Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, June 29, 2013



A productive day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:36:58 AM

Good morning. Last night seemed mostly like waking dreams, except recess. Recess was very a lot of fun with new friends and some are from Our waking life. We like that part too.

We did a lot of processing and real-eye-sation in Our waking dreams. At the time We were certain We were awake, now We question that. We knew We were getting a very new perspective and it seemed so clear, now it seems All-most unbelievable. There have been a series of things happen around Our truck not starting. There was a guy taking apart a washing machine who was pointedly ignoring Us. There was a gal there who drives a flat rate, don't drink and drive taxi. We asked her is she would take Us and Shadow home. She asked if We would pay her and We said yes. She asked for $30 and We agreed. She also needed her washing machine fixed and talked to the guy who was taking One apart. She got Us a little involved in the conversation.

As We were leaving she said she knew a guy with a tow dolly and who works on cars. We asked if she could call him. She did not get an answer but gave Us his number when she dropped Us off at home. She told Us that she had gotten an oil change but still owed $25 for it and now she could pay it. We did NOT connect any of the dots at the time.

Yesterday the guy (and his name is Guy) called Us back and We made arrangements for him to come look at the truck this morning.

In Our waking dreams, We connected the dots. We are living in a transitional world. There is a sort of sub-culture that All-ready exists where people are more helpful and less commercial. The guy taking apart the washing machine did not want money to help her out. She charged Us less than a standard taxi. The shop had let her pay part of the bill and leave owning the balance. She is going to try to help the guy get more work fixing washing machines. The other guy is going to help Us fix Our truck for much less than a shop would charge, maybe We will barter.

This is not a fixed system, it is fluid. It All-ready exists but many people (Us included) disdain this class of people, at least when We see “them” dumpster diving. We have a joke about professional dumpster divers. Yet, “they” are real recyclers. There are some who are also hoarders but many are actually recycling. We even noticed a camp back in the forest near the dumpsters where some of these folks are living during the summer.

In Our waking dreams, these are not the derelicts and dregs of society but rather the leaders of the new age. The transition is happening and it is common people, those often considered low life that are leading the way. We could see OurSelves participating in this new emerging culture. In Our waking dreams We too are integrating into a culture of people who help each other rather than live in the accepted dog eat dog culture.

We are not expressing this as clearly as it was in Our waking dreams. It is hard to even imagine in Our limitation 3D waking state. How can it work? How can We survive if We do not put number One first? It works very well, thank You very much. It is contrary to how Our current majority of society functions but it is Our natural order. Being helpful is not really new, it is Our natural state but We have locked it away and only brought it out with a trusted few in Our life. This is a culture and society where We help complete strangers and strangers become instant friends.

In Our previous dreams these instant friendships seemed to happen only in space or other worlds. Last night “they” are happening in a town near You and coming to Your neighborhood. Imagine, feeling complete trust in a total stranger rather than immediately putting up Our guard. Imagine: after asking what “they” like to play best, We ask if there is anything that We can do for “them”.

This is the type of world, reality, life that We are transitioning into. It is not about changing governments and banks, it is about changing hearts and minds. We have said for many years that We know that We are healers but not of the body rather We are here to heal hearts and minds. We knew that We do this All the time. Now, We are beginning to see some real results.

WE are the Ones.

We went for water and tried starting Our truck, it did not start like We really had thought it would. We tried cleaning the battery terminals and that might have made a slight difference but not enough to start it. All indications are that it is a bad starter. We are precooking/marinating some bratwurst to BBQ while We are waiting for Guy to call. We got a piece off the washer that other guy was taking apart to use as a drip pan under Our BBQ. We did not think to do anything like this the first time We used it and We got a good deal of grease on Our back deck. The main problem with that would probably be attracting bugs. Wasps are meat eaters and We really do NOT want any extra wasps around the back door.

Next, We will probably work a bit more on the rearranging under the tarp. We still have stuff that is kinda in the way for raising and lowering the bamboo shade and and and........ We found a tub at the dumpsters to put the carving wood in (that We have on Our outside metal shelf) to free up more space. We are dragging home a bunch of paint for Our new shed and We need a place to put it.

Then, We just may get to tearing some more off the old shed. It was cloudy early but it seems to be clearing now. We would like it dry for Guy to work on the truck but We need rain.

Guy did not call when he said he would so We waited another half hour and called him but only got his voice mail so We left a message. We gave him another hour and did some painting and stuff while We waited. At least We have learned NOT to sit by the phone and wait for it to ring. We went down and took the old starter off (easy and the fan etc. kept the skeeters at bay. The hardest part was getting it to jump up on jack stands.) We had All-ready called about starters, so We had “them” bench test the old One and it tested bad so We got a brand new starter for only $20 more than a rebuilt. We did several little things in town that We are glad to have done, whatever “they” were.

When We got home We took a break and Shadow acted like he needed to be out of the car a while. Guy finally called but did not leave a message at first and then called back and left a message. We had considered having him put the new starter on but decided to just do it OurSelf. Afterwards with the truck started and no further apparent issues We called him and told him and let him know that We may want to connect and have him look at the steering problem when it is in four wheel drive. He thinks he knows what that problem is. He said he had loaned his cell phone to the taxi driver (she had said that she was borrowing a cell phone the day she gave Us a ride home) and that may even be part of the people helping each other out that We dreamed about. We will give him another chance. Unless We don't.

We had ordered an LED collar for Shadow that is supposed to control skeeters. It arrived and We put it on him. It actually seems to work better than anything else We have tried for him. We will give it some time and see. We may get One or 12 for OurSelf. The battery will have to be changed but We have no idea how often.

Now it is time for dinner and Star Trek. Shadow is waitiently paiting.

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