Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, June 24, 2013



Lots of breaks

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:39:36 AM

Good morning. We woke early even for a work day which it snot. We woke with the phrase: “We are the magik” running through Our head. Lately Our head seems to be like some cosmic where playground where thoughts and phrases run around and play. THAT is a good thing.

We can certainly feel the presence of the Fae this morning. We thelt that We woke at “their” preferred time to play. We feel the Faerie castle All around Us and Our feel Our cabin transitioning into an earthship, a Hobbit-house and the Faerie castle that it is part of. We like this. We are part of this.

Magik and multidimensional are very connected. We are very much in a much different zone/space/dimension than normal (even for Us). An altered state to be sure. An expanded state. It is a condition that gives Us freedom. In the passed, as part of Our programming We were taught and We believed that this is a space that allows Us to make mistakes. We get it now that those mistakes are magik. It is hard to explain, another: “You had to be there experience” and We were there and We are not sure that We understand what We are thinking and saying.

It is expansion. How can One describe infinity with finite words. Words by definition limit. This is a step into limitlessness. We have such a strong feeling of Our transforming dwelling place it is incredible. Our students were in Our dreams, the two brothers (who live in a world of abundance for everyOne) were in Our dreams and there are lots of faeries in Our dream. We speak in the present because We too are in Our dream (still in Our dream as much as We can/will allow). That is the hard part: to allow OurSelf to stay in Our dream(s) while We are out of bed and doing complicated tasks like making coffee and typing. That is why so often We hate to wake up: We want to keep dreaming but We do NOT want to dream while We are awake. We did not used to believe it is possible. We are actually a bit surprised about it now.

So these are a few of Our favorite things. Just had to. These are some of the thoughts and inspirations that are running through Our playground. We are reminded to stay in the now. We are reminded to trust Our intuition and energy. There are many things that We want to do and We are being reminded that the more We can do “them” with Our heart mind rather than Our head and physical effort the better. This is hard to do because We have never allowed OurSelf to be successful at it. We only just now real-eyesed that it was Our “not allowing” that blocked Our success. It was Our belief in Our inability, in the impossibility that blocked Us.

It felt like a reason We got up early is to go get more water and pallets and rock. This may well be the case but We are also having some great (and important) insights.

BE the Magik. It is in Our blood, We just forgot and denied. We can change and allow the magik to flow Once again.

Interesting too that Meredith Murphy's “Daily Inspiration” for today speaks to this expanding and learning to live multidimensionally. It is natural but We are well trained at living unnaturally.

We really are having some great insights this morning. As the skeeters were swarming Us: We thought of how much We long to live in tune and harmony with nature. We saw some things from a different perspective: Imagine the fae (and other magikal beans) who have All-ways and only created and “built” with the “their” mental powers, observing Us human beans using Our hands and physical means of building and doing. We have this picture of “them” just sitting and watching Us and wishing “they” knew how to do it Our way while We wish We knew how to do it “their” way.

There is more, it is about following and trusting Our intuition, Our knowing. There is just too much to type it All up and some is just going on file to refer back to (hopefully). It is about living multidimensionally. There is a lot to learn.

As We look at Our plants and “think” (from the old limitation perspective) We get it that sometimes We really do need to just “let 'them' be” and not fuss with “them”. Our old ways are tried and true but based in/on lies and false beliefs. Interesting.

Once again We are finding more and more others saying much the same as We have been saying. This is good. Confirmation for Us and possible waking for many who can not or do not hear or read Our words. We know that We have laid the groundwork and blazed the trail along with many others and now We see the pioneers taking up the trek. It is exciting.

Yes, there are many, many others still entrenched in limitation 3D but with over seven billion of Us there is lots of room for diversity.

We got Our pallets some scrap lumber (stuff that is very pricey to buy), rock for the driveway and water. We aren't finding as much paint as it seems like We did last year but We also remember that it was sometime later into summer before We started finding good exterior paint at the dumpsters. And, in reality, We do not have a lot time for painting during summer school. This load of pallets should be enough for what We have in mind at this time (in fact some extra). We thought this load of rock would finish the big rut from breakup but it will take another load. Maybe next weekend but the road construction is getting worser and worser so We hope We only need to make One water run next week.

Now We are taking a break. It may be a long break and it may be a short break.

We returned to dream and had a great time. We have no idea what We did but We remember really enjoying OurSelf. Now, We are mostly still in dreamland.

We are getting the dragon and truck unloaded. The only problem with giving OurSelf permission to leave everything is that eventually there comes a day of reckoning. Of course that is All old pair-a-dimes but We are part way in and part way out, learning to be both old and new. That is One of the many things that We have All-ways been told We can NOT do. Those are the old rules. Time for a new game with new rules. Time to real-eyes that We CAN do everything. After taking a break of course.

We finally got Our onions transplanted into “their” tub where “they” will reside until We harvest “them” or something else. We lost a lot of “them” in All the transitioning but We also gave a lot away. We still a lot of mint plants to transplant and One tomato plant and tomorrow is another day.

We are on another break. It just dawned on Us that another factor that We forget about is All the trips up and down the front steps. No Oneder Shadow takes the back way.

We are going to play around a little with old/new shed stuff and then it will be time for dinner. We are watching “The Life of Pi” this week.

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