MultiD experiences and still in 3D
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:59 AM or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
We had a hard time getting to dream or maybe We dreamt a short time and woke and then could not get back to dream. We got up and watched some more NetFlix (We do not remember for sure what We watched). We were not fully in 3D even though We were awake. We ARE changing. We got up again around midnight and still took a couple of hours before going back to dream. It was an odd night but We were not worrying about Our dragon. It was something else keeping Us awake. Maybe We do not know how to dream while in multiD? Or something like that. We do know that We are growing less and less comfortable in Our physical body and that theels like a good thing. Perhaps this is what it takes to slip into Our energy body and maybe that is what it takes to live free of need.
Whatever it is and however it pans out: it IS part of Our process and evolution. We ARE making progress. We are NOT destroying or abandoning Our physical body. We are just real-I-sing that We do NOT fit within Our physical body, We are NOT “ONLY” Our physical body and Our energy body does NOT have physical needs. We theel more insight and evolution happening. Our physical body IS part of Us and We are much more and as such NOT bound by the make believe (pretend, fantasy, holographic) physical laws and needs. Some very interesting thoughts, intuits, theelings and insights coming which We can not (yet) really fit into words. Metaphor?
Once again We got up to play in multiD a while and hopefully return to dream but We may be up for a while to learn how to be awake and function in this new/next state of bean. We would actually like that. We want to evolve, live as/in Our energy body and multidimensional being. We want to live as love with a physical body (“in” is probably no longer accurate and never was actually).
As We open and allow (whatever this new is) We theel more confidant. It is more comfortable than We might expect. Apparently We have been getting familiar with this in Our dreaming.
Here is another interesting channeling about Us and what We are going through (experiencing). This paragraph is particularly applicable: “We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.” We have been theeling and using these same words (or very close).
We are experiencing vertigo again and We get the intuit that this is what happens when We try to squeeze back into only Our physical body. We do not know how to be “in” Our physical AND be more (or be consciously aware of being more) and We ARE learning. Learning takes practice and repetition (at least for now). Children learn by playing. It might help to remember that. That is a big part of why We are beginning to drop some words from Our vocabulary. Words that imply work and difficulty no longer fit in Our life. Lots of insights coming through this morning and this is a result of what We are experiencing in 3D. We are no longer only in limitation 3d. We are “in” AND observing the physical and this too is a huge learning process.
We are becoming more and more experientially aware of how Our words/language are designed to keep and support Us thinking in limitation. Sooooo many words are specifically meant to bring on shame and judgment. Then when We fall into that trap We judge and blame OurSelves even more and project that onto Our world which reflects it back on Us even stronger. What a mindfield We are traversing which We laid for OurSelves. No Oneder We revert to the old habits and thinking.
We just sent an email stating that “WTF” may be Our new morning affirmation. We are changing and as a result Our world is changing. Our world looks exactly the same and it no longer functions under the old rules and laws. We do NOT know how to deal/cope with this, handle this and live in/with it. We ARE learning through experience and experiment. We used to call this the school of hard knocks and now it is only “hard” when We are doing the resis-dance. Look at All the circumstances around Our dragon not flying. We made it “easy” knocks. We follow a site called Easy World or something like that. It is short on “how” but has good affirmations and reminders. The thing is that with this brand new life/world/reality (for Us/society/projections) nobody really knows “how” so “they” can not tell Us. That is exactly the way it is supposed to be because it is a little bit different for each of Us. Each part and pisces of the whole is finding what fits “them” and learning how to wear it and walk around in it.
We really are getting a lot of insight into Our current change and process. For a long time We have Onedered why We keep going around the same mountain (car malfunctions) over and over. It is because that is what it takes. It looked like the same path around the mountain because it was only slightly to One side or the other of the old path and the natural growth had obscured and overgrown the old path. We grew and evolved with every pass around the mountain. Now: We can theel a lesser need for Our dragon, chariot and other cars to function mechanically. We know that “they” have Allways obeyed and functioned following Our mind and We just did not (still may not) completely believe this and so We needed the experiences that We experienced. Baby steps.
Oh: BTW: We are having a mild freezing rain outdoors. We are waiting ‘til it warms up some before starting to put the dragon back together. We did put the voltage regulator back on yesterday and thought about doing more but thelt drawn towards chilling and setting it All free with love. See: the “repairs” are being done as much mentally/psychically as well as physically. We never before considered this being a balance of both/All abilities and activities. We walk hand in hand with OurSelves. We theel Our children within more than We ever have.
We are looking at Our current physical (and even non-physical) experiences differently than ever before. Before We looked at everything from a limitation and separation perspective. (Gotta say that We are having a lot of trouble typing in this new state of bean). This new perspective (here AND there, this AND that, balance) is NOT comfortable but quite intriguing. Fascinating really even though it is also scary. Some of Our children within are chomping at the bit to move forward and others are shaking with fear and trepidation. All are Us and We cherish, honor and nurture each and every aspect (even those that We are unaware of consciously). We are no longer “only” Our conscious awareness. Yes: never were but We sure believed that We were.
Our car repairs are no longer as important, crucial as We used to think that “they” are. An interesting theeling to be sure. A bit frightening because it is new. We face Our fears, We let “them” pass through Us and We love “them” unconditionally, We forgive Us unconditionally and We seek forgiveness from All Our parts, pisces and projections. We thank Us All unconditionally. This IS exactly what We asked for. We do not Allways like what We asked for when We first get it. Silly wizard.
As a result of Our current change/shift/process/evolution We theel a lot less pressured. It theels good even though it is VERY unfamiliar.
We theel ready to start getting ready to go outdoors and play with Our dragon. We do hope that this heals it. We would like to be aware of flying Our dragon rather than driving a car. Soon: whenever that is.
Our dragon is All back together and running great. Happy. We are definitely drifting in multiD and will probably go dream soon. Once again We are VERY grateful for All the tools that We have and for how these situations and repairs go. Every time One of Our cars has ever broken down We are amazed at how much worse it could have been. This is part of Our proof that We ARE doing this FOR Us.
We are spending the rest of Our day going back to dream and reading more articles (online) about what We are experiencing. There really IS a massive shift going on and it involves a lot more people than just Us even if the majority of people are unaware of what is going on within each of Us. EveryOne wants a better life and to be truly free. We ARE getting Our wish even though it may not be happening (probably is not happening) the way We expect. Of course: All of this is Our projection for it is Our hologram. The less We judge (OurSelves and others) the more good, positive growth We see.
We are having a lot of multiD insights and mainly experiences. We do not clearly remember much of this because it is sooooo new and unfamiliar and Our head does the resis-dance. Some of Our children within are afraid of the new just as a child is often afraid of the dark. Others are brave explorers chafing to forge forward into uncharted territories. We love All of Our children within, All of Our rejects, castaways and orphans, and All of Our parts and pisces.
Now it is time for dinner and more Netflix. Amazon is not streaming at All and even Netflix is having problems. We remember that We ARE projecting this. We decide to go to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.