Taking a look at what there is to be done.
(From night school last night)
I was aware of being on a ship, this was by choice not an abduction. That was about All I was aware of and I knew that I was getting adjusted and I was okay with that. I visited some alternate realities but most of the night felt blank. The alternate realities were fun and interesting but mostly recreational. If I had experienced visits like these when I first became aware of doing this it would have been very exciting. Now, it is fun but not really informative.
There is certainly nothing wrong with the fun dreams. The experiences continue to be new and fun. That is something We need to keep in mind, to have fun. One dream was about having replicas of MySelf to do a lot of stuff. During the time-span of the dream these replicas did as much as “they” were able and then returned to Me to recharge (so to speak). It reminded Me of cars (or service/repair vehicles) returning to the garage/office/warehouse at the end of a work day. The different part was that: I was this garage. All these replicas are aspects of Me and We re-merged. As I type this up I see All the symbology and meaning in there. And here it seemed like just play. Isn't it great when play turns out to be work and vise-versa?
The thing is that most of the night still felt blank. Then I real-eyesed that the blank nights and parts of nights could be those times I Am visiting someOne else's dream but don't relate to or understand what “they” are dreaming. Visiting but not intruding perhaps. I Am there to offer aid and support but NOT to interfere. So, I make My presence known but mainly give moral support. I let “them” know I care and am willing to help but I can not enter uninvited. (Lots in there too, interesting.)
Then as I started to wake I got this mass of information that I had been getting All night. It felt like a jumbled pile of stuff that I needed to sort. Needed to just sit with it is more accurate but You know the human mind: “Now, what am I going to do with this mess”? It rarely occurs to Us to just sit and look at it and let it take care of itSelf.
I was feeling kind of numb and disconnected and of course wondering why. I guess I was in observer mode. I started thinking about My second reality. That made Me happy. Then I One-dered if I was resist-dancing getting into My physical life. There was something to that and that is when All the stuff started coming out so here goes:
Many/most of the people who want freedom don't know what to do with it.
As upset, frantic, worried and stressed as most people (the masses) are, most would rather just go on with life as usual with maybe a little relief. These are the people (who still make up the majority of the world) who look to and expect the government(s) to “fix” things. We often call these the sheeple, the automatons and muggles.
Then We have those who urgently desire change and want to be a part of that but many still don't want to take any responsibility either for what has gone on or for “their” future. These people have sent out a cry that has been heard around the multi-verse. A call for help because We can not see any way We can change this world by OurSelves.
We have spent sooooo many lifetimes abdicating Our power that We truly do NOT know how to take it back. Add to that the fact that most people don't even WANT to take it back.
Our call had been heard and is being answered.
However, We can't expect to just sit idly by and let someOne else “fix Us” and Our world. That is what most people would choose if it is an option.
We are going to have to get in and do some digging for OurSelves. We now have the assistance We need but these are not hit teams and cleanup squads. Haven't We had enough of that All-ready? Isn't that what got Us where We are? Didn't We learn anything from the French Revolution?
Well................... most people want to be done for and done to rather than owning “their” own power. That is the truth of it. Most of Us are still blaming others rather than owning that We gave Our power away. We say “they” took or “they” did etc. Rather than accepting that I let “them”. I even asked “them” to take responsibility and make the decisions and tell Me how to live My life.
That is why We will enter into a transition period. How long this will last is up to Us but I gotta say it feels like it will be quite lengthy. Those at the forefront (who are willing) are going to have to take leadership roles. For some this may be a welcome opportunity and that could easily be Our downfall.
We need leaders who will walk beside the people and help “them” NOT do for “them” and keep “them” as the slaves We have been for sooooo
I have often said that the best place to lead from is from the rear. It may be best (and safest) but not the easiest.
This is the real work that lies before Us. Tearing down the old isn't All that hard. Building the new, on a solid foundation as something that will last and actually be different and equal is a real challenge.
The place to begin is to come from love and be love. That is the requirement for real change. That change must start from the inside and work it's way out into manifestation. This is going to require some time and patience.
It would seem to be much easier and faster to just rush in and “fix” everything and then sort it All out later. Folks, We have tried that before.
We need help getting through this transition BUT it has got TO BE Us and it must begin on the inside.
As I have said before this will require a transition and there will be many versions of reality coexisting. It will not be easy to lead and guide because of these varied realities AND the free choice of billions of people.
Basically, it will require the masses real-I-sing “their” magnificence, power and divinity and taking charge of “their” lives. There will be many bumps, bruises and skinned knees as We each learn to ride Our own bicycle. As I put All this information (that I was given) into words, I Am reminded that there is the 100th monkey principle and/or critical mass.
We reached critical mass as far as calling for help and change. Next, We will need to reach critical mass recognizing and owning Our power, abilities and divinity. The choice remains Ours, each individual has choice.