And still more dreaming and multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:41 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds, more friends, more play and more happy thoughts. We will probably return soon. Right away Our head tries to tell Us that that is not the real world. We theel about Our paradise world. We tell Our head that Our waking world is the world that is NOT real. These transitional worlds, these dream worlds: those ARE the real worlds and We are ready to live there, as love and in/from Our true nature. We are ready to stop pretending to be what We are not.
We are reminded to pony hop and forgive OurSelves and theel delighted with OurSelves. We ARE making progress and We ARE grateful.
Our head tries to plan and create expectations but We know that those are more limitations and limitation thinking. We ARE changing Out thinking, beliefs and mindset. We are reminded that Our waking world IS transitioning and it is Us and what We are doing that is causing this transition. We can choose to live in happy world by theeling happy thoughts.
As We make Our first trip outdoors We theel the choices to stay in limitation thinking or expand and transition with happy thoughts. We are also reminded to stay in the now.
We are having some flash memories (from last night) of being aware of being on ship. We do seem to be more and more aware of this. Even though Our head tries to tell Us We remain stuck in Our waking, limitation world We know that We are no longer stuck there. We are experiencing being in other, alternate and less limited realities more and more. We ARE delighted. Even when We notice that We have returned to limitation thinking then We are delighted that We noticed and We choose happy, better theeling thoughts. We may spend a few minutes or several minutes or even hours theeling these happy thoughts. Often Our happy thoughts are about friends (like minded is a key) in Our paradise world.
We played in multiD while kinda, starting to get ready to go to down and do laundry. We tried to return to dreaming but are not quite ready yet. Then We read some email and then practiced spending fifteen minutes watching Our screensaver (which has many pictures that depict Our desired world) and thinking happy thoughts. One of the things that is coming to mind is: taking inspired action. In the passed We have limited this action to what others would call: action. Our desire/dream/goal is to create with Our mind, use Our psychic abilities to create the life and world We desire (many of Our dream worlds). So: wouldn't it follow that Our inspired action would be creating with Our mind? (DUH) We have started with small things AND are reminded that everything that We have in Our world and life IS a creation of Our mind. Our children within, Our unconscious, Our subconscious play a huge part in this. Our conscious is learning how to play this creation/manifestation game. We ARE delighted with Our progress. We forgive OurSelves for judging and limiting OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally.
We just got the flash that perhaps for now: Our inspired action is reminding OurSelf that We CAN (and do) create with Our mind. Our head tries to sabotage Us and We treat it and care for it as the frightened child that it is. After All: We have created good reason for Our head to be afraid. We projected Our judgments of OurSelf onto Our others and Our world and it reflected back on Us in many horrible ways. We believed that separating with fear, hatred and anger was the only way to separate and We experienced (consciously and unconsciously) many horrible worlds and lives that devolved from that. And yet: We love All of those creations and miscreations for “they” ARE Our creations, Our offspring. We embrace All with love. We set All free with love. These are Our inspired actions.
We returned to dreaming and practiced theeling better theeling thoughts. This is kinda hard to grasp and explain as it was/is a combination of dreaming and waking. Kinda like Our previous waking dream states, yet different. We are experiencing Our transition and transformation both in waking and in dream.
We got up to experience more in waking and to get ready to go do laundry, hot tub and do some grocery shopping.
All done. We were 3D functional and multiD focused. We enjoyed hottubbing and got some more treats at the store. We brought home Chinese takeout and left most of Our laundry and groceries to put away tomorrow because We can. It is the little things that count. We want to go dream as soon as We can and so We will.
Good night AND thank You for playing.