How Much Are You Worth
(From night school last night)
Class started with the question: “How much are You worth?” All of Our lives (and probably many before) most of Us have been taught that the workman is worthy of his hire. Maybe not in those exact words but certainly that idea. This is so entrained and ingrained in Us that most of Us judge Our worth by how much We get paid.
Most of Us can relate to this and most of Us would like it to be different. We would like to simply feel worthy. Yet, most of Us seek to make more money as a means of support AND more importantly to FEEL BETTER about OurSelves. I wonder if this is really where the thought/belief that there is never enough actually comes from??????? For, if that is Our reason for seeking money (to establish Self-esteem and Self-worth) then truly there is never enough. Certainly there is All-ways enough money. In Our uni-verse there is actually All-ways enough of everything. Unless We are trying to establish Our worth, Our lovableness, Our ability, Our Self-esteem through material means and then there is never enough of anything.
The next question was: “what would it be like to feel We are worth being FREE?” This can have two meanings and it was suggested We look at both.
If You or I are paid $500 per hour, or even $1000 per hour those are still limits. There is no cap, no ceiling, no limit to free. I envisioned how this can work. It takes a lot of openness and expansion to accept this as workable. It IS how an economy based on giving can work.
The most powerful argument in the world (and ever) is: “I can't.” All I can really say to that is: “Okay.” For if You believe You can't, then You can't. End of story.
Until You say: “I can.” That is like dumping an entire bucket of water on One lit match. It is that effective. This turns everything around for You and Me. You don't even have to fully believe it, just believe that it is possibly possible that it might somehow be possible. It works.
Abraham-Hicks tell Us that “effort and reward” (which is the basis of Our economy and work ethics) brings mediocre. Anything with a limit is mediocre. Millions and billions (though “they” look like enough to One with nothing or hundreds or even thousands) are not enough to bring happiness or establish Self-esteem or Self-worth.
Abraham-Hicks go on to tell Us that alignment brings abundance. Alignment with what? With Self. I would say this another way of saying LOVE. Love brings abundance, nothing short of that will do.
Can We love OurSelves and Our others enough to be free? Enough to be abundant and feel worthy?
No matter how much We are paid, how much We are worth that is still: “effort and reward”.
“But I love what I'm doing.” That is wonderful. How fortunate You are. Do You have enough? How do You feel about You? How do You feel about how You feel? How do Your feelings feel?
Do You ever, even just Once, wish You could sleep in rather than getting up to do what You love?
Effort and reward. Even if the effort is just getting out of bed when We would rather just lay there a few more minutes. Even if it only happens Once in Our lifetime.
Do We love OurSelf enough to be free? Perhaps as part of that We will have to re-evaluate Our calender and schedules, even time itSelf. From what I Am feeling and reading it seems that time is re-evaluating and re-arranging itSelf for Us???????
How much am I worth if I Am free? There is no limit to My worth. Not even the sky is the limit. I go far and far beyond the sky.
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