Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dreaming and doing



Dreaming and doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:37:22 AM

Good morning. We woke early this morning, not sure why. We thelt it is good to begin getting up early since We are awake and will be getting up early starting Wednesday. The first thing We noticed is a very bright full moon visible through a break in the clouds.

Just before sleep and whenever We woke during the night We definitely felt that Our world has shifted and changed. It is We who are changing and this is changing Our world. We are now living in awareness of other worlds, realities and lives coexisting with this One in the same time and space. Concepts that We can not really explain and could not even comprehend a short time ago.

Many people are reporting much the same symptoms and anticipation of much more to come. Open, let go and allow. Many people are also talking about (and anticipating) financial reform and making a lot of money overnight (so to speak). We hope “they” are right but We continue to feel it is just a distraction and another opportunity to give away Our power. Perhaps it is decision time? Perhaps this is only a message for Us personally. If the money comes AND it would improve Our daily life We would like some too but NOT at the cost of going back to being focused in limitation.

Even if humanity is not at a crossroads, We certainly feel like We are personally. We thought We had made Our choice but maybe We need the opportunity to stick with it. Open, let go and allow and stay in the now.

Perhaps We woke to practice opening, letting go and allowing. As We repeat this mantra We certainly feel more shifting. Perhaps this is doing Our part in assisting the global/planetary transition and transformation.

Now We hear the rain falling and the wind blowing.

We returned to dream and had a great time. We do not remember anything other than having a great time. As We wondered a bit about this We recognized a couple of things: We are still zoomed out (somewhat like being zoned out) AND We are remembering less and less specifics about Our waking world too. When We are not zoomed in and highly focused on any One world and/or life it is harder to remember the details of any One life. We could also explain it away as old age and that is fine for those who wish to keep the multi-D door closed. We wish to keep it open and stop denying and explaining away Our expanded and expanding experiences.

We remind OurSelf that We can be here without being trapped and locked into being focused here. We are free.

Early in the year The Group (channeled by Steve Rother) said to look back at the January 15, 2013 message today. We are doing that. click here if You want We need to be a little more focused here to read it. We are aware that We have changed a lot since then. Massively would not be an exaggeration. Has Our world changed? Yes, We see signs of that but We see more change in OurSelf and that affects how We interact with the world and how the world affects Us. We certainly do not feel like a victim. We are not sure that did in January but We certainly did in the passed.

We are having a thought, an intuition perhaps: when We see something that makes Us want to react (knee jerk reaction), if We can pause and zoom out then We might see a different picture and have a different response. We might even accept what We see just as it is.

As We begin playing at stuff outside We see that many of things” that Our head was trying to worry about (mainly preparations for winter) are steps in a process rather than some insurmountable end goal. We theel there is a life lesson in this. In fact, many of the things” (that Our brain has been trying to worry about) would have to be undone (if done right now or back when Our head was trying to worry about “them”) because the steps in between (which these other steps would block) can not be done yet (like studded tires, harvesting onions and toms and some etc.). Interesting what trusting Our Self and Our intuition reveals and the pitfalls it prevents. Quite the opposite of what Our head was trying to tell Us.

Oops, We are falling into Simon and Garfunkel vids again.

It has certainly been an interesting day walking in multiworlds. We got a lot more done than We had anticipated and We even had fun for the most part (who woulda thunk cleanup could be fun?) and there were some interesting incidents. We lost a twist tie out of Our pocket. Not a big deal but it meant We had to go back and get another. We retraced Our steps (on Our way to get another twist tie and did not find the poor, lonely little lost twist tie. Later, after dinner and finishing All Our tasks for the day We spotted the twist right in the path where We had been walking back and forth All day.

There were a couple of items that had been broken which We found to no longer be broken. There were times that We knew to stop and while We were waiting and taking a break We found a better, easier way to do what We were going to do. We kinda wiped OurSelf out hauling sawhorses uphill and through the bushes to where We think We want “them” so “they” are ready to use in the spring but again this brought on a break when We had more insights and intuits. It was just that kinda day.

Oh, and some visits from the Fae off and on. We added an orange snowfence to the old, old, old fort that is around “their” picnic table and trained some wild roses through it. We thelt that “they” like it.

Sophia's blog from yesterday says much of what are feeling and have been trying to express: One clicky, clicky

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