Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Going gently



Going gently

Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:02:08 AM

Good morning. Once again We know that We enjoyed Our dream lives and worlds even though We do not remember what We experienced.

We woke around 11:30 and the power was out. For some reason We have not been able to go back to sleep and/or dream even though the power has been back on over half an hour. So, today We decided to get up and go get rock and water in a couple of hours. Then, maybe We will be able to return to dream when We get home.

We do know that We dreamed about Our (and Our world's) expansion, transition and transformation. We also visited expanded worlds and realities. Plus We are getting insights in waking. Trying to explain what is happening, what is real and what it is that We are experiencing is hard to do in 3D language even to OurSelf. This is another part of why it is important to open, let go and allow. We can feel it and even express it with Our heart and in what is called the language of light. We do not have the understanding of the language of light that some do but We theel that We have the ability to use it even if not consciously. If We leave Our head out of it, then We are quite content and comfortable.

Of course, Our head does not like being left out. So, We ask it to expand with Us. What We can say is that there is much more than meets the eye. What We have been seeing and even experiencing for eons is a mere iota of what is really here and now. We and Our world are real and form is real but limitation is a lie and an illusion. This is why We often say that this is not real because the way We perceive it is limited and that is not how it really is. The veil of forgetfulness is more than just a veil. It is Our view screen onto which We project Our holographic reality.

What We are saying is confusing but what We feel is clear and relaxing. Too bad that We do not have words to fully convey this feeling.

Again, We have been pondering the global money issue. It still frustrates Us that the masses (even among lightworkers, new agers and meta-physicians) are focused on money rather than spirit, love, growth, inner change. We must accept and honor that “they” are doing “their” thing and We are doing Ours. Sure, We would be glad to have a big windfall or some such but what We really want is to be awake and aware. One is not necessarily a sign of the other.

Apparently, this is the way the masses choose to transform. We hope it works.

We got Our water and rock and now We are wiped out. Sure glad We had figured on a nap afterwards.

We certainly have some interesting lives in other realities. Some are quite similar to this but with more freedom. One is on a star ship of some type with lots of youngstars. That was the last world We visited just now.

There are certainly a lot of birds playing outside. This is partly because Shadow is not chasing “them” like he did when he could hear and run.

Another day to experience letting go. Here is an interesting read that sure seems to speak directly of what We are living: click here We just started reading but those firs few lines really caught Our attention.

It is raining!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Of course, it did not wait for Us to get rock on Our driveway but that's okay. We really need the rain and if this is anywhere near typical it will last a few days. We can trust OurSelf and Our intuition and THAT is major progress.

We returned to dream and had visions of Our real world. We were growing rather than building. Living in tune and harmony with Gaia means there is less (if any) need for shelter and such. When We live in peace and harmony and (most importantist) Oneness then nothing needs protection from weather or anything else. Pretty hard to imagine from Our limitation and separation mindset. However, it is getting easier and feels more plausible as the veil thins.

So, We were weaving trees and vines to create some sort of structure. We are not certain of the purpose: perhaps simply desire? (Imagine doing out of desire rather than a perceived/imagined need. Well, actually that is exactly what We have been learning to do All summer/lifetime.) We were doing this where Our new shed will be and doing it with the trees etc. that are growing there in Our waking experience. We have been waiting to cut down or even trim anything there until We are certain that We must.

Oh yes, this question of weather came up. Many expect Our world to turn temperate but then there is the question of the enjoyment of the seasons. One answer might be that We could enjoy the seasons without experiencing the extremes. The other part (as We intuit it) will be that Once We are in tune and harmony with Gaia the different weather will not bother Us. Animals are much less bothered by different weather than people. Call it evolution.

There was/is more but again the words escape Us. It is a feeling, a good feeling and a strong feeling and a certainty in Our heart mind. Our head? Well that will just have to follow and let Us hope it can keep up. We really do not have adequate words to describe the flourishing flora and fauna. Fruit everywhere and One plant does not choke out another. We pass through this lush foliage, green and bright and abounding with colors and pick fruit to enjoy without harming the plants. We are connected and One with “their” energy. Our life force flows through “their” bean as well as Our own.

We think it was “The Group” (channeled by Steve Rother) who recently described Our evolution as walking through a field and instead of trampling the plants Our footprint actually strengthens and nourishes “them”. Won't that be a pleasant change? Isn't it interesting to consider that this is actually All-ready the case even though this is absolutely NOT what We see and experience? This is part of what We talk about (mean) when We speak of the two brother's world and the world(s) where We it is impossible to do harm. The death, disease, destruction, poverty and starvation that We see are part of the illusion and/or hologram. Hard, hard concepts to grasp and harder to accept and believe. We would rather deny the possibility than accept it. We would rather call the person (who puts the idea forward) a mad man, a lunatic, than face the power and ability We each hold.

These are part of the vision We have of Our future that is here and now waiting for Us to notice.

Our bamboo shade for Our front window needs to be restrung again. We are getting things out of the way and the ladder drug out and set up for that. We got the jammed up problem underneath the cabin resolved kinda, sorta, maybe, hopefully AND made room for any plants/pots We wanna store under there for the winter. We got out the boards We use for runners in case We want to use/store “them” somewhere else as We have been pondering. Unfortunately none of those are wide enough for Our floor jack but “they” would work underneath the table so it doesn't get sunk in the breakup mud like it did last spring. Maybe the runners in the other half of under the cabin are wide enough for the floor jack. We have not gotten there yet and will not get there today.

We did some rearranging inside and (hopefully) made room to bring Our potted plants inside for the winter. We wanted to send a link to a Simon and Garfunkel song in an email and (of course) We fell into Simon and Garfunkel YouTubes.

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