Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Night School: "As Only the Faeries Can" 2-7-2012


As Only the Faeries Can

(From night school last night)

Night school was woven in and out of My dreams as only the faeries can so I'm not sure how I want to type it up. I have a list of points that came out and I will try to work with that.

It is good to dance in the light of the full moon. We made a perfect (faerie) circle and built a bonfire in the center (the approximate center for the fire). A faerie (perfect) circle differs from a human circle. The diameter of a perfect (faerie) circle is not the same as twice or double the radius as humans believe. The human mind finds this ridiculous and impossible. We know that the diameter of a circle is exactly double the radius. AND, We also know that no human or man made machine can draw a perfect circle. Do You see a connection? There are a couple of explanations behind the faerie (perfect) circle: A faerie (perfect) circle is a 5th dimensional construct not 2D or even 3D. A perfect (faerie) circle is actually a cone, this is why the diameter does not equal twice the radius. That is what appears to be the magik. What humans perceive as magik is actually the way (or A way) that things are but We have chosen to forget and/or ignore. What appears as magik is part of the more that exists just beyond Our veil of forgetfulness (which I also call the faerie mists).

I was shown that faeries and carneys (full blooded Ones) are races distinct from (yet connected to) humans. Both races (actually All these races) are immortal, it is just that carneys and faeries are aware of being immortal whereas humans have forgotten. Mixed bloods are very common, between these and many other races. There need not be any judgment here. All the races and All the mixtures are part of the One, the All that is, the source. Humans (and “their mixes) are the most forgetful of All the races because “they” have chosen to explore being what “they” are not.

Faeries and many other races live mostly in 5D and beyond AND “they” All can easily access 3D since it is part of 5D. “They” have the option of appearing visible or not in 3D. It is easy for “them” to be visible yet seem invisible because most humans choose NOT to see “them” or believe that “their” existence is even possible. It is quite difficult to see something that is believed to be impossible.

As a physical human, I have never been able to whistle. Strange but true and I have never been able to figure out why. I experienced MySelf (My fae Self) starting to whistle. At first I thought: “Wait, I can't whistle”. Then I real-eyesed that the whistle was starting in My mind not in My mouth or with My lips. The whistle then traveled from My mind to My mouth and lips and issued forth (without pursing My lips). The whistle called up the magik (remember it is not really magik it just appears that way to limitation 3D). Then I and other faeries were able to weave the magik into the fabric and reality of 3D. Yes, it was actually All-ready there, We are dealing with appearances and making matter out of energy and thought. I guess You had to be there.

When I thought about My cleverness, I All-most started to say: “Oh, the cleverness of Me”. Then I got it, like a hammer to the head, that I Am not The Pan but We are good friends. I'm not totally certain what the importance of that is but in the presence of The Pan, nobody claims to be THAT clever. Maybe it's another appearance thing.

I was quite surprised to see how small and delicate I Am as a faerie. You could say it blew Me away (literally). When I made a faerie (perfect) circle that I fit in perfectly (laying down) and it had a radius of only four inches I was really shocked. I did not feel small in the presence of any of the humans or other creatures, just in comparison to how I think of MySelf. It was also interesting to note how surprised I was to meet a predator and then a person who would wish to harm Me. That has got to be some amazing life to live without ANY fear.

I woke up around 4 AM and thought about getting up to type up My dream and I was sooooo deep into 5D that I just couldn't bear to get into 3D enough to be functional (like making My fingers type). I got up around 6 AM and My first thought was: “I don't ever want to completely leave 5D again”. I felt the answer: “You don't have to”.

After I had been up long enough to type up My dreams I took a short nap and I got more technical data that I can't translate yet but I know it is important and will be clear in its time. I'm guessing this was about sacred geometry, anti-gravity vehicles, living houses (houseplants), levitation, energy fields and such. Maybe One of those or All of those or something else entirely.

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