Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Doing and breaking



Doing and breaking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:50:33 AM

Good morning. Not much to report this morning. Not because not much happened but because We are not here enough to type about it. We are not anywhere in particular. Our view and perspective is set to panorama rather than zoom in. We do remember that early in the evening We were in waking dream mode processing and rehearsing more information about Our transformation and transition. One thing is for certain: It is not coming, it is here. We really are experiencing multi-D becoming a way of life.

We get it that We still have a reason and purpose to be mainly in limitation 3D. The game is NOT up. However, it is changing and evolving and that is Our plan and purpose. Ah, now We are reminding OurSelf about what was going on in that waking dream. Long ago, but not so very far away (and not really that long ago either) We thelt that the game of separation and limitation would continue but that We were changing the rules. Boy howdy. Are We ever changing the rules.

For a long time We wanted to escape the game, jump off the game board into whatever might await Us. At least, We thought that We did. We recognize that many people are in the boat now. Perhaps that is a necessary step in waking up. Hmmmmm, We are recognizing more of Our process in what We are seeing on the global stage now. Perhaps if We can remember this We can have more patience for what is going on. Perhaps We are more ahead of the pack than We real-eyesed (or want to admit). Because We really do not feel that We particularly gifted or charmed, it is hard for Us to “get it” why everyOne is not where We are. Sure, We get it about the masses but NOT about those who call “themSelves” lightworkers. Hell, We have never even like that term, at least not applied to Us. We prefer: “balance workers”.

So, We were processing changing the rules rather than leaving the game. It was necessary to first experience separation and limitation by fully and completely believing in “them”. Well We sure did that thoroughly. We do want to mention (and this was part of what We processed last night) that separation and limitation are impossible. Yet, We (All of Us) created a world (with uni-verses, stars, galaxies, and lots of etc.) where We could pretend. The closest explanation at this time is a hologram. What a hologram it is. We really are THAT powerful that We created what was impossible.

Where is the: “Computer end program” command? But, actually We do not want to end the game. We want to find the hidden door to the next level: “Playing while knowing there is more”. Actually, We (personally) played that level. We are not certain if We mastered it yet but We still want the next level: “Playing while (forgot, hopefully will access that memory file soon)”. No, We have been there a while All-ready. We want the: “Playing AND experiencing expansion (other world(s), lives, realities simultaneously)” level.

Yes, there it is. We have begun using this hidden door but We want to fully access this realm. Notice how We (masses) design movies, books and now video games to mirror what We are doing. We are that powerful.

And that is how Our night began and now it is easier to see why We do not remember much. We are exploring new terrain and charting new territory and blazing trail Once again. This morning We are in that inbetwixt state. Or perhaps it would be better to say: We are in many states.

As We made Our first trip outside for the morning We find OurSelf repeating: “We are love” and “Open, let go and allow”. These are becoming habit and working quite nicely for Us. We are experiencing being here (limitation 3D) AND being in and aware of other versions and lives. Yes, We walk carefully when experiencing this. Slipping into another world is not the problem. Slipping in this world and finding Our body smacking into a limitation (like the ground) would be a problem.

There are several things We hope to do today but We do not feel pushed in any way. We are very relaxed and enjoying exploring expansion while functioning in limitation.

We have started the “being outside” part of Our day and are having a good time doing stuff”. Getting more ideas as We wander around from this project to that project. We are remembering to stay in the now and let go AND that there are other worlds, realities and lives in and around and through this hologram.

Again We experienced something that We experienced yesterday (and may or may not have mentioned): as We allow OurSelf to paint outside the lines, We feel (maybe hear in Our mind) the Fae jumping and dancing around with glee and exclaiming: “Yay!!!!!!! a human learning how and allowing 'themSelf' to paint outside the lines. YIPPEE!!!!!!!” Must be important?

We are All-most finished painting the pallets and decided to take a break. As We finish a color We put that brush to soak and bring that can of paint inside. Makes a lot of sense, simple, easy (there are a couple of colors We may use for One last spot on Our treehouse that We did not finish before temperatures dropped last fall). Believe it or not cleaning the brushes and putting the paint away was One of the things Our head was trying to tell Us would be the death of Us that week (those weeks) when We were downloading and processing. Silly head.

Guess what? On this break We discovered a new version of Simon and Garfunkel's concert in Central Park and (yeppers) We fell in again. You know though, if a fella is gonna fall in, Simon and Garfunkel videos are a good place to fall in two.

We finished painting the pallets and the little window for inside the cabin. Now We are taking another break and found this You Tube to use for a reply to an email: pay attention to the words (ALL the words) AND the repeat glitches amazing sinkydink.

Next up is installing a temporary window on the side of Our shed/shop because the plastic We covered the framed window hole with is in tatters. The window We have All-ways planned to use there is still in need of paint and We just are not into that right now. Our last temporary project lasted over twenty years so there really is not rush to get that window painted and installed. We have done All the preparation for this temporary window that We can before We get into it. The next step goes from now to finish. The window is about ten to twelve feet off the ground and there is no good place to stop Once We get going (short breaks yes but nothing long or the window might jump to its death or the rain might start (cloudy and cold off and on All day) and We too might die a horrible death. (Jokes?????)

So, One more dose of Simon and Garfunkel and then We will do whatever We do.

We got the “temporary” window installed in Our shed/shop. Sure enough: as We were finishing the rains came. It was only sprinkling as We put on the last two clips and then turned into a deluge as We were putting Our tools away. By the time We got the ladder put away it had stopped. We are having dark gray clouds mixed with clear blue skies. We got the tarps dropped just in time to prevent everything underneath “them” from getting soaked. Now, We are done playing outside for the day and Shadow is reminding Us that it is dinner time. A bit more Simon and Garfunkel first.

Earlier We Googled “Flatland” (Professor Quantum) and were surprised to discover that not only is it a short cartoon but that is based on a book and movie. Just now We watched the movie trailer and it does ring some memory bells. We want to watch the full movie (actually there are two versions). If We were into reading We would probably read the book too. We are checking into the local library to see about the movie there. We heard a while back that We can check online to find what is there and even reserve items We want.

We just watched a bee doing its thing (We do not know if We have ever actually seen that before, certainly stopped and watched) with Our two citronella plants (both are blooming). Hopefully this means that “they” will make babies. That really is Our hope and desire with All the plants We are growing that “they” will flourish and spread. Yes, that is All-ready happening in other realities and We are even aware of it AND We hope to see it spread into this reality.

As We ponder Our day, We are reminded to: open, let go and allow. We see that pondering success can be just as much a limitation trap as fearing failure. We are love.

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