Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, June 3, 2013



Acting out and processing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:46:24 AM

Good morning. We continue to get the message: “let go”. It seems funny that We have done sooooo much work on this over the years and let go of sooooo much but We still cling to stuff (thoughts, plans that type of thing) with All Our might. In order to expand, We must let go.

The tomato plant We transplanted was totally wilted when We got home and We wanted to fuss with it and “fix” it. We knew that We could not. We had to let go and send love and energy. This morning it looks a lot better. It is still a little droopy and We know that (physically) there is nothing for Us to do. We also know that We really need to take it easy today and not plan to do this and that and that and that. Even playing can be distorted by Our head. Our sinuses continue to be a minor annoyance and We can tell if We push Our body the congestion in Our head and chest will become major and We will be really sick.

We also know from what We have read that this is going around. Not a flu or cold but an energy download and upgrade and integration. We have read several article telling Us to listen to Our body. We know We are processing for OurSelves and Our others and Gaia and even the uni-verse(s).

Our normal m.o. is to do things slowly and gently, it is more the attitude, the clinging to thoughts of must, I will, I should that are being called up. There are a couple of things that would require quite a bit of energy but We are very okay with putting those off (even forever). It is the old way about keeping busy, and not having enough time. We are breaking down these concepts but “they” resist. There is something about NOT trying to kill these ideals, just like everything else. “They” need to be loved, owned and integrated NOT destroyed. Interesting that.

So, We are going to have a gentle relaxing day (if it kills Us, hehehehe). We would like to do some transplanting, and We may but We don't feel that We have to.

We had more very clear and fun dreams that We can NOT remember. This still seems like an odd phenomena. It is still new to Us to remember so clearly and be so clear when We are dreaming and then to have no clear memory of what We did when We wake. We only remember that We were very clear and aware as it was happening. We are certain these are the world(s), lives, realities that We will be able to access All the time Once We let go of Our attachment, Our clinging to this limitation reality. We know the things that We are clinging to are helping Us move forward. It is not the things, it is the “clinging”. The bridge from One place to another is only a bridge. If We set up camp on the bridge and put down roots there, We will never experience the other side or even the side We came from.

We are going to do Our biweekly unemployment filing to get it done and out of the way.

Some kind of glitch in Our computer had Us bamboozled for a while. We do not know what it was or how We resolved it. Maybe it was another reality where Our computer is set on different settings? Why didn't We think of that as it was happening?

We want to do something but We don't know what. We are leaning towards going back to dream. That is usually Our first choice whenever possible but for some reason We are resisting this morning. Oneder why?

We had some very pleasant dreams. We were much more Hobbit like, more laid back and relaxed. When We got up We here the birds singing and see the forest out Our windows and it does feel much more Hobbit like. It seems that somehow We had (the last few days, weeks???) slipped into a more hurried and busy mindset. We like being back in Our forest setting, gentle breezes blowing through the trees.

As much as We are taking it easy, climbing up and down the drive in this heat (the drive is not shaded) just wears Us down. Maybe that is the point????? We got another tomato plant transplanted. “They” do NOT seem to like that part. We theel that We may be trying to take too big a clump of dirt and roots from the old pot and thereby doing more damage. At least, that is Our theory. The rest of the plants are in smaller pots.

We also got the bluebells planted. We want “them” in the ground (since “they” are wild and should spread) and that is All-ways a challenge (digging in roots and rocks).

We are trying to make a level spot that can easily be covered for Our potted plants and We think We are making it more work than it need be but We needed to stop and step back to get a better perspective on it. Once We stopped and took a break, We got it that what We were doing is NOT what We actually want.

We just needed to change directions. We decided to put up the tarp (that We use in the front of the cabin in the summer). We were not going to do it today because Our head had made it a lot more work than it turned out to be. Our head wanted Us to scurry and struggle and do something that would not have worked. (Sound familiar?????)

This was not Our stuff (personally). Even though We (obviously) can still do this and act out this way, We were acting out (personally) what is going on globally. We are so grateful to recognize this.

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