Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 31, 2015

MultiD experiences and still in 3D



MultiD experiences and still in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:59 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a hard time getting to dream or maybe We dreamt a short time and woke and then could not get back to dream. We got up and watched some more NetFlix (We do not remember for sure what We watched). We were not fully in 3D even though We were awake. We ARE changing. We got up again around midnight and still took a couple of hours before going back to dream. It was an odd night but We were not worrying about Our dragon. It was something else keeping Us awake. Maybe We do not know how to dream while in multiD? Or something like that. We do know that We are growing less and less comfortable in Our physical body and that theels like a good thing. Perhaps this is what it takes to slip into Our energy body and maybe that is what it takes to live free of need.

Whatever it is and however it pans out: it IS part of Our process and evolution. We ARE making progress. We are NOT destroying or abandoning Our physical body. We are just real-I-sing that We do NOT fit within Our physical body, We are NOT “ONLY” Our physical body and Our energy body does NOT have physical needs. We theel more insight and evolution happening. Our physical body IS part of Us and We are much more and as such NOT bound by the make believe (pretend, fantasy, holographic) physical laws and needs. Some very interesting thoughts, intuits, theelings and insights coming which We can not (yet) really fit into words. Metaphor?

Once again We got up to play in multiD a while and hopefully return to dream but We may be up for a while to learn how to be awake and function in this new/next state of bean. We would actually like that. We want to evolve, live as/in Our energy body and multidimensional being. We want to live as love with a physical body (“in” is probably no longer accurate and never was actually).

As We open and allow (whatever this new is) We theel more confidant. It is more comfortable than We might expect. Apparently We have been getting familiar with this in Our dreaming.

Here is another interesting channeling about Us and what We are going through (experiencing). This paragraph is particularly applicable: “We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.” We have been theeling and using these same words (or very close).

We are experiencing vertigo again and We get the intuit that this is what happens when We try to squeeze back into only Our physical body. We do not know how to be “in” Our physical AND be more (or be consciously aware of being more) and We ARE learning. Learning takes practice and repetition (at least for now). Children learn by playing. It might help to remember that. That is a big part of why We are beginning to drop some words from Our vocabulary. Words that imply work and difficulty no longer fit in Our life. Lots of insights coming through this morning and this is a result of what We are experiencing in 3D. We are no longer only in limitation 3d. We are “in” AND observing the physical and this too is a huge learning process.

We are becoming more and more experientially aware of how Our words/language are designed to keep and support Us thinking in limitation. Sooooo many words are specifically meant to bring on shame and judgment. Then when We fall into that trap We judge and blame OurSelves even more and project that onto Our world which reflects it back on Us even stronger. What a mindfield We are traversing which We laid for OurSelves. No Oneder We revert to the old habits and thinking.

We just sent an email stating that “WTF” may be Our new morning affirmation. We are changing and as a result Our world is changing. Our world looks exactly the same and it no longer functions under the old rules and laws. We do NOT know how to deal/cope with this, handle this and live in/with it. We ARE learning through experience and experiment. We used to call this the school of hard knocks and now it is only “hard” when We are doing the resis-dance. Look at All the circumstances around Our dragon not flying. We made it “easy” knocks. We follow a site called Easy World or something like that. It is short on “how” but has good affirmations and reminders. The thing is that with this brand new life/world/reality (for Us/society/projections) nobody really knows “how” so “they” can not tell Us. That is exactly the way it is supposed to be because it is a little bit different for each of Us. Each part and pisces of the whole is finding what fits “them” and learning how to wear it and walk around in it.

We really are getting a lot of insight into Our current change and process. For a long time We have Onedered why We keep going around the same mountain (car malfunctions) over and over. It is because that is what it takes. It looked like the same path around the mountain because it was only slightly to One side or the other of the old path and the natural growth had obscured and overgrown the old path. We grew and evolved with every pass around the mountain. Now: We can theel a lesser need for Our dragon, chariot and other cars to function mechanically. We know that “they” have Allways obeyed and functioned following Our mind and We just did not (still may not) completely believe this and so We needed the experiences that We experienced. Baby steps.

Oh: BTW: We are having a mild freezing rain outdoors. We are waiting ‘til it warms up some before starting to put the dragon back together. We did put the voltage regulator back on yesterday and thought about doing more but thelt drawn towards chilling and setting it All free with love. See: the “repairs” are being done as much mentally/psychically as well as physically. We never before considered this being a balance of both/All abilities and activities. We walk hand in hand with OurSelves. We theel Our children within more than We ever have.

We are looking at Our current physical (and even non-physical) experiences differently than ever before. Before We looked at everything from a limitation and separation perspective. (Gotta say that We are having a lot of trouble typing in this new state of bean). This new perspective (here AND there, this AND that, balance) is NOT comfortable but quite intriguing. Fascinating really even though it is also scary. Some of Our children within are chomping at the bit to move forward and others are shaking with fear and trepidation. All are Us and We cherish, honor and nurture each and every aspect (even those that We are unaware of consciously). We are no longer “only” Our conscious awareness. Yes: never were but We sure believed that We were.

Our car repairs are no longer as important, crucial as We used to think that “they” are. An interesting theeling to be sure. A bit frightening because it is new. We face Our fears, We let “them” pass through Us and We love “them” unconditionally, We forgive Us unconditionally and We seek forgiveness from All Our parts, pisces and projections. We thank Us All unconditionally. This IS exactly what We asked for. We do not Allways like what We asked for when We first get it. Silly wizard.

As a result of Our current change/shift/process/evolution We theel a lot less pressured. It theels good even though it is VERY unfamiliar.

We theel ready to start getting ready to go outdoors and play with Our dragon. We do hope that this heals it. We would like to be aware of flying Our dragon rather than driving a car. Soon: whenever that is.

Our dragon is All back together and running great. Happy. We are definitely drifting in multiD and will probably go dream soon. Once again We are VERY grateful for All the tools that We have and for how these situations and repairs go. Every time One of Our cars has ever broken down We are amazed at how much worse it could have been. This is part of Our proof that We ARE doing this FOR Us.

We are spending the rest of Our day going back to dream and reading more articles (online) about what We are experiencing. There really IS a massive shift going on and it involves a lot more people than just Us even if the majority of people are unaware of what is going on within each of Us. EveryOne wants a better life and to be truly free. We ARE getting Our wish even though it may not be happening (probably is not happening) the way We expect. Of course: All of this is Our projection for it is Our hologram. The less We judge (OurSelves and others) the more good, positive growth We see.

We are having a lot of multiD insights and mainly experiences. We do not clearly remember much of this because it is sooooo new and unfamiliar and Our head does the resis-dance. Some of Our children within are afraid of the new just as a child is often afraid of the dark. Others are brave explorers chafing to forge forward into uncharted territories. We love All of Our children within, All of Our rejects, castaways and orphans, and All of Our parts and pisces.

Now it is time for dinner and more Netflix. Amazon is not streaming at All and even Netflix is having problems. We remember that We ARE projecting this. We decide to go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

New multiD experiences in old 3D situations



New multiD experiences in old 3D situations

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:56 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We are practicing staying in the now. Our thinking IS changing and We ARE aware that We are walking in multiworlds. We are aware that We ARE creating Our own reality and that everything IS working together for the best for Us.

We are aware that We did visit other worlds in Our dreams and We only have vague memories of what We did and what those worlds are like. Our head wants to worry about Our dragon and plan what to do but We do not want to go there. We real-eyes that We ARE living in multiworlds and learning how. We can not adequately plan what to do because this IS brand new to Us. We have/theel no inspiration or direction beyond what We Allready theel We will do when We get fully awake (ready to function at that level). It could be a while before We are ready to function. We have options and not plans.

We are playing in multiD and reading some articles online. We have been up a couple of times since around 2 AM and what We have read tells Us that many people are becoming aware of living in multiworlds. It IS time. Some people are calling it different timelines and many are blaming something external for messing with things. Many are finding that facts/things are NOT the way that “they” remember “them”. Welcome to Our world! We have been experiencing this for years. Yet: We are NOT familiar with it. We do not fully accept it. Our heart does but Our head still denies it. Reading about others is good confirmation.

So: if We are waking, walking and slipping around in multiworlds then what We do in each world is not nearly as important as We think. In a world further away what We do may not have the same/any affect or whatever. Worrying and trying to figure out and plan keep Us focused in One world (or very similar worlds) and We have been doing that for lifetimes.

We ARE practicing being grateful even when it is more acting “as if”. We are pony hopping and repeating Our mantras. We real-eyes that what We think We want (in Our physical/3D life) may not be what We really want because it may not be what makes Us more aware of living in multiD and multiworlds: it may NOT be what IS best for Us. Our head does NOT know what IS best for Us. Our heart knows and brings that to Us: creates it. We thank Us unconditionally. We do actually mean that. It is NOT just an empty “pretending” any more. We theel it.

We ARE having visions and theelings of very different worlds. We are envisioning/imaginating worlds where Our cars (etc) are mind powered and controlled not mechanical. We would really like to spend more time in those worlds and We DO theel closer than We ever have before. We theel the pieces coming together. We real-eyes that when We become focused and aware in those world(s) We may not want to come back here and that is quite scary. This limited and difficult world IS Our creation even if it is a creation that went a bit (or a lot) wild and got out of hand. It is like an unruly child: the parent(s) still love “them” even if “they” sometimes feel that “they” hate “their” behavior. We can not Allways separate the child from the behavior in Our heads. Only Our hearts can make that distinction.

We ARE learning. Thank Us. We ARE grateful. We set it All free with love. There is a lot to learn and if We resist, deny and try to escape the process We only slow OurSelves down and keep Us stuck in limitation. Practicing being grateful and remembering to be grateful is a key to the lock to Our cage and Our chains that WE created. No use blaming anyOne (including OurSelves) because We simply chose to experience this. We want to gently transition from limited to limitless, from need to free of need. That is a lot of change. We ARE changing. Our thinking is very different from how it was and We theel much better than when We held on to Our worry and fear.

Here is yet another article speaking directly to what We are intuiting and experiencing. We ARE taking responsibility. This is NOT about blaming and guilting OurSelves or anyOne else. It is simply being responsible so that We can expand and move on. We set it free with love. We are NOT destroying or abandoning any part or pisces of Our creation. Rather We embrace and integrate each and every part that comes up. We invite Our castaways, rejects and orphans to return, come inside and be loved and nurtured. Many still do not trust Us and there is no blame in that either. We love each and everyOne unconditionally.

We are ready to start getting ready to go outdoors and play with Our dragon. Step by step and One foot in front of the other. We recognize Our resisdance. It IS Our thinking that needs to change and that IS what We ARE doing. This is just another exercise. Part too is asking for help. We ARE getting better at that. We real-eyes that We do bless others when We allow “them” to help.

It is interesting observing Our feelings about this car stuff. (Want to type problem, difficulty, etc but We want to change Our words and how We think of such experiences). Our head is afraid that We will NOT fix it and suffer a slow and painful death. We resist doing any physical work on Our dragon. We think that We do NOT want this experience yet We KNOW that We attracted/chose/created it. We also are VERY aware that others are suffering much greater negative (appearing anyway) affects of these shifts and energies. It is no cakewalk learning to live in multiD and multiworlds. Our resisdance makes it even harder and We theel that blaming anything outside of OurSelves makes it harder yet. Acceptance IS the key.

It took several hours and lots of breaks and now We have taken off All the dragon parts that We wanted to take off. The time was mostly because We did not know what We were doing and what tools We would need for each step. The part that would have seemed to be the easiest was the hardest because of where it was hiding. Once again We are sooooo very grateful for All the tools that We have AND that Our dragon made it home. We would never have known to take All the tools We needed some place else.

We know that We created All this and whenever We do create what seems like a problem We do it in a manner that is easier than it could be AND We have the money to buy the parts that We need. These are some great/important things/points to be aware of AND grateful for.

Now: We are waiting for Our friends to get here to take Us to town. We will visit with “them” and wait until tomorrow to put Our dragon back together again. All the kings horses and All the kings men.

We were quite pleasantly surprised to find that We are fairly deep into multiD now (after finishing taking the parts off the dragon) and We are even able to go dream for a bit while We wait for Our friends to get here. Very interesting to Us that We are not focused totally in limitation 3d after taking the parts off Our dragon. This confirms to Us that it IS part of Our process and progress.

In town: Our alternator tested good which saves Us around two hundred dollars. We got the other parts and Our friends are not feeling real well so “they” just brought Us home. We will probably put a couple of parts back on Our dragon but NOT even think about finishing today.

We find that We are still quite deep into multiD and are glad that We do not plan to do much on Our dragon. We will probably be ready for some dreaming soon.

We got the voltage regulator installed and the battery put back in Our dragon. We ARE very grateful that Our manual suggested removing the battery to take the voltage regulator out. If We could have figured out how to get the battery tray out it would have been much, much easier but that part is done.

Whenever We have taken a break (today) We have been reading more articles and channelings that continue to confirm Our experiences and intuitions. We really do like that.

We kinda want to put more parts back on Our dragon but We theel drawn to stop and set it All free with love. We do not know why and We are following Our intuition and inspiration.

We fix corn beef hash for dinner and it is GREAT. We have never made it before because We had never had any that We liked. We like Ours. We watch some shows on Netflix but nor really sure what We watched. We have conflicting memories. It does theel like We really are experiencing walking in multiworlds and that is really what We have been looking for, for sooooo long.

We are going to try going to dream now. Maybe We will see You there?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Slip, sliding in multiD and multiworlds



Slip, sliding in multiD and multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We are reminded to stay in the now for now is where multiD and love reside and We ARE much more in multiD this morning than usual.

We had a bit of a hard time getting to dream and got up to watch more “Avatar” and shortly We were ready to go to dream. We got up around midnight for a short session playing in multiD and pay Our internet bill online since We are able to get online that We would have paid yesterday if We could have gotten online. We did not stay up long and easily went back to dream. We woke at 3:33 and stayed in bed a while before getting up to explore multiD while awake.

We ARE making progress. We real-eyes that We have been trying to force Our journey into multiD even if it has not been strong, frustrated force in a long time. Now: We are allowing and look: here We are: here AND there. We likes it. Everything looks the same but it sure does theel a little different. Maybe We are adding One or two multiworlds at a time. We theel the presence of not only more 3D realities (which We do sense) and also more Ds. It is a good theeling.

We notice that We are much more relaxed this year than We were last year. Progress and We likes it.

We are definitely drifting in multiD this morning. Not just in multiworlds of 3D but clearly in other dimensions as well. We have no clue what other dimensions: this is new for Us. We ARE grateful, very grateful. Delighted in fact.

It really is a delight to not feel the pressure and demands that We used to place upon OurSelves. We ARE learning to live limitless and free of need. We real-eyes that All of Our needs are actually beliefs, limiting beliefs and demands that We have held and reinforced year after year. We had/have desires and We desired “them” sooooo much that We turned “them” into needs in Our head/thinking/beliefs. We truly have been trapped in a cage of Our own making and We thought We threw away the key.

Yesterday: We thelt that We were kinda having some type of initiation. Today: We truly theel that Our being much more relaxed is due to how We handled yesterday’s events. We did a lot of pony hopping, repeating Our mantras and being grateful. We continue to do these. We ARE thankful and love OurSelves unconditionally.

We can not emphasize enough how great We theel this morning. We are happily amazed. Thank Us unconditionally. Our way of thinking and mindset IS changing. Sure: our head tries to find things to figure out, plan and worry about and these attempts grow weaker and weaker. Like and earthbender that finds “they” are only throwing/bending air and not the way an airbender does. There is No power in Our rock throwing attempts. We accept Our true power. Even the words “take”, “take back” and “taking” are too strong and old pair-a-dime. We accept and allow. We love. Love is the only energy that We need/desire and it is the ONLY power that there really is.

Our world, surroundings and circumstances no longer seem as set in stone as “they” Once did. “They” are much more mutable. We do theel that Our events yesterday turned out the way We chose “them” and that was/is smooth and easy. We really are changing and We really do likes it.

We are reminded to (and practicing) floating and drifting in the now which is multidimensional Once We allow OurSelves to recognize it. We are also practicing gratitude. We are not sure that We like (are happy with) that wording but it does seem accurate.

We are having a great day on the bus. We really enjoy these students. We also enjoy Our breaks, being able to hot tub every day and spend time focusing in multiD AND get shopping, etc done. We are theeling much less stressed and much more free than last year.

When We arrive at school for Our afternoon section: many of the kids are out in the playground. Several recognize Us and are very happy to see Us. Some come up to the gate ready to get on the bus. One who does not ride home but rides to school with Us wanted to make sure that We (personally) saw “them” waving “hi” to Us with a huge smile. Those are the real rewards. When the teachers brought All the kids at One time Our driver was very helpful. Getting ten to eleven special needs kids seated and buckled in (All at the same time) can be a real challenge.

We do not have any grocery shopping to do and We want to stop at the post office on the way home. We are expecting a package: some boots We ordered that a bit late arriving. At the exit to the post office We lose All Our electrical again??????? We go ahead and stop at the post office since We were Allready off the highway. We do make it home and Our dragon dies just as We pull in front of the cabin.

We do not cling to the problem and worry like We used to. We do not really even plan Our actions. We call Our local friends and arrange for a ride to the parts store and Our regular visit tomorrow. When We try to go online Our internet does not connect at first and after We reset Our modem it connects. We recognize that We ARE walking in multiworlds. Everything IS okay; in fact it is working for the BEST for Us.

Online We find that there are a couple of different possible alternators and that is fine because We thelt that We would pull the alternator to have it bench tested anyway. We are just not sure if there even is a mechanical problem/fault/malfunction. It may be All in Our mind. However: We do NOT theel that ignoring it and hoping to slip into another world is the answer because even with as much progress as We have made We would still hold onto the problem enough to manifest it. We have not (yet) learned how to switch to manifesting the solution without taking some physical action. The difference is that We do NOT need to plan and worry and make the action difficult.

We decide to charge the dragon’s battery overnight and disconnect the cables and clean the posts and clamps again. We real-eyes that there are a couple of other connections that We can clean. We make this part a bit challenging but not too bad. There is something about this that just does not make sense and We know that this is (at least) partially because it is a mental creation as well as a mechanical failure. We ARE noticing All the negative words that We use and that come to mind in situations like this. THIS IS part of changing how We think and We ARE doing Our best AND making progress.

We are not as frustrated and focused on the problem as in the passed.

We fix dinner (pasta dish that We have been wanting to try) and watch another episode of “Extant” and another episode of “Lie to Me” and a new series about the drug cartels (?????) in the 70s and 80s. Who knows why We like that One. More accepting, loving and forgiving these aspects of OurSelf.

We are staying up a bit late until We really theel completely ready to go dream without chewing the dragon bone. We like that analogy.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Slip, sliding into multiD and back



Slip, sliding into multiD and back


Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:08 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

At the beginning of the night We dreamt for about an hour and then got up for an hour and watched another episode of “Lie To Me”. After that We slept through the night only waking briefly until around 3 AM. After that We got up and tried to return to dream again but ideas, concepts and insights of living multidimensionally are running through Our head and keeping Us awake.

We do remember that We dreamt about a world where We are catering still/again and there was some kind of monster involved.

We have been reading a channeling that speak directly about learning to live multidimensionally. It is rather amazing to Us how much this reflects exactly what We are experiencing and it should not really be a surprise since We know that it too IS Our projection. We know it but We have not yet fully integrated it. Our thinking is still mainly limitation and separation mentality. This speaks of that too. We are learning to be aware of living in multiple realities at the same time. It is a slow process because Our limitation and separation mentality is sooooo well ingrained. Limitation and separation remain Our default and slowly fade and expand into multi.

Most of the other realities that We are aware of and remember visiting are other 3D realities because that is what Our brain can recognize and process at this time. In Our dreams We vaguely know that We visit other dimensions but Our head is not yet able to remember those upon waking. We are getting closer and other dimensions are becoming slightly familiar. We are reminded that Our students help Us explore multiD and living multidimensionally. Even those who are more indoctrinated into the mainstream are less locked in limitation than We are.

The exciting thing is how many more teachers and articles We are finding/projecting that are speaking of what We are experiencing. This IS progress. We ARE projecting multiD and expansion. Some/many still think that assension is about leaving 3d etc and more and more are getting the same as Us that it is about expanding and not going anywhere. We ARE here. Once We stop denying that then We will begin to be aware of it, even consciously.

For Us (currently) multiD is more about multirealities within 3D because that is what Our brain can process/remember/imagine. That is hard enough right now and even though it is still quite limited it is far further than We have stretched before. We are remembering more and more to keep Our paradise world and other versions that are pleasant in Our mind and focus. We ARE making a lot of progress and We are delighted rather than throwing rocks at OurSelves for failure AND success.

We are pondering slip, sliding out of scarcity and lack realities and mindset. We ARE really no longer living in scarcity and lack (personally) but Our head still tries to think and fear scarcity and lack. The world around Us (work-a-day, 9-5 world) still operates in limitation, scarcity and lack. We still project that but gradually We do see/feel/theel that shifting. We find that We easily slip and slide back and forth a lot. We do remember that it IS Our projection of Our beliefs and nothing more. Our head tries to figure out and plan how We will leave scarcity and lack and in prosperity and abundance and We real-eyes that We are much closer than We think. Actually: We no longer live in scarcity and lack even if We do not appear/feel rich. We are coming more into being limitless and free of need which is Our actual goal more than being rich. “Rich” is still a limitation term and construct.

We are remembering to open, allow, believe and set it All free with love. We remember to do this throughout Our day. We are much more open and allowing than We were even just a few weeks ago. We ARE making progress. Our head still tries to plan and worry and We remember to open and allow instead a lot more. We ARE grateful for what We have AND for Our process and progress. Thank Us. We are much more comfortable with thanking Us and being grateful to Us than We were. We no longer have to credit an outside source for what We have and for Our progress. We ARE the One.

We are remembering more of Our paradise world(s) and drifting and playing in multiD. We are keeping these experiences more in the forefront of Our mind. Our head tries to poo poo this and berate Us for expanding Our beliefs and parameters. Our head wants to stay stuck in the old and familiar and then whine about it. Dirt clods. Better than rocks but still not as good as gratitude.

We are reminded that Our head can not conjure up images of what multiD is like and how We will get to limitless and free of need because Our head/brain has no point of reference. What memory and experience We may have of multiD has been buried deep and long forgotten. It may well be in the portion of Our brain and DNA that is sleeping. We do not need to destroy or abandon Our head/brain but rather wake it. We ARE in process.

MultiD is Allready All around Us and running through Us: We only have to open and allow and believe and set it free with love. Love is the key. Limitation is not part of love. Well: it is, because love is everything but being stuck is an option.

As much as We seek and reach for expansion and multiD We also resist and cling to the old and familiar limitation. We ARE torn. The thing is that in multiD We CAN revisit limitation any time that We want. In limitation We can NOT visit multiD IF We are stuck and totally limitation focused. We are loosening Our hold on limitation and it is a slow and gentle release. We ARE setting limitation free with love.

What an interesting day All-though that was not Allways the word We were using. We did not connect All the dots until We got home. Thankfully the kids are great and We enjoy being with “them”.

In the morning Our internet connection started acting up. Driving down the highway to town We lost Our lights, windshield wipers, turn signals and All things electrical. In the roundabout two blocks from the bus barn Our dragon died and would not restart. We were able to coast into the back parking lot at Lowes and it took less than five minutes to walk the rest of the way. We were on time for Our route. After Our morning section We had to ask several people before We found someOne whose pickup was in good enough shape to tow Our dragon two blocks. Our driver helped Us find someOne (her car is too small).

The closest place to leave Our dragon was in a swamp but with All the traffic We did not want to tow it any further. It is the day to have Our TB test read so We went to have that done. We did notice during the tow that We had more electrical than We had this morning but not enough to start Our dragon. Leaving the TB test a driver asked what is wrong with Our car and in talking We mentioned that We should probably check the battery posts. (We had decided that the problem was either the serpentine belt or the alternator) We cleaned the posts and clamps noticing that the negative post was a little bit loose. Now We have more electric but still not quite enough to start. When Our driver returned from her break she gave Us a jump and We started right away.

We drove around to charge the battery and went to the nearby parts store to get a real battery cleaning tool (All of Our are at home) and cleaned the posts more better back at the barn. We also tightened the clamps even more tighter. Our dragon continued to start. After Our noon section We started Our dragon and went to the pool to hot tub and stopped to get the few groceries We want.

On Our PM section at Our last stop the parent got mad because Our list of people that can meet the student is not complete. This is NOT Our fault and We are just following the rules. We really hate confrontations like this. Of course the radio was busy so We called school district and got authorization to release the student. We never did get a complete list of receivers and the parent was not willing to fill out the form saying she had filled it out twice last year.

When We got home We find that Our internet is totally out and Our provider says it is an area problem and will be resolved when it gets resolved.

Now: We know that We are creating All this. What world did We slip into while We were sleeping? We know that everything IS working together for the best for Us. Each incident could easily have been much worse and We were well aware of this at the time AND We kept repeating that everything IS working together for the best for Us. We know that We are doing All this FOR Our benefit. We do/did a lot of pony hopping and repeating lots of mantras. We keep being open, allowing, believing and setting it All free with love. Nothing bothered Us as much as in the passed. We were the most frustrated with the parent incident but even that was less. We know that We did the right thing and at least We are not scared about any fallout.

Soon: We will pick out a DVD to watch and have dinner. Since We can not get online We do a few small things around here (like putting away Our tools from working on Our dragon) before dinner. We choose to watch “Avatar” and start it and then fix dinner. Now days: “fix dinner” usually means warming up something that We have taken out of the freezer ahead of time. We are eating such small meals that a portion frozen intended to be One meal is two or three meals.

As Allways: We enjoy rewatching “Avatar”. We especially enjoy the scenery and the stories about how the natives and plants and animals on Pandora live. The floating mountains are very attractive to Us. “They” inspire Us.

We theel that We are ready to go dream. Maybe dreams of Pandora?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Preschoolers live in multiD more than We do



Preschoolers live in multiD more than We do

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:40 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a little trouble getting to dream last night but not bad and We slept well after that. We woke and got up around midnight for about an hour and were able to go right back to dreaming after playing in multiD for that time. Then We woke before Our alarm and were able to stay in bed remembering that We can stay in multiD and wake. We ARE learning. Now: We are practicing playing and staying in multiD as We wake. We are beginning to wake into multiD. That IS exciting.

We ARE changing how We think. Lots of Our thoughts and visions are now of (a) less limited world(s). We like that. We appreciate what We have and We are unconditionally grateful for what We have created/manifested/chosen. It is still a bit scary: this journey into the (seeming) unknown and We are taking it slow and gentle.

We are remembering the movie from last night and that We DO live in multiD and multiworlds. This is part of changing how We think. We used to think only of living in limitation 3D. Even as We changed and evolved and became aware of multiD and multiworlds We still thought in terms of living in limitation 3d.

We are reminded that the preschoolers start today: We look forward to that.

Our head still tries to plan and worry but Our acceptance and appreciation for what We have are taking over and growing much stronger. It IS a process. We are remembering Our movie and two articles from yesterday. Accepting that We projected those onto Our world is every bit as important as the content. We are beginning to acknowledge who and what We are and starting to set Our imposed limitations free.

Our acceptance and awareness of multiD is creating much less pressure and much more freedom because the restrictions of limitation 3d grow much weaker. We think less in terms of victim, scarcity and lack and are much more open to possibilities. We are happy with OurSelves. We thank Us. We are still doing lots of pony hopping. We love Us unconditionally.

We ARE creating Our reality AND We are growing consciously aware of doing it. We ARE starting to live in realities of Our choosing. Now that is multidimensional.

We real-eyes that Our students are helping Us explore multiworlds and multiD for that is where “they” live.

We are beginning to live less limited and free of need. We do NOT know what that will look like as it evolves and We set it free with love. If We try to imagine and picture it then We will limit it for that is still where Our waking head is coming from.

We are reminded that something We read yesterday suggests holding Our picture of Our paradise/multiD world in Our head/mind. It tells Us that what is in Our mind is in Our life. This is more complete change of thinking and beliefs. We ARE practicing.

Here is an article (that We are reading) talking about Our evolution. It is written from a limitation perspective and We do not really like the author’s limiting ideas BUT it is also Our projection AND it IS One possibility. It will happen and it is NOT the only version that will happen. We hope to be aware of a more open and free scenario (or twelve).

We ARE experiencing drifting and playing in multiD as We prepare to be on the bus for the day.

Our preschoolers start today. We enjoy meeting new kids especially the preschoolers. One student is particularly loud but sitting next to “them” helps that. Often: when a student is loud it is because that is the only way that “they” think that “they” are heard and/or get attention. Many, many kids are used to being ignored. Since it is the first day of preschool the schedule is kinda a mess but everyOne understands. One apartment has doors and parking lots on both sides (which We did not know) and of course We were on One side and the parent was watching the other side. We got it worked out for tomorrow.

The preschoolers are Our favorites because “they” are usually not as programmed into limitation 3d and Our societal restrictions. We appreciate “their” openness and freedom and imaginations.

We are really enjoying getting home earlier than We did last year and We take Our time before getting dinner ready. We watch another episode of Netflix: “How to Train Your Dragon”. Then We try to watch of “Sense 8” but it is really slow getting started. We like the premise but it is just too slow. We watch the next episode of “Lie To Me” with dinner. We would like to go to dream early but We can tell that Our head and body are not ready. We stay up a little late and now are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More and more experience in multiD and multiworlds



More and more experience in multiD and multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:18 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a bit of a hard time getting to dream last night but Once We did We slept well. We visited several worlds and woke from a world that is transitioning fast. People are/were afraid that when All the controls are taken off then chaos will result. It could but it does not have to. If scarcity and lack are done away with and equality established then We could coexist peacefully. A lot of the fighting that goes on is the result of brainwashing. Bottom line is that there must be internal change as well as external change in order for there to be real change.

We gave Our power away and for most taking that power back is a very scary proposition. Very few people see it that way but it is true (at least in Our waking world). Even Us: going through this gentle and gradual shift find it scary. We do fear the unknown and peace, freedom and equality are virtually unknown to Us.

In the world that We woke from the ATM machines were spewing money All over the world. Laws and governments were falling apart. The controls were coming off. People were confused and handling it much better than expected. There was also internal change. Our thinking was/is changing. We are leaving victim mentality. It takes adjustment but violence and chaos do not have to ensue. Chaos without violence would not necessarily be a bad thing.

We get it that We (personally at least) are being prepared for massive and drastic change. Slow and gentle on One hand and severe and sudden on the other. It is choice. We dream of complete freedom but most people will not know what to do with complete freedom at first.

We returned to dream and went sooooo deep that We were shocked awake by Our alarm. It has been a long time since that happened. We know that We visited multiworlds. We are practicing staying in multiD while waking. We real-eyes that We fairly easily drift into multiD while awake it is the “while waking” that gives Us problems. It is unfamiliar to NOT force OurSelves fully awake. We have been doing that for years and years. We ARE learning. We are grateful.

We appreciate Our life and Our process. We know that We are transitioning and We are very grateful for that.

We are learning how to live in 3D within multiD. It is very different than We had ever imagined/expected. More learning about specific expectations: “they” limit. We really are grateful for All that We have learned and experienced and observed about Us.

Another great day with the kids and drifting in multiD when there are no kids. We are enjoying Our down time and that too is a change. We are more and more aware of living in multiworlds even though Our familiar waking world is still Our primary default world. Other possibilities are becoming more substantial. We are connecting more with Our students and playing games with some. The two non-verbal kids continue to gently squeeze Our hand to show Our connection. That makes Us very happy.

During Our break We read some more articles about living in multiD and multiworlds. Very helpful. We are reminded that We projected these articles. We ARE moving forward and projecting Our changes onto Our world even if We do not (yet) see it in Our work-a-day waking world. We do see some small, subtle changes and that is exciting.

Lots of mantras and pony hopping.

At home We take Our time since We have and hour more than last year and actually even more since We start an hour later in the morning too. We theel much less pressured and much more free. We get to do what We choose. We Allways could but We chose to pressure OurSelves and see OurSelves as victims instead of creators. We are watching a movie “Next” with dinner and really enjoying it. The main character sees into his future 2 minutes and then this ability grows. There is a part where he splits into many versions/aspects of himSelf exploring many alternate worlds and possibilities. It is a great movie for exploring and living in multiworlds. It is right on time.

There is a great line in “Next” that is repeated a couple of times: “The problem with looking at the future is that Once You look at the future it changes because You looked at it”. Classic quantum physics. “Next” does not explore this from the multiD/multiworld perspective but from the perspective of alternate possible futures which is really the same thing.

We are very happy to have manifested this movie. We ARE reminded to open, allow, believe and set it All free with love. This is how We can venture into being limitless and free of need: multiD.

We stay up a little late (but not really since We can dream in an hour in the morning) and finish Our movie. We take Our movie memories (especially the part where he splits into multiworlds and multipossibilities) and some of the information from the two articles this afternoon to dream with Us. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We are grateful for Our progress and how We are evolving.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

More process, more multiD and more gratitude



More process, more multiD and more gratitude

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:37 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a little trouble getting to dream but not much. We did wake a couple of times and even got up for a bit around 1 AM. We played in multiD and were ready to return to dream fairly quick. We slept in a little this time and that is about the time We want to start waking on bus days. We wanted to stay in dream and remind OurSelf that We CAN stay in multiD while awake. We still do not really know how and We ARE learning.

We vaguely remember visiting other worlds, less limited worlds in Our dream lives. We have fairly strong positive feelings about Our visits but no clear memory. We do know that whenever We woke (including now) We are focused on taking responsibility for Our current waking world, live and reality. We created whatever We have. We ARE grateful. When We look at Our life is really a pretty amazing life. Our head tries to be afraid. We have rarely ever experienced real lack and poverty. Yet: Our head tries to tell Us We will. We choose to be happy now and to be grateful for All that We have. Thank Us. Thank Us unconditionally.

We are reminded to be open, to allow, to believe and to set it All free with love. This is the way to be in multiD while awake. Our head is trying to think and plan what it will be like. That can only breed limitation. Our head, Our thinking is still limitation by default. This IS changing but it is still where We go when We think and plan. We set it All free with love. MultiD is love and love is multiD. Freedom is what We seek. We ARE limitless when We allow.

We ARE experiencing being here AND there this morning. We like that AND We especially like being aware of it. We appreciate Our journey and Our progress.

Our head is really trying to worry. It claims that Our short hours on the bus are gonna bring disaster and in limitation and separation worlds that would probably be true. Our head claims that We live in a limitation and separation world. While that is true to some extent: We actually live in multiD which is limitless, connected and love. There is NO scarcity and lack in love and multiD. We are “IN” the world of limitation and separation but NOT “of” the world of limitation and separation. We are NOT the/a victim of limitation, scarcity and lack unless We choose to believe that We are. We choose to change Our beliefs and Our way of thinking. We allow Our imagination to take Us to other realities. Those realities are every bit as real as Our waking, familiar, limitation world. In fact: “they” may be even more real. We ARE free of need as soon as We choose to acknowledge and live that.

We are reminded that We ARE playing this hologame of limitation and separation. We ARE pretending to be limited and separate. It feels real because We have been playing it and totally focused in it and claiming that it is the only reality for sooooo long. We are deluded. We are hypnotized. We can wake and remove any unwanted suggestions, remember All that is important and return here any time We want. We wake refreshed, alert, alive, AWAKE.

We ARE learning. We are reminded that We are writing Ourstory and We can rewrite it and We can make it about evolving from limitation to limitless. We can write a way that We are rich and loving and loved. We can write a way that We remember where We hid Our riches, like a dragon returning to “their” lair.

WOW: We just remembered that We watched “Avatar” not “How to Train Your Dragon” yesterday. How is that for living in multiD? We completely have two different memories of yesterday and BOTH are accurate. That is NOT possible in limitation. In the passed it would have upset Us. Now: We ARE excited, happy, thrilled AND grateful.

Again this morning We are theeling that We do not fit in Our body and it feels like We are trying to crawl out of Our skin. Mildly irritating.

We are remembering visiting some worlds that are from Our passed. It is an example of everything happening here and now. These passed experiences/memories are actually going on here and now. We are just trained to not be aware of “them” happening now. We separate and limit Our experiences and now We are remembering that it is All NOW. It is strange and goes against everything society believes and that society IS Our projection. It come to mind that Our belief that rich is bad is just another judgment that We project onto Our world. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally.

We are having a good time with Our students and slipping out of 3d focus and into multiD when We do not have students on board. We have a lot of time to experience and process Our process. Lots of insights and change. It is taking time to adjust to the changes and that is okay. Our head keeps trying to think in limitation terms. We find OurSelves reverting to scarcity and lack mentality but not as deep as We used to and We return to Our mantras and pony hopping much faster and easier. Staying in the now is a key to changing how We think. There is really nothing for Our head to worry about and/or plan when We are focused in/on the now. Staying there is the tricky part.

At home We do a few small things before dinner. It is nice to get home earlier than We did last year. We really do like Our route. We would like to have more sections in the mid-day but We love Our start and finish times. We also really love Our kids. We are having to really practice to NOT say anything about Our hours. Wanting more hours is mostly about money and still thinking that Our job is Our source. We ARE Our source and We are practicing that. We are doing much better at remembering Our true nature but it is still a process.

Another light dinner and another episode of “Lie To Me”. We are gonna try to go dream a little early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Another day dreaming and multidimensional



Another day dreaming and multidimensional

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:23 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We visited several alternate worlds/lives/realities and have some memories upon waking. We especially remember a world where people are coming to Us for help with “their” feelings and emotions during the transition. We remember that We have read (from several authors) that this would begin to happen in the near future. We are reminded that many (if not All) of the rules that We know about giving help may not be valid. This is an experiment AND We are the One writing the story.

Our focus this morning is on taking responsibility. This ties to Our dream experiences too. We ARE writing Ourstory. No more history (unless We choose to indulge that again) and now Ourstory and Mystory. It really IS All about Me. That is NOT ego and pride and All the “bad” things We have been taught. This IS real. It is a bigger I/Me/We than We are familiar with but it is Us never the less and NOT “them”. “Their” only place is within Us. It is still All choice of course.

We returned to dream a couple of times and revisited the world/life where We are helping people as well as some other realities. We are really enjoying visiting the life helping people adjust to the shift/transformation. We do know that in Our waking life the kids that We ride with are leading the way.

When We woke this time We thelt ready to take care of Our last unemployment claim and Our calendar for the school year and some money bookkeeping. It is easy to fall into old thinking doing that stuff. We are reminded that WE ARE writing this story. If We want to change We must start with being grateful for what We have Allready created instead of denying that We created it. Step One.

Our day seems to have gone mostly to dream and We also got a few small things done that We wanted to do. We mounted the squirrel wheel on a board so “they” do not (hopefully) knock it over when “they” do start playing on it. We also got Our flower pots moved to “their” winter location out of the way of the snow plow and show snovelling.

We watched some “How to Train Your Dragon” before dinner and “Lie To Me” with dinner. Once again We do see OurSelves reflected in these shows and We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We broke Our dinner into small segments spread over a few hours: kinda like grazing.

We have had a nice day being here AND there. Now” We are ready to go to dream for the night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

More change and insights to multiD



More change and insights to multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:15 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We spent the night downloading and updating: like with/on a computer but this is about Us. Some updates are automatic (like Windows updates) and others require more awareness and savvy. Some updates have to be requested. We went looking for several.

We got up early because We woke from this experience and can not get back to sleep yet. We will go back to dreaming soon.

The changes continue and We are reminded that We no longer fit in this body. We never really did but We had convinced OurSelves that We do. For a very long time We believed that these bodies are All that We are. No: that is changing too. It is uncomfortable and We ARE getting what We asked for. We are learning to live multidimensionally and for a person wearing a human body that shift is uncomfortable at first. We do theel that as more and more of Us go through this metamorphosis it will easier for everyOne.

What We used to think is important is not even real except that We believed it and Our belief makes/made it real. Now: We withdrawing that support. It is familiar to keep thinking that those things are important and it is easy to slip back into that victim mentality but it no longer works for Us. When anything stops working: then We begin to change. Rarely do We change anything that is working. We may try to “fix” it but We rarely change.

We returned to dream and visited more worlds. We vaguely remember what We did. We are awake so We got up for a bit. We are reminded to stay in the now. This is part of Our process and learning to live in multiD. Staying in the now is NOT familiar or normal for Us. It is probably natural but NOT normal. We are sooooo familiar with Our old limitation ways of thinking that it is hard (at first) to change. We follow Our habits which include dwelling in/on the passed (especially the very recent passed) and future tripping and waiting for the other shoe to fall. We never thought of OurSelves as a pessimist or victim until recently. We are well trained in victim mentality and scarcity and lack mindset.

We are reading an article that talks about what We are experiencing from a slightly different perspective. The premise is that We begin with real-I-sing that We ARE creating and manifesting what We have now. That has been Our premise for some time but We are just now really learning/experiencing/remembering to live it. The message We are getting right now is to remember that living in and experiencing multiD does NOT mean that what We have Allready created and manifested is going away. This IS very important which is why We keep mentioning it. Limitation IS Our creation, Our holographic projection/game which We created. We love it. We are very attached to it. Even if it is negative attachment now. We must know that We can return here any time that We want. As much as We want to be free of limitation: We do not want it destroyed or to abandon it.

We have tried to abandon too much Allready. We have rejects and castaways scattered across infinity and We are reconnecting and inviting “them” back and integrating “them”. We do not need to do any more damage to Our children within. Our children within do not trust Us and why should “they”? Trust IS growing but it remains shaky and illusive.

So: when We look around and see Our old, familiar, waking, limitation world We are confused. Our default thinking is still limitation so We think in limitation terms until We make the conscious choice to theel in/from multiD. We ARE clearly making progress and We ARE delight with that. We ARE grateful.

Here is an interesting point that We had not been aware of and considered before even though We have lived by it: “everything must have a story”. Everything must have a story of how it got here. Makes tons of sense. Another I opener.

All of Our “rules”, Our “must do(s)”, Our “should(s)”, etc are hogwash and because We created “them” and believe in “them” “they” ARE also real. In multiD and limitlessness there is NO contradiction here. It boggles Our (limitation trained) brain but Our heartmind knows this.

As We approach the edge of limitation We get scared. Allways before We have shied away, turned Our backs and returned to the familiar limitation hologram. Limitation felt safe and secure. False security but it felt safe none the less. Stepping into limitlessness feels like jumping off a cliff into the/a void because it IS like jumping off a cliff into the void. The thing is that this cliff is no more solid, safe and secure than the void. However: We do NOT (yet) believe that We (Our belief) make(s) the cliff solid and safe and We also make the void unsafe and unstable and unable to support Us. Walking around in, flying through and living in the void IS Our true nature but We have forgotten and denied it for sooooo long that it seems like a huge risk. We created the cliff AND We created the void. Hard to swallow and fathom. We can start with admitting that it is possible. That is a beginning and that is starting where We are. We are willing. We are willing to be willing to step off Our cliff and walk/fly in the void of thoughts and possibilities.

The void may or may not be solid but it is every bit as solid and even more able to support and sustain Us as Our limitation reality (Our cliff). We will need to repeat and revisit this to make it something that We live, to make it real to Us.

We ARE facing Our fear. We let it pass through Us. When the fear is gone there will be nothing (the void) only I will remain. For several/many years We have wondered about the “there will be nothing” part: now We get it that this is the void. Nothing and everything are the same to Our limitation mindset and also in truth. In truth “they” are One and both are supportive of/for Our true nature. In limitation “they” are the same and very, very dangerous. Remember: All myth (limitation and limiting beliefs) is based/grounded in truth. That is why it is sooooo easily believable. We sense the truth in/behind Our lies. Of course the other reason that these lies are sooooo believable is that We ARE the Ones telling “them”.

We returned to dream a couple more times and visited other worlds and lives. We create All of these worlds and lives. Hard to believe but it is true. All of Our lives (that We are aware of so far) are to explore and experience being human from different perspectives. We do think that other versions are better but any limitation version is still limitation. Being aware of All Our lives is probably limitless or (at least) the gateway to limitlessness. We are aware that other lives, worlds and realities are less limited and even that is barely conceivable to Our limitation mindset.

Here is another channeling that looks like it will also be addressing Our current experiences (of course it is for We created it too silly old bear). As We read it We see that it is (We are) talking directly about what We are experiencing right now. As We read: We (Once again) real-eyes that We have expectations of what being Our true Self will be like. Those specific expectations are limiting and We cling dearly to “them”. Now: (as “they” come up) We set “them” free with love. We ARE more, much more than We can currently imagine. If We allow Our heart to show Us what We are then that free flowing imagining can be accurate but nothing that We conjure with Our head is anything other than more limitation.

We find it very interesting: We used to follow Meredith (the link above) but stopped when We were busy with the school bus hours and did not feel much resonance with what she was saying. This particular channeling really IS spot on about what We ARE experiencing these days. We remember that it IS All Our projection.

We ARE changing and We ARE delighted. We appreciate Our process and what We have in Our life. We thank Us unconditionally.

We had a nice visit with Our friends. “They” did want to talk about drama and We just do not relate. Fortunately Our lack of interest helped change the subject. We had a great dinner and had fun playing cards. We did get to share a little about how much We like Our students this year.

At home We are deep into multiD by the time We got here. We are staying up a little bit late watching “Lie To Me” and having some rhubarb pie alamode. Now We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

More and more multiD and limitless insights and progress



More and more multiD and limitless insights and progress

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:23 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We went to dream much easier last night and even though We woke several times We slept much better too. We even dreamt in some this morning. We visited a lot of worlds and even remember some. Of course the Ones that We remember are closer to Our familiar waking world. We remember a slightly futuristic version. We did not really want to get up this morning and We remind OurSelves that We do not have to completely leave dream and multiD like We used to think/believe that We did. The thing is that We still do not really how to do this. We ARE learning though and We certainly are willing to learn and change.

One thing We can do is lessen Our demands and expectations of OurSelves. That is a biggy. Allowing OurSelves to drift in multiD and multiworlds is also a part. Pictures that do not quite fit in Our limitation world help. We have All these concepts, limits, restrictions and perceptions that We believe are mandatory. “They” are messed up. We can set “them” free with love and that is what We are doing. However: We are well trained and programmed in limitation. Very well trained. We really do think that limitation is a requirement and All the trappings of limitation ARE “the way it is”, “the real world”, what We “must do”. We are changing.

We ARE delighted with Our change(s). We ARE unconditionally grateful. We choose to be happy now. This, All of this and these are where living limitless and multidimensionally start.

Lost of mantras and lots of pony hopping especially: “open, allow, believe and set it All free with love”. Setting it All free with love is sooooo very important. Control (Our favorite) is a very limitation concept and construct.

We remind OurSelves that All of Our beliefs and demands are NOT real or even realistic. Everything that We currently think and believe IS limitation. We really do try to cling to Our old thinking and beliefs. Even just a tiny scrap of limiting belief will infect the best efforts to expand. And that is the thing: effort is also part of limitation. We can only set the old free. We can not battle it and win. Struggle IS struggle no matter how We wrap it and paint it pretty colors and designs. Every day We are learning how to do this and it is a bit scary. Our head tries to tell Us that We are wrong and then throw rocks at Us for listening. The rocks are growing softer but “they” are still there. It is easier to find rocks to throw out in the nine-to-five world.

We ARE doing better at allowing OurSelf to drift in multiD this morning. We ARE grateful for Our progress. Even though Our process is slow and gentle it is still radical and total. A sudden change of this magnitude would really be hard to handle. Thank Us.

Our current process is causing behavioral changes as well as thinking, belief, mindset and psychic changes. That is a lot of change. Hmmmmm. We try to cling (actually We tend to succeed more than just try) All Our old ways because “they” are normal, “they” are habit and most of All: “they” are familiar. Familiar IS the most comfortable no matter how painful it may be. We deem Our old, limitation projections and beliefs “important”. We still think in victim mentality. We want/start to act accordingly even though We have seen time and again that We are better off if We just leave “it” (whatever “it” may be) alone. Everything IS working together for the best for Us. Accept it, please.

We really like Our students and We are practicing keeping Our mouth shut about wanting more hours. Wanting more hours is about scarcity and lack mentality. WE are Our source. Our job is NOT Our source. We just believe that it is because that is part of this limitation and separation hologram. This is a lot for Our brain and children within to handle. We think that We are wrong and will suffer immensely if We do not work more hours and play the victim game. Lots of change.

Two of Our non-verbal students are definitely connecting. Both wanted to hold and (gently) squeeze Our hand to show Us the connection. We can not (yet anyway) see it in “their” faces but We sure can theel it. Another student started playing peek-a-boo and who-poked-Me with Us. We had a student from another route and “they” connected well with One of Our regular students. We hope to get “them” regularly too. Our driver had “them” on her bus nearly ten years ago. We have a new kindergartner this afternoon and “they” are nonverbal (so far anyway). “They” were trying to tell Us something about “their” backpack. We are clueless. After We got “them” in “their” seat and All the other students in “their” seats the kindergartner opened “their” backpack and took out a toy. Next time We will know what “they” want.

We were a bit overwhelmed when the teachers started bringing the kids to the bus early and had to call for help. Our driver jumped to right away and We really appreciated that. Not All drivers would respond so well and so quickly.

This route is much easier than last year and it is easier to work together with Our driver as We are more relaxed. This IS an important part of Our process. We really do hope We can integrate these current changes and start to live less limited and free of need.

We stopped for milk and I-scream on the way home and that is about All We remember of the evening. We are having a light dinner and watching more “Lie To Me” and We have to really focus to remember even that. We are staying up a little late hoping to go to full dream on the first try.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset to live multidimensionally



Changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset to live multidimensionally

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:24 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We do not remember what We did in dream but We do remember that everytime We woke We continued taking responsibility for Our life and circumstances and events. Our head keeps trying to blame others, life, circumstances and everything outside. We know that We ARE at a turning point and that if We want to move forward We MUST take responsibilities. Otherwise We just keep running in Our squirrel cage. That makes Us think: it might be fun to put some type of wheel outside for Our squirrels.

We had a hard time going to sleep at first last night but not as long as the night before. Our head wanted to rerun Our day and project blame and guilt onto Our world and Our others. We keep taking responsibility. Even now Our head is trying to rerun and blame. We ARE responsible. It is time to change Our cycle. We ARE delighted that We recognize and We are willing to change. That is One of the main things We repeated last night, All night: We ARE willing to change.

Early in the night We got up and tried to do some things and it really did seem like Mercury is retro. All of Our electronics were behaving like We were on a different planet. We fixed what We could and set the rest free with love taking responsibility and NOT blaming anything or anyOne else. We ARE creating and choosing this. When We Oneder at Our ability to create such fantastic and off the wall shit We remember that there is “everything” out there in the primordial soup and We choose what We wish to experience. That is a little easier to accept even though We know that We created that primordial soup and We created that “everything”. However it is a version of Us with which We are unfamiliar.

For this We are responsible. Taking responsibility, taking ownership is part of changing how We think. We are rather amazed by observing Our thinking, beliefs, Our blaming and projecting. We forgive OurSelves. We repeated that a lot too. We have a lot of changing left to do. We are making a lot of progress and there is a long way to go. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally. Our children within need Our comfort and nurturing. We fear that We will be punished and/or punish OurSelves. That is NOT Our intent. We are NOT shifting blame and guilt We are setting “them” free with love. No One is going to be punished. Punishment is old pair-a-dime. We only accept and love Our thoughts, actions, beliefs and projections and set “them” free with love. This is very important. We are NOT guilty, We are NOT to blame. We choose to play and that is All. There is nothing wrong with that it is just time to change games. We forgive Us unconditionally. Our children within are sooooo used to blame and guilt that We can hardly conceive of “nothing wrong” and not being to blame and/or guilty and not projecting All that onto Our world.

If We want Our world, life and circumstances to change then We MUST change. That too is a fairly new concept and NOT familiar therefore not comfortable. We begin. We are willing to change and take responsibility. We do create and choose Our reality every minute of every now.

With All of this going on it is kinda amazing that We slept well. However that too is Our creation and projection. We truly are powerful and good at swimming in De-Nile. We ARE responsible.

When We went outdoors and put some trash in Our dragon (to go to the dumpsters) We real-eyesed that We had left the key turned on and Our battery is dead, dead, dead. We put the charger on and it is charging happily. We went slow and gentle and no rock throwing. Last night when everything seemed to be glitching We knew that We had another surprise in store for Us and We are happy that We found it early. We ARE grateful. We have no idea why We are doing these things for Us except to get Us to take responsibility.

Our head asks whatever taking responsibility has to do with living multidimensionally???? Blame and guilt, denying that We create Our reality are All part of limitation and separation. Yes: “they” are also part of multiD as is everything. We can acknowledge “them”, own “them” and even love “them” but to “think” and believe in that mode only breeds more limitation. We can never be free if We believe that something outside Us controls Us. That is what blame, guilt and De-Nile are All about.

We real-eyes that We got sooooo caught up in typing about Our stuff and Our process yesterday that We forgot to mention Our students. All of Our students are new for Us this year. Several do not use words and that is still hard for Us. We do enjoy talking with the kids. We are not good at instigating conversation but We are good at responding to what “they” want to talk about. We are making friends with this new group and enjoying “them”. It does seem like it will be a fairly easy group to ride with.

Today’s daily quote from Abraham-Hicks is right on time: “Even in your rightness about a subject, when you try to push your rightness toward another who disagrees, no matter how right you are, it causes more pushing against. In other words, it isn't until you stop pushing that any real allowing of what you want can take place.”


Thank Us.

We are getting sleepy. We did not really want to get up as early as We did but We were awake. Now: there is not really time for a nap before getting ready for Our day on the bus.

We get the theeling that is One of those days that it might be better to just stay in bed. We Oneder what else We may have in store for Us. We remember that everything IS working together for the best for Us. We hope that it looks that way too. Taking responsibility will help. We know that. We forgive Us unconditionally, We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us unconditionally.

Our current process is All about changing how We perceive, think and believe about Our world, life and reality. It IS about a complete psychic change. Setting free just about everything We have believed and how We acted, It really is a severe and drastic change happening in slow and gentle steps. This change is so severe that We can not even find words to describe but We sure do feel it. It is like making a 180 degree turn. It changes everything We have believed and thought and perceived about how the world works because everything that We have thought and believed is based in/on limitation and separation which are myths. Separation and limitation are what We came here to explore and transform. We are ready to move on and explore limitless and connection. That requires this complete psychic change. We are tempted to say that everything We thought and believed is wrong but that is part of that old thinking and beliefs. Everything, absolutely everything IS right. That is a very different way of thinking and believing.

This is easier (though not really easy) when home alone for long periods. Out in the work-a-day world it is harder because everyOne out there (Our projections) thinks and believes and supports and lives limitation and separation. “They” are All playing Our game (old game) and now We are changing up the rules without telling “them”. SURPRISE!!!!!

Lots of pony hopping, mantraing and slipping into multiD. This is about multidimensional thinking/theeling. Open, allow, believe and set it All free with love. Our current theme.

Remember that We ARE learning how to do this. How this change of thinking and mindset will play out remains to be seen. We can not (yet) imagine the outcome as this is uncharted territory.

Our kids are really great this year. Much easier than last year. We are getting to know “them” and growing connections. We were gonna say building but this is more about growing than building. Of course We are reminded that We used to think that growing instead of buildings was All about physical structures. There are sooooo many more changes than We ever imagined.

We smile a lot at the kids who do not speak. Kids like smiles especially when the smiles are sincere. We are kind and gentle with the kids on the bus as We are with Our children within. There IS a direct correlation. We tend to forget that in the thick of life.

We got new route sheets for next week and We do get more hours without changing Our start or finish times. We would like more hours but We get it that that is old thinking. We think that We have to “work” to have enough money to survive. We thrive not just survive. However: what We see and experience IS Our projection of Our beliefs. We must change on the inside in order to change Our outer world and circumstances. Of course this flies in the face of everything We have ever taught, been taught and believed. EveryOne outside of Us (Our projections and actors in Our hologram) would call these things fantasy at best and delusional or much, much worse. That IS limitation. We live in a world created from/of limited and limiting beliefs. No One “out there” believes it because We created and project “them” to support Our limitation and separation game.

Fear comes up big time. Swimming against the current of the mainstream brings up All kinds of fear(s) and scary thoughts. We must face Our fears and gently soothe Our frightened children within. We thank Our head, brain, ego and children within. All are just trying to keep Us safe. Unfamiliar does NOT look safe. Familiar is totally limited and separate. We can only be attacked in a separation world and that is what Our familiar, waking world is. We must begin to look and feel through the illusion of limitation and separation. We do NOT know how. We ARE learning but We do not (yet) know how.

We are grateful for the kids that We have on Our route and for Our process and progress. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We forgive Our fears and doubts and old limiting beliefs and set “them” free with love.

At home We process Our change in thinking, beliefs and mindset. We are willing to change and We open, allow, believe and set it All free with love. We have another early, light dinner and watch more “Lie To Me”. We see many examples of how Our projected, holographic world simply is NOT working. We (the masses) try and try to “fix” it but the system (game) is fundamentally flawed and no amount of super glue and duct tape is gonna “fix” it. The change must begin within and it MUST begin with Us.

We forgive OurSelves unconditionally, We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us unconditionally.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Taking responsibility to progress in multiD



Taking responsibility to progress in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:03 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a world/life/reality where We are creating multiple computer profiles to be/reflect/support multiUs. We remember that We have an online friend who has done this for years. We understand that better now.

We had a hard time getting to sleep/dream last night and that is not unusual for the last night of vacation. Sometimes Our head is running on and on about the first day back but last night it was just that We were rested and not ready for sleep/dream. We repeated some of Our mantras but We were simply still awake. Also: We are more in multiD when/while awake than ever before. We got up several times and watched episodes of the series “Lie To Me”. It is quite interesting.

We notice that Our perspective of Our world is different this morning. We theel less controlled and manipulated, less of a victim. We theel more the creator, the chooser of Our life and circumstances and experiences. Not so much “in control” as control is a limitation concept and construct. We do theel more like We are exploring multiD than usual. It IS exciting. We are calmly excited.

We ARE changing and that IS changing Our world. We ARE learning how to do this. We definitely theel more in multiD than We did last time We were on the school bus. Today is the first day of the new school year and it theels VERY different than last year and even summer school. We ARE excited about exploring this version of multiD.

We feel less pressured than ever before. We know that the pressure comes more from Us than anything outside of Us. Even when it does come from outside that is still Our projection. Our head still tries to plan and worry and create disaster scenarios. We know better. We are beginning to follow Our heartmind. We ARE very grateful for Our progress. We set it All free rather than try to plan. It is easy (right now) to real-eyes that We do NOT have enough information to plan and make future choices. We look forward to activating Our sleeping parts of Our brain and DNA. That is where inspiration comes from. Boy: does that open up doors, portals and possibilities. We are reminded that what used to be plans are really possibilities and options. It is still hard for Us to be aware of options without trying to take charge, pretend to be in control and make plans set in shifting sand.

We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We ARE exploring multiD and aware of living in multiD and multiworlds. This awareness is becoming conscious and real to Us. We ARE changing and We ARE delighted. We notice that as We appreciate what We have the more We have that is what We have been seeking and the more to be grateful for. It IS exponential. It starts with being grateful for what We have NOT waiting for something to be grateful for. Waiting is NOT the answer. At least not waiting without any action. The action is internal as much as external.

From the outside, from a limitation perspective and limitation bystander action may well look like non-action. If Our head is screaming: “DO SOMETHING” it is probably time to stop and just be with Us. Time to pony hop. We have noticed lately that Our mantras are changing as We evolve into multiawareness. We are finding multi more and more.

We are doing normal/typical 3D tasks with a different mind set than ever before. Less “should” and “must” and “need” with more because We “want to”. This is different from “wanting” something that We think We do not have. This is different from doing something/anything because We want it “done”. WE ARE different and so is Our world, Our life, Our actions, Our outlook and Our perspective. We ARE much less the victim of Our life. We ARE the creator, the conscious chooser. At least for now. Now is where We are staying for now anyway.

We are reminded that Our world and Our life IS a holographic dream. We are really good at projecting and then forgetting and denying it. “It wasn’t Me”. “He started it”. “but MOM”. “Just five more minutes”. Oh the cleverness of Me.

We are reminded that where We are is the result of slow and steady growth. Our head tries to throw rocks at Us and berate Us for not being here a year (or twelve) ago. It takes what it takes and We ARE right on schedule. Thank Us unconditionally. Remember to be delighted with OurSelves.

Here is another article talking about what We are experiencing. We do love confirmation.

Well: it certainly has been a day. Our head is trying to blame and guilt just about everyOne and everything AND We KNOW that We ARE responsible. We also know that it is important. We really havta change Our blaming IF We want to progress and live the life We dream. We project Our blame and guilt and it reflects back upon Us and that is never pleasant. We ARE the One.

Our morning section went smooth and Our long break was nice but really too long. We found out that We have a new supervisor but no clue what happened to Our previous supervisor. We did talk to Our new supervisor and “they” are gonna try to get Us more route time. We finally got to hot tub because the pool with the hot tub reopened after two months of maintenance. We went to a couple of stores (mostly to fill the time) and went a little bit into dream in Our dragon. Our afternoon was pretty much a mess. Our head is trying to blame and be upset and angry but We take responsibility.

Taking responsibility is easy and simple AND very, very hard for Us. It may be natural but it is NOT normal and it certainly is NOT familiar. Taking responsibility is NOT in Our training and programming. It takes complete and thorough reprogramming and that is uncomfortable. Our head really, really, really wants to (and tries to) blame, guilt, anger, rage and project. We want to change. We know that We can not live as who and what We are IF WE continue in these old ways of thinking, believing and acting. Our children within are actually fairly calm for this much change and activity. We appreciate that.

We try to resolve some questions about Our route but meet resis-dance. We do not know why and We are frustrated. We take responsibility. This is NOT about blaming OurSelves and being guilty. Our world is very different than how We think and believe it is. These are NOT outside influences attacking Us. There are NO external forces creating circumstances to blind side and harm Us. We are doing All this FOR Us and We do not know why. The thing is that We usually look everywhere wrong for Our answers. Taking responsibility is still new to Us. Being the creator/chooser of Our reality is still new. The way We think of Our world, life and reality is totally fubar. We really do want to change Our thinking and We ARE getting the opportunity. Our head wants to carry on Our old thinking and blame game and We know that no longer works for Us. We forgive OurSelves and set it All free with love.

We definitely are doing better at setting it free. Even though We still try to rerun and wrestle with the circumstances and events of Our day it is much easier to set “them” free than is was previously. PROGRESS!!!!!

At home We piddle around a bit and then have another light dinner. It is nice to get home early and We know that asking for more route time may change that. We could add sections in the middle of Our day schedule but We have no idea how it will work out. It is still hard to conceive of creating/manifesting money without working more hours. We know that We can but We are not living that yet. We do a lot of pony hopping and affirmations.

We watch some more “Lie To Me” and are ready to try to go to dream for the night. We are noticing that everything in Our current, waking world supports blaming and nothing (or very little) supports taking responsibility. Being the creator of Our own reality is still new to Us personally AND collectively.

.Good night AND thank You for playing,