic. The thing is that the change has been gradual enough as to not really be too noticeable during the process. In truth, We really can not even put words to the change, at least not yet. Think of a shimmering wall that fades in and out of focus and visibility with its shimmering. Think ephemeral and shifting and ghost images on an imaging screen like a computer monitor or TV. That is a close description of Our current world. Yet, at the same time it All appears the same and unchanged and just as solid and absolute as it ever did. The One thing that We are certain of (regardless) is that it is absolutely NOT absolute.

If We “try to imagine” what the real world is like We fall way short and limit the limitless. IF We allow it to reveal itSelf, if We allow Our imagination to flow free and reveal what IT knows that lies beyond what Our brain can conjure then it will truly make itSelf manifest in Our waking life. Or perhaps it will be that Our dreams take over Our waking. That sounds like a very good thing right now.

We are reminded to do what is in front of Us and let tomorrow (the next moment, whatever) take care of itSelf. Let go. We are letting go but Our brain/head is trying to cling to the old and familiar. That just does not work for Us anymore.

We are reading the latest from Suzanne Lie click here and it certainly confirms what We have been intuiting these last few days. We are (Our head is) still trying to plan and figure out what We will (want to) do around here before school starts. Now, the interesting thing is that right now and even in Our immediate future We are NOT going to do any of it. We are going to sit here on Our ass and drink coffee and read and type. THAT is Our current reality. Yes, We may go water some outside plants before We go to do Our dry run, but even THAT is NOT in Our now.

LET GO!!!!!

We decided to be (and enjoying being) outside and water the plants closest to Our cabin. It is quite nice outside even though it remains quite smoky. Our heartmind is happy to just be and do what We want, what strikes Our fancy but Our head is really having a hard time with this today. Our head wants to plan. It keeps telling Us that We will die if We don't do this and this and remember that and don't forget to..... and on and on it tries to go. We know these are lies and chains to keep Us fettered in limitation. We also know that We set it up this way and Our head and brain is/are only doing its job. As much as We hate the struggle and back and forth We know that this is NOT about killing the head, brain and/or ego. “They” are only doing the job that We assigned “them” (or relegated to “them” through neglect). We wish to honor and bless and appreciate and love “them” and set “them” free to relax a bit and do whatever “they” are truly meant for (whatever that may be at any moment). It may not be easy to do when it feels like “they” are holding Us back, keeping Us chained and Our wings clipped BUT (again) this is what We asked “them” to do for Us. (It seemed like a good idea at the time).

Our dry run went well and We got to meet a couple of the new students and get to know Our driver better. He is a bit pessimistic but then again, he still believes in an impossible world that is going (gone) mad. We theel that he and I will get along well and make a good team. We do have a lot of things in common here in this 3D world.

As usual We are pretty wiped out after a day in town especially a hot One.

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