Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Progress not perfection

Progress not perfection
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:44:37 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds/lives and more new friends. The world that We woke from was transitional but We did not real-eyes that until We were pondering it after waking. We were working with some youngstars to restore and reopen some local businesses. It was similar to Our waking world yet quite different. We wanted to remain in that world but We reminded OurSelves that We are learning and practicing being multidimensional while awake. So: We got up.
We are practicing finding better theeling thoughts and thinking happy thoughts. We real-eyes that We DO get to choose what world We live/wake in. The choices go on moment to moment. Our head tries to tell Us otherwise and keep Us stuck in limitation but no longer works the way it used to. We find a better theeling thought and slide into a better theeling world. Limitation and its requirements are choices NOT immutable facts.
There were several things that came up yesterday from Our passed that We were able to pony hop and forgive OurSelf for. There is actually a lot of that. We are looking at a lot of things in a different light and forgiving OurSelf rather than beating OurSelf up. This morning Our head is really trying to keep Us in limitation but We are finding better theeling thoughts. We forgive OurSelf for trying to stay stuck. We are venturing into unfamiliar territory and that is Allways scary even if it is exciting.
As much as We love Our students and therefore Our job: We are really looking forward to Our xmas break.
It is funny: as much as We want to be free of limitations We still cling to “them” and fear being free because the old is familiar and the new is unfamiliar. More of Our mindfields. Our head is very cunning and insidious trying to keep Us stuck in limitation. It seems to be trying especially hard this morning. Our old limiting beliefs are trying to reassert “themSelves” this morning. On work day mornings it is easy to slip back into limitation mindset. However: We recognize this and ask: “Are We present now?” This helps Us be present.
We remind OurSelves, Our head and Our beliefs that We are NOT trying to destroy or abandon anything. We are setting it All free with love and We are trying to be partners and work as a team with All of Our parts and pisces. We have to stop dividing and holding OurSelf back. We ARE a team. We want to start acting like One. We ARE sorry for All the ways and times that We have mistreated OurSelves. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us. We are truly grateful for Our progress.
Part of what is happening is that We are feeling a little lost as We explore this new terrain and landscape. Our head does NOT like feeling lost. We are sorry. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us. We are reminded to treat OurSelf (Our head) like a wounded and frightened child. After All: it is.
We are practicing improving Our thinking. We ARE learning how to think rather than what to think. It takes a little time, it is a gradual process that is actually going quite quickly. We are reminded that time is part of Our limitation thinking. Another mindtrap. Recognizing this and admitting it instead of denying IS progress.
Our days are mostly spent in multidimensionality while functioning in 3D. We repeat this because it IS important. We are NOT escaping, destroying or abandoning 3D or any of Our parts and pisces. We love Us AND We love Our creations. This IS All about love. Learning to love, learning to live as love and learning to think as love. Loving OurSelves is step One. Treating OurSelves like a frightened child is monumental.
Of course: Our students help and support Us because that is where “they” live and the world(s) We are creating and transitioning into are the kinds of world(s) that “they” live in and want this world to be too. We love to see the children smile. We are sorry for ever mistreating OurSelves and Our others/projections. We are sorry that We projected Our limitations and judgments onto Our others and Our world. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us.
When We got home: our mechanic friend had left Us a message so We called him back and set it up to meet Saturday to get the parts so he can work on Our chariot. We are happy about this. We would like to fix it with Our mind or remember how to teleport and do telekinesis so We do not need vehicles but that is coming (or something like it). We really need to change Our thinking and that IS happening. We do know that Our friend needs the money so there is that.
We had a hot dog and tater chips for dinner. We ARE remembering Our children within and honoring “them”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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