Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Doing and observing



Doing and observing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:38:05 AM

Good morning. A great night, fun night until the last dream. The the last dream was/is an alternate reality (current with this One) where We made different choices. Let Us say it did NOT turn out so well. We got out, expressed and acted on emotions that We choose to avoid acting out in this life. We are glad that We did not ever act that way in Our life We have chosen to focus on.

We really prefer the dreams from earlier in the night. We had lots of fun and now We are certain that kids from Our new route are working with Us All-ready. The thing is that really are an infinite number and variety of worlds, realities, dimensions and lives out there All going on now. This One may not be the best but it is certainly NOT the worst either.

We are grateful for the things We have learned and accepted. We have no idea what the future holds for it too is infinite variety and choices. What will We choose to experience? Infinite possibilities and hopefully that is what We will choose to explore rather than just One. We real-eyes that most people (at this point) expect and want to only explore One future and that One not All that different from this One. That is not Our desire and We doubt that that will be Our experience. We theel that We will continue to have a part to play in this world but that We will also live in a much expanded version of this world.

There is no way for Us to describe how this will work and what it will look like. However, We are certain that We are moving into this.

Many people are focused on money. Many just want a better life and could care less (at this time) about awareness etc. That is “their” choice and “they” will probably get it. Some think that there will be a mass attitude change in this. We hope so but also feel that that is only One version of many that will occur. We are sad to see friends who choose to chase the money. We feel that “they” are missing a wealth inside but maybe not. Maybe that is only Our judgment. We hope. Perhaps that path will look like what We think but will be the way that it takes for “them” to see and understand that the value is inside and not inside the bank.

We do not wish to escape this world and its transition. We do not wish to escape any world. We want to be aware of everything and set it All free. We do not want to feel trapped in any One world. We want to experience expansion, limitlessness and connection with All.

We are being reminded AND experiencing the importance of being in the now. Somewhere along the line (waking yesterday and/or dreaming last night, We do not know when and/or where) We got some more ideas that show Us One reason (or twenty) why We stalled on Our new shed. Options and good ideas that We just had not considered. This is One reason why We have been taking Our time here at Our cabin over the last 20+ years. Plus, add in Our new and ever-changing world....... who knows what it will look like next spring and summer.

It will look and feel much more expanded, it All-ready does. We are no longer focused in One world. It is easy to loose Our footing (or seem to) when walking in multiworlds. We really are getting it to follow Our intuition and instincts in the moment and release this concept and belief in making plans, having to make plans, failing if We forget something. Failure is no longer even possible. Wow, what a change that is.

If We trust OurSelf then Our world (locally and beyond) will expand, flourish, abound and be more than We can currently imagine. This is why We have taught OurSelves to plan and keep everything confined to a very limited scope of possibilities. That was necessary to play out the game of limitation and separation. Some folks are not done and We gotta honor and accept that. Because of this training and programing that has gone on for eons, it is hard to trust OurSelf. Again, many want to blame someOne or something outside “themSelves” for this programing. Again, that is “their” choice. We see it as OurSelf and Our choice. We accept that it was Our choice. It feels like that is a key to moving on.

We did most of Our watering and a little cleanup and now We are wiped out. We do not know if this indicates time to stop or time to pause. We hope to follow Our heart and not Our head on this.

We returned to dream and had a nice time, more expanded worlds and play.

We finished the second coat of paint on Our two pallets finally. We got it real clear why We have felt blocked: if We had tried to do this before We would NOT have had the patience, time and energy to do it the way We want. Painting pallets multicolor is not real easy. Next, We can flip “them” and start on the other side, or put “them” away until spring or some combination of those (or even send “them” or Us into another reality All together).

This is being an experiential learning day for Us. There have been several things (in addition to the painting) that We now see some reasons why We felt stuck. Again, if We would have pushed ahead We would not have been pleased with the results. Actually, We have been (and are) accumulating experiences around this. When We are in that “stuck” phase We really do kick against it (in case You haven't noticed). We are getting better at accepting it and these experiences and awarenesses in hindsight help Us if We can remember “them” when in “stuck”.

This feeling and concept of experiential learning feels nice and comforting. It is a big part night school too but night school has more play. We do take a lot of breaks/recesses during Our waking adventures but in dream the kids are more present and help Us play.

More wandering around doing this and that outside. Allowing following Our desire and inspiration. We used to call it getting sidetracked. Now, We have a different perspective. It is also a bit like multitasking but much more relaxed. It does feel good to be getting some stuff put away for winter. We are (mostly) resisting the inclination to drag anything else out to play with. There is plenty out to play with All-ready. We do want to drag a little (very little) out from under the cabin because some got stuck and some will make a good cover to prevent ice build up at the cabin corners now that We can get All the way around it easily year round IF We do not get ice build up in the path. Real-I-sing this is another reason We were stuck on some things.

Oh, We think We also have a great idea how to make room to bring more plants in over the winter. We are slowly and gently moving that direction. Very slowly and gently. This is something (moving the plants in) that will wait until after school starts but We will hope to get as much prep done before that as possible.

Once again (and again and again) We are reminded of the importance of letting go. A big part of the problem with doing” (for Us personally at least) is that it is so easy for Us to get hooked in One more, One more time. And so We must remember to let go yet Once again. Getting hooked in, holding on, planning.... All these things hold Us in limitation 3D. That is fine for those who wish to remain in limitation 3D (any version). However, for Us We really want to expand. Yet, limitation 3D is sooooo familiar and even seems safe and secure. Maybe it even is BUT it is NOT where We want to live. A nice place to visit (perhaps) but We do NOT wanna live there (anymore).

So, We practice staying in the now and letting go, staying in the now and letting go and then We practice staying in the now and letting go. And, when We get distracted and think that We must, We should and gotta remember to: We practice staying in the now and letting go.

There is a strong sense/intuition that Our deadline (which We set for OurSelf) of the first day of school is unnecessary as well as unrealistic some how. There is a coming change that will alter how that All looks. What will this change be? Clueless in Fairbanks.

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