Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today "Growing familiar" 2/24/12


Growing familiar

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:07:51 AM

Good morning. A nice quiet night of being and paying attention. My alternate reality was present All night. As I was getting up I real-eyesed that My new reality had been here All along (or at least a long time) I just had not been aware of it.

How many things does that apply to???????? I remembered that whenever I say: “I want” I Am saying that I don't have.

The thing was that because this other reality isn't physical (yet?) or at least doesn't appear physical to Me (I can't see it with My two eyes) I told MySelf that it wasn't there or wasn't real.

Yesterday I decided to pay attention, to focus on this mental image (vague as it is) that I brought with Me from My dreams and hold it in My mind AND to believe that it is real AND that it is HERE.

There are many learning and experiential opportunities for Me in this. One is getting familiar with using My third eye. I've know about My third eye for a long time and sort of accessed it from time to time BUT...................... Again, because the images were not as clear and vivid as with My physical eyes, I didn't PAY ATTENTION. Hopefully, those days are over.

I think about All the things I have put on the hidden shelf because I “only” saw “them” with My third eye or felt “them” but didn't “see”them”.

Today, I continue to hold My mental image of My new reality and My new friends. I'm pretty sure that as I grow familiar with these My experiences will grow and the reality” will feel and appear more real than it has in the passed. Actually it All-ready does.

As I begin to see My progress, it is in small things, subtle things, easily deniable things. It is My choice to believe or unbelieve. This is where, for each of Us, the magik is born or it dies. Thank All the little gods that if We turn Our back the magik waits patiently just around another corner. Or, One more trip around the mountain.

There is magik in the air.

It seems to be a magik without words. I tried to do some writing and nothing wants to flow out of My fingers. Today, that is okay and not the frustration it used to be for Me.

I'm doing some reading, and just being with Me and My two realities.

I took some time to just be very still and focus on My new reality. My friends are happy and playful. We played with some orbs and had a bonfire of some type but We weren't burning any type of fuel as everything here is living. It took a few minutes to connect with the orbs in order to find how “they” like to play and be played with.

I observed MySelf being here AND there and real-eyesed this is another obstacle I have been having. When I Am awake, I have difficulty accepting being here AND there. I Am accustomed to the belief that We can only be here OR there, not both. I know better but that doesn't mean I don't still buy into the old beliefs. I Am learning to love those and set “them” free and play in the new, expanded beliefs. I Am actually having fun with this. The new can be frustrating if We let it. Having these new friends, actually being aware of these friends beside Me and helping Me, holding My hand is very helpful.

I find that I have (or can have) a different body in My second reality. I feel very connected to the body of One of My former rejects. Yet, not quite sure if that is My body here (I'm still quite deep in My other) or if We have grown so close it is hard to distinguish between Us. The thing that I Am sure of is I have bodies that are very present in both realities at the same time.

It is an interesting sensation. Have to walk very carefully in the physical right now. It feels a lot like getting My sea legs, even when sitting.

Something I Am noticing (which I have noticed slightly before) is that many sensations which I used to judge as bad (or being sick) are actually connected to walking between worlds. This is the term I use to name being here AND there. It is disorienting at first (and second and third). The big difference is that now I enjoy it as I know what it is. I just take it very easy when in this. It is a time to be gentle with Me.

It is interesting how at times I seem to find information that seems to try to hold Me back, re-enforce separation and limitation. Other times I find support and insight. Right now I tend to be finding the support and avoiding the limiting stuff.

I watched a You Tube by Grandpa Coyote, really good stuff.

After that I was able to get MySelf enough into 3D to drive to the spring for water but don't remember anything I was thinking about on the drive?????????????

I tried to download a driver so I can use My old monitor with My laptop. I have tried before but for some reason couldn't get to the right website. I think I found the right website but lost My connection. May try again tomorrow. It would be nice for watching movies etc.

Now, it is time to do dinner and a movie.

Something that has come to mind several times today is that this mental image that I have of My friends and second reality are different from what We think of as imagination and imaginary. This is a memory and memories. It is real. Yes, We would label it imaginary in order to make it less real, to deny it to invalidate it. That is a choice. I choose to believe in MySelf.

Most of Us will access multidimensionality through Our dreams first and then in waking. That is how it is happening for Me. It is going to take a little time and practice for My second reality to seem as real as My current primary reality, but I theel it has begun.

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