Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



A shift

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:37:34 AM

Good morning. We visited many more alternate/parallel worlds and lives during the night. We do not remember details only vague feelings and images. That is okay, We know that We were there and that We live there. We remember working with plants in the last place We visited and We met another new friend just before We woke.

Recently, We have read several articles that mention really big change during and after this recent solstice and then the supermoon. We have been feeling this but wondered just how big it could be if We are not seeing it. One article mentions this and says it is up to Us. All-ways has been, All-ways will be. We have chosen slow and gentle so We will get slow and gentle. DUH. That does not alter that big change is occurring. We get that and We feel it.

We are getting some big lessons that is for sure. In limitation 3D, We had to “do” to create (or at least that is how it appeared). We get caught up in this mentality easily. This has often frustrated Us when the energies laid Us low. Now, We are getting a feeling of the power in this feeling laid low in the physical. We are feeling the ability to create from this place and energy.

Conscious manifesting has never been Our strength (personally) and We know that this is because We would severely limit OurSelves if We used conscious manifestation. We (personally) are much better off to let Our expanded Self take charge of Our manifesting and creating. We have gotten pretty comfortable with this. However, We also still get caught up in limitation thinking.

The last few days, We are feeling something shifting and transitioning. Our head still screams that We won't get things done but Our heart is growing stronger.

There is a nice, cooling breeze this morning but still no rain.

It feels like We don't have much else to say/type right now because: though We are here We are mostly there.

We are getting a lot of information and insights. Too bad We don't know what “they” are. It's not like We are not paying attention but drifting in and out so much it is hard to retain 3D words. It is mostly about staying in the now which is hard for Our head. We also real-eyes that a lot of what We share and even more of what We get/experience/intuit is repetition. There is a reason. After All: We have spent lifetimes, eons and millenia repeating the old way(s) of stinking (oops) so it takes some repetition to expand Our mindset. TG it is not requiring the same length of time to get out as it did to get in sooooo deep.

Most (if not All) of Our frustration with being laid low by the energies is about not staying in the now. We are getting much better at being okay with it than We used to be. Sometimes We forget to notice and/or mention this. We must also remember that everything that We think We want to do is free of matter.

There is sooooo much tied up and involved in learning to think and live multidimensionally. Who'd a thunk it?

So many expected (and still do expect) to wake up One morning and everything would be changed. Yes, that could happen and maybe even did for some. For Us, We continue to see how much that would freak Us out. We are sooooo familiar with the old that a jolt like that would fry Our I(s).

Another We are remembering is that We (personally) are processing and integrating a lot for Us (collectively).

We are in a completely different space/state of energy and get and go today when after work than We were yesterday. When We are in a bit of an emotional funk around Our energy (lack of physical energy usually due to an increase in energetic downloads and upgrades) We tend to be forgetting many things. One is: “this too shall pass”. When We feel wiped out Our head says We will All-ways feel this way and there is no hope. Another is that We are masters of time. Everything will happen and get done right on schedule and there just is not any way to mess that up. Another thing is: “How important is it?” “It” being whatever is bothering Us or We think We will not get done on/in time.

Okay, making Our cabin look more like a Hobbit house is important to Us. The thing is: We know it All-ready is AND it is also a faerie castle. The two are NOT separate, BTW. So, We need to come to accept that We may “make” it look Hobbitish in the physical or We may simply come to see and experience as it All-ready is but We can't see it yet. Our belief that We could just begin seeing it as We envision it is way weak. However, We are willing to be willing. Open, let go and allow.

This is All sooooo contrary to how We lived for god only knows how long. We are in learning mode.

There is just sooooo much to learn and remember about being multidimensional beans and living beyond limitation. It might be (or seem to be easier) to just leave All this behind and pop into something completely different but to Us: to eliminate anything is just another form of limitation. We want it All and that is a pretty big bite to swallow.

The energetic girl wanted to sit next to Us on the ride home. We theel this is a major breakthrough. She was very playful at first but soon fell fast asleep. It did not seem like she drew Us into dream as much as before, perhaps she did not feel she needed to.

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