Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, June 30, 2013



We did something and whatever it was, We enjoyed it

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:32:08 AM

Good morning. We visited a similar (or the same) world last night as the night before. It seemed like the same but the activity was much different. There was still the same atmosphere of helping, cooperation, sharing and caring but it was more like everyOne was on holiday. Perhaps “they” spend more time relaxing and just hanging out. If We are not busy struggling and cheating and striving and manipulating there would be more time to play. As We have experienced in other worlds (most if not All that are beyond limitation 3D) the sense of camaraderie runs high. People are not afraid to embrace and show affection. We trust each other and feel free to show Our emotions.

It is a bit smoky this morning but cooler. We have feelings of great ambition and feelings of just kicking back and We real-eyes (at least right now) that it is free of matter. We really do want to play with Our tomato plants as the outdoor Ones are ready for pruning and might want some food. We will see, the day is very young.

Oh, Shadow's fiber optic collar seems to be working great. Strings or tubes of LED fiber optic lights are available lots of places.

So, We are taking it easy and doing little things that We want to do.

We got All Our plants watered, the last tomato plant is kinda replanted, some pruning done on the tomatoes that are blooming. We are looking at Our sawhorse greenhouse to decide what We want to do for the large tom plant in there. Once again it has reached the ceiling. We are pondering putting it outside the greenhouse but We are concerned that heavy rains might wipe it out.

Speaking of wiping out: the energy has sucked Us under and it is definitely time to stop and dream.

It was 11:11 when We laid down to dream. It was something about expansion but We are not clear what. It was 11:33 when We decided We wanted to get up and go back outside. We want to decorate Our fort a little and maybe paint some more. The first pallet is All-most done from One side. Doing All different colors takes more time. Having more brushes helps tho. We also got some more ideas for decorating Our fort, especially about the top sections.

We finished painting One side, the top, bottom and edges of the first pallet for Our shed/screen-porch/Hobbit add-on. We also added some decorations to Our fort. We like playing with Our fort even though the skeeters are really bad out there. The fan helps a lot but We gotta be right in line with it. The stand fans that oscillate cover more area but are not as strong and this year We need strong.

The rest of the day went somewhere or We did. We enjoyed it. Now Our waking is beginning to sound a lot like Our dreaming. This is a good thing.

Saturday, June 29, 2013



A productive day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:36:58 AM

Good morning. Last night seemed mostly like waking dreams, except recess. Recess was very a lot of fun with new friends and some are from Our waking life. We like that part too.

We did a lot of processing and real-eye-sation in Our waking dreams. At the time We were certain We were awake, now We question that. We knew We were getting a very new perspective and it seemed so clear, now it seems All-most unbelievable. There have been a series of things happen around Our truck not starting. There was a guy taking apart a washing machine who was pointedly ignoring Us. There was a gal there who drives a flat rate, don't drink and drive taxi. We asked her is she would take Us and Shadow home. She asked if We would pay her and We said yes. She asked for $30 and We agreed. She also needed her washing machine fixed and talked to the guy who was taking One apart. She got Us a little involved in the conversation.

As We were leaving she said she knew a guy with a tow dolly and who works on cars. We asked if she could call him. She did not get an answer but gave Us his number when she dropped Us off at home. She told Us that she had gotten an oil change but still owed $25 for it and now she could pay it. We did NOT connect any of the dots at the time.

Yesterday the guy (and his name is Guy) called Us back and We made arrangements for him to come look at the truck this morning.

In Our waking dreams, We connected the dots. We are living in a transitional world. There is a sort of sub-culture that All-ready exists where people are more helpful and less commercial. The guy taking apart the washing machine did not want money to help her out. She charged Us less than a standard taxi. The shop had let her pay part of the bill and leave owning the balance. She is going to try to help the guy get more work fixing washing machines. The other guy is going to help Us fix Our truck for much less than a shop would charge, maybe We will barter.

This is not a fixed system, it is fluid. It All-ready exists but many people (Us included) disdain this class of people, at least when We see “them” dumpster diving. We have a joke about professional dumpster divers. Yet, “they” are real recyclers. There are some who are also hoarders but many are actually recycling. We even noticed a camp back in the forest near the dumpsters where some of these folks are living during the summer.

In Our waking dreams, these are not the derelicts and dregs of society but rather the leaders of the new age. The transition is happening and it is common people, those often considered low life that are leading the way. We could see OurSelves participating in this new emerging culture. In Our waking dreams We too are integrating into a culture of people who help each other rather than live in the accepted dog eat dog culture.

We are not expressing this as clearly as it was in Our waking dreams. It is hard to even imagine in Our limitation 3D waking state. How can it work? How can We survive if We do not put number One first? It works very well, thank You very much. It is contrary to how Our current majority of society functions but it is Our natural order. Being helpful is not really new, it is Our natural state but We have locked it away and only brought it out with a trusted few in Our life. This is a culture and society where We help complete strangers and strangers become instant friends.

In Our previous dreams these instant friendships seemed to happen only in space or other worlds. Last night “they” are happening in a town near You and coming to Your neighborhood. Imagine, feeling complete trust in a total stranger rather than immediately putting up Our guard. Imagine: after asking what “they” like to play best, We ask if there is anything that We can do for “them”.

This is the type of world, reality, life that We are transitioning into. It is not about changing governments and banks, it is about changing hearts and minds. We have said for many years that We know that We are healers but not of the body rather We are here to heal hearts and minds. We knew that We do this All the time. Now, We are beginning to see some real results.

WE are the Ones.

We went for water and tried starting Our truck, it did not start like We really had thought it would. We tried cleaning the battery terminals and that might have made a slight difference but not enough to start it. All indications are that it is a bad starter. We are precooking/marinating some bratwurst to BBQ while We are waiting for Guy to call. We got a piece off the washer that other guy was taking apart to use as a drip pan under Our BBQ. We did not think to do anything like this the first time We used it and We got a good deal of grease on Our back deck. The main problem with that would probably be attracting bugs. Wasps are meat eaters and We really do NOT want any extra wasps around the back door.

Next, We will probably work a bit more on the rearranging under the tarp. We still have stuff that is kinda in the way for raising and lowering the bamboo shade and and and........ We found a tub at the dumpsters to put the carving wood in (that We have on Our outside metal shelf) to free up more space. We are dragging home a bunch of paint for Our new shed and We need a place to put it.

Then, We just may get to tearing some more off the old shed. It was cloudy early but it seems to be clearing now. We would like it dry for Guy to work on the truck but We need rain.

Guy did not call when he said he would so We waited another half hour and called him but only got his voice mail so We left a message. We gave him another hour and did some painting and stuff while We waited. At least We have learned NOT to sit by the phone and wait for it to ring. We went down and took the old starter off (easy and the fan etc. kept the skeeters at bay. The hardest part was getting it to jump up on jack stands.) We had All-ready called about starters, so We had “them” bench test the old One and it tested bad so We got a brand new starter for only $20 more than a rebuilt. We did several little things in town that We are glad to have done, whatever “they” were.

When We got home We took a break and Shadow acted like he needed to be out of the car a while. Guy finally called but did not leave a message at first and then called back and left a message. We had considered having him put the new starter on but decided to just do it OurSelf. Afterwards with the truck started and no further apparent issues We called him and told him and let him know that We may want to connect and have him look at the steering problem when it is in four wheel drive. He thinks he knows what that problem is. He said he had loaned his cell phone to the taxi driver (she had said that she was borrowing a cell phone the day she gave Us a ride home) and that may even be part of the people helping each other out that We dreamed about. We will give him another chance. Unless We don't.

We had ordered an LED collar for Shadow that is supposed to control skeeters. It arrived and We put it on him. It actually seems to work better than anything else We have tried for him. We will give it some time and see. We may get One or 12 for OurSelf. The battery will have to be changed but We have no idea how often.

Now it is time for dinner and Star Trek. Shadow is waitiently paiting.

Friday, June 28, 2013



Dreaming with the students AND “their” siblings

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:24:03 AM

Good morning. We do not even remember dreaming at All. We do not remember anything after We went to bed except that it was/is hot.

Oh, We do remember kind of reviewing, pondering Our truck situation. We are fully aware that there are realities where it never happened and realities where it fully heals itSelf. We have no idea what realities We may experience in the future. We do not want to be in another situation where We stuck somewhere in the heat with Shadow and the truck will not start. We real-eyes that We will get what We need. We do NOT know what that is or why it is. We real-eyes We need to do what is in front of Us to do and We will. Worrying will not make it better. Planning and spinning Our wheels “doing” will not prevent Us getting what We need. That is a lesson We learned a long time ago. Maybe this is One of those old lessons coming up Once again for release.

We are doing much better at: open, let go and allow than ever before. Recognizing and admitting this is also a step in progress. Feeling calm, not having to try to divert or attention and calm OurSelf down is much progress.

We are very aware of living in multiple worlds, realities, dimensions and lives. We know that We can never do” enough. We can only be” enough. Many people are struggling with this at this time. We are reminded that We are doing (going through and processing) this for OurSelf personally AND for the collective. We are getting a feeling of: “Yes, it was hard on Shadow and We would like/want to prevent him from being in that situation again. Would We deny him his part in this transition?” That has never, ever occurred to Us before. We know that Shadow is part of Our life and experience and We have felt he is Our ascension puppy but We never considered that he has a part to play in the planetary transition. Very interesting.

This morning as We look around at Our cabin (inside and outside) and Our plants and see things as “they” are, some the way We want and like “them” others in transition and some that appear fully out of alignment: We get it that We just simply can NOT make” it happen physically. We can imagine, accept and send love. That is Our part.

It is not Our part to try and change anyOne or anything. It is Our part to love. It is Our part to accept with love. It is Our part to face whatever events and situations come Our way and walk through with love. It is Our part to allow the inner process and transition. That will manifest outwardly.

It is NOT Our job to get tied up in the financial, political and social issues. It is definitely NOT Our job to judge those whose job it IS to do that work and processing and transitioning. “They” are NOT less than Us or missing the mark. We each have Our part and We intend to honor and bless that. We intend to love it.

We continue to: Open, let go and allow.

Yesterday and this morning We feel a sense of calm and peace that We have never felt (to this degree and intensity) before. It is All okay and it is All perfect. An old saying: “If it is not broken, don't fix it.” Often, We think the perfect is broken. Often, We kick against the goad. Today, even if only for today: We accept.

We are also getting it that We really are living in many worlds and becoming aware and experiencing this. We had the thought that We don't care. It is not like that. We care very much about what is going on in Our waking world. However, it is free of matter and is NOT as important and life threatening as We used to think. Our head is taking a back seat to Our heart.

We found out from the state that We need to downgrade Our CDL to a standard driver's license or keep up Our medical examiner's card. Since the physical is One of the reasons We do NOT want to drive We will downgrade Our license. We spent most of Our break waiting at DMV and finally decided that even if “they” would get to Our number in time it would be way to close for comfort. So We went to the pool and then got a milkshake and then were back at work in time in case We had any route changes (for next week that required Us to do parent contacts. There were none so We went to the bus to relax. (Shadow does not like Us taking naps in the car, he thinks the car should be moving if We are in it.)

The energetic/dreamer girl wanted Us to sit next to her again. She played for a little while and then went to dream. There did not seem to be anyOne home to meet her so We took the interactive girl home (she kept looking back at Us and smiling like either she was doing something she shouldn't or she was checking to make sure We were still there) and when We got back to the dreamer's home it turned out that her brother had been dreaming too.

We had gotten the feeling that with this group of kids it might be a connection to “their” siblings in addition to connecting to Our actual students.

After dropping her off We could not stay out of dream if We wanted to but We did not want to.

Once We got home it will be a quick dinner and a little Star Trek then off to dream early.

Thursday, June 27, 2013



A variety day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:40:18 AM

Good morning. We met a childhood friend. We were both very excited to see each other. “They” looked very different, All-most like some kind of walk-in but it was definitely the energy of Our childhood friend though in a different body. This was more than just the changes of aging. We were actually quite surprised at how happy “they” were to see Us. We would not have guess that “they” would have missed Us. At first, someOne was trying to keep Us apart. We do not know what that was about.

Early in the night there was a lot of information about Our current transition and shifting. It was All-most like a nightschool class but We do not remember nearly as much. It was about Our personal changes, how much We have changed in the last year and even more over a longer time. We remembered how We used to anguish over Our life and knowing how much more is available. We experienced the feelings of being alone, lost, abandoned and enslaved that many still feel. We have been there and because of the incoming energies and upgrades and love We no longer feel this way. We also have very little patience and tolerance for those who do.

All We can say at this point is: “Sorry about that”. Not very compassionate but maybe compassion is not what “they” need. Perhaps acceptance as “they” have made “their” choices and are living “them”. There is a lot to this. Perhaps We are moving on?

We have more compassion for those who are totally unaware than for those who are waiting and complaining. The thing is that “they” (All of “them”) have and had the same opportunities that We have had. Again, it is important to note that “they” ARE getting and living what “they” chose. Why should We feel sorry for “them” and try to change anything? Would not that be trying to change “their” choice? We can accept “them”, We want to be aware of “them” and “their” world but We have no time to indulge “them”. We wish “them” well in the game “they” play.

We are feeling more shifting in Us this morning. Not really shifting this morning, like the shifting has All-ready happened and now We are in the result. Of course, We know there will be more shifting. This is an ongoing and everlasting process. It is about infinity and eternity and that's a long, long time. It feels like the imagined and elusive worlds grow closer. We are expanding into “them” and “they” are expanding to meet Us.

We are reminded to lead but not to go back to the misery to try to help. We can stand as a lighthouse above bleak and dreary shores rife with jagged rocks and dangers but We need not, nay We dare not dive into those troubled waters. “Carry the message, not the mess” is good advice. We real-eyes that We do care even though Our head (old programing) tells Us that We are being heartless. It is really quite the opposite. If We return, if We wallow in the mud and muck We too will be drawn in as flotsam into quicksand. That is One of the traps We laid to keep Us in limitation until We are truly ready to expand. For Us (personally) Once again it is important to reiterate that We wish to All-ways remember (be aware of) from whence We came and every other possible world. Anything less is just another form of limitation and We are quite over limitation.

It was a fairly typical morning. We did some updates on student information and who can meet “them” after school and such, It is still hot and lots of skeeters. We are amazed at some of the things the youngest boy can do, he is very smart. He had told Us he is six but today his dad told Us that he is four.

We have to wait at school for each student's teacher to come get “them” and this is hard for the kids, the sitting especially in this heat. The girl's teacher was later than usual and “they” got really restless.

Again, We find that Our big challenge right now is staying in the now. We have All-ways been a planner and this NOT a benefit now. We (personally) have a hard time being flexible when We make plans. This may not be pertinent to anyOne else but it sure is for Us. Open, let go and allow.

We find that We really, really, really want to get the old shed torn down and get started on the Hobbitish shed alongside the cabin. We have some things We need/want to move around because the shed is sheltering it from the rain that We are NOT getting. Things keep occurring to Us that will make Our life a bit easier.

We decided to try taking Shadow to the river during Our break. Not really the best idea We have ever had. He liked it but could not stand up in it or after We got him out. It was a long slow and gentle walk along the river through the skeeter militia before he was ready to climb the little bank back up to the truck. Afterwards, he did not seem any cooler or more comfortable for being wet.

Afternoon on the route was uneventful but We also know that We are doing work with these kids at a deep level which is not All-ways apparent and does not need to be.

On the way home We stopped at the dumpsters as We have been doing during summer school. When We were ready to leave the truck would not start. It was similar or the same as it acted a couple years ago but We do NOT know if it is the same problem. We tried jump starting and cleaning the terminals and everything We could think of but nothing made it start (One time it All-most started??????). Clueless in Fairbanks. We got a ride home to get Shadow out of the hot truck and called a tow truck from home.

While waiting for the tow truck driver to call so We could meet him at the truck We got some of the re-arranging done under the tarp and looked at more to see if Our ideas might work. Some may work and others won't work. Imagine that.

What is amazing Us is Our attitude. We are usually a frantic, worried panic attack around car trouble even though We have been making progress over the years. Today, We are sooooo calm and peaceful about it. We not only like making progress, We like seeing and recognizing it. We are even letting go of pondering the “why” of it All.

The driver called, We met him and he followed Us home and put the truck in the flat spot at the bottom of the driveway. We figure it will probably start but We are going to wait to try it. We will hit the “pause” button. We are gonna have dinner, watch a little Star Trek and go to dream. Even with All the extra events, We are only about a half an hour late getting to dream.

See You there.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



A shift

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:37:34 AM

Good morning. We visited many more alternate/parallel worlds and lives during the night. We do not remember details only vague feelings and images. That is okay, We know that We were there and that We live there. We remember working with plants in the last place We visited and We met another new friend just before We woke.

Recently, We have read several articles that mention really big change during and after this recent solstice and then the supermoon. We have been feeling this but wondered just how big it could be if We are not seeing it. One article mentions this and says it is up to Us. All-ways has been, All-ways will be. We have chosen slow and gentle so We will get slow and gentle. DUH. That does not alter that big change is occurring. We get that and We feel it.

We are getting some big lessons that is for sure. In limitation 3D, We had to “do” to create (or at least that is how it appeared). We get caught up in this mentality easily. This has often frustrated Us when the energies laid Us low. Now, We are getting a feeling of the power in this feeling laid low in the physical. We are feeling the ability to create from this place and energy.

Conscious manifesting has never been Our strength (personally) and We know that this is because We would severely limit OurSelves if We used conscious manifestation. We (personally) are much better off to let Our expanded Self take charge of Our manifesting and creating. We have gotten pretty comfortable with this. However, We also still get caught up in limitation thinking.

The last few days, We are feeling something shifting and transitioning. Our head still screams that We won't get things done but Our heart is growing stronger.

There is a nice, cooling breeze this morning but still no rain.

It feels like We don't have much else to say/type right now because: though We are here We are mostly there.

We are getting a lot of information and insights. Too bad We don't know what “they” are. It's not like We are not paying attention but drifting in and out so much it is hard to retain 3D words. It is mostly about staying in the now which is hard for Our head. We also real-eyes that a lot of what We share and even more of what We get/experience/intuit is repetition. There is a reason. After All: We have spent lifetimes, eons and millenia repeating the old way(s) of stinking (oops) so it takes some repetition to expand Our mindset. TG it is not requiring the same length of time to get out as it did to get in sooooo deep.

Most (if not All) of Our frustration with being laid low by the energies is about not staying in the now. We are getting much better at being okay with it than We used to be. Sometimes We forget to notice and/or mention this. We must also remember that everything that We think We want to do is free of matter.

There is sooooo much tied up and involved in learning to think and live multidimensionally. Who'd a thunk it?

So many expected (and still do expect) to wake up One morning and everything would be changed. Yes, that could happen and maybe even did for some. For Us, We continue to see how much that would freak Us out. We are sooooo familiar with the old that a jolt like that would fry Our I(s).

Another We are remembering is that We (personally) are processing and integrating a lot for Us (collectively).

We are in a completely different space/state of energy and get and go today when after work than We were yesterday. When We are in a bit of an emotional funk around Our energy (lack of physical energy usually due to an increase in energetic downloads and upgrades) We tend to be forgetting many things. One is: “this too shall pass”. When We feel wiped out Our head says We will All-ways feel this way and there is no hope. Another is that We are masters of time. Everything will happen and get done right on schedule and there just is not any way to mess that up. Another thing is: “How important is it?” “It” being whatever is bothering Us or We think We will not get done on/in time.

Okay, making Our cabin look more like a Hobbit house is important to Us. The thing is: We know it All-ready is AND it is also a faerie castle. The two are NOT separate, BTW. So, We need to come to accept that We may “make” it look Hobbitish in the physical or We may simply come to see and experience as it All-ready is but We can't see it yet. Our belief that We could just begin seeing it as We envision it is way weak. However, We are willing to be willing. Open, let go and allow.

This is All sooooo contrary to how We lived for god only knows how long. We are in learning mode.

There is just sooooo much to learn and remember about being multidimensional beans and living beyond limitation. It might be (or seem to be easier) to just leave All this behind and pop into something completely different but to Us: to eliminate anything is just another form of limitation. We want it All and that is a pretty big bite to swallow.

The energetic girl wanted to sit next to Us on the ride home. We theel this is a major breakthrough. She was very playful at first but soon fell fast asleep. It did not seem like she drew Us into dream as much as before, perhaps she did not feel she needed to.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Dreaming and shifting

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:18:56 AM

Good morning. We finished the night with dreams (waking and sleeping) about contact and disclosure. This is the first time We remember this when We woke but now We clearly remember this going on for sometime for Us. Previously We (some group of private contactees and galactics) had decided to postpone mass contact and public disclosure. Something happened and some were wanting to postpone again and We (personally) said that We saw no reason to postpone the inevitable. Enough of the group agreed with Us that We chose to go ahead with full contact and disclosure.

We have no idea if this is a foretelling or premonition or not. It is a reality of its own. It may also become Our waking reality.

There has been a sense of spending a lot of time onboard ship at night but nothing clear for quite some time. We assume it is because of experiences that do not easily translate into words.

The night ended with seeing little baby tomatoes on some of Our plants. We were surprised because We had not seen any blooms, the same as in waking. Apparently, We had been away for a time. This is kind of a tricky experience because (in dream and in waking) We had not been aware of missing anything like work or journal entries. Our timeline seemed to flow smoothly with no interruptions or skipped events or days. Yet, here was a plain and clear example of missing seeing the tomato blooms even though We looked at the plants everyday (checking to see if “they” needed water if nothing else).

In waking We have been preparing for this for some time, perhaps experiencing it but who would know if there is no indication of time missed time? We have been putting dust covers over many items inside Our cabin in preparation for being gone even though We know/knew We are not going anywhere. How does One explain this? This has been going on for several years. Now, We have the sense that We have been gone many times over those years.

Would We still be surprised to see baby tomatoes without seeing blooms first? You bet.

For some time We have known (and tried to share with others) that Our (everyOne's) memories are false. We do not All-ways in the same reality, place and circumstances that We went to sleep in. Our memory/mind provides continuity by constructing memories that cover up gaps and discrepancies. We have known this even though We have been aware of experiencing it and have not felt We found anyOne who understood what We are talking about. The movie “Dark City” shows this even though We do NOT believe in evil beans doing it to Us.

This brings Us to another point that is NOT well received by others. Many people who get it that movies like “Dark City” are the cabal and Illuminati, the powers the are/were gloating and arrogantly telling Us what “they” are doing to Us. We agree that it is “them” telling Us or Us telling “them”. We disagree with the gloating and arrogance part and the: “doing TO Us” part. We have watched movies and read stories for years about these kinds of things and WE are the Ones who chose to not believe it. “They” have been open about it (at least in telling stories presented as fiction even if not disclosing facts as facts). We know there have been lies and coverups, We do not deny that. However, the masses have denied that We have any power AND that We gave these “powers” authority and power over Us willingly. We (masses) think We have been forced and tricked. We (All of Us) went willingly but We totally forgot that part.

There need be no blame in this. We need not blame OurSelves for forgetting or the authorities for lieing. We agreed to All of it, even the forgetting. We had to really get into this game/drama/unreal reality and the only way to fully get in and experience it was to forget. So We forgot really, really well. The powers kept telling Us what was going in subtle ways actually hoping We would get it and wake the F up. It was NOT “them” that kept Us captive, it is Us. “Ah Mom, just five more minutes”.

EveryOne has heard the term love-hate relationship. Most know that negative attraction/attachment is exactly the same as positive attraction/attachment. Most people think the powers are struggling to keep “their” power. We totally agree that it looks and feels that way on the global scene. (Remember, We personally do NOT live in that reality anymore but as We have All-ways wanted We remain aware of it) However, We theel that rather than “them” fighting and struggling to keep power, WE (masses) are struggling to NOT take Our power back. All-most without exception everyOne wants someOne or something to be responsible for Us and direct Our lives, Our drama. We do NOT want to do impromptu. We want a prewritten script and We do NOT want to be the Ones who write it. Most deny this while perpetuating it with Our thoughts, words and deeds.

It is a huge blind spot and We (personally) admit that We may have the same or similar or a completely different blind spot. There is a reason “they” are called blind spots.

If You are having a hard time understanding or swallowing this, don't feel bad. You are in good company.

As We go about Our morning, We get the distinct impression of not being here.

At work We were definitely fully focused in limitation 3D. The energetic girl is also very good at dreaming and she took Us with her. We really did not need any help today.

We met the last of Our students today (unless “they” change Our route). He is a nice, polite boy. He is a bit shy at least at first but when We introduced him to the others he said hi and called “them” by name. His speech is a little blurred but not bad.

The mosquitoes and heat are not quite as bad today but that too may pass.

The quiet girl and the energetic girl sat together as promised and talked the entire ride. “They” even had some humorous moments.

We are still having a hard time not being fully in dream and there is no good place to nap until the ride home after Our last student. However, We may figure something out. We are very glad We watered Our plants this morning so All We have to do at home is eat and go to dream, dream, dream.

Hopefully it will be more or a continuation of last night, whatever that was. We enjoyed it, We know that much.

Monday, June 24, 2013



Lots of breaks

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:39:36 AM

Good morning. We woke early even for a work day which it snot. We woke with the phrase: “We are the magik” running through Our head. Lately Our head seems to be like some cosmic where playground where thoughts and phrases run around and play. THAT is a good thing.

We can certainly feel the presence of the Fae this morning. We thelt that We woke at “their” preferred time to play. We feel the Faerie castle All around Us and Our feel Our cabin transitioning into an earthship, a Hobbit-house and the Faerie castle that it is part of. We like this. We are part of this.

Magik and multidimensional are very connected. We are very much in a much different zone/space/dimension than normal (even for Us). An altered state to be sure. An expanded state. It is a condition that gives Us freedom. In the passed, as part of Our programming We were taught and We believed that this is a space that allows Us to make mistakes. We get it now that those mistakes are magik. It is hard to explain, another: “You had to be there experience” and We were there and We are not sure that We understand what We are thinking and saying.

It is expansion. How can One describe infinity with finite words. Words by definition limit. This is a step into limitlessness. We have such a strong feeling of Our transforming dwelling place it is incredible. Our students were in Our dreams, the two brothers (who live in a world of abundance for everyOne) were in Our dreams and there are lots of faeries in Our dream. We speak in the present because We too are in Our dream (still in Our dream as much as We can/will allow). That is the hard part: to allow OurSelf to stay in Our dream(s) while We are out of bed and doing complicated tasks like making coffee and typing. That is why so often We hate to wake up: We want to keep dreaming but We do NOT want to dream while We are awake. We did not used to believe it is possible. We are actually a bit surprised about it now.

So these are a few of Our favorite things. Just had to. These are some of the thoughts and inspirations that are running through Our playground. We are reminded to stay in the now. We are reminded to trust Our intuition and energy. There are many things that We want to do and We are being reminded that the more We can do “them” with Our heart mind rather than Our head and physical effort the better. This is hard to do because We have never allowed OurSelf to be successful at it. We only just now real-eyesed that it was Our “not allowing” that blocked Our success. It was Our belief in Our inability, in the impossibility that blocked Us.

It felt like a reason We got up early is to go get more water and pallets and rock. This may well be the case but We are also having some great (and important) insights.

BE the Magik. It is in Our blood, We just forgot and denied. We can change and allow the magik to flow Once again.

Interesting too that Meredith Murphy's “Daily Inspiration” for today speaks to this expanding and learning to live multidimensionally. It is natural but We are well trained at living unnaturally.

We really are having some great insights this morning. As the skeeters were swarming Us: We thought of how much We long to live in tune and harmony with nature. We saw some things from a different perspective: Imagine the fae (and other magikal beans) who have All-ways and only created and “built” with the “their” mental powers, observing Us human beans using Our hands and physical means of building and doing. We have this picture of “them” just sitting and watching Us and wishing “they” knew how to do it Our way while We wish We knew how to do it “their” way.

There is more, it is about following and trusting Our intuition, Our knowing. There is just too much to type it All up and some is just going on file to refer back to (hopefully). It is about living multidimensionally. There is a lot to learn.

As We look at Our plants and “think” (from the old limitation perspective) We get it that sometimes We really do need to just “let 'them' be” and not fuss with “them”. Our old ways are tried and true but based in/on lies and false beliefs. Interesting.

Once again We are finding more and more others saying much the same as We have been saying. This is good. Confirmation for Us and possible waking for many who can not or do not hear or read Our words. We know that We have laid the groundwork and blazed the trail along with many others and now We see the pioneers taking up the trek. It is exciting.

Yes, there are many, many others still entrenched in limitation 3D but with over seven billion of Us there is lots of room for diversity.

We got Our pallets some scrap lumber (stuff that is very pricey to buy), rock for the driveway and water. We aren't finding as much paint as it seems like We did last year but We also remember that it was sometime later into summer before We started finding good exterior paint at the dumpsters. And, in reality, We do not have a lot time for painting during summer school. This load of pallets should be enough for what We have in mind at this time (in fact some extra). We thought this load of rock would finish the big rut from breakup but it will take another load. Maybe next weekend but the road construction is getting worser and worser so We hope We only need to make One water run next week.

Now We are taking a break. It may be a long break and it may be a short break.

We returned to dream and had a great time. We have no idea what We did but We remember really enjoying OurSelf. Now, We are mostly still in dreamland.

We are getting the dragon and truck unloaded. The only problem with giving OurSelf permission to leave everything is that eventually there comes a day of reckoning. Of course that is All old pair-a-dimes but We are part way in and part way out, learning to be both old and new. That is One of the many things that We have All-ways been told We can NOT do. Those are the old rules. Time for a new game with new rules. Time to real-eyes that We CAN do everything. After taking a break of course.

We finally got Our onions transplanted into “their” tub where “they” will reside until We harvest “them” or something else. We lost a lot of “them” in All the transitioning but We also gave a lot away. We still a lot of mint plants to transplant and One tomato plant and tomorrow is another day.

We are on another break. It just dawned on Us that another factor that We forget about is All the trips up and down the front steps. No Oneder Shadow takes the back way.

We are going to play around a little with old/new shed stuff and then it will be time for dinner. We are watching “The Life of Pi” this week.

Sunday, June 23, 2013



Another short entry

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:03:11 AM

Good morning. We got up in the middle of the night and went for water. We decided rock can wait. The short stretch of highway that We have to take is under construction but the wait was not too bad at that time of night. When We returned We went back to dream and had some great dreams. We do not remember what “they” were but We had a great time. We even slept in and We may return to dream again soon.

It has definitely cooled off which is nice for Us AND the mosquitoes. The way We remember it there is some kind of weather that “they” do not like. It does not seem to be the case now.

Well, Our focus is definitely not in 3D this morning. That is a good thing.

We kinda feel like We may go outside and play soon, or not. We are a bit 3D dysfunctional and that is just the way it is when We are learning to be multidimensional. This may change as We get used to being multidimensional, or not. We have no way of know since We have not been here before (except if We were but then We completely forgot). So, that means that We need to remember to go very slow if We are operating dangerous equipment like scissors or keyboards.

Forgot to mention, that even though it was still light when We went for water, the moon was gorgeous. We don't remember if We mentioned that We made a rhubarb pie yesterday. If not, it's because We are NOT going to share. It was even cool enough that baking it did not bother Us or Shadow.

Looks like clear skies today. Still could use some good rain.

We got the sawhorse greenhouse redone and are happy with it (so far). We got the temporary roof made (and leaned up against the cabin as We planned) that will provide shelter from the weather for the last few occupants of the old shed so We can really get it torn down. We looked at a bunch of other stuff and put it on hold.

There will not be quite enough time to save the world before We make Our Saturday town trip to visit Our local friends. However, We did get an old seat from a car (that was here when We moved here) moved from alongside the cabin to the truck to go to the dumpsters next trip. The first part of clearing the area for the new shed.

We did Our trip to town and found lots of decorating treasures at the dumpster. We took icecream and rootbeer to Our friends and “they” made egg salad samiches and We played cards.

When We got home We were too wiped/dreamy to even unload the car. We did feed Shadow and that was All the 3D energy and focus that We had.

Saturday, June 22, 2013



Equinox energy

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:44:36 AM

Good morning. We woke early for some reason. We thought maybe it was to go for rock and water and quickly real-eyesed NOT. We will need to go for water this weekend maybe even two trips but not first thing this morning. Rock may wait until next lifetime.

It had not fully registered that We are having solstice energy, full moon energy AND eclipse energy All at the same time. We know We are going to focus on dreaming this three day weekend. We will probably take it very, very easy and playing with Our fort will be Our priority. We know if We go gentle We will get other stuff done too but if We try to plan and push We will miss the treasure.

We got it that We woke early so We could go back to dream early. That is not far away.

Our dreams have been focused on multiple worlds and lives. This is also happening in Our waking and is harder to adjust to there than in dream. The old beliefs die hard.

It looks like it is actually gonna be overcast today and maybe even rain. Even if it doesn't rain the overcast will break the heat wave, but We could sure use some rain. We feel like We might be ready to go outside and start the piddling around.

We are getting some rain, not much yet, just enough to make the skeeters even worse. We really do NOT know if anything (except the fans) is helping but who knows how bad it would be without Our protection????? Hmmmmm, We hate the word protection. We know there is something here for Us to look at. Maybe tomorrow. It does seem that even Shadow is more bothered by the skeeters than ever before. Maybe “they” are Our own private cabal?

So far, We have gotten Our dumpster finds out of the dragon and the truck. We find that We seem to have sent One of Our staple guns into another reality. It is the One that was jamming so We bought a replacement. Did it feel rejected and run away from home? It has served Us well for quite a few years. It seems like We brought it home before We quit smoking and that has been quite a while. There year it started jamming on Us really, really bad and that is All-most as annoying as the skeeters. We had planned to keep it as a backup and let it enjoy a comfortable retirement.

With the rainish We think We will work on replacing the carpet under Our chest freezer. The old has started snagging the freezer's rollers so bad that We took the rollers off until We could replace the carpet. The old carpet will get to live in the forest. We had picked up a multicolored rug but it just did not do it for Us. We found a piece of burgundy carpet that We think will be great.

We got the old carpet out, the new carpet in, now All We have left there is run the vacuum, put the rollers back on the freezer (We want to make “them” a little more secure than “they” were and put everything away. We have the fan running in the fort so We can do a little more decorating. The overcast is keeping it much cooler today but not enough rain to collect water or to give the plants much of a drink. We did notice that Our outdoor tomatoes are doing much better than Our indoor One. We may decide to abandon gardening next year except where We want Our living wall. Of course, One never knows.

We got the carpet All done, the freezer back on it's repaired rollers and everything put away. Everytime We start to go outside to do something/anything it starts to rain and when We come inside it stops. Message??????? We did repot Our second citronella plant repotted and got a little painting done. Mostly We just played.

Friday, June 21, 2013



Of dreams and mosquitoes

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:30 AM

Good morning. Something is going on energetically. It is a good something but definitely something. We are very grateful that We are only working four days this week. We went to dream early yesterday and We really want to stay in dream this morning.

We do know that the students were visiting Our dreams (especially the two middleschoolers that We saw yesterday) but that is All that We remember.

Wherever We are it is not here. It is funny, as much as We have prepared for this and worked (bad word) towards it, it is still very unfamiliar. It is sooooo easy to revert back to the old thinking that tells Us this is a bad thing. We know better, this is multi-D. We can also tell that We are trying to type is some other language.

There may just be a lot of dreaming that needs to be done right now.

We are (still) learning to follow and trust Our intuition. Our head screams that We won't get everything and that We will die for lack of doing. We know better, yet it is still easy to fall back into that trap. We have spend sooooo much time, sooooo many lifetimes, eons and millenia telling OurSelves these lies and believing “them”. Making the change takes a little time.

It became obvious to Us that We are on ship, in the mansion where the two brothers live and everyOne in “their” world has plenty, in Our earthship and faerie castle (to name a few places where We are aware of being). Our attention and awareness is split between these places and so We are not highly focused in Our “normal” limitation 3D. This is a One-der-full thing and a great experience. However, We have spent All this time telling OurSelves that this is a bad thing.

Damn, did We ever do a grand job of keeping OurSelves in the separation/limitation game.

More and more We are aware that: “We have done this before”. More and more episodes where We remember having the exact same conversation before. We are certainly becoming consciously aware of living alternate and parallel lives. This is what We have been seeking yet it continues to take adjustment and getting used to. We can slip into Our observer Self but it is NOT a place where Our consciousness is used to being.

We are starting to connect with the energetic girl. She definitely has an attitude but maybe there is a reason. Our driver is definitely a stickler for rules AND We are learning to work with that too. Yesterday Miss Energy told Us that she can not read. We suggested that she is learning. Emphatically she replied: “NO” and that she will never read. We asked her how she was going to use a computer and she replied: “Oh, only that.” We asked so You will be able to read on a computer and again she said: “Only that.”

Today she sat by herSelf instead of with the interactive girl. When the quiet girl got on and sat with interactive energetic was disappointed. We made sure We understood what had upset her and said: “Maybe tomorrow, oops, no school tomorrow, maybe Monday?” This did not appease her. We told the quiet girl that Monday energetic would like to sit next to her and she said: “Okay”. Energetic was delighted.

In case You are wondering We have to be very careful using any information that could identify who We are talking about.

A little later Energetic was tightening the other seat belt in her seat. We said something and then had an idea: “Is there an invisible student sitting there?” She lit up nodding her head yes. We asked: “What is “their” name?” Then We quickly asked: “Is it a boy or a girl?” She said: “Girl”. “What is her name?” She took a little time and said: “Lexy”.

After that she was clowning and We were watching and it was obvious she did not really want Us watching. We asked: “You don't want Me watching?” She said: “I get embarrassed.” We looked away.

There were still some difficulties but “they” were much milder than before. Until Our schedule gets fixed We get to school way early and the students can not get off until “their” teacher comes for “them”. Our driver wants “them” in “their” seat and buckled up. This is very hard for these kids but We are working on it.

The little boy is only in summer school for speech.
The interesting thing is that he can speak clearly when he chooses to. This reminds Us of the two brothers who chose not to speak unless “they” wanted to. Many people thought “they” were non-verbal.

In case We have not mentioned it: the interactive girl and the energetic girl are sleeping for most of the ride home. We got it today that “they” are taking Us dreaming with “them”. Well: DUH. We are not All-ways a quick study.

We did have a little more 3D energy when We got home today. We were able to water Our outside plants. The heat seems to have gotten the best of the bluebells. “They” look very sad. We watered “them” and send “them” love. We sure appreciate Our citronella bracelet. We also got some “natural” spray on stuff. Not really sure how much it helps.

We found a bunch more citronella bracelets and pins and hangers at Amazon. We will probably order some but We have this feeling that the mosquitoes will get much more passive soon. It seems like this usually happens and even though this is the worst We have seen “them” here, We theel that this too shall pass.

Thursday, June 20, 2013



All We wanna do is dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:42:30 AM

Good morning. Let's see if We can find some words here. We felt the presence of some of Our students and even more “their” siblings. A couple of the students have siblings who see “them” off to summer school and are waiting for “their” return. This is a bit “new” for Us. We also had the strong feeling of change. Things that used to seem so important were anchors and locks to Our Self-imposed prisons and captivity. We willingly placed and planted OurSelves in a routine and regimen that trapped Us in limitation and now We really are getting it that these things are free of matter.

Things and people no longer need to be confined in neat little boxes and routines (as if “they” ever did). Freedom is sweeping through Our lives. These kids are smiling.

We are also experiencing a lot of deja-vu and feelings of being out of synch with the material/physical world. There was a time that this would have been uncomfortable and even a sign of a medical condition. This is no longer the case. It is a sign of being multidimensional. We are setting OurSelves free from Our former restraints.

This is interesting: We real-eyes We woke early to recognize We and Our things and doings are free of matter. (Remember We like using that term instead of does not matter). We are awake to drift and dream while awake. We like this.

It did cool off a little last night. Even though it is also cooler inside than it was yesterday morning We have both fans running in the back door to cool it down before We close it up a bit and leave for work. Hopefully it will be cooler when We get home than yesterday. It was 80F inside and 95F outside when We got home.

We did not get back to this at All during the day or when We got home. The energies snuck up on Us and took Us away. There are some things We observed and want to share about Our students but it just is NOT coming out of Our fingers. “They” are cool kids in “their” own ways. Even though “they” are definitely a different group than We are used to. DUH.

Dream came on Us during Our break and We really had a hard being at All 3D functional All afternoon. When We got home All We felt like doing was have dinner and go dream so that is exactly what We did.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



Alaska or Africa?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:21 AM

Good morning. We slept better last night. We visited other worlds and again met new friends and had a lot of fun playing. We thought that perhaps, after noticing the two girls making friends so fast We might have some more information about making friends in this new age. Maybe what We are intuiting in waking is what We need for now. Perhaps there is something starting in dream that We can not translate yet.

This morning We are back and forth between strictly 3D focus and multidimensional focus. It seems Our head is trying to take charge again and We just are not going there. It is tempting because it is familiar but it is much less familiar than it was a week ago.

Open, let go and allow.

There is a lesson and insights to be gained from the interactive girl. She is not afraid of people and she does not even know that she is different in this. This is how We can and will be when We remember that separation is a lie, a pretend game based on an impossibility.

Also, We see that currently We (and the world We live in) are transitioning into multidimensionality. It is easy to miss because it includes 3D. Subtle changes and differences. We theel We know why We do not remember much from last night's dreams. Venturing into the unknown.

The girl that did not ride yesterday rode this morning. She is great friends with the interactive girl because “they” go to the same school during the regular school year, which is much closer to home. On this longer ride “they” are a little too rowdy for Our driver. We will have to try some different things trying to let “them” be children but under control enough so Our driver can drive safely.

The quiet girl sat by herSelf and did not talk to anyOne since the interactive girl was sitting with her friend from before. We will probably try sitting the interactive girl and the quiet girl together again since “they' did so well yesterday. This leaves the other girl alone except when Our afternoon only girl rides. It will be a work in progress.

Our driver is not as concerned with accepting and allowing children as We are and she is a bit of a stickler for the rules but she is not as strict as some drivers.

Overnight there was a forest fire along Our route. It did not affect Our route this morning except for the smoke. The interactive girl's family helped some friends evacuate and told Us what it was like. “They” could not get in to town, “their” power and phone and even cell phones were out of service. The fire burned All around a nice restaurant but “they” were able to save the restaurant.

It was kinda strange to drive through a large area of forest that had burned since We were there yesterday afternoon.

We discussed the two active girls with Our driver and agreed to give “them” another chance. However, the interactive girl and the quiet girl chose to sit together on the ride home again. This works much better. The third girl had a hard time settling down and wanted to do everything the driver told her not to and not do everything the driver told her to do. It was interesting to watch her subtle rebellions. When she finally settled down, she went to sleep.

We did have to talk with the interactive girl about calling other students names and such. We could tell she was really considering what We said so We asked: “Okay?” She nodded: “Yes” and We said something positive in response. Then she fell asleep too.

We are getting done about half an hour earlier than expected and that is fine with Us.

It is hotter than blazes. We are telling people We think We woke up in Africa One morning about a week ago. Has Our magik gone awry Once again? When We said “tropical” this was NOT exactly what We had in mind. We were thinking more along the lines of a temperate winter rather than a desert like summer. Actually, this area is rated as semi-arid but good god folks, it is also Alaska.

Also, the mosquito armada has been retrofitted with nuclear weapons. Talk about weapons of mass destruction. We are trying citronella bracelets for Us and Shadow and “they” do help. Fans are the most effective but not All-ways practical. The bracelets go anywhere, anytime. We wore the first One a few hours and then hung it on Shadow's collar. He had been sniffing it on Our wrist All afternoon and did not object to having it on his collar. He is very picky about these things. We also seem to have a bug that is a cross between a skeeter and a gnat. The green bugs have finished “their” cycle or season for the most part and there are only a very few remaining.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



New found friends

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:33:22 AM

Good morning. More interesting worlds and interesting new friends. Nothing profound to report, just living Our lives on a daily basis and having fun. Feeling free to express Our love and care for each other, having plenty of time to play and just be OurSelves. Being open and not feeling any threats or rejection. These are worlds where We know We are All One. These are physical 3D worlds without limits. Perhaps 3D is the wrong term since We are living as multidimensional beans but as We have said for a long time: multidimensionality includes 3D.

We continue in waking to have difficulty with those who are waking being caught up in escapism and misconceptions. But, We have to remind OurSelf that those are only misconceptions to Us. These others are NOT wrong, “they” are not Us (at this level that is). “They” are exploring something different than We are. We may not be going to spend a lot of time with “them” but We are going to coexist. It is difficult for Us to watch, but We can. We can also know that We have everything and We have it now.

We are in transition, both personally and collectively. What We have, the limitless lives We live may not (yet) be apparent but it is here none the less. We have Our lives in Our dream worlds and those are real. Our waking life continues to get better and better also but the friendships and acceptance and like mindedness of those lives is a real treasure.

We had a hard time getting to sleep again last night but We knew We were resting. It was very warm. It is still 74F inside.

Now, We know that We were in other realities long before We went to sleep, what We call waking dreams. We were even pondering how now, as these become familiar We can rest and explore whereas it used to drain Us (physically) to be so busy in dream. We are getting into condition. We did not want to wake this morning but We are looking forward to meeting the students. We expect it to be a fun day.

First day of summer school and Our bus was broken. We met most of the kids. One girl is very talkative and interactive. Another girl is very quiet but she did interact with the talkative girl when approached. The little girl that was ready to go to school when We did Our dry run last week did not ride today. One little boy is tiny and We were surprised that he was able to buckle himSelf into his starseat. He was not able to unbuckle, just too hard to push to release. He is a smiler and talks a little bit. The only other boy will start riding on the 24th.

The starseat was All-ready in the bus and We just left it until We got to know a little about the kids. We definitely want to move it so everybody can sit close together towards the front. Each group of students interacts differently but this group seems like “they” want to sit close and be able to each other, Us and the driver.

We do have One of the longer routes and We have a three hour break between. All routes get the same break but some get less hours. As long as We are in town, We may as well get the hours. We like Our kids and are sure We will learn from “them”.

The two girls seem to have made instant friends. We are reminded of Our dreams. We do not think “they” are in the same class but while We were waiting for drop off time at school this morning the talkative One asked to change seats so she could show the quiet girl her notebook. We said yes and thanked her for asking first. Some attendants and drivers would not have said yes and it is actually against the rules even though We were sitting at school waiting. BTW: We think the quiet girl is older. “They” talked until a teacher or aide came for the quiet girl. A different teacher or aide came for the talkative girl.

After school the girls wanted to share a seat even though “they” were the only students on the bus. Again, We are reminded of how it is in other worlds that We have are living in and visit in dream.

BTW: the skeeters seem to actually be getting worse. What We resist persists.

Monday, June 17, 2013



The attack of the killer skeeters

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:01:51 AM

Good morning. We are definitely experiencing some kind of shift(ing). Something happened just before and as We were waking. Shadow felt/sensed it and got up to check on Us twice within fifteen minutes. THAT is new. Not checking on Us but doing it twice withing fifteen minutes. And We were (and are) aware of something being different. This is not the same world We went to sleep in. We did not sleep well and even though We feel like We got more sleep than We think We did, it still was not much. We got up in the middle of the night (again) and this time We went to town to get pallets, go dumpster diving and do a bit of shopping.

In Our dream life We visited more alternate realities and played with more new friends. We KNOW that some of those worlds were/are this world in transition. Now that/this is a bit hard to explain. We can say that what goes on in those worlds affects this world (and vise versa) but that does not fully explain what We experienced and are experiencing.

We know that whatever is/was going on with the dragon is part of that. There are things (besides the dragon) that are not working, acting, functioning the way We remember that “they” do.

In One of Our worlds We were/are a rebel. Like many of the movements going on in Our world today it is a peaceful rebellion. It is funny because yesterday We were thinking how the physical rebellion and outside changing is not what We are about. In some realities it is very much what We are about. We have stated that We know that those working on outer physical change and those working on the inner/heart changes must work and are working together. Many people are calling for this. Unity without being in agreement. Diversity in Our unity and unity in Our diversity.

Many people are focused on what “they” and others are “doing” as the change, and it is. However, We are focused on how the people who are doing” the doing” have changed in order to stop complying and being part of the broken system, the power that was. To Us, that IS the change much more than the changing the system is the change. Does that make any sense to anyOne besides Us?

Well, it does not matter. Years ago We began to say that We do NOT believe in: “Peace through war”. If We got any reaction at All it was WTF? People tended to look at Us as if We are from Mars (which We are but that is another story All-together). Now, many people are saying the same thing. The masses are beginning to see that war in never an answer, war is a problem. In this respect We have certainly reached the 100th monkey.

The outer changes that We are experiencing ARE important. However, “they” are the result of inside change. “They” are the result of people waking up. Outer change without inner change is worthless (or nearly so). Those who are focused on the outer change only are missing the point (IMO) but that does NOT make “them” wrong. That is a hard One for Us right now. We can say: “Not My job” and not need to make that job wrong or less than. So, “they” are NOT really missing the point We just think “they” are. “They” have a different point and focus than We do AND We must work together for this world to transition.

Again, it is very important that We do NOT have to agree to work together and live in unity. That is a whole new concept for most of Us (masses) and more and more people are getting it.

From inside the cabin it feels like there is storm energy in the air. Outside it feels and looks different. This is an experience of different worlds/realities merging.

The mosquitoes seem to be worse than ever last night and this morning but then again, We have not used any citronella sense We showered. We want to remember to check on how to make citronella oil and grow citronella from cuttings. Of course We have about a gazillion things We want to do. We also want to take it easy and go slow. It is a good thing that We have eternity.

We are definitely slip, sliding between realities today. It is pretty much a: “You had to be there” kinda story.

Slowly and gently We are getting little things done. The mosquitoes have certainly invaded. Our friend in town reports the same with the skeeters. We watered and fed Our inside plants and outside potted plants. Put some stuff away and drug some more out. We plugged in the new fan We bought yesterday and aimed it at the tire We want to switch on the truck. Mosquitoes fled the scene in droves. We like that. Even though the citronella is clearly reducing the bites, the little buggers divebombing and swarming is very annoying. We think We need to rub another leaf on Us when We go back outside. Apparently Shadow brought the invasion forces inside with him and We are being attacked One skeeter at a time.

The new fan works great. The skeeters continue to attack as in the last report and We got to spare tire taken off and the repaired tire back on without any harassment from the invading mosquito army. Then We let Shadow in to join Us on Our break and about three-zillion skeeters came in with him. We do not like running the inside any higher than low but desperate times call for desperate measures. We really wish WE get in tune and harmony so these bastards did NOT bother Us. We have not had any bites yet but just the feel on Our skin and the buzz and and and....................

The first storm passed through and more seem to be following but “they” are All small and just pass on by so far.

We checked Our raised beds when We watered and it looks like One garlic has poked its head up and One asparagus plant is nearly 6” tall. We should not get any asparagus harvest this year but that guy looks edible. We want to add dirt to both beds as it looks like it is now time for at least a little. We will take Our fan out with Us.

Thank God for the fan and citronella. The mosquitoes tried but if We got any bites it was only One. We got dirt added to both raised beds. We are sooooo proud of Our first asparagus plant. Some of the garlic had started to sprout before We planted it but none seems to have poked “their” heads up yet. Well, maybe the One but it got buried when We watered or something or something else. We tried to worry about All Our plants living or dieing, producing or not and etc. We were reminded right away that All of that is old pair-a-dime, limitation and separation thinking. We are entering the new paradigm where everything flourishes (even skeeters???????). All the disease and good conditions, bad conditions, rules and mistakes are a result of living and thinking in the impossibility of separation and limitation.

Oh, We read up on growing asparagus and it said that the reason to NOT harvest for the first year or two is to let the roots develop properly. We have no clue if it will winter over but then again, that is old pair-a-dime too. Of course We are still in transition from old to new.



A variety

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:59:04 PM

Good morning. We woke at 11:00 PM and could not fully go back to sleep. We lay in a state of waking dream and the phrase: “We are love, everything else is fluff.” kept running through Our mind. We started to say head. Would not that be nice if Our head is thinking in these terms? Nice and very new.

It is very still outside, and quite warm even hot.

So, what is it? The magik, the fae, the heat, the dragon? What is calling for Our attention? We have no idea but We do desire to hear and be open. Or is it: be open and hear? This happens from time to time and so far We do not think We have ever found what it is, at least not until much later. Sometimes a friend will tell Us “they” were awake at the same time.

We put away some laundry and went outside for a bit but mainly We want to just sit with whatever is going on. We would like to be slip, sliding into other realms in Our waking reality. Of course, that would raise the question: “Which other realms?” Hopefully less limited realms. Realms of freedom and play. Play is All-ways a choice regardless of the realm but much easier and more common in some realms, at least to A-dults.

There is something in the air. We may have had a small earthquake. There are unusual noises but not much. It is mostly very still and quite. Extremely still and quiet, especially for a Friday night, even here. If We did not have a fan and the humidifier running the air would feel stuck. We have some ribs waiting to do in the crockpot but something inside tells Us that tomorrow night would/will be more better. We might get “them” prepped ahead and leave in the fridge until then but do NOT even feel like doing that right now. It is time to just be.

Maybe this is part of Our Friday night being naughty. Getting up in the middle of the night to play?????? Play with the fae. Sounds like a plan to Us.

06/15/13 06:24:42 AM

We returned to dream and had some fun dreams but Once again All We remember is that We had fun dreams. We remember being with friends but not anyOne We recognize. “They” did seem familiar at the time but that often happens in other realities, where people are old familiar friends the moment We first meet. We know “them” as if We had spent Our whole life together in an instant. That is what it is like to be connected.

We are love. We open, let go and allow. We do have passing thoughts and questions about Our dragon. We would love to have a hover craft (or an actual 3D dragon). We know everything is fine but We do NOT know what fine looks like in this case. We are hoping Our dragon just has a cut or such and that We can administer first aid but until We investigate We will not know. It is also possible that there is nothing wrong or it healed while We dreamt or We slipped into a world where the leak never occurred.

We are having a typical slow and easy wakeup process. We are pondering and theeling about Our dragon. We are theeling about what We would like to find as We investigate. We would hope that this will be either nothing wrong or an easy repair. We would love for Our 3D car to transform into a 3D non-polluting hover craft or 3D dragon. Or into its real form whatever that might be. (We are convinced that what We see and experience as a car that We call Our dragon and imagine as Our dragon is only the projection of Our beliefs in limitation/separation.) At worst We would like this to be a simple repair. We would really, really, really prefer to not need to buy another car. We could go back to using the Buick but there are also reasons that We do NOT prefer that option. However, the bottom line is that We know that Our deeper Self (Our knower/watcher Self or whatever it may be called that is beyond Our 3D body and head mind) knows what will best suit Our needs both now and along Our path. Our head mind does NOT know what is best for Us. We want to feel Our heart and follow Our heart and higher Self. We know that may lead Us in a different direction than what We are currently “thinking”. We are looking for Our feelings on this. We are reminded of what a very wise man/bean Once said: “Search Your feelings Luke”.

That is what We are doing and that is why We are taking Our time about investigating the possible ailment with Our dragon. We would sure love to believe in teleporting Us and Shadow and objects enough to experience it in Our daily waking life. So, We will see what Our heart has in store. We are definitely finding a better feeling thought and then finding a better feeling thought.

As We ponder what We may do today and what We would like to do We are reminded that it is All free of matter. We really appreciate the change in attitude We are reaching/attaining.

Or, can We remember how to fly. That would be sooooo cool. Or use the shuttle craft that We often dream about? So many possibilities that We would love to believe in enough to bring into Our daily waking world/life. Can We? Can We? Please? Please?

As We are able to (and are aware of the experience) slip, slide into nearby expanded/alternate realities the sensation is hard to explain but there is a definite “feeling” of shifting. We feel Our body as lighter, more ephemeral and floaty. We can sense changes in Our surroundings. OurSelf and Our surroundings are closer to “their” energy form, at least in some of those realities and that is the Ones We are slipping in and out of this morning.

We got Our morning watering done. We have rain collection tubs, buckets and barrels stationed around so that We do not have to haul All the water from the rain barrels at the tarp. BUT, We still have a ways to walk up and down the driveway. Whew, it is a steep driveway. We hoped We had done the raspberry plantings where “they” would be an easy walk, but alas. At least We did put the raised beds out in the forest where it is a mostly flat walk. This is how We plan to proceed with Our gardening the problem is All the tress block a lot of the sun. However, We are also learning that Our direct sun here is much stronger than in the lower 48. Full, direct sun hour after hour here (remember We have 24 hours of light and even tho it is NOT 24 hours of direct blazing sun it is a lot of hours) is a bit daunting for some plants, even those that call for 5-6 hours of direct sun.

Now, We are taking a break before looking at the dragon. We have a fan with citronella leaves aimed at the spot We will be. It does seem to be reducing the number of killer skeeters. We put a couple of citronella leaves in the fan cage and it does seem to spread the scent. We think We are going to buy yet another fan so We can have two outside and still have One inside. It is a bit stuffy in here even at this early hour (09:50:38 AM) without a fan running.

It seems that Our dragon is leaking from its transaxle. This could be minor or it could be major. We have known it had a slight tranny leak for a while and it has All-ways shifted rough. We fed it some tranny fix-it that has worked for Us on other trannys before. We can not see a drip but it is low on fluid and that is the only place with xtra wet. WE are gonna do a run to town or dumpsters or or or and get more tranny fluid because We did not have enough to fill it, or We don't think We did but We need to get someplace level to check before adding any more. That will be Our next step and We theel that the fix-it will fix it. We have been wrong before.

Our dragon seems to be All better. We really are not sure what actually happened and probably will never be as long as Our thinking is in limitation 3D. We could well have slipped a world or 12 or the fix-it may have fixed it or?????? And, the important thing is that We are okay with whatever. We do theel that is something beyond the normal confines of limitation 3D.

We made some good finds at the dumpster. We are hoping that a colorful rug that We found will work to replace a section of carpet that We really want to replace. We have not found any good carpet remnants (any at All actually) since school got out. Apparently this is not the time of year to replace carpet but honestly, the way We remember it there were All-ways carpets craps and remnants whenever We were at the dumpster. Perhaps that too was a neighboring reality. We were wishing We were driving Our truck as there was lumber and a propane BBQ like We want to try using for a rolling planter. We reminded OurSelf that All of these will be there again. There is certainly no shortage of castaways at the dumpsters.

It is hot out front. The clouds are awesome, ships with slyphs coming from “them” or at least that is how it looks. However the sun is still out bright and hot.