Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Night School "What there is to be done" 2-29-2012


Taking a look at what there is to be done.

(From night school last night)

I was aware of being on a ship, this was by choice not an abduction. That was about All I was aware of and I knew that I was getting adjusted and I was okay with that. I visited some alternate realities but most of the night felt blank. The alternate realities were fun and interesting but mostly recreational. If I had experienced visits like these when I first became aware of doing this it would have been very exciting. Now, it is fun but not really informative.

There is certainly nothing wrong with the fun dreams. The experiences continue to be new and fun. That is something We need to keep in mind, to have fun. One dream was about having replicas of MySelf to do a lot of stuff. During the time-span of the dream these replicas did as much as “they” were able and then returned to Me to recharge (so to speak). It reminded Me of cars (or service/repair vehicles) returning to the garage/office/warehouse at the end of a work day. The different part was that: I was this garage. All these replicas are aspects of Me and We re-merged. As I type this up I see All the symbology and meaning in there. And here it seemed like just play. Isn't it great when play turns out to be work and vise-versa?

The thing is that most of the night still felt blank. Then I real-eyesed that the blank nights and parts of nights could be those times I Am visiting someOne else's dream but don't relate to or understand what “they” are dreaming. Visiting but not intruding perhaps. I Am there to offer aid and support but NOT to interfere. So, I make My presence known but mainly give moral support. I let “them” know I care and am willing to help but I can not enter uninvited. (Lots in there too, interesting.)

Then as I started to wake I got this mass of information that I had been getting All night. It felt like a jumbled pile of stuff that I needed to sort. Needed to just sit with it is more accurate but You know the human mind: “Now, what am I going to do with this mess”? It rarely occurs to Us to just sit and look at it and let it take care of itSelf.

I was feeling kind of numb and disconnected and of course wondering why. I guess I was in observer mode. I started thinking about My second reality. That made Me happy. Then I One-dered if I was resist-dancing getting into My physical life. There was something to that and that is when All the stuff started coming out so here goes:

Many/most of the people who want freedom don't know what to do with it.

As upset, frantic, worried and stressed as most people (the masses) are, most would rather just go on with life as usual with maybe a little relief. These are the people (who still make up the majority of the world) who look to and expect the government(s) to “fix” things. We often call these the sheeple, the automatons and muggles.

Then We have those who urgently desire change and want to be a part of that but many still don't want to take any responsibility either for what has gone on or for “their” future. These people have sent out a cry that has been heard around the multi-verse. A call for help because We can not see any way We can change this world by OurSelves.

We have spent sooooo many lifetimes abdicating Our power that We truly do NOT know how to take it back. Add to that the fact that most people don't even WANT to take it back.

Our call had been heard and is being answered.

However, We can't expect to just sit idly by and let someOne else “fix Us” and Our world. That is what most people would choose if it is an option.

We are going to have to get in and do some digging for OurSelves. We now have the assistance We need but these are not hit teams and cleanup squads. Haven't We had enough of that All-ready? Isn't that what got Us where We are? Didn't We learn anything from the French Revolution?

Well................... most people want to be done for and done to rather than owning “their” own power. That is the truth of it. Most of Us are still blaming others rather than owning that We gave Our power away. We say “they” took or “they” did etc. Rather than accepting that I let “them”. I even asked “them” to take responsibility and make the decisions and tell Me how to live My life.

That is why We will enter into a transition period. How long this will last is up to Us but I gotta say it feels like it will be quite lengthy. Those at the forefront (who are willing) are going to have to take leadership roles. For some this may be a welcome opportunity and that could easily be Our downfall.

We need leaders who will walk beside the people and help “them” NOT do for “them” and keep “them” as the slaves We have been for sooooo

I have often said that the best place to lead from is from the rear. It may be best (and safest) but not the easiest.

This is the real work that lies before Us. Tearing down the old isn't All that hard. Building the new, on a solid foundation as something that will last and actually be different and equal is a real challenge.

The place to begin is to come from love and be love. That is the requirement for real change. That change must start from the inside and work it's way out into manifestation. This is going to require some time and patience.

It would seem to be much easier and faster to just rush in and “fix” everything and then sort it All out later. Folks, We have tried that before.

We need help getting through this transition BUT it has got TO BE Us and it must begin on the inside.

As I have said before this will require a transition and there will be many versions of reality coexisting. It will not be easy to lead and guide because of these varied realities AND the free choice of billions of people.

Basically, it will require the masses real-I-sing “their” magnificence, power and divinity and taking charge of “their” lives. There will be many bumps, bruises and skinned knees as We each learn to ride Our own bicycle. As I put All this information (that I was given) into words, I Am reminded that there is the 100th monkey principle and/or critical mass.

We reached critical mass as far as calling for help and change. Next, We will need to reach critical mass recognizing and owning Our power, abilities and divinity. The choice remains Ours, each individual has choice.

Today "Getting stuck and moving right along" 2/29/12


Getting stuck and moving right along
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:06:54 AM

Good morning. I'm trying again to download the free energy book, fits and starts but at least I Am able to keep restarting it and make progress.

I'm typing up night school and as usual this triggers some things I had forgotten. I visited several alternate realities but mostly visited potential futures for Us. I got night school typed up and will let it set a bit in case I remember more.

I see that I have a lot of email, I joined two more groups yesterday and may have to set those to daily digest or forgo some of My other reading. It looks like My download may actually be working well this time. It wasn't working well but eventually I got it.

After I posted night school I remembered that I had also gotten some type of download. Don't know how to explain it, but I just knew that was what was happening. During that I also saw (visually saw the letters kind of floating in space) some kind of code in a language I don't know.

I spent some time in the chat room and then it was time to head to town. I got stuck in My driveway. That hasn't happened in years. I was happy that I didn't panic or freak. I walked to the neighbor across the road who was home and he pulled Me out.

No other events on the trip, the roads were quite slick, the bright sun during the day is putting a nice glaze on the roads.

When I got home I let My plow guy know that I had gotten stuck. He's supposed to come plow whenever We get this much snow, don't know what happened. I have been getting the feeling this winter that he would like Me to get someOne else. He wasn't home so I couldn't talk to him but left the message and My number and email.

I had dinner and started a movie. I'm going to catch up on some email and then check out the chatroom, it was supposed to have been busy last night around this time.

Well, that took Me up to dream time. Met some new friends and had an All around good time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Night School "Ships and changes" 2-28-2012


Ships and changes

(From night school last night)

The first thing I remember dreaming about was space ships. Nothing really specific but I do think it is the first time I remember dreaming about watching or seeing ships. I saw “them” at a distance in the sky and just felt reassured and comforted. Many people have been waiting for the ships to rescue Us or destroy Us. I don't feel “they” will be doing either. I do feel Our space brothers and sisters are aspects of Our expanded Self and will help Us. In My dreams there were a lot of ships but “they” didn't land, not yet or not in mass.

I dreamed of several different realities which was fun as All-ways but the most important seemed to be looking at the changes in Us. I guess You could say that I was shown a possible or probable future time-line. It was not date specific but rather a view of how We may (I'm gonna say probably will) evolve. As I draw up those memories I Am strongly reminded of My second reality.

I do feel that My second reality is like a template for the world We are evolving. We get to pick and choose what fits each of Us. It is like being in a clothing store. This will be very popular for avid shoppers as We are choosing what fits Us every moment from here on out. Perhaps that will be Our new jobs, shopping for evolution?????

I think I should mention that in the passed (with One vivid exception) I was never aware of receiving any foretellings so I do think this is probably important. I know that I can't tell what exactly Our world will evolve into as We are still shopping. I feel strongly that there will be many versions, it will no longer be a One size fits All world. There will be need of much shopping and manufacture (so to speak). That will be another job: creating. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here.

I know that I really do want to spend a lot of time paying attention to My others, especially the youngstars. Ever since I found I Am accepted by “them” I have developed a definite fondness. I don't want to tell “them” what to do, I want to watch “them” and learn from “them” and encourage “them” and accept “them”. That is why I don't fit in a current job working with youngstars.

It may appear I have digressed but I think not.

We are evolving daily and choosing what We wish to wear as Our new Selves. Our personalities will be Our arraignment as surely as any clothing, much more actually. We will have diverse realities co-existing. There are also different dimensions and on and on but I was mostly shown different realities within the fifth dimension. That is quite enough to handle for a while.

There is sooooo much change happening it does tend to make One's head spin. I watched many people morphing as if in time-lapse photography. Some were adopting new skills (or remembering would be more accurate) and deciding what tools “they” want in “their” tool box for exploring life.

To Me this is very exciting. We are CHOOSING. We have millenia before Us and finally We will no longer feel like All the choices have been made for Us. Again, there may be some who can not handle even that change, not yet. That is okay, We love “them” and make room for “them” at Our table.

For Me, I must reiterate that love is crucial here. I Am confidant that this is another choice and there will be people who neglect love and make the forward looking changes. I Am also confidant that these changes won't last until/unless “they” are made from/as love. Those with other motives will probably find “themSelves” living an existence very much like what We All see currently. Without love, there is really very little difference between walking and teleporting Once both are familiar. Once familiar, everything gets mundane and bothersome without love.

I saw people testing “their” newly remembered abilities, I saw a lot of smiles. It seems I did a lot of observing, perhaps I was a chronicler. Perhaps I had fallen while practicing flying and only remember looking around and watching everyOne else? I remember smiling a lot MySelf.

Today "Found a new chatroom" 2/27/12


Found a new chatroom
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:41:21 AM

Good morning. There doesn't seem to be much report from last night but there were lots of dreams, in fact I'm still there. Perhaps if I start typing up My dreams I will recall more. I don't remember anything from night school. It seems like that part of the night is a blank.

I'm having a lot of trouble with My Internet connection this morning (not to mention My mental connection) I may need to go back to dreaming for a while.

I real-eyesed that I'm walking between worlds today. I didn't get it at first because these other worlds have grown more familiar. I like that. I still haven't typed anything up from last night nor gone back to dreaming. I think I'm doing some waking dreaming, good practice. I do have to really concentrate to do complicated tasks like pouring water, walking etc. The reality I see has snow falling from the sky. I'm really not certain how much I Am in that reality and how much I Am in another. The impressions from My second reality are clearer and stronger but that doesn't feel like where I Am either.

It does take some getting used to and practice this multi-D living. I have time and I can find the patience.

I got the chatroom to work w/My dial-up but can only do text has a good time connecting with some new friends. Spent most of My day on there.

Had bad Internet connections All day.

Got a link for a bunch of free energy information, haven't gotten good enough connection to download it yet.

A little more reading and then time for more dreaming.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Today "Some exploring" 2/26/12


Some exploring

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:17:21 AM

Good morning. Very interesting night with a mix of dreams and night school and I'm not sure if I will be able to really sort “them” out. I'm taking My time with typing “them” up. Waking was All about being able to stay in My alternate realities AND walk around in the physical so I'm experiencing that and enjoying it a lot.

I Am enjoying being My portal Self this morning. Lots of comings and goings, it's fun.

I got night school typed up, sitting back and enjoying feeling My connection to My second reality. I can't get a good enough connection to listen to any interviews this morning so I'll read and zone out, spend more time in reality number two.

I continue to envision this more that We are. It seems to be getting closer to My waking reality. It is present in My second reality, at least to some degree and I feel certain that Once We adjust to that much We will find that there is something even more and this will continue throughout eternity. I do feel that I Am beginning to experience My second reality and to transform My current reality into something more.

I decided to go dream a while, good stuff. More portals and second reality connection.

I finally got around to making some more home-made granola. I made a batch a while back and had enough ingredients for another batch but just hadn't done it.

It was finally nice enough outside (20 above 0F) to use My swing. Felt very nicely connected to everything.

Just found out about a chatroom for starseeds and joined. We'll see how that goes.

My granola is done and great.

Finally got the software downloaded for the chatroom so I can try it with My dial-up.

Been reading several articles/channels about the financial changes. Don't fully understand it All. Not sure why We need a monetary system at All if We are All equal but I can see that it is a necessary transition. What I do like is that what I Am reading is focused on equality, connection, divinity of All and love. I theel that will be the only way the changes will be lasting.

The moon, Jupiter and Venus are out beautifully arrayed again. Looks like a perfect right triangle tonight.

I did a lot of looking within and time holding My second reality in mind.

Today "Retrospects and experiences" 2/25/12


Retrospects and experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:00:14 AM

Good morning. I typed up night school, so much in there. I forgot to mention some stuff about choices. We really are in a time of change and choice. These choices are at a deep level and can not really be made as flights of fancy. Many may not be (probably won't be) aware of these choices. Some choices take Us to a reality that is right next door, others to realities that seem to be on the other side of the multi-verse.

Perhaps I was a bit in error, some choices can AND WILL be made as flights of fancy. But the choice that takes Us into uncharted territory or keeps Us locked in the familiar is much deeper.

I really am enjoying being aware of My second reality coexisting. It feels nice to have it there, in My mind, keeping Me company and reminding Me of some of what is possible. I Am also reminded that expectations are a real stumbling block for Me. I tend (as seems to be fairly normal) to think My physical world should evolve in a certain way. When it does something else then I call MySelf a failure. I Am seeing that this is really not the case at All. Truth is I Am a huge success but My expectations were so sooooo much less than My possibilities.

This took Me to time to go to town and visit My friends. I shared some of My dreams and reading with “them”. We had a nice dinner and played cards.

When I stopped at the store there was a guy (probably college age) in the parking lot having car trouble. I asked if he needed a jump and he said: “No, I wish it was that simple.” It was only 10 degrees outside and he was so cold and panicked there really wasn't much I could do to help. His father (who is a mechanic) was on the way so I just stayed there and talked with the guy until his father arrived. It wasn't until night school that I saw the significance of this encounter.

When I got home the crescent moon, Jupiter and Venus were clearly visible in a triangle even tho it was sooooo cloudy that no other stars were out. I had read about this on but had not seen it yet. I got it that the night of the full moon (when I had been hoping to get a picture of the full moon) the only two stars I saw were Jupiter and Venus shining through the clouds and All the other stars were obscured by the clouds. I had told My friends about reading about this so I called “them” and “they” had just been out looking at it too. It was quite an amazing sight.

I was able to get a good enough connection to listen to an interview with Little Grandmother. It was very interesting and more confirmation of what I Am intuiting. I noticed (Once again) how terms I never heard (from anyOne but MySelf) a few years ago are now being used by many. Terms like: “I Am”, the planet healing, living AS love, being love, love is energy, shifting this energy, etc. With that I was off to dream.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Night School "Portals, realities and panic" 2-26-2012


Portals, realities and panic

(From night school last night)

I had a lot of dreams about alternate realities and portals. There were lots of comings and goings. I saw Our reality from an expanded perspective and it is sooooo much more than We think it is. I was reminded of the term: “The fabric of Our reality” and I saw how accurate this really is. What We think of as solid and unmovable is more like a gauze fabric blown about by the winds.

This gets confusing because We think that if what We see is illusion then it isn't real and it certainly seems real. That is because it is real, Our belief makes it real. It just is NOT as solid AND absolute as We think it is. It is much more changeable than We think it is and Once We get that into Our belief system it is much easier to change than We can possibly dream of right now. There is also much more that is also real, but it doesn't become real for Us until We believe in it.

So, here I Am manning My portal(s) and this fellow comes flying through, buck naked and lands flat on his face. (I Am on the limitation 3D side of some portal somewhere) The poor fellow is quite disoriented so I do My best to calm him down and assure him everything is quite All right and this kind of thing actually happens All the time. (At this point I guess the limitation part goes away) I unzip the air and reach into a vast wardrobe and find some clothes that will fit the guy quite nicely. I explain to him that in this world he has to wear clothes as it is the custom. He can't imagine anything quite so bizarre and these silly things are really very uncomfortable rubbing against the skin and All. I have to agree but it is the custom here. Then a woman comes flying through in much the same condition. At times like these I really am much too modest for My own good but I fumble through the wardrobe and after several tries (it's hard to find the right size when I'm not looking at the subject) We get some things that fit her. Then We set off for “their” first adventures in this reality.

This type of thing went on most of the night. It was interesting to experience looking at thin air and opening closet doors or unzipping the air and revealing a wardrobe or whatever lies behind/within the air. Just reach into a cupboard (that wasn't there before I reached) and pull out whatever I'm after. I could (and want to) get used to this. I Am reminded that in My waking world I Am just beginning to learn about this stuff so I need to be patient with Me.

I get to see how in little ways I Am making progress in My waking world. Baby steps which sometimes are GIANT baby steps and sometimes it is One step forward and two steps back. This is just the way that it works the best for Me.

Then I take a look at the situation with the kid and his broken-down truck (from My waking world the previous evening). I knew what was happening and I knew how cold he was yet I was locked up and couldn't think of anything to do, like a total blank. Why was that? The guy was cold and panicked and that was contagious. Panic is contagious. I didn't panic but neither could I think. He was in a frenzy like what I call My: “I gotta win” state. He knew he was doing the same thing over and over, he even said: “I keep doing this and it All-ways does this. Now I'm losing feeling in My fingers.” The guy had gotten his wires crossed (literally) and though I knew what was happening I could NOT tell him or see a solution.

I was quite relieved when his father (a mechanic) showed up and I was able to break out of My trance.

I saw how this is a metaphor for what is happening in the world. Many people are frantic and in panic and it is contagious. Even those who aren't in a panic are having a very hard time thinking clearly.

After I got away from this panic attack I was able to articulate (in My mind) what was happening and how to get the wires back the way “they” are supposed to be.

Then I reviewed the many alternate realities I had visited and the many portal crossings I had assisted with. I remembered reaching into the air and pulling out whatever I was reaching for. I start to say: “whatever I need” but I really am trying to change that thinking. I want to stay in dream land, everything is so simple there. I Am reminded that I can (and have been) bringing this with Me into waking. Perhaps I don't bring the fullness of it into waking but I bring bits and pieces and the rest will come with time.

I Am also reminded of the importance (for Me) of love. I truly think that We can change Our world, WE/I can learn to do the things I Am dreaming of even without love but the result will be nothing actually any better than what We had before. That is NOT what I want. I want to see and be change that is beneficial. Without love, the most fantastic and positive change will deteriorate.

That love is part of real-I-sing that We are All connected.

Today "Retrospects and experiences" 2/26/12


Retrospects and experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:00:14 AM

Good morning. I typed up night school, so much in there. I forgot to mention some stuff about choices. We really are in a time of change and choice. These choices are at a deep level and can not really be made as flights of fancy. Many may not be (probably won't be) aware of these choices. Some choices take Us to a reality that is right next door, others to realities that seem to be on the other side of the multi-verse.

Perhaps I was a bit in error, some choices can AND WILL be made as flights of fancy. But the choice that takes Us into uncharted territory or keeps Us locked in the familiar is much deeper.

I really am enjoying being aware of My second reality coexisting. It feels nice to have it there, in My mind, keeping Me company and reminding Me of some of what is possible. I Am also reminded that expectations are a real stumbling block for Me. I tend (as seems to be fairly normal) to think My physical world should evolve in a certain way. When it does something else then I call MySelf a failure. I Am seeing that this is really not the case at All. Truth is I Am a huge success but My expectations were so sooooo much less than My possibilities.

This took Me to time to go to town and visit My friends. I shared some of My dreams and reading with “them”. We had a nice dinner and played cards.

When I stopped at the store there was a guy (probably college age) in the parking lot having car trouble. I asked if he needed a jump and he said: “No, I wish it was that simple.” It was only 10 degrees outside and he was so cold and panicked there really wasn't much I could do to help. His father (who is a mechanic) was on the way so I just stayed there and talked with the guy until his father arrived. It wasn't until night school that I saw the significance of this encounter.

When I got home the crescent moon, Jupiter and Venus were clearly visible in a triangle even tho it was sooooo cloudy that no other stars were out. I had read about this on but had not seen it yet. I got it that the night of the full moon (when I had been hoping to get a picture of the full moon) the only two stars I saw were Jupiter and Venus shining through the clouds and All the other stars were obscured by the clouds. I had told My friends about reading about this so I called “them” and “they” had just been out looking at it too. It was quite an amazing sight.

I was able to get a good enough connection to listen to an interview with Little Grandmother. It was very interesting and more confirmation of what I Am intuiting. I noticed (Once again) how terms I never heard (from anyOne but MySelf) a few years ago are now being used by many. Terms like: “I Am”, the planet healing, living AS love, being love, love is energy, shifting this energy, etc. With that I was off to dream.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Night School "Multiple realities" 2-25-2012


Multiple realities

(From night school last night)

Once again the lessons waited until I was waking. A night filled with dreams gave the background information.

I spent the night visiting many different realities. This brought up the question of what is different about My new (second) reality that I recently started to incorporate into My waking life. The answer became clearer at the end of the excursions.

The variety of realities I visited was so vast it is hard to hold in My mind much less put into words. There were worlds that I totally related to and worlds where it felt like I had nothing or All-most nothing in common. I interacted in most (if not All) of these worlds and sometimes I was baffled at My ability to fit in.

I know that over the passed few years (if not My entire life and many lives before) I have been visiting a number of different realities. Many of “them” have been as varied as what I experienced last night. I have woken many times knowing that I had dreamt but because what I dreamt was so different from what I Am familiar with (or just plain sooooo much) that I could not remember anything about where I had been.

I don't usually remember visiting many, many worlds in One night, until recently. Most of the worlds were populated by humans or at least humanoids but there were some straight out of the “Star Wars” bar.

Some realities were familiar, I recognized “them” from previous dream visits. I did get an impression that appears contradictory to My previous thoughts and feelings. It seems that in some of these worlds I Am only a visitor not a resident. I had thought that there was a version of Me in each world and reality. I asked My mind about this and the answer was: “You made a choice.” As I type this I get the feeling that this is about re-uniting with My castaways and rejects. That would make sense. As We reconnect with Our other aspects We no longer leave “them” scattered around the multi-verse. Not to worry, no One goes anywhere. That only makes sense from a multi-D perspective. Definitely, no One re-unites before “they” are ready.

As different as All these worlds are, “they” All had something in common with each other and with My current primary reality. (I say current because I do feel that My second reality will soon become My primary.) The level of activity is very similar. “They” are busy, busy, busy and life in All these realities seems to require effort.

This is where class seems to begin.

I focus on My second reality. What is the difference? Ease, no effort, being not doing. There is activity but it is calm and relaxed not hurried and labor-some. Is this the fifth dimension and the others 3D? The answer is not clear. The others are definitely limitation 3D, no doubt about that. Many, many realities All within (or versions of) limitation 3D.

I get the feeling that 5D is about the choices, I Am quite certain of that and that is about All I Am certain of.

If My second reality is also 3D, it is a very expanded 3D and if not limitless 3D at least a lot less limits 3D. I get the feeling that it could be 5D or 3D and that doesn't make much sense at All. I get the impression of: a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not necessarily a square.

In My second reality I Am still on the edge/fringe which is represented by a beach or shore. My nearby aspect is still an inseparable part of Me. We walk closer than hand in hand yet We are distinct also. I usually see My other friends at a distance but when I focus on “them” (think about “them”) “they” come closer. I don't see “them” walk the distance between Us (even though “they” do walk or glide around) it is more like the zoom lens on a camera. I get the thought of bi-locating.

This is further enforced when I real-eyes that My companion is on the beach with Me AND further into this (second) reality. This would be thought of as further inland in Our current mindset but I definitely feel that is a misconception.

Now, I experience being a gatekeeper in this (second) reality. There is a new arrival, just appeared (as if from nowhere) right next to Me. “I've only been here a few days, how can I help?” “Because that is longer than 'they' have been here. Plus, You are a gatekeeper, You All-ready knew that.”

Does that mean You are new here too?” “No, I was much further in but I came to You because of Our previous connection.” “So, because of Me You are sort of back at the beginning”? “Not at All, I Am still further in also. I Am both here AND there. Soon You will be too”.

Oh”. What else could I say?

I try to comfort and reassure the new arrival. “They” keep fading in and out. I Am told We All (usually) do that at first. There is no rush, here We get to just be. Rushing is for other worlds.

I experience My houseplant growing and changing. There is a new set of front steps that I have been imagining lately. “They” are large and grand. These steps are alive, a bit like a serpent in the way “they” move about. The surface of each step is large enough that the movement is not a problem and somehow there is no question of falling off. It is All-most like Once on the steps there is no off until You get to where You are going. The steps seem to be made of living rock and wood and flowers, lots of lovely flowers.

I start to ask the new arrival if “they” see any of this but the look on “their” face tells Me “they” just need to be on the beach a while. I can relate to that.

I send My attention out into the multi-verse. I see Me at many gates/portals in many lands. In some I take new arrivals on a tour (so to speak) of what is on the other side. Interesting to note that the other side can be either side depending on where a person is familiar with. In this world, I stay positioned at the gate/portal with an arrival until “they” are ready to move on. Then I may pass “them” off to someOne else to guide or if We are more connected (like My other aspect who greeted Me) I may stay with “them” as “they” venture in. I do All this at the same time as I venture into the reality with My friend(s).

At this point I decide to get out of bed. There is no fear of losing this reality as I wake and enter My current primary reality. I now have both. The new/second reality is still less physical but not less real. That has All-ways been My choice to make, whether to believe in it or not.

I know now, that even if I do slide into My second reality as My primary, I can AND WILL visit these other realities often. That is part of what I do.

I AM a gatekeeper.

Today "Growing familiar" 2/24/12


Growing familiar

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:07:51 AM

Good morning. A nice quiet night of being and paying attention. My alternate reality was present All night. As I was getting up I real-eyesed that My new reality had been here All along (or at least a long time) I just had not been aware of it.

How many things does that apply to???????? I remembered that whenever I say: “I want” I Am saying that I don't have.

The thing was that because this other reality isn't physical (yet?) or at least doesn't appear physical to Me (I can't see it with My two eyes) I told MySelf that it wasn't there or wasn't real.

Yesterday I decided to pay attention, to focus on this mental image (vague as it is) that I brought with Me from My dreams and hold it in My mind AND to believe that it is real AND that it is HERE.

There are many learning and experiential opportunities for Me in this. One is getting familiar with using My third eye. I've know about My third eye for a long time and sort of accessed it from time to time BUT...................... Again, because the images were not as clear and vivid as with My physical eyes, I didn't PAY ATTENTION. Hopefully, those days are over.

I think about All the things I have put on the hidden shelf because I “only” saw “them” with My third eye or felt “them” but didn't “see”them”.

Today, I continue to hold My mental image of My new reality and My new friends. I'm pretty sure that as I grow familiar with these My experiences will grow and the reality” will feel and appear more real than it has in the passed. Actually it All-ready does.

As I begin to see My progress, it is in small things, subtle things, easily deniable things. It is My choice to believe or unbelieve. This is where, for each of Us, the magik is born or it dies. Thank All the little gods that if We turn Our back the magik waits patiently just around another corner. Or, One more trip around the mountain.

There is magik in the air.

It seems to be a magik without words. I tried to do some writing and nothing wants to flow out of My fingers. Today, that is okay and not the frustration it used to be for Me.

I'm doing some reading, and just being with Me and My two realities.

I took some time to just be very still and focus on My new reality. My friends are happy and playful. We played with some orbs and had a bonfire of some type but We weren't burning any type of fuel as everything here is living. It took a few minutes to connect with the orbs in order to find how “they” like to play and be played with.

I observed MySelf being here AND there and real-eyesed this is another obstacle I have been having. When I Am awake, I have difficulty accepting being here AND there. I Am accustomed to the belief that We can only be here OR there, not both. I know better but that doesn't mean I don't still buy into the old beliefs. I Am learning to love those and set “them” free and play in the new, expanded beliefs. I Am actually having fun with this. The new can be frustrating if We let it. Having these new friends, actually being aware of these friends beside Me and helping Me, holding My hand is very helpful.

I find that I have (or can have) a different body in My second reality. I feel very connected to the body of One of My former rejects. Yet, not quite sure if that is My body here (I'm still quite deep in My other) or if We have grown so close it is hard to distinguish between Us. The thing that I Am sure of is I have bodies that are very present in both realities at the same time.

It is an interesting sensation. Have to walk very carefully in the physical right now. It feels a lot like getting My sea legs, even when sitting.

Something I Am noticing (which I have noticed slightly before) is that many sensations which I used to judge as bad (or being sick) are actually connected to walking between worlds. This is the term I use to name being here AND there. It is disorienting at first (and second and third). The big difference is that now I enjoy it as I know what it is. I just take it very easy when in this. It is a time to be gentle with Me.

It is interesting how at times I seem to find information that seems to try to hold Me back, re-enforce separation and limitation. Other times I find support and insight. Right now I tend to be finding the support and avoiding the limiting stuff.

I watched a You Tube by Grandpa Coyote, really good stuff.

After that I was able to get MySelf enough into 3D to drive to the spring for water but don't remember anything I was thinking about on the drive?????????????

I tried to download a driver so I can use My old monitor with My laptop. I have tried before but for some reason couldn't get to the right website. I think I found the right website but lost My connection. May try again tomorrow. It would be nice for watching movies etc.

Now, it is time to do dinner and a movie.

Something that has come to mind several times today is that this mental image that I have of My friends and second reality are different from what We think of as imagination and imaginary. This is a memory and memories. It is real. Yes, We would label it imaginary in order to make it less real, to deny it to invalidate it. That is a choice. I choose to believe in MySelf.

Most of Us will access multidimensionality through Our dreams first and then in waking. That is how it is happening for Me. It is going to take a little time and practice for My second reality to seem as real as My current primary reality, but I theel it has begun.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today "Building awareness" 2/23/12


Building awareness

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:10:05 AM

Good morning. Another great night and I'm loving carrying the experience into waking. I choose to focus on My new-found reality for the time being anyway.

I'm doing some email and enjoying being aware of tow realities at Once. My familiar reality is still in the forefront and that's okay, for now. I can't keep a good Internet connection to watch any You tubes or listen to any web-casts and that is okay, I really want to be with Me today. I was hoping to watch “Touch” but it no longer seems to be available, it was there last night but I couldn't get a good enough connection. I did watch a clip and really love the theme.

Now, I'm feeling drifty. I think My alternate reality is calling. A knock on the duir.

I became more aware of Us in this other reality. We still have physical (or physical looking) bodies but Our energy field (which surrounds Us) is much more visible than in 3D. Perhaps I could say that it appears thicker, like a thin cloud or membrane and I see Our bodies through this field. So, looking at others (at least from a distance) is like looking through a thin gauze. Maybe as We get closer We are inside each others fields so We look clearer?

I Am finding it fun and interesting to observe these changes in Me as “they” occur.

So far today, I have held My vision of My alternate reality in My mind. I know there are more, many more alternate realities but for now I will call the One from My dreams last night: “My alternate reality” When I hold the vision of more I will name “them” (or something).

I dug My snow saucer out of the snow and rode it down My driveway. I cleared the snow off the seat of My swing, perhaps I'll swing in it soon. I actually spent 15 minutes in stillness without falling asleep. I held My new reality in My mind quite peacefully. I really do want to become more familiar with it and I think this is a good way to start.

Dinner and movie and off to dream.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Night School "My New-found Reality" 2-23-2012


My New-found Reality
(From night school last night)

I'm not sure if this started before I went to bed or after. I began to be aware of another reality, fully aware that of it even if it started out a little vague. I have experienced alternate realities in My dreams before, but somehow this is different. I think it was My knowing that I could now bring this reality into My waking experience if I chose to.

I might compare My previous dream experiences with a preview of a movie or TV show. My waking experiences would be like watching a short clip or trailer from a movie or TV show.

I knew that this was (or could be depending on My choice) the beginning of experiencing living in two realities (that coexist) at the same time. This could be My meeting with those new friends I had sensed as I felt into My grieving leaving My old and familiar.

The reality was fully formed and functional but I was just beginning to be aware of existing within it. This is kinda tricky. I have been All-ready but My current awareness is not there. It has been and I have experienced this but not fully. I Am full grown so it is not like a baby entering 3D. I Am not being born (so to speak) but rather: emerging as a complete being out of the ethers. At least that is My experience of it.

I Am greeted by a familiar friend. This is My recently re-united reject who had been trying frantically to get My attention a few weeks ago. I have appreciated having re-united and having this presence in My life but that was nothing compared to My joy to see and recognize and All-ready have a rapport with this aspect of Me. Also knowing that I Am being met by an aspect of MySelf is reassuring.

I can see many others off in the distance but that is kind of blurry for Me. We sit and talk, without words. I was beginning to experience this world. I was beginning to breathe, to feel the sand (We were on a beach), to smell the air and the sea and to hear the animals calling and singing.

I don't remember what We did, but We did a lot of it. I guess it was mostly just being, sitting, mind talking and breathing. There was sooooo much to breathe in that I get the feeling One would never tired of doing nothing (what We would call doing nothing). It is a feeling of being completely relaxed because there is nothing to UN-relax Me. We could (and did) just walk and enjoy.

Eventually some others came within view and were actually very close when I could see “them” clearly. I understand “they” had All-ways been nearby, I just couldn't see “them” yet. My vision is adjusting. I recognize many of these beings. I do not know whether to call “them” people or not for “they” are so much more.

This went on All night. I remember just being with these others. I remember walking and laughter but no words. We exchanged feelings and understanding without using words. There are lots of smiles.

I vaguely remember converting My cabin into the house plant I have been dreaming of. I don't know how else to explain this. It is a bit like We planted it and it grew instantly. As it grew, the physical structure that I Am familiar with transformed into living matter. I guess this is One of those: “You have to be there” experiences.

I know that I can carry this experience, this reality (not just the memory the actual experience) into My waking if I choose. Something very interesting is that I actually see these others (still hesitate to say humans or people because that it is sooooo limiting) and Our surroundings in My mind. If You have read very much of My writings You know that I don't usually see with My mind, I feel. In waking I see fine with My eyes, but I still only see limitation 3D.

Now, in My mind I see these others and Our surroundings. It is a bit like ghost images yet “they” feel as real as anything in limitation 3D. I think that this ghost image is due to being more than just physical. We (the people and surroundings) are physical AND We are more (much, much more).

I have carried this experience and these images into My waking life. I know that I can spend as much time here as I choose to give My attention to. I no longer have to go to sleep to experience this but I can feel that I may want to drift off to get deeper into My awareness of this new (to My awareness) reality. I can see All this in My mind without closing My eyes. Closing My eyes does seem to bring even more clarity but is no loner required to maintain awareness.

I know that in the passed most (and many even in the present) would call this day dreaming, hallucinating and imaginary friends. No problem. It is real to Me and I look forward to exploring more.

I definitely feel MySelf changing. The cares and concerns of this life no longer matter as much. That word (matter) is very important in All this. The physical (3D) stuff I give importance to, lend My attention to becomes matter and it does matter to Me. The more attention I pay to My new-found awareness the less matter limitation carries.

Today "Beginning to expand" 2/22/12


Beginning to expand
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:46:32 AM

Good morning. Another busy AND FUN night. I'm jazzed and gonna get started typing up night school.

Typing up and posting night school took Me right up to time to go to town. Once again I got some good insights on My drive in and even while in town. I real-eyesed that I may say/type some things that appear contradictory and perhaps even are contradictory. This would be because I Am All-ways learning. One thing I would caution everyOne is that if anyOne (including Me) says something is One way and only One way (or this is THE way it is) be very, very careful. We live in an infinite multi-verse, there is All-ways a choice.

And that is really what 2012, 5D and multi-D are All about, the choices.

We are love, there is no escaping it (We can sometimes ignore it). We are energy and I believe that energy is love. What We do with that is totally Our choice. I theel that living as love will bring All the other results We desire. That does not mean that achieving those results will cause Us to live as love nor does it necessarily mean that We are living as love. We get to decide how We wish to live and what We want to experience and what We want to believe. We get to decide Our priorities. My priority, My heart cry is love.

My trip to town was fairly uneventful and I had some down time. An odd feeling came over Me. I real-eyesed that I Am changing. There are parts of Me, ways of thinking that I Am leaving behind. I need to say good-bye to these and know I can revisit “them” whenever I want but I no longer live there. This type of think All-ways brings some grieving. To think otherwise is denial. And so I say good-bye and fare You well to some aspects of Me that no longer fit. I know that in the multi-verse “they” will have a long and fruitful life. I will give MySelf My grieving time and space.

As I look at All this and process it and allow MySelf My grieving, it is hard to describe how I feel. It's not like the world is going any where, it's not that I'm going anywhere but My perception is changing, the way I relate to the world is changing. Perhaps it relates to how many of Us have felt like We never quite fit in and now I will have even less in common with most people than before and have even less people that I have anything in common with.

As I thought of this I felt that I will be making new friends, some I have All-ready met in dream. Some I communicate with even while awake. I don't remember having imaginary friends as a child, I waited until I grew up. I feel that I will be making even more friends who can relate to Me. However, this is an unknown or at least new experience.

While I was in town I also read some more from: Children of the Now by Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey. One of the things that she was talking about was: some orbs being or containing a child's consciousness. I know I have experienced encounters with these in dreams even though I Am only beginning to see any orbs. Again, this may be due to My not being predominantly visual. I feel the children's consciousness before I see it.

I couldn't get a good enough connection to listen to any web-casts but I really didn't expect to and really didn't want to listen to any because I didn't want to be distracted from where My mind was going. My mind was going for more.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Night School "Visiting realities" 2-22-2012


Visiting realities

(From night school last night)

I started in a modernistic world, possibly the future. The group I was in/with lived in a different dimension than the majority of the world. We were (what some people refer to as) watchers. We live full lives too, but We watch other dimensions. I assume it was/is 3D that We watch but that was not the point.

We were in this other dimension as much as in Our own but the people in the other dimension did not see Us. I think it is important to note that it was NOT that “they” could not see Us it is that “they” DO not see Us. I saw the two dimensions mingle but there was a sort of clear film between the two. This may be what is referred to as the veil or faerie mists.

EveryOne was living normal lives, side by side. The difference was how We chose to live those lives. Actually, it was more that in Our dimension We were aware that We DO choose how We live Our lives. The other dimension looked and acted more like the sheeple clan. “They” strongly resembled automatons.

Next I was a soldier-messenger in a time that felt like Roman times but I was in service to an empress or queen. It seemed that We were peaceful people. The need for soldiers seemed superfluous but I definitely felt like I was a soldier not a warrior however.

Then I was in what seemed like current times. This is where the lessons began. The common thread throughout living in these different civilizations was that I experienced MySelf as more than just My physical body. This is very important. I have believed that I Am more than My physical body for some time, but I have NOT experienced it before, not that I remember anyway.

The question I have been asking is: “Can I live free of need”? And then: “How do I live free of need”? I spent the night experiencing living free of need. I was aware that I was doing what Burt Goldman calls: “Quantum jumping”. I was aware that I was not only observing MySelf doing and living the way I want but I experienced it.

As I experienced this expanded Me I was also aware of watching this. That is part of being expanded I guess. We are the experience and the experiencer and the observer and much more.

The catch was that this expanded Me was also experienced at living this way. The current Me is familiar with limitation. Another very important point.

My classmates are also familiar with limitation and We were All doing expansion/multidimensional for the first or seventh time. We are All new to this.

The first thing that happened was that a student was startled/scared/surprised and exploded a van full of equipment. (Fortunately no One was hurt and I don't know if this required and intervention by the instructors or not) This explosion was very noticeable in both dimensions.

The instructors let Us know (in no uncertain terms) that this is exactly why We need to practice and why night school is important.

We went on to have many experiences similar to a group of children learning to eat with forks, riding bicycles, falling off rocks, swimming, etc. Lots of etheric bumps and bruises.

What really surprised Me was the emotions We still had. We still have anger and fear as well as love. Multidimensional is more, not less. We got to choose what to do with these emotions and that is very important also.

The main thing I took away from All this is that We have to learn how to live and function in multidimensional reality. I really expected to arrive ready and raring to go. Once again I expected to start at the finish line. The problem with that is that there is no finish line. We have to start at the starting line which is wherever We are. Then We have to learn through experience, experiment and practice.

I got to see how I Am beginning AND making progress. I got to experience how We get to make choices as We grow and expand. It remains a choice whether to live in love and spread love or to live as something else. This too was a real surprise to Me. I thought that being multidimensional and living in and as love were synonymous. I got to experience that this just isn't so.

I experienced being love, I experienced falling off My bike (so to speak), I experienced spreading love and joy to My dimensions and I experienced anger and fear. I really should have known it would All be there, I've dreamt about that before yet I got a bit confused and disoriented.

I experienced being love, have I mentioned experiencing being love? I experienced being a being without needs. That is an awesome feeling but it is something We have to learn how to do. Not quite the right words there, it is something We have to learn how to be. We have to own Our beliefs to the contrary and love “them” and set “them” free. Then We have to do that until We and Our beliefs are free. Then We have to practice just being. We have to allow OurSelves to be and be freely.  AND, it is ALL choice.  If We choose, We can do it differently or not do it at All.  Therein lies the beauty.

Limitation, separation and need gave Us the experience of limitation, separation and need. Now, if We choose We can experience being limitless, connected and complete (free of need). It will take practice. We tend to revert to the familiar. And when We do, We just get back on that bike and start pedaling again.

Today "Thoughts and daydreams" 2/21/12


Thoughts and daydreams

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:44:10 AM

Good morning. I don't remember anything from last night. I know that I had lots of dreams but I have no idea what I dreamed. I think this is a day to just be. I can do: “just be”.

I listened to a short meditation for the new moon today. Then I went back to dreaming. I did remember that last night I spent a lot of My dreams time traveling. I did that a little more this time too. I looked at being more. There is sooooo much to that. We (being human) tend to want to imagine or even know what something new will be like. The “more” is beyond Our current imagining.

Somewhere in there (last night or this morning) I experienced beginning to build this new world(s). It was quite interesting to be standing there (or sitting or floating or.....) and start with a clean slate. I was like a child looking at a very complex toy or into vast empty space: “What do I do with this?”

Perhaps that really is where We are. I do think this world will (is in) transition so I'm not at All sure how that will work. I do believe in infinite possibilities.

I was thinking about back when I first started working with the statement/belief: “I Am”. Obviously I got that from the Bible. I also thought I was gonna get in big trouble for thinking that it might possibly apply to Me. At that time I was not aware of (and could not find) anyOne else applying the term to “themSelves” or people in general. Now, it seems to be just about everywhere I look.

My belief is that God never separated from Us, We separated from God (or pretended to). I do believe We are evolving, but it is more of a remembering who We have All-ways been. I Am remembering: “Consider the lilies of the field, 'they' toil not neither do 'they' spin” (yes I know there is more) and I think of imagining OurSelves arrayed and arranged as the lilies of the field. I imagine hundreds of Us scattered around a meadow, just sitting and being. Maybe singing or dancing or simply sitting or laying in the wild grasses. Doing whatever is pleasurable.

Many of Us have a negative reaction to this scene (this group) because We have seen it in the passed where this group was irresponsible and relied on gifts from the toils of others to survive and sustain “themSelves”. We judge “them” as lazy. This is not the picture I imagine. That was a part of the old paradigm. I imagine these people being fully Self supporting through “their” own contributions. These people are of the new earth, the new paradigm. Perhaps “they” lived in and on the old earth and paradigm, perhaps not. These people have remembered who “they” are and that “they” can provide for “themSelves” without labor and toil. Joy and love are enough to sustain Us, if We will allow it. To begin: remember that We are much, much more than We ever dreamed possible.

I Am also reminded that much of what this type of scene involves or unfolds into is hard for Me to imagine because I have no frame of reference (even if We have lived this way before We are in total amnesia). Like the natives who did not see Columbus' ships on the ocean, the new can be right in front of Us and until Our eyes are fully opened to expect and anticipate this new We will never see it or suspect its presence.

I Am finding a few others who hold a similar vision, but not many, not yet. Most are still clinging to the old because it is familiar and “they” still can't imagine how anything else can ever work. We cling to the familiar like the drowning cling to an anchor.

After My musings I went back to reading. It was interesting but not really surprising that I had a decent Internet connection most of the day until it was time for some web-casts. I was able to listen to some short segments but when I kept losing the connection I lost interest.

I did some more reading and decided on an early dinner and finish watching “Cowboys and Aliens”. There were a few good lines, especially the One where she told him to use his mind to control the alien technology and that in order to do that he had to stop thinking. Good advice!!!!!!

I did some more introspecting and found more fear. Does it ever end? This felt similar to fear of the unknown but I knew it to be fear of the forgotten. This is not because of any bad memories or connections around the forgotten but simply because since it is forgotten it is unknown and/or unsure. It was also very much like fear of failure and fear of success hand in hand. I sat with it and felt it. Allowing MySelf to feel these emotions is still new to Me but I can do it.

There is sooooo much of who I Am that eludes Me. I keep searching and I know the answers are within not without. I need encouragement and support whenever possible but no One can give Me My answers. There are those who can help Me learn to fish though.

Interesting that as soon I wrote that I went to read an article and it speaks of Our choices and the possibility of a world based in love.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today "Lots of processing" 2/20/12


Lots of processing.

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:54:25 AM

Good morning. Night school was intense and there are parts I want to type up but mostly I just want to be with it and feel it.

After a lot of processing and feeling and reading and listening to a Kryon channeling and then taking a walk (during which My current situation resolved into the best feeling scenario seemingly possible) I finally got night school typed up. I know there was some that I missed and it really was an experience that must be experienced to be understood.

I feel there was actually a lot more to the situation and night school that even I Am still missing. Messages inside messages. I also know that I will have the opportunity to revisit whatever I miss. Just like I got this opportunity to see and face My denial.

My Internet connection is bad again today. The Kryon channeling I listened to was on a jump drive. I did manage to download a vid by Magenta Pixie but am unable to join her website or subscribe to her You Tube channel.

I know it is All in My best interest. A couple of things running through My mind last night and today: “How does it get any better than this” and some other questions from Access Consciousness and Ann Taylor's lines: “Your highest and best good” plus “And there's something even better”.

I know that My current focus on living free of need is not yet popular and I won't find too much to support it. Most of the web-casts focus highly on attracting money and/or making money with ease. I'm All for the ease part. I do think that is an important element of Our new paradigm.

I also know (from experience) that most of Us hold some very messed up beliefs about money. I've been working a lot on My old beliefs about money. I Am also convinced that another part of Our new pair-a-dime(s) is about living without need and that includes money.

This can easily take Me into a contradiction tail-spin. Here is where I Am at so far: Money is NOT bad or evil. It is merely a means of exchange. BUT, WE have used it to enslave the masses and rate Our own worth.

At this point it is normal to go into blaming the rich and powerful. That is NOT what I want to do. I believe that “they” are playing the role We assigned “them” (and playing it very well, thank You very much).

The root beneath All of this is that We believe in separation. We believe (still) that We are separate from each other, from creator, from source and from love. We can work on All Our other messed up beliefs and benefit from that work. Until We resolve Our belief in separation there will still be the difficulties inherit in believing We are separate.

A method that is helpful is to remember as far back as We can (this life or previous) to when and where We adopted this belief. (Most of Us brought it with Us but We can start in this life if that is as far back as We can easily remember). Then, We can add choices for how We reacted to any situation that supported Our belief in separation. Things like: “Yes, AND this is another perspective and/or possibility”. If You give YourSelf a bunch of those, You have options. You can choose to add some new beliefs and possibilities to Your repertoire.

Some people recommend destroying beliefs that no longer serve Us. I don't go for that because I have never been able to destroy anything. I like to add choices and set the old free to live its life. In infinity, there is plenty of room for everything to live peacefully together. What no longer works for Me does NOT have to live in My home or My head. Love does NOT mean that I have to share head-space or living space with anyOne or anything. That is more like slavery than love.

One of the things I forgot to put in night school is that when I was experiencing being much more than My body I became aware that I was having an out of body experience. I was certain that I was not astral projecting or traveling, but I was experiencing being out of My body. This was new for Me. Being out of body probably isn't new, being aware of it is. I was also VERY aware that I was also still IN My body. This was part of My being MORE experience. I was out of My body and I was in My body AND I was beyond My body. This is an important part of more: being All these things at the same time.

The nice thing about beating Your head against the wall is that it feels sooooo good when You stop. That is how I feel this evening. I knew that everything was perfect and would turn out for My best and highest good, but I was still concerned.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Night School "Becoming All that We are" 2-20-2012


Becoming All that We are

(From night school last night)

We are love.

Does it seem like I Am repeating MySelf, or stating the obvious? It is only because it is true. More to the point, it is important. Sometimes repetition is necessary to get something through My thick skull.

I was shown My life, mostly current situations and reminded that I Am the creator of My reality. For the most part this is fine with Me and I like what I have created and I really do believe that I see what I project. I believe I create My reality, I believe that My beliefs play a major role and that My experiences are determined by My beliefs rather than the other way around. Then, I was shown a current situation and some potentials. Specifically I was shown the potential that I had been focusing on.

For most people it will come as no surprise that I was dwelling on a negative feeling outcome. You know how We are: “I don't want that.” “I won't create that.” And then We go on to imagine one hundred horrid outcomes that evolve from the current projected “bad” outcome.

I was reminded that I create My reality. I began to go into total denial. “I did not create this and have NOT created All those other atrocities.” All-most immediately I changed My course. I accepted and owned that I had created My current situation. That was One of the most emotionally painful experiences that I can ever remember. Painful and very rewarding at the same time.

I knew this was a very important decision and One that I have avoided like the plague many, many times before. It probably sent Me around the mountain “One more time” more times than I can count and it has been a total blind spot. I truly thought that I had fully accepted being the creator of My reality. I guess I had at least One reservation.

I felt really good about My choice and had a lot of interesting experiences after spending some time with the pain.

I experienced being more than this body, a lot more. I remembered being Me before putting on this body. I experienced putting on this body, taking it off again and putting it on again. It was actually quite humorous. It reminded Me of several recent movies where a person gets inside a large robot and tries to walk around in it for the first time. I was stretching the body to try to get it to hold ALL of Me but there was just no way. When I did figure out how to get enough of Me inside to be functional and kind of zipped it up I had no idea how to maneuver this body. You might be thinking of a baby learning to walk etc. and it was similar except this was not a baby in a baby body. Don't ask Me how that works.

I spent a lot of time looking at lots of My beliefs and experiencing when I adopted these beliefs. I added optional choices that I could choose. I came away with multiple choices of how I can view My lives and various situations. Perhaps this is really the birth of being multi...................

I also did a lot of experiencing being more than I ever dreamed possible. I experienced being source and creator and living without limitation and need and being connected to everything. Actually being everything.

When I woke I spent several hours feeling My feelings. I didn't real-eyes it but I was still in a funk about My current situation AND having My feelings about that and night school All rumbling around inside My feelers.

I did some reading and listened to a Kryon channeling (more from the cruise which didn't bother Me at All). After that I decided to go for a walk. That is NOT something that I normally do when it is below freezing. On My short walk a neighbor drove by and stopped to give Me some news that totally turned My current situation around to an outcome that I desired but I had ruled out because, because. When I got home there was also a phone message from someOne else with the same news.  (This was someOne I had considered calling and asking about My situation but did not think "they" would be open because it is President's Day.)

At that point I real-eyesed how much of a funk I had been in because suddenly I felt like typing this up.

It was important and I still feel that the process is something that can not really fully be described but must be experienced to be fully understood and appreciated.