Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gentle progress



Gentle progress

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:18:05 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night. Some parts were more fun than others but it was informative and insightful. There was a part about connection rather than attachment and possession. There was a lot about letting go. It is sooooo clear how We keep OurSelves locked in limitation and separation by planning and clinging to Our to do lists. We expect to see the same world that We saw yesterday, and so generally We do. We have trapped OurSelves and it is a very clever trap. We can walk out anytime but We are trained to remain within Our Self-made confinement.

It feels like today may be more about letting go and processing than doing. We are very okay with that. We really do want to let go of limitation and separation. We want to expand, to learn to be aware of Our being multidimensional. We want to begin living multidimensionally.

It is a good day to release expectations.

As We look around, at Our co-workers and people in Our discussion groups, it seems like there is sooooo much that needs to change. Yes, if We are basing Our comfort and happiness on/in outside things there is sooooo much that needs to change as to feel overwhelming and All-most hopeless. However, when We get it that All that needs to change is Us, it feels much more doable. This is a very concept to grasp (and even harder to hold on to) in Our current limitation 3D world/life. TG for Our dream experiences which show Us there are other worlds and the real difference in any of “them” is Us.

Last night We spent a lot of time (or so it seemed) thinking about Our plants and other projects. We got it that We really to let go of the outcomes. Do the footwork and let the uni-verse handle the results. However, Our head still struggles with this. Our head wants to remain in limitation. That is familiar and therefore comfortable.

These are times of great change and the only change that really matters, really makes any difference is inside Us. We need to let go of the rest.

Yes, this may well be a day of processing. At the end of the day, it may not seem like anything has changed but We know that We are in the process of changing.

This morning is certainly and exercise in staying in the now and letting go. It is a choice We are in the process of making. Our head hates that Our heart is choosing to stay in the now and let go but Our heart is loving it.

We just had a thought: “We can pretend that it is a rainy day.”

We went to dream a while and had more ideas about things to do outside. Some are things We had forgotten about and others are simplifications. We felt like We wanted to get up and start moving about. So, We are starting very gently. First thing it feels like We want to do is some cleanup. Interesting, who knows? The Shadow knows but he ain't talking.

It's interesting: We want to be outside moving around doing a little here and there but nothing that requires intelligence, concentration and focus. We are just doing and letting go of expectations. That continues to be a learning experience for Us.

We theel that We are doing quite well at wandering around doing little things that We want to do AND We also want “them” done. Getting “them” done gets “them” off Our mind. However, We want to emphasize that We are doing “them” because We want to do “them” in the now NOT because We want to get “them” done. This may seem like a minor distinction but it is very major for Us (personally anyway).

We get it that a big part of what We are theeling today is being in multiworlds. Again, We are learning to do this. It is a little hard to really do structural projects or even painting when We are slip, sliding through worlds and in more than One world at a time. We may learn to do these things in multiworlds as We progress but maybe not. In many worlds the doing is not only unimportant but even impossible. Hey, what do We know? This is brand new. We are likely to fall off Our bike a few times.

For Us, it is important that We are doing for the experience, as entertainment and whatever strikes Us in each “now” moment. We are having an experiential day of letting go and staying in the now.

Something interesting. We had thought We wanted to jump right in to putting up the uprights to support the 18' board. One of the things that occurred to Us when We went to dream is that We wanted to spray paint the strong ties (brackets) that We bought to use to connect these uprights to the cabin and 18' board (because where We want “them” does not line up with the studs in the cabin wall). We got “them” painted when We felt like it. If We had not been kinda dragging Our ass about doing stuff, We would have either run into this snag or used the brackets unpainted. Either of those would probably have frustrated Us.

We watered All Our outside plants, not because We felt obligated but because We wanted to. We have gotten a bunch of little things cleaned up and put away for winter. We are contemplating putting some of the carpet (that We have collected) out where We think might be a good place for a green house (All-most flat access from cabin and sun through the trees etc. All day long). Once the trees get “their” leaves the spot in front of the cabin that We used this year only gets the intense evening sun.

We got a lot more little things done AND We did a pretty good job of staying in the now and letting go of Our plans and shoulds. We got a lot of ideas and refrained from turning “them” into mandates. We are making progress.

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