Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

In and out of 3D



In and out of 3D

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:27:24 AM

Good morning. Another interesting and bizarre night. Funny that We do not remember many details except how bizarre some things seemed. We also remembering thinking how the theme of finding old and new friends in All-most every world continues. One dream was about this All being a game, a very elaborate and enticing game.

The transition continues and choices abound. This morning has been a good example of that. We woke but had a very hard time getting out of bed. We just lay there, semi-awake repeating Our mantras but it felt like there was a pressure keeping Us laying down. Now that We are up We are experiencing choices of staying in limitation or shifting. The old behaviors are so familiar and comfortable except that “they” are no longer so comfortable. We want to shift and expand. We are no longer looking for external fixes, those are just part of the game.

We wish to accept and honor All those whose choices are different from Ours but We wish to move on. Again, We want to be aware of All but We want to move beyond being limited. In order to do this We must let go of limiting behaviors. In order to have change, We must change. DUH.

We are examining choices and making some deliberate Ones this morning. We are letting go. We have clung to the old (for so long) like it would save Our life when it actually would hold Us under and drown Us. Also, staying in the now is integral in this.

We truly had no idea what this transition would be like. It is different for each and truly, each of Us has a different piece of the puzzle.

We are reading an email about releasing fear and light inundating Our world. We have been reading a lot about this lately, about love pushing fear (and other old behaviors and methods of operation) up and out for release. We had not recognized this in Our situation because We really have been letting go and staying in the now which does NOT actually allow for fear. Also, most of what We read speaks of love vs. fear. We do NOT operate in (or relate to) vs. anything much anymore. But reading this email somehow made it clear.

When the new comes in it does bring up the old for integration, acceptance and release (setting it free with love). What We are doing is very brand new. We are learning. We need to be kind and forgiving with OurSelf. We keep flashing on learning to live in these bodies. We have lots of experience living in these bodies believing “they” are All that We are, believing We are victims, etc. We do NOT have experience living in these bodies while knowing that “they” are only a suit of clothes and We are limitless while inhabiting (seemingly) limited bodies. It is a new perspective and way of living.

The part of the night about this being a game keeps tickling Our fancy. We theel that this is another night school that We just can not quite bring into focus (yet). There did seem to be some real tools and keys in what We experienced. We know that these are in Our mind but not (yet) anything We can relate to in limitation 3D terms.

As We look at things and situations We are beginning to look through “them” and into the multidimensional. Our head still struggles to cling to the view of limitation. Our heart mind is pushing through into multi-D. This is clearly a process and a transition. It is not a totally comfortable One but We know what We want and therefore We push through. We let go and allow. Fear no longer has a foot hold but it would be easy to give it One. Our head keeps trying to plan and it can plan anything and everything. We are NOT trying to kill Our head but to love and accept it and set it free. Our head has a purpose but that purpose is not to control and run Our life and keep Us stuck. It has helped Us play and experience the game but now it is time for the head to take a much needed break and let Our heart take over.

Open, let go and allow. Stay in the now.

Again, We are reminded of how We (All of Us probably) try to “fix” things in the physical. It often works but only temporarily. Our head of course demands action and We know that there are times (often?) when this is appropriate. However it is truly a double edged sword. It also helps to keep Us locked into limitation and powerlessness, it is a piece and part of denying Our true abilities. These have lay dormant for so long it is hard to uncover “them” and pick “them” back up. We seek balance.

It is not easy learning to walk in multiworlds. We are learning to live as love rather than absence thereof.

We certainly are having interesting learning experiences. Our work day cut into Our standard breaks so We did not do any entries during the day and now We are very dreamy. We hope to fill that in later. Right now We just want to post about fixing things with Our mind and/or slipping into other worlds. During the day the dragon was leaking antifreeze. The thermostat continues to seem to be working better but now there was a leak. We could tell basically where it was coming from but not enough to know what We would need to do to fix it. We bought some high temperature silicone and stop leak and came straight home after work. We were practicing letting go and NOT planning.

We felt like starting looking at the dragon when We got home. We got it jacked up and the side that was leaking on a jack stand so We could crawl under to see what We could see. We could see better where the leak was coming from but still not for sure. We did check and We had not lost as much antifreeze coming home as We had driving around town during Our breaks. This seems odd since it is ten miles uphill to get home. We wiped off the antifreeze and could not see any more leakage. We tightened up One little hose clamp in the wet area and tightened the drain plug which is also in the area that was originally wet. We let it run for over half an hour and did not see any more leaks. We had not seen any leak since after We wiped off the fresh antifreeze and before We tightened the clamp and plug.

We stuck pieces of paper around the places that seemed like “they” might have been leaking. We lowered the dragon in case somehow it needed to be level to leak(?????). Then We drove part way to town, got Thai food to bring home, checked and no leaks while waiting for Our food and came home (five miles uphill) and no more leaks. It felt like the dragon just needed more attention. We do tend to take it for granted and do not pay nearly as much attention to it as We do to Shadow and/or the kids.

We truly are not certain if We mentally/energetically healed the dragons wound or if We slipped into a reality/life/world where it either got healed or was never wounded. It really does not matter which. It is a learning experience for Us regardless. Several things that We did practice are: not freaking out, knowing it is perfect, letting go, staying in the now, not planning (much), reminding OurSelf that We are learning and it is okay that We make progress and slip back a step and then step forward again.

But now We really do have to go dream.

08/31/13 08:04:23 AM Now We will fill in some from during the day:

A couple of the gradeschoolers are having Us (asking Us to) read “their” books to Us. We are happy to do this, actually excited. We are not into the books but “they” are. We were quite shocked at the content in a Batman book One kid has. We may decide to edit some of what We read aloud from some of these books. Or not.

We started out late because Our bus is still broken and it took a while to find a bus that would run. This was very frustrating for Our driver. We've been in that frustration. Now We pretty much take it in stride. It is what it is whether We like it or not.

One highschooler was taken to school by parents so We made up most of Our time after that. We have several new students added to Our route next week so We spent some of Our break time making maps and such. We also took more time everywhere We went (on Our breaks) to check the leaks on Our dragon.

The bus We were using has more seats and will work much better for Us with the extra students and carseats We need for Our preschoolers. We hope this will be Our regular bus.

The students All seemed to have a good day and We continue to learn from “them” and about “them”. We are certainly enjoying interacting with “them”.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A day of choices



A day of choices

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:33:10 AM

Good morning. Shadow woke Us about ten minutes before Our alarm would have gone off. We were very deep into another world and life. It was really hard to reorient with this life. We really do not know how to describe it. It was All-most like having to learn to walk and read All over again as We returned to 3D awareness. We had to remember how to use Our body. Kind of like putting on a wet suit too.

We are not sure what this means but it is kinda fun to be aware of. It probably is part of real-I-sing We are more than just this body.

We remember waking Once during the night and We do not remember what We were doing then or now. Must be the start of a new adventure and part of Our transition. There is definitely a lot going on.

We are aware of being multidimensional and in multiworlds this morning and Shadow is still very deep in dream. It is an interesting process going through this shift together. Our head still struggles to maintain control but the struggle has much less energy to it. Our heart is very happy and confident.

We are reading confirmations (from several sources) of what We are intuiting about what We are experiencing. One of “them” even mentioned repairing items with Our energy because it is All energy. We probably should not be surprised and yet............................

Letting go and acceptance and huge tools and keys. Not at All what We were taught in limitation school.

We are having another interesting day.  Our non-verbal highschooler had a great time.  We were in Our regular route bus for the first time. We do not know if it was the bus, if he is feeling better, or what.

Saying that he is non-verbal is actually inaccurate and even incorrect.  We found out that he is very verbal, he just does not use words (or not words that We recognize anyway.

Yesterday, after Our morning section the dragon was running hot.  On Our second break, We bought a new thermostat and anti-freeze.  Then We let it go (mostly anyway).  Since  then, it seems the thermostat is working better than it ever has.

This connects to what We read this morning.

The preschoolers had a great time and are a delight as usual.

Our bus broke down leaving highschool (the first of Our two afternoon schools.  We sat for quite a while with Our One highschooler on board.  He did well for just sitting by himSelf and waiting.  We real-eyesed that We really do not know how to entertain and interact with an autist in these conditions.  We could do telepathic messages but in a stressful physical situation We are not that good at telepathy.  Finally on the phone his mom told Us he like music.  We are (normally) not supposed to have the radio on with students on board but We turned it on and he really enjoyed that.

Another route had to do Our elementary section and another route had to pick Us up and take Our highschooler home.

Here, are choices: how We feel and act and think about this.  It is normal to hold on to old behaviors and blame and ridicule.  It is new to accept and let go.  We are choosing to let go but it is not easy.  We (humans) do love to cling to Our drama and Our driver does too.

It is funny, We are more forgiving of those who are unaware than those who claim to be waking but choose to continue in limitation.  Yet, it is so easy for Us to do the same.  Is that why We have so little patience?  Because We see OurSelf in that mirror?  Because it would be sooooo easy to join the pity party?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Still in dream



Still in dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:11:45 AM

Good morning. Another busy, busy night. We do not remember much but We are changing. We are certain of this. We are downloading, upgrading, integrating, processing, updating and transitioning and Shadow is going through this with Us. These are Our intuitions.

We woke about half an hour early but clearly were not ready to get up. We lay there in and out of dream, not fully in either realm and repeating Our mantras. We are learning to live aware of being love, being multidimensional and being in many places and lives at Once. We know the kids are helping and it may well be a case of teaching what We/”they” most need to learn.

It's interesting but We can see how it would probably be frustrating to anyOne who is unaware of what is going on and very hard for anyOne trying to resist. We can not imagine resisting this current energy.

Another thing We are aware of is being on a ship. Of course: Gaia is a ship, Our cabin is a ship or part of One and We are also aware of being off planet observing and giving what assistance We can. It is quite different learning to be aware.

We are also reminded that a lot of this means that Our daily lives will be (and are) changing. Isn't it funny: We expect things to change AND stay the same.

We must say that We had no idea that this transition would be so hard. We do not mean hard as in requiring effort, We mean hard as in: “hard to let go of the old and familiar” and allow the new to slide in. We had no idea We were so attached to the old. We had no idea this would be sooooo emotional for Us.

We are slipping around, through, in and out of many worlds and living in multiworlds. Need We mention that it gets a bit confusing? But, We keep remembering to let go, stay in the now AND it is All perfect. Whatever that means. If We wanted to view it as bad, it certainly could be interpreted that way but it does NOT feel that way. We could choose to pursue bad and then it would probably feel bad but We know that We are experiencing something very new and that is what We choose.

We know the kids are part of this. We do not know exactly how, but We feel “them” at work with Us.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Less stuck



Less stuck

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:44:41 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night exploring lots of worlds and lots of alternate lives. We met more new friends and played with in many worlds together. There was even some adventures on board space ships. We have not been aware of those for a while. Some worlds and lives were parallel and some were futures. It is hard to describe and label these correctly since All time is now but there is something different that We will probably understand better when Our awareness and thinking are more expanded.

Whatever was going on with Our dreaming yesterday is continuing and We had a hard time coming out of dream. We are allowing OurSelf to remain mostly in dream and that seems an important step. Staying in the now and letting go is important. There were several times when We felt the shifting and transition during Our sleep/dream and We were tempted to try and take charge and control Our experience. We were reminded to let go IF We wanted to experience the fullness that is possible and available. So, We experienced having this choice that We are living in. Again, All choices are supported and create more and more worlds where All versions of the choices come to pass.

This is important stuff and part of Our pathfinder, trailblazer and gatekeeper/guide/companion roles. We still have a hard time allowing and honoring other people's choices especially when it seems a lesser and limited choice. Remembering that We are a trailblazer sometimes helps. We are not special (any more than everyOne is special) but We are each individuals and different in ways. That is Our purpose: to each explore and experience something a little different from Our other to contribute that to the collective soup. We just remembered that there was a lot in Our dreams about Shadow's part in Our transition. In some worlds and levels he and Us are going to continue being together but We are not at All clear on how this physical, limitation 3D reality will play out. Again, that uncertainty is what makes it an adventure. Shadow does seem to be feeling better but We are certain (now) that these current energies affected him very strongly.

On Our first trip outside We are reminded/aware that if We fully let go We can experience a (or many) different timeline in/of this reality. One option is the “better” life that many wish for. However, We know that if this better” is only external (which We theel that most would settle for) than it will not be real and only temporary at best. Again, We do not wish to judge those who will settle for this as that is “their” part to play. This game, drama, movie, hologram will go on for a long, long time (if not forever) and there remain many parts to play. We are reminded (Once again) of the last scene from “The Skin of Our Teeth”: “the ending isn't written yet”.

These different timelines were part of Our dreams last night and “they” can be limited (if We choose) or limitless if We are willing to release control. Or perhaps it is: release head/logic control and allow heart control? Something like that.

Again today after finishing Our morning route (the middleschooler is the last One) We could barely stay out of dream enough to shower and have lunch. We tried reading and email and stuff on Our Nook and We knew that We just needed to let it go and dream. So, We did.

Afternoons are fairly low key. Preschoolers start tomorrow so no more long breaks. This may make a difference, of course it could send Us even deeper into dreaming.

We certainly feel that We are changing every day and We are facing lots of opportunities to make choices. For the most part We are choosing to be in the now and let go. We really do theel that this is opening more doors and gateways into expansion. If nothing else We are less stuck even if We are not expanding much (yet).

Monday, August 26, 2013



We drifted into multi-D even deeper

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:37:57 AM

Good morning. Some interesting visits and experiences with the kids last night. We were definitely with Our current students and the highschooler from last year. There was (kind of) representing/being many. “They” were very much “themSelf” AND “they” were “their” others. It was interesting in that this did not seem at All unusual but rather perfectly normal. In that world it is the norm.

We woke early and gently. We could tell that We continue in a deep phase of the shift and/or transition/transformation. What does this look like? We will tell You after We get through it (maybe). We can tell We still have a lot of letting go to do but We are certainly making progress. We also got a glimpse into how those who are choosing to focus on the outer changes are doing “their” part and how that is working too. It does take All of Us.

We were shown how much more easily We are accepting the kids as “they” are versus how We expect more of those calling “themSelves” lightworkers. It does seem that this label is up for closer examination. Others too are starting to question All the promises. However, many are still looking for a savior. Maybe “they” will get One.

Again We are reminded of acceptance just as things (and people) are. Open, let go and allow. We are remembering that much quicker now.

We are getting insights and visions about Our changing/evolving world and the part that Our others (who appear (to Us personally) as focused on the “wrong” things) are playing. It is a grand and elaborate game We are playing and the unraveling is multi-faceted.

We are love.

The transformation and transition is happening moment by moment and We feel it and read it in many articles. We are continuing to let go and stay in the now while going about Our morning.

Because We have not tried downloading OpenOffice to Our Nook, We are trying posting directly here.  We do not have as many options and that is why the different size text from Our normal posts.  We will see how this works and We will at some point try to download OpenOffice to Our Nook.  At least this way We can add stuff during the day if We want.

We are slipping in and out and through many realities and lives and dimensions and perspectives today.  Our afternoon is even lighter than usual because We had several students not riding.  This was good for Us because We could barely come out of dream long enough to pay attention to the students.

This is kind of a strange feeling if We did not know what is going on and even still it is a challenge to NOT revert to old behaviors.  Our head is struggling but not fighting the way it used to.  It too is adjusting.  We are taking it very easy and gentle.

Now, We are off to dream for the night.

Let go and fly



Let go and fly

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:41:34 AM

Good morning. We visited more worlds again and these were more similar to this world with friends mostly from this life. We were living much more freely though. We could also easily shift between Our physical bodies and Our energy bodies, that was cool. We did not do anything really remarkable. We were just living and playing and paying attention to each other. Well, maybe that is remarkable???

We are getting it that Our life is what We make it. That can be a hard pill to swallow. Often, We spend sooooo much time and energy trying to enjoy life that We over complicate it and tie OurSelves in a huge knot and lock OurSelves in cages that do not really even exist. It is All part of the game and We designed it and then forgot the passwords (so to speak).

We are in a huge transition and We do feel quite certain that most people have chosen to only shift to a better form of limitation. We do not know what it will look like, neither do We know what Our daily life will look like. That is what makes it an adventure game. We (personally) are choosing expansion and being in the now. That is taking just about everything We have to let go and allow.

We enjoy being with the kids. Most (in “their” 3D life) are being programed by limitation society but We theel that most are resisting as much as “they” can. We are in contact with most telepathically and We can support “them” that way. We are not aware of each personal contact (yet). It is more like a collective contact. That may be the point.

Our head still wants to take charge but Our heart is saying: “Let go and fly”.

We are reminded that We MUST have a change of thinking (and beliefs and these are connected) in order to expand and live consciously multi-D. Our head wants to cling to the old thinking and beliefs. It thinks that this keeps Us safe. It is actually what endangers Us because as the connected beans that We really are there is NO danger. Our head says that this transition area is slippery and fraught with danger. We are certain this is what the masses think also. It is not true but that is how it appears.

We truly can be Our own worst enemy. We are reminded that the choices others make are NOT mistakes. These are “their” way of exploring this process and infinity. “They” contribute “their” part to the whole. We wish to honor this not condemn it.

Our head is trying to worry about All the things it thinks We must get done before winter (and it does feel like winter is close when We are outside). This is exactly how We trap OurSelf in One reality. If We want to do something and do it in that moment, then that is One thing. To plan and worry about it is completely something else. We have set sooooo many traps and pitfalls for OurSelves to keep Us in the game. We amaze OurSelf.

We went for water and found some scrap plywood, roof metal and fiberglass panel which We drug home. It tried to jump off the roof on the way home but We stopped and rescued it. The only thing We lost was a broken piece of the roof rack. We theel this is to prevent some kind of future accident. We theel that We can use the plywood etc. to finish a new step for Shadow on the now open front corner where the old shed was and make/finish covers for both back corners so We don't get an ice build up there (where Shadow walks and slips if there is ice) from the roof drip.

We are resting a bit before unloading the dragon. Reminds Us of when (in another reality) We were unloading supplies (from a space ship) out of the dragon in preparation for future missions. Here We are.

We are getting a bunches of little things done inside and out. We got (We think) All Our rain collectors emptied and upside down to drain. Oops, nope We just remembered a couple more. Thanks for the reminder. We are got the dragon unloaded and are starting to get stuff arranged and covered to take down the second tarp. We got One down All-ready and it is over Our table (until We are done with the stuff stored there and have the table where it will live for the winter then We can tie it down like We did last winter).

We got Our Wii set up so We can watch Netflix through it. We just learned We can do that last week and We theel We will try the free month and see how We likes it. $8 per month is less than if We rent movies and no hassle going to the store or library, waiting for what We want to watch next to be available, and having to return by a certain date. Sounds like a good idea to Us. We can also watch it on Our Nook when away from home and at a good Wifi connection.

We theel We got everything done in preparation for winter that We can at this point. We moved the producing tomato plant up on the porch where We hope it will stay warmer and it will definitely get a lot of sun if the sun is out. We brought Our citronella and lavender plants inside. We hope “they” like it in here.

This morning the temperature was about 34 when We first went out so it could freeze any day (or night). It is warming up a lot in the afternoon but it stayed around 40 until afternoon.

We had fun and did take lots of breaks. We like having the flowering plants inside.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another day of downloads and processing



Another day of downloads and processing

(previously known as a day of going back to bed)

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:59:32 AM

Good morning and an interesting One at that. We are very aware of visiting a bunch of worlds with more friends in the hours between when We would wake up on a work day and when We did wake up. We are also very aware that this may well be a day of going back to dream. During the night and certainly as We are waking (or not waking) We can feel another big shift or maybe a continuation but it is major. Our head is trying to find things to focus on and worry about and demand of Us but We are easily letting go and when something else comes up from Our head We let go again.

We are reminded of some things from meditations teachings: “When a thought arises, observe it (without attaching to it), name it: 'thought' and let it go. When another thought comes up: observe with detachment, name it and let it go. When another thought comes up: observe it with detachment, name it and let it go. Repeat as long and as many times as needed.” The other thing is: “living in an attitude of meditation”. This certainly fits Our current experience.

Open, let go and allow. We are learning to live from Our heart.

It seems that many of Our dreams were about living in some type of prison and getting free. That too resembles Our waking life.

It is hard for Us humans to look at a world that looks the same and real-eyes that there has been major change. What it looks like is Our projection and that is based on Our memory AND Our beliefs. Neither of these tend to shift big time overnight or when We blink. “They” can, but it rarely happens that way. It would be quite the shock to Our system if “they” did.

We are changing and shifting AND it is a process.

Our Nook kinda grabbed Us and drew Us in for a while. We left it on charging All night and it is playing nicer today, so We fell in a little bit. It will take some learning but We are now set up to access what We wanted. Now, We need to find a book We want to read. One thing We have learned (kinda) is that We have to tap NOT press the screen.

Okay, now back to reality. We have said for a long time that this shift, assension, awakening (whatever label One prefers) will take a major change of mind and thinking. Just now as We were walking around outside a bit and shuffling between getting into “doing” (which We know the energies are NOT supporting today) and letting go and staying in the now, We got a major input of this change. We can feel the more but We have to make a conscious choice to let go, stay in the now and shift in multi-D. This will probably be an ongoing process and (of course) Our head is afraid We will fail or not finish on time. Silly old thinking but We are very well programed in it.

It is another day of going back to bed and letting the energy have Us. We feel strongly that much is being accomplished but NOT in limitation 3D.

Saturday, August 24, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:22:38 AM

Good morning. We woke without Our alarm this morning but We wanted to remain in whatever world We were in. We are reminding OurSelf that We are no longer trapped in limitation (actually We never were) and this is also an expanded world that We are waking to. It is up to Us. AND, We get to go play with the kids soon.

It is raining and We are drifting. Also, We do not have to fully leave Our dream worlds. That is part of the old programing: thinking that We have to fully wake up and zoom in (focus completely in) limitation 3D. We can if We choose or We can spend the day in the world but NOT of the world. Open, let go and allow.

We are noticing the habit of old thinking and programing trying to reassert its hold on Our mind. Our head tries to cling to it and screams if We try to let it go. We reassure Our head that We will not die AND that We will take it with Us into expansion. It still can not quite conceive of a life of ease rather than struggle to survive. We are trying to be patient with Our head but NOT give in. We let go and stay in the now.

We are bing reminded of the apparent progress We are making with One of the gradeschoolers. We are trying to get him to talk rather than yell. We feel strongly that he yells because he feels no One is paying attention. We theel this is fairly common with youngstars. We ARE paying attention to him and yesterday afternoon We had him talking instead of yelling. We enjoy listening to him and learning about him.

It does seem that being with this driver is also important. Remember, We dreamed about getting his route before and he sat across the table from Us at bid day. It is not like We had made friends prior to that. We had barely met before that. He and Us and both fairly quiet at work and around strangers (and We are both pretty strange). He is quite negative but not in a way that brings Us down. We would say he is malleable. He had probably learned to be negative as much as actually feeling it. He does feel that his life is lousy but certainly does not see that he created it. He is watching Us work with the students he does NOT like. Before this he probably did not even know that is an option. He even made a bit of conversation with the boy We are working with (focusing on) that he does not like. We also have a girl on the same section who yells rather than talks and We are paying attention to her too but she does not talk constantly like the boy does. When We ask her questions about herSelf (her likes and dislikes she is rather surprised).

We are still pondering getting the Nook or Kindle. We will probably check “them” out in local stores before deciding for sure. We found out that WalMart sells kindle and there is a Barnes and Noble across the street from WalMart. It looks like the only thing that We can not do on the Nook (which We like to do on Our breaks) is add to Our posting here every day. That is a big consideration since We do not want to spend a lot of time on the computer in the evenings after work. It would be a lot lighter and less bulky to carry with Us every day and We do have a long break between afternoon sections that We could spend reading. We are going to check into downloading books onto Our laptop.

We got a haircut (happy with it) and went to look at Nooks on Our break. It turns out that the local store has the same pricing (and $20 gift card offer) as online and it really does look like We will be able to do everything that We normally do on Our laptop during Our breaks and maybe it will entice Us to get back to reading more. Plus, it will be so much lighter and less bulky to be dragging around All day. Yes, We bought One.

We were able to pay attention to Our afternoon students and continue to deepen Our connection. The gradeschool girl that rides in the afternoon was upset about something but did not seem to want to talk about it. We sent thoughts of care and concern.

We did not really obsess on Our new Nook until We got home. We are having some difficulty learning to use it and though We tell OurSelf that it is defective and must be destroyed, We theel it may be operator error.

We stayed up three to four hours longer than normal trying to learn it. Now, We go to dream.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A nice day



A nice day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:43:22 AM

Good morning. We really did not want to wake this morning. At some point We decided to reset Our alarm to sleep in a half an hour and it stopped at 3:33 so We left it there. We were drifting in and out when the alarm went off (actually clock radio) and that was cool to be woken at 3:33. Knowing We are in multi-D when awake does make it a little easier, more appealing to come out of dream. We do not feel as pressured as We remember feeling when getting up for work before.

Shadow had gone out during the night and when he came in he laid (or fell) down in the kitchen and went to sleep there. He has only slept there Once before. He was very deep in dream too when We got up. He just now woke and was a little disoriented and went right back to dreaming. Something is in the air.

We did read yesterday that there is another gate/portal opening today and it would bring more shift, change and evolution for people and Our planet. Whatever it is We really appreciate feeling the way do when We are waking then the way We used to feel when it was time to wake and We really wanted to stay in dream.

We should get to meet more of the kids today too.

Something is definitely shifted and/or shifting this morning, We can feel it and We can tell that Shadow senses it too. In the passed We would have tried to grab the old and familiar and jerk it back. Now, We are intent on allowing this new. We like it even if it does feel unfamiliar. We are allowing to drift and check out the feel of wherever We are and whatever is happening.

Even Our coffee tastes different this morning, More flavorful. We sense subtle differences. Things that may have shifted before but We missed “them” because it is such a slight shift. We may well have returned to the old and familiar before. Also, remember that the new includes the old but the new is more. It is not a destruction or devastation of the old the way We (the masses) used to think it would be.

We like this. Again We find it is now automatic to repeat Our mantras: “We are love” and “Open, let go and allow”.

It feels like We will be acting and doing a lot less by (and/or out of) habit in the days ahead. We remember theeling this before and We would say that this is a continuation of that, a going deeper into it. Again We do remember ways that We pressured OurSelf to do this, keep a certain morning agenda etc. and that just is not there/here right now. We theel We would rather that We do not return to that. We will see, it may be a back and forth, in and out. That may be One reality that We will want to revisit.

This morning went smooth. All of Our highschoolers and gradeschoolers rode. We are connecting with the highschoolers. The gradeschoolers are a bit energetic (to the point of bothering Our driver) and will take a little work but We are connecting well with “them”.

The middleschooler (the One who recognized Us from dream on Our dry run) has not ridden yet, he is supposed to start riding Monday.

Even though Our driver does not like some of Our students We like “them” All so far. We do feel that We will probably be able to communicate best with the highschoolers. The boy who did not ride yesterday seems to want to talk and the girl definitely wants to talk.

Our afternoon was fairly uneventful. We worked with the gradeschooler who yells rather than talks. We listened to him and kept reminding him to talk not yell on the bus. The highschooler seemed to enjoy himSelf again on the ride home. We do not have too many students on Our afternoon route because We have a fairly long noon section when it starts next week.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First day of school



First day of school

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:50:42 AM

Good morning. Today We begin a new adventure. It is the first day of school. We will meet students whom We have not met in waking but many of those have been meeting and working with Us in dream, maybe All of “them” have. We really do not have any expectations but We are certain this is part of Our (personal and collective) transition and expansion into consciously living multidimensionally.

Yesterday, We were rehearsing the zoom in and zoom out metaphor. It is actually more that a metaphor. It is what We do only We have gotten stuck in zoom in.

This morning We woke about half an hour early and We were having a dream about folding reality. Similar to zoom in and zoom out. Remember in “Dune” the Spacing Guild Navigators folded space to move objects across vast distances. Now, We know (even though We can not really conceive of it with Our 3D thinking) that space and time only exist in Our mind. That is where and how the Navigators folded space, with and in “their” minds. It worked because people believed it works. Again: the power of Our believe is immense, All-most unbelievable.

So, when We zoom in We get a very clear and precise view/picture (of whatever We are zooming in on) to the exclusion of All else. If We focus long enough on what We are zoomed in on, everything else may seem to cease to exist. The same applies to folding. When something is folded much disappears and things which appear far removed when unfolded can be touching when folded. This is also what We do and are doing. We fold reality.

We think this will probably be a “Night School” but it is not quite clear enough and expanded enough just yet. We also feel that this is something the students are and will be working on with Us. “They” have miracles that “they” are bristling to show Us.

BTW, for some reason We finally got that Open Office update to install properly. We had resolved to stop downloading and installing it but this morning We felt like One more try and wallah!

Today's quote from Abraham-Hicks is excellent. Unfortunately We are unable to copy and paste it here. Hmmmmm, maybe as a hyperlink??? Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting — and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome. ---Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on July 7, 1999 That works. This is what We were learning and practicing this summer with Our projects, plans vs. ideas and etc. We need to find a better word than projects, something that implies inspiration and/or play. Our thesaurus agrees as One of the first suggestions is: “work”.

Just now We are reminded of the term: “fluidic space”. Interesting: the word fluidic is not recognized by Our dictionary. We are thinking We may need another new word: playjects.

This morning We are drawn to do more preparation for being missing from this time and space which We call Our cabin. This feels like it is more than preparing for another school year. Remember, We have been moving in this direction for several years. It does not feel like being gone, moving or leaving physically as much as it feels being absent from the physical or maybe only limitation 3D. In the real” world, the One without limits and where everything is connected Our cabin will look and feel quite different. After All We are in tune and harmony with nature and limitless. A cabin based on and built in separation and limitation would not even exist (so to speak). We theel We will still have a home but it will be a growing NOT a building. Our dragon is a dragon not a car called a dragon. Our truck is a space ship and/or shuttle craft. And Shadow and Us are both younger.

Also, We are practicing opening, letting go and allowing. It really does make for a much more pleasant morning. We do not feel as trapped in limitation 3D when We practice this.

Morning was an adventure. “They” changed Our route books and in the process lost three of Our maps. Our bus was broken and Our route was blocked in three places due to road construction. These kinds of things used to really bother Us and “they” still do really bother Our driver. We were able to take it All in stride. That is new for Us.

Some of the parents took “their” children to school because We were sooooo late. We enjoyed the students that We did get to meet. We theel We will bond with “them” more as We get to know “them”. It is hard when We were so late because this really bothers most of these kids. So far the problems that Our driver had with some of “them” on his route last year did not happen. The students that We know from last year are preschoolers and won't start until next week.

The sun is coming out and it is warming back up. We are slipping into multi-D Once again. The hot tub may have helped.

The afternoon was much less of a 3D adventure than the morning, everything went smoothly. One highschool boy is non-verbal, his mom told Us and he grunts (not sure of a better word). He was having a good time, smiling and laughing and We smiled back. We turned away to look at something and We are certain that We heard him say: “Look at Me”, so We did. We theel he wanted Our undivided attention. We have typed about this before. We do theel that We have made contact.

We had two gradeschoolers ride home. We had not met these two because “their” parents had taken “them” to school because of Our being late this morning. We connected and had a good time with “them”. Basically, “they” were nothing like what Our driver had warned Us about. This is certainly not uncommon to find that when We give children Our attention “they” are more calm and settled. “They” often do not feel that “they” have to yell if We are paying attention to “them”.

During Our break We bought a salad at the salad bar to take home. This is not unusual, We do it All the time. However spilling it IS unusual and spilling it twice is unheard of. Gotta remember to be careful when We are in multiworlds. After work We bought another salad bar to replace the One We emptied on the ground the second time. Yep, We spilled the new One too. Not as bad as the original and it was totally salvageable. It was All-most humorous and We pretty much knew it was going to happen. At least We thelt that the odds favored spilling.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A day, in AND out



A day, in AND out

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:35:53 AM

Good morning. We woke at about the time We will be getting up for school starting tomorrow.

There is an update for the dictionary for Open Office that We have downloaded but We can not tell if it is working or not. We have tried several options and We still can not tell and the updater still shows that this update is available. All the other updates that We have downloaded do not show as available any more. This is a bit frustrating for Us and We real-eyes that this is part of the old mindset.

Open, let go and allow.

Once again We do not have any clear memories from Our dream life. We remember that We had fun and were with friends and thats it. We do have the Simon and Garfunkel song: “Slip, Sliding Away” running through Our mind. We do theel that that is what We are doing and it is a good thing.

It seems that old thinking and acting (and releasing these) is coming up this morning and might be a theme????? We are stopping and letting go when We recognize either and/or both. Could well be a deeper recognition and uncovering, progress.

It continues to amaze Us as We read teachers and channels saying what We have been intuiting for a while now. We know We should not be surprised but since We (at least a little) We will admit. Or are We mistaking being pleased with surprise? We certainly appreciate the confirmation. For many, this is a real turnaround from previous messages. We are glad and appreciate this change/shift.

This is what We have been saying for a while now. We will admit that there are times (often?) that We doubt OurSelf and Our intuition when it seems like We are the only One in that boat. But, would We jump from a life boat into a frothing, turbulent ocean just because We are the only One in the life boat and everyOne is drowning? We appreciate it that most of the time We recognize this and hold fast to Our intuits.

We returned to dream and had fun with no memory of the details. So many reasons for not remembering. As We have mentioned We have less waking memories of details also. We are barely getting used to being in two (or a few) worlds at a time and when We are visiting many it is just too much for Our brain to remember clearly. This will change with practice and repetition AND as that part of Our brain and DNA that is dormant comes on line.

It is quite rainy today so We are playing indoors for the most part. We are getting ready to install the little window between the kitchen and bedroom. We have wanted One for years but just have never gotten a-round-tuit. Now is the time. Another addition to delight OurSelf and the Fae. We have the feeling that We may be decorating the inside this winter in a fashion that We never would have previously.

In Our mind We have been singing “Crooked Little Man” a lot reminding Us to allow things to be a bit askew. We just noticed that the handle on Our window is just such an item.

The window is installed and the hinges are just a wee bit crooked, just enough. It is multicolor and We had no clue that We used darker colors on the bed side and lighter, brighter colors on the kitchen side. Interesting that. Also, it does not close All the way (whatever close might mean with an unframed window where there is no wall) and that too is perfect. We are amusing.

We have had an interesting last day of Our summer vacation. We are not sure what All We did but We are very aware of several occasions of being in multiworlds. The Reader's Digest version is that We made several mistakes of a kind We simply do not make (or did not used to make). Nothing serious just oddities that indicate many times that We were in focused in other worlds/timelines than the One We are currently in. This could be a back and forth or on and on experience. That is to say that “current” is very flexible and NOT stable or static.

It has continued to rain most of the day and We moved the last of the stuff under the tarps back close to the cabin and dropped the tarps as much as We can and still keep the stuff covered. The temperature is quite cool. It is way early for snow but the temperature could drop that far at night. Now the sun seems to be shining through the cloud layer so that should warm it back up a bit. It is in the 50s and a twenty degree drop overnight, though unusual, is not unheard of, especially these days. A winter storm was forecast but not snow that We heard about anyway.

We continue to remember to stay in the now and let go. Open, let go and allow.

There seems to be a lot of information coming through and more and more people are tuning inward. We had an interesting thought earlier: If We are focused on/in limitation 3D, then We are focused in/on limitation 3D.

It is Our choice.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dreaming and doing



Dreaming and doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:37:22 AM

Good morning. We woke early this morning, not sure why. We thelt it is good to begin getting up early since We are awake and will be getting up early starting Wednesday. The first thing We noticed is a very bright full moon visible through a break in the clouds.

Just before sleep and whenever We woke during the night We definitely felt that Our world has shifted and changed. It is We who are changing and this is changing Our world. We are now living in awareness of other worlds, realities and lives coexisting with this One in the same time and space. Concepts that We can not really explain and could not even comprehend a short time ago.

Many people are reporting much the same symptoms and anticipation of much more to come. Open, let go and allow. Many people are also talking about (and anticipating) financial reform and making a lot of money overnight (so to speak). We hope “they” are right but We continue to feel it is just a distraction and another opportunity to give away Our power. Perhaps it is decision time? Perhaps this is only a message for Us personally. If the money comes AND it would improve Our daily life We would like some too but NOT at the cost of going back to being focused in limitation.

Even if humanity is not at a crossroads, We certainly feel like We are personally. We thought We had made Our choice but maybe We need the opportunity to stick with it. Open, let go and allow and stay in the now.

Perhaps We woke to practice opening, letting go and allowing. As We repeat this mantra We certainly feel more shifting. Perhaps this is doing Our part in assisting the global/planetary transition and transformation.

Now We hear the rain falling and the wind blowing.

We returned to dream and had a great time. We do not remember anything other than having a great time. As We wondered a bit about this We recognized a couple of things: We are still zoomed out (somewhat like being zoned out) AND We are remembering less and less specifics about Our waking world too. When We are not zoomed in and highly focused on any One world and/or life it is harder to remember the details of any One life. We could also explain it away as old age and that is fine for those who wish to keep the multi-D door closed. We wish to keep it open and stop denying and explaining away Our expanded and expanding experiences.

We remind OurSelf that We can be here without being trapped and locked into being focused here. We are free.

Early in the year The Group (channeled by Steve Rother) said to look back at the January 15, 2013 message today. We are doing that. click here if You want We need to be a little more focused here to read it. We are aware that We have changed a lot since then. Massively would not be an exaggeration. Has Our world changed? Yes, We see signs of that but We see more change in OurSelf and that affects how We interact with the world and how the world affects Us. We certainly do not feel like a victim. We are not sure that did in January but We certainly did in the passed.

We are having a thought, an intuition perhaps: when We see something that makes Us want to react (knee jerk reaction), if We can pause and zoom out then We might see a different picture and have a different response. We might even accept what We see just as it is.

As We begin playing at stuff outside We see that many of things” that Our head was trying to worry about (mainly preparations for winter) are steps in a process rather than some insurmountable end goal. We theel there is a life lesson in this. In fact, many of the things” (that Our brain has been trying to worry about) would have to be undone (if done right now or back when Our head was trying to worry about “them”) because the steps in between (which these other steps would block) can not be done yet (like studded tires, harvesting onions and toms and some etc.). Interesting what trusting Our Self and Our intuition reveals and the pitfalls it prevents. Quite the opposite of what Our head was trying to tell Us.

Oops, We are falling into Simon and Garfunkel vids again.

It has certainly been an interesting day walking in multiworlds. We got a lot more done than We had anticipated and We even had fun for the most part (who woulda thunk cleanup could be fun?) and there were some interesting incidents. We lost a twist tie out of Our pocket. Not a big deal but it meant We had to go back and get another. We retraced Our steps (on Our way to get another twist tie and did not find the poor, lonely little lost twist tie. Later, after dinner and finishing All Our tasks for the day We spotted the twist right in the path where We had been walking back and forth All day.

There were a couple of items that had been broken which We found to no longer be broken. There were times that We knew to stop and while We were waiting and taking a break We found a better, easier way to do what We were going to do. We kinda wiped OurSelf out hauling sawhorses uphill and through the bushes to where We think We want “them” so “they” are ready to use in the spring but again this brought on a break when We had more insights and intuits. It was just that kinda day.

Oh, and some visits from the Fae off and on. We added an orange snowfence to the old, old, old fort that is around “their” picnic table and trained some wild roses through it. We thelt that “they” like it.

Sophia's blog from yesterday says much of what are feeling and have been trying to express: One clicky, clicky

Monday, August 19, 2013

Doing and breaking



Doing and breaking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:50:33 AM

Good morning. Not much to report this morning. Not because not much happened but because We are not here enough to type about it. We are not anywhere in particular. Our view and perspective is set to panorama rather than zoom in. We do remember that early in the evening We were in waking dream mode processing and rehearsing more information about Our transformation and transition. One thing is for certain: It is not coming, it is here. We really are experiencing multi-D becoming a way of life.

We get it that We still have a reason and purpose to be mainly in limitation 3D. The game is NOT up. However, it is changing and evolving and that is Our plan and purpose. Ah, now We are reminding OurSelf about what was going on in that waking dream. Long ago, but not so very far away (and not really that long ago either) We thelt that the game of separation and limitation would continue but that We were changing the rules. Boy howdy. Are We ever changing the rules.

For a long time We wanted to escape the game, jump off the game board into whatever might await Us. At least, We thought that We did. We recognize that many people are in the boat now. Perhaps that is a necessary step in waking up. Hmmmmm, We are recognizing more of Our process in what We are seeing on the global stage now. Perhaps if We can remember this We can have more patience for what is going on. Perhaps We are more ahead of the pack than We real-eyesed (or want to admit). Because We really do not feel that We particularly gifted or charmed, it is hard for Us to “get it” why everyOne is not where We are. Sure, We get it about the masses but NOT about those who call “themSelves” lightworkers. Hell, We have never even like that term, at least not applied to Us. We prefer: “balance workers”.

So, We were processing changing the rules rather than leaving the game. It was necessary to first experience separation and limitation by fully and completely believing in “them”. Well We sure did that thoroughly. We do want to mention (and this was part of what We processed last night) that separation and limitation are impossible. Yet, We (All of Us) created a world (with uni-verses, stars, galaxies, and lots of etc.) where We could pretend. The closest explanation at this time is a hologram. What a hologram it is. We really are THAT powerful that We created what was impossible.

Where is the: “Computer end program” command? But, actually We do not want to end the game. We want to find the hidden door to the next level: “Playing while knowing there is more”. Actually, We (personally) played that level. We are not certain if We mastered it yet but We still want the next level: “Playing while (forgot, hopefully will access that memory file soon)”. No, We have been there a while All-ready. We want the: “Playing AND experiencing expansion (other world(s), lives, realities simultaneously)” level.

Yes, there it is. We have begun using this hidden door but We want to fully access this realm. Notice how We (masses) design movies, books and now video games to mirror what We are doing. We are that powerful.

And that is how Our night began and now it is easier to see why We do not remember much. We are exploring new terrain and charting new territory and blazing trail Once again. This morning We are in that inbetwixt state. Or perhaps it would be better to say: We are in many states.

As We made Our first trip outside for the morning We find OurSelf repeating: “We are love” and “Open, let go and allow”. These are becoming habit and working quite nicely for Us. We are experiencing being here (limitation 3D) AND being in and aware of other versions and lives. Yes, We walk carefully when experiencing this. Slipping into another world is not the problem. Slipping in this world and finding Our body smacking into a limitation (like the ground) would be a problem.

There are several things We hope to do today but We do not feel pushed in any way. We are very relaxed and enjoying exploring expansion while functioning in limitation.

We have started the “being outside” part of Our day and are having a good time doing stuff”. Getting more ideas as We wander around from this project to that project. We are remembering to stay in the now and let go AND that there are other worlds, realities and lives in and around and through this hologram.

Again We experienced something that We experienced yesterday (and may or may not have mentioned): as We allow OurSelf to paint outside the lines, We feel (maybe hear in Our mind) the Fae jumping and dancing around with glee and exclaiming: “Yay!!!!!!! a human learning how and allowing 'themSelf' to paint outside the lines. YIPPEE!!!!!!!” Must be important?

We are All-most finished painting the pallets and decided to take a break. As We finish a color We put that brush to soak and bring that can of paint inside. Makes a lot of sense, simple, easy (there are a couple of colors We may use for One last spot on Our treehouse that We did not finish before temperatures dropped last fall). Believe it or not cleaning the brushes and putting the paint away was One of the things Our head was trying to tell Us would be the death of Us that week (those weeks) when We were downloading and processing. Silly head.

Guess what? On this break We discovered a new version of Simon and Garfunkel's concert in Central Park and (yeppers) We fell in again. You know though, if a fella is gonna fall in, Simon and Garfunkel videos are a good place to fall in two.

We finished painting the pallets and the little window for inside the cabin. Now We are taking another break and found this You Tube to use for a reply to an email: pay attention to the words (ALL the words) AND the repeat glitches amazing sinkydink.

Next up is installing a temporary window on the side of Our shed/shop because the plastic We covered the framed window hole with is in tatters. The window We have All-ways planned to use there is still in need of paint and We just are not into that right now. Our last temporary project lasted over twenty years so there really is not rush to get that window painted and installed. We have done All the preparation for this temporary window that We can before We get into it. The next step goes from now to finish. The window is about ten to twelve feet off the ground and there is no good place to stop Once We get going (short breaks yes but nothing long or the window might jump to its death or the rain might start (cloudy and cold off and on All day) and We too might die a horrible death. (Jokes?????)

So, One more dose of Simon and Garfunkel and then We will do whatever We do.

We got the “temporary” window installed in Our shed/shop. Sure enough: as We were finishing the rains came. It was only sprinkling as We put on the last two clips and then turned into a deluge as We were putting Our tools away. By the time We got the ladder put away it had stopped. We are having dark gray clouds mixed with clear blue skies. We got the tarps dropped just in time to prevent everything underneath “them” from getting soaked. Now, We are done playing outside for the day and Shadow is reminding Us that it is dinner time. A bit more Simon and Garfunkel first.

Earlier We Googled “Flatland” (Professor Quantum) and were surprised to discover that not only is it a short cartoon but that is based on a book and movie. Just now We watched the movie trailer and it does ring some memory bells. We want to watch the full movie (actually there are two versions). If We were into reading We would probably read the book too. We are checking into the local library to see about the movie there. We heard a while back that We can check online to find what is there and even reserve items We want.

We just watched a bee doing its thing (We do not know if We have ever actually seen that before, certainly stopped and watched) with Our two citronella plants (both are blooming). Hopefully this means that “they” will make babies. That really is Our hope and desire with All the plants We are growing that “they” will flourish and spread. Yes, that is All-ready happening in other realities and We are even aware of it AND We hope to see it spread into this reality.

As We ponder Our day, We are reminded to: open, let go and allow. We see that pondering success can be just as much a limitation trap as fearing failure. We are love.

Rocking and expanding



Rocking and expanding

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:02:42 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night. We are not sure how to describe it really. We got lots of information and insights about Our continued expansion and a lot of reminders. Oh yes, lots of play and new friends.

We are love. Love is strong and magnificent but it is NOT a victim. Many want to cling to “their” victim-hood (and that is “their” choice and prerogative and We accept and honor that) rather than take “their” power. We experienced empowering the people and many/most do not want it. Not yet anyway.

We continue to sense the other dimensions and realities in and around Our limitation 3D world. The only thing is that Our limitation 3D blocks Our access to expansion because We designed it that way. We designed it well. Not only are We masters of the game We are also amazing master designers AND masters of forgetting and De-Nile. We can swim with the best of 'em.

Early on We had information about seeing these other worlds, realities, lives and dimensions. We (probably All-most everyOne) expect “them” to be and appear solid the same as Our limitation 3D world. Perhaps solid is a property of limitation???? But, then again: limitation 3D is NOT really solid We just pretend and then believe that it is and We pretend really, really well. Limitation 3D is very familiar and We judge and predict and expect everything to conform to that image. We view everything from that perspective. Is it any wonder everything else seems limited and out of reach? DUH. Limitation is impossible. We view and imagine everything from Our limitation perspective and then wonder why it All seems impossible. Think about it. (or not)

Talk about rats in a-maze. We are caught in a loop of Our own design.

We (personally) continue to be amazed by Our growing awareness of everything (All realities and dimensions) being here and within view (via Our imagination) All along. We just did NOT recognize it. Reminds Us of when We were writing Our story: “The Return of Faerie”. We got stuck. We were writing/typing about how Faerie never actually left and/or departed and We got stuck there. We knew We were correct but We were not ready to face and acknowledge and live in the truth.

This All continues to a-maze Us. It is All so clear and obvious and yet so well hidden. Talk about hiding in plain sight. We did really good. We labeled Our imagination: “unreal” and so We never real-eyesed that We are viewing multi-D All the time through the eyes (I's) of Our imagination.

As We start painting the “other” side of Our pallets We are reminded how hard it is for Us to allow OurSelf to paint outside the lines. Painting outside the lines is easy. Being okay with it is the hard part.

Wow, We completely got the first coat of paint on the “other” side of both pallets AND on the window We had forgotten about (We want to hang it inside the cabin between the kitchen and bed. If it sounds odd that We are surprised We got that much done, remember: We are painting All-most every board a different color as well as painting the inside of the pallets.

Now a short break and then (hopefully) rock on the driveway. Wasn't that a song? Rock On?

We got the rock on the driveway. It did not work out as well as it has in the passed and We have done the entire driveway in the passed. This time, when We dropped the tailgate All the rock came rushing out to embrace its new home. After trying to stop the avalanche for about a New York second We jumped to safety narrowly averting death by rock. Hmmmm, We do actually a passed life memory of being stoned to death by an angry mob???????? Because of this We did not have quite enough to fill the small, shallow rut that We had hoped to fill but We do know (and even believe) that it is perfect just the way it is.

We are also imagining a world where it even looks and feels perfect and worlds where Our driveway does not need rock and worlds where We do not have cars and on and on. Yes, We do see and feel “them” interweaving with Our hologram.

We seem to have misplaced the rest of Our day. We must be experiencing multiworlds.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Playing in the hologram: part(y)ing the veil



Playing in the hologram: part(y)ing the veil

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:23:14 AM

Good morning. We are really enjoying the variety of lives and worlds that We are exploring and experiencing in Our dream time. There is (at least usually) more freedom, more honesty and no misunderstandings. We are also getting information and insights and experience into and about Our transition. We really feel it is hurtling down on Us like a speeding locomotive. There is just sooooo much.

Early in the night We got some information that relates to Our letting go and staying in the now. We do not remember the specifics though it was very clear in dream. We felt it will be coming out as a night school just as soon as We have rehearsed it enough to be familiar. We are learning to do this. We are love and We are learning how to live as love. Each person has “their” own piece and purpose.

Again, We are saddened to see people disappointed as dates and promise go bye unfulfilled but that too is “their” choice. We are not that special or gifted or charmed. The information We have is being shared by others too. We may be ahead of the pack but We are NOT in an exclusive club. We do not ask everyOne to agree with Us or live like We do or be Our disciple (God NO!!!!) but We would like to see more people take back “their” power.

Ah, now We are remembering more: We have mentioned before about the veil being the screen that We project Our beliefs onto and create Our holographic image of a world based in separation and limitation. We experienced walking around in this hologram but not being ruled and controlled by it. The hologram remains and We interact in and with it but it has no control over Us. We can manipulate it and play with it and change it. In this way We are available as a living example for others AND We get to experience something brand new. We have never explored limitation and separation from this perspective.

It is fun to walk around in the hologram, play in it and NOT be affected by it. Knowing that We are much more than this character in this drama. We have wanted (for a long time) to see through this veil. We got it that knowing that We can, opening Our mind and allowing it to imagine what may lie beyond the veil IS seeing beyond it. What a shocker that is. We have been looking through the veil for quite some time without real-eye-sing it.

Once again, Our expectations got in the way. We are changing and opening and beginning to experience being what We truly are. We are learning to live as love. Our love can and will radiate out as a beacon to others without Us doing any promoting. We will be as a magnet. (Hopefully a low powered magnet locally.) Acceptance truly is the key.

We can play in the hologram but not be ruled by it is such a mind blower. We truly are masters of the game and All-ways been We were just swimming in De-Nile. Now, We are beginning to experience the game from this new perspective. It is changing Our world. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. We real-eyes there may be times of discomfort as We fall off Our bike and skin Our knee. We may go running back to familiarity crying. Hopefully, We will not choose to fall back in to limitation and separation. Returning is One thing, it is fine and We actually hope to visit often. Falling in again is something else All-together.

We do feel that this choice which We have made and are making (about money) is a key. We feel that most are choosing in a nicer version of limitation. We must allow and honor that choice. We gotta stop trying to find and use words to convince “them” of the limitation “they” are buying into (quite literally). That is NOT Our job and it is certainly not Our business. Our part is to observe and be aware (maybe even participate in some way) while remaining unattached and multidimensional. It really is possible that “they” are creating and exploring a different path to waking and living multidimensionally. Just because We do not see it does not mean that it does not exist.

Remember, it is no longer a One size fits All world and Our strength (and magnificence) is in Our diversity.

We do still hold the vision of walking around in this hologram that We believe is reality (and most think it is the only reality) in Our energy form (which looks just like Our current body because it is) and interacting in that way. Awesome. The only thing that is really changing is Our perspective AND recognizing Our freedom. Did We mention it is awesome?

We are remembering more of the vision We had/have of some of the world(s) that lie just beyond the veil of forgetfulness. We will probably try to type it up, soon. We also got some ideas for beading Our bamboo when We restring it. This will give the chore a more play-full feel and enhance the appearance of the shade. We remembering to stay in the now and let go.

We theel that We got “Night School” typed up from last night. We are letting it set a bit as We go about doing some things that We want to do and practicing what We experienced last night. We are also watching more Simon and Garfunkel YouTubes.

We successfully got the shade restrung (after frustrating OurSelf needlessly several times). Once We surrendered to Our intuition and let go it did go much easier. BTW, doing this is working off an extension ladder about twelve plus feet above the ground. We did string some beads on the two draw strings and We like the way those look. We may wanna add more beads before We die. Or, We may wanna die before We add more beads. As it is the two strings are color coded with beads at each end so We can tell which is which. Not being able to tell which is which has been a frustration ever since We first put the shade up. The beads hang down in front of the window when the shade is up and in front of the shade when it is down. We likes it.

Simon and Garfunkel are doing a very nice job of entertaining Us on Our breaks.

We even got more done underneath the cabin. We think We have prevented the jam up problem in the future and made more room in the second half for plants and/or whatever and got some more wheels stored under there. We have been collecting wheel to put under tables etc. that We like to use during the summer and want to be able to move easily. That really helps. Oh, We got the tomato that was in the sawhorse green house tied up (he likes it) so We can use the boards for a cover to prevent ice build up on the back corner of the cabin (or not) and put the sawhorses where We think We want “them” so “they” are ready to use next spring. Lots of progress and most of it fun and lots and lots of breaks.

Oh yes, We even remember to look/feel through the veil/hologram several times. Like now. Now is good.