Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Multidimensional insights and experiences continue

Multidimensional insights and experiences continue
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:31 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We had fun. We remember that We visited (at least) two different lives. One was definitely in this world and the other probably on/in a different but similar world. When We woke We remembered some details from both but by the time We actually got up the details escaped Us. Again: Our waking brain can not process and translate everything (yet). Both lives We are working and playing with youngstars and meeting new friends young and older.
We just read the subject of an email that We received: Autism Bomb: Bayer Herbicide Causes Autism, Even at Trace Levels - Expanded Consciousness This makes Us sad for several reasons and on many levels. The email (not the article) came from someOne that We have followed and respected for some time. This assumes that autism is bad AND it is playing the blame game, giving away Our power and shirking Our responsibility. We must remember that whenever We see a problem We ARE there. We ARE responsible. So: We can not blame anyOne else for this article. We ARE sorry. We ask forgiveness AND We forgive OurSelves. We ask: “Are We present now?”
There is a choice to be made: do We sit in this or do We raise Our thoughts, Our thinking and Our vibration. The choice is Ours. We love Us. This headline sure put a damper on Our good spirits from Our dreams. How often have We let something like this drag Us back into limitation thinking and mindset. Why do We allow this? Mainly because We did not know any better. “Forgive Me father for I Am about to sin.” WE are responsible and it is Us who must seek and give forgiveness or We will never change. We want to live as love. Blaming others (regardless of how it appears) only keeps Us locked in victimhood, scarcity and lack and worst of All: a limitation mindset and world. We create Our own reality. Find a better feeling thought. Find and hold a better feeling thought. Now: We are smiling again. We are thinking of playing with the children.
Whatever (and We truly mean whatever) thoughts We find that feel better, that are pleasant and appealing work for this current process. We had a hard time before because We judged many thoughts as unworthy, bad and even taboo. We thought that “they” were not spiritual enough. That is just another trap that We devised to keep Us stuck in limitation. If picking Our nose (just an example really) brings Us pleasure then We would benefit from thinking of that rather than thinking about war, scarcity and lack, playing the blame game or any of the limitation 3D thoughts and beliefs. BTW: Many, many of Our students do revel in picking “their” noses. We are noticing that more and more for whatever reason. It is NOT unspiritual. It is actually quite natural in a human body. Judging it as bad is just another of putting OurSelves down, of imposing outside judgments and making Us feel bad about OurSelves. Some interesting insights there.
As We go outdoors We are reminded of many thoughts and beliefs are designed to hold Us back and trap Us in limitation. We theel how We have chosen to judge and blame OurSelves in sooooo many ways. We have embedded a belief that We ARE bad” and so many natural activities and actions are bad”. We really believe that are fundamentally flawed. This keeps Us trapped in limitation and separation. We can read these things over and over (and it IS good/helpful for Us to do so) but until it becomes real to Us then it is not truly real.
There are many layers to this onion hole of judgment and Self condemnation. We hold sooooo many unconscious, limiting beliefs about OurSelves and Our world. Even those (that We have read) who are teaching how to move passed these limitations still hold many such beliefs and many even teach “them” as fact. “They” are NOT facts but only beliefs. Of course: judging those teachers is more of the same. Here We go loopty, loo. WE ARE responsible. We love Us AND We forgive Us. This starts an even deeper process. We real-eyes that those who belief in limits are also Our projections and We love “them” and set “them” free. There is just so much to unravel and We ARE delighted that We have begun (rather feeling overwhelmed as in the passed).
Again: We are spending Our day in multiD. We do not really remember what We did. We real-eyes that remembering what We “did” is NOT as important when We live in the now. Thinking that We “need” to remember is another way We keep/kept OurSelves stuck outside the now and in limitation. We are sooooo f'king clever. Then We forget and deny just how clever We really are: “I didn't do that. Why would I do that? 'They' did it to Me!!!!!” Another clever trap and then another cleverer trap and then......
Our head tries sooooo hard to keep Us in old, familiar limitation. We have live there for years, lifetime and eons and Our head thinks it knows All the traps and pitfall to avoid to keep Us safe. However: that just keeps Us stuck and frustrated and We sink deeper into the abyss that We created. We judge OurSelves and then project that judgment and condemnation onto Our others and “they” reflect it back on Us and it gets to be really stinky. So: We judge and condemn OurSelves and others more and more. It becomes like a merry-go-round in a sewer.
Then: when We try to hold a pleasant thought: Our head tells Us We are a failure because We can not hold it long enough. One second is long enough. We are not is a race (We do love competition even while We hate it. Don't We?) There is not goal, no highest mark to attain to and NO failure (unless We choose it). If We think We will fail then We are right. If We think We will succeed then We are right. We used to judge OurSelves failures. It is still easy to do and slip back into that victim consciousness. Now: We are catching OurSelves and finding a better feeling thought and holding it as long as We can. We ask OurSelves: “Am I present now?” And: “Are We present now?”
Our children within tend to be present now and miss Us when We go away into the future and passed. Yes: “they” do bring up the passed (mostly the unpleasant shit that We put Us and “them” through) to get Our attention. Yes: it does replay and loop over and over as long as We sit in it. Imagine that: wherever We sit there We are! Our children know that “they”/We can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar but sometimes We need the smell of the vinegar (garrrrrrrrrr) to get Our attention. Who ever came out of a coma by smelling honey??????? One of Our favorite sayings is: “Whatever works.” We probably got it from Our children within.
The kids on the bus take Us into multiD and multiworlds and dreams and “their” worlds. We do not remember it All when We come out. The same reasons why We do not remember everything (and sometimes anything) that We do in dream apply. If what We do is about One of the kids then it is really none of Our business. Plus: now that are learning to be/stay/live in the now: remembering Our passed and planning Our future just are NOT as important. We can argue for Our limits just as much as We want and when We do then “they” are Ours. Then We can bitch about being stuck. Talk about bragging rights.
Our middleschooler gave Us another picture. He is wearing an angry bird hat and gloves and We are certain that the picture is of angry birds. We are thinking of finding something with angry birds on Our Nook to share with him.
We ponder using Our Nook more with Our students (especially when Our new tablet arrives) but We are not ready to use it when We have some groups on the bus. Some kids do NOT share well and some like to break things. Maybe We will get better at sharing too. Boy does this bring up some schtuff.
Our driver really got into paying attention to the kids but then she got mad (or something) at “them”. Like everyOne: she probably expected more reward. Or something or something else. We are blown away and remember to find a better feeling thought. Our head keeps going back to rehearse and compound her angry words and create a fight between Us and her and We keep finding a better feeling thought. We keep asking if We are present now. We ask OurSelves what Our next thought might be? We are making progress and for Once in Our life We are able to NOT gnaw on Our drivers remarks like a dog with a bone. Later she makes a comment that kinda explains what is going on within her. We remember that whenever We see a problem: We ARE there.
Another insight that keeps going around inside Our head is: We heal others by healing OurSelf. We heal/change other's hearts and minds by healing/changing Our own heart and mind. In the old pair-a-dime there was an old archetype of teacher and healer. We have tried to live up to and project those archetypes knowing that We are a teacher and a healer. It does NOT work for Us. Yes: We do type and write hoping to share that with Our world (and We do to some extent) but We know that We still do Our best work in Our dreams. That goes totally against the grain of the physical world. Then again: don't We want to change Our physical world????? (Can We say: DUH??)
It first came clear to Us (years ago) that: We are not the typical type of healer. We got it right away that We are a healer of hearts and minds and not (directly) of the body. (We also knew that: We heal “them” by healing Us. We are just now getting it this applies to teaching also even though We got Richard Bach's line: “We teach best what We most need to learn”. Still: We thought We “should” teach in somewhat the same old fashion. We really can be thick. We are All aware of Einstein's words about fixing a problem with the same methods that We used to create the problem and yet We try, try, try to repeat the same thing and expect different results.
Finally: We ARE trying/doing something new and different.
We have no idea if Andy Shaw's teachings and method of teaching is better for Us than the other previous teachings that We have checked out, or is it the culmination of All Our previous teachings/learnings/experiences or is it simply the “right” time for Us? We read Abraham-Hick's : “find a better feeling thought” a long time ago and tried to apply it but with little (some but very little) success. Some/many/most of Our pleasant (better feeling) thoughts did NOT seem spiritual enough or proper (more mindtraps). Then somehow Andy's word seemed to open a well locked steel door inside Our mind and now We can choose whatever thought We like and hold for a few seconds. Amazing stuff.
This really is what is going on within Us today and what this is projecting onto Our world. Our world looks a lot the same but “We” ARE changing AND healing and that IS the whole point. We can only help others by helping OurSelf. NOT what the world wants to teach Us and certainly NOT what the world wants to hear. So: We share it in Our dreams (and gently, or knot, on Our blog).
Wow! We completely forgot that when We got home We went to dream early and then got up to have dinner and play in multiworlds and multiD. We were gonna type that We did Our usual when We got home which musta happened in an alternate life. This is part of walking in multiworlds and multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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