Need and creating
(From night school last night)
Belief in need creates fear of scarcity and lack. We've been over this before but I benefit from the review.
When We live in fear We create (or project) whatever We fear. If We believe We have needs, somehow it is All-most automatic to fear not having or getting what We need. (as I type this up I remember the line from Dune: “Fear is the mind killer.”) When We “get it” that We are source, We are abundance, We are the creator of Our reality then the need seems to go away. The need may remain but when We supply OurSelves, not depending on any other for Our supply, it no longer feels/seems like a need. It seems that Once We know that We create and supply Our needs, We no longer need.
There is a school of thought and practice that teaches Us to destroy Our old beliefs and behaviors. Apparently this works for some but it doesn't work for Me. I Am NOT saying it is wrong, just that it doesn't work for Me and I think there are others like Me.
For Us, whatever We have tried to destroy (if We appeared successful) was merely buried and it rotted and festered to re-emerge even more hideous than when We buried/destroyed it.
I believe in multidimensionality and infinity. In this, nothing is ever destroyed. We have All heard (or read) that energy can not be destroyed. I guess that in infinity everything is energy.
When there is a belief, fear or behaviour that I wish to change (or move beyond) I accept it, own it, honor it, send it love and set it free. Then I add a new belief or behaviour ( I do this through self-hypnosis, mantras, affirmations, practice, awareness, observation and repetition). It rarely happens overnight. My old belief,fear or behaviour is free to inhabit whatever world or reality it may fit in and I Am free to revisit it anytime I want. I can love it (anything really) and not want to live with it. As I have said many times before: “It is much easier to love someOne or something than it is to like “them”/it.
I want to re-emphasize (and it was re-emphasized in night school) that I Am NOT saying any other method, teaching or belief is wrong because it is NOT wrong.
There are an infinite number of possibilities and ways and methods. We each add Our preference to the soup.
There are choices that explore another version of limitation and that is great. We chose to explore everything. It takes All of Us to get this exploring done. One aspect or version or part of the whole simply can't do it All. Just as the hands are hard pressed to serve as the foot and certainly don't do well as the heart or nose and definitely can't do it All at the same time, so do Our different aspects and parts of the whole function in “their” role but are unable to do it All at the same time. There is nothing wrong in this and certainly no dishonor.
I choose to be aware of as much as possible. I want to explore everything I can get My hands and mind on. I want to taste limitlessness and variety. Many (in fact most) people do not want this, at least not at this time. I know that it is okay.
I see and experience how it can be difficult to experience alternate realities at the same time while awake. I think I Am getting the hang of it with two or maybe three realities at a time but no more than that. At least no more yet.
Here is the example I was given. Some people enjoy lifting weights. I don't. That does not make weight lifting bad. I don't want to destroy weights, weight lifting and weight lifters. I allow “them” to exist in “their” world, I even (on rare occasion) visit “their” world if only briefly.
We create/project what We dwell on, Our preference. Our needs often guide Us to be where We need to be in order to experience what We want to experience. Often, We are unaware of these desires and choices for “they” occur at a deeper level than Our conscious mind.
To be honest, I wonder if any of this makes sense to anyOne besides Me. It feels like the clarification may be muddier than the confusion. Yet, it clarifies many things for Me.
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